PENTAGRAM Cerberus P6360 / P6361 / P6362 / P6363 / P6369
Click Apply button, to apply and save your changes.
Click Cancel button, to cancel your changes.
Ustawienia DNS
DNS is short for Domain Name System (or Service), an Internet service that translate domain
names into IP addresses which are provided by your Internet Service Provider. Please consult
your Internet Service Provider for details if you do not have them.
Ustawienia DNS – click the checkbox to enable the DNS server. The Router’s DHCP sever will
answer the client’s requests and distribute DNS address.
Podstawowy adres DNS – enter the necessary address provided by your ISP.
Alternatywny adres DNS(opcjonalnie) – Enter an alternative address if your ISP provides, which
is optional.
Disable manual setting retrieves DNS server addresses from the ISP.
If the DNS server addresses are incorrect or servers are unavailable Internet access will be
Click OK button, to apply and save your changes.
Click Anuluj button, to cancel your changes.
NOTE: After the settings are completed, reboot the device to activate the modified settings.