iPhone 4, 4s, 5, 5c and 5s with iOS 6 or iOS7. Android devices running OS 4.1 and up.
Unfortunately Pebble does not work with Blackberry, Windows Phone 7, or Palm phones at this time.
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The Main Menu is where you can scroll through to select which app you would like to use or
setting you would like to manage.
Pebble has four buttons. The left button is called the 'back' button, which is used for
returning to the previous screen or entering your watchface app from the main menu. On
the right side, the top and bottom ('up' and 'down') buttons generally are used for scrolling
through lists. The center button is used to 'select' an item in a list or start an app on Pebble.
It can also be used to get to the main menu from a watchface.
The charger connects magnetically with the charging port on the left side below the back