6. To save your selection, tap on the OK key. Mosaic will return to the Theater
Setup Screen
7. Repeat steps 4 through 6 (starting on page 67) for all remaining device categories.
When you’re finished, continue onto the next section to program a Home Theater
“Power On”macro.
NOTE: To return to a previous menu, tap on the ESC key. To return to last-displayed Device
Screen, press down on
ESC or MUTE for at least 2 seconds. For Home Theater help, tap the ? key.
8. If you want to test Home Theater, press down on ESC or MUTE for at 2 seconds to
return to the last-displayed
Device Screen. Then tap on the THEATER Key to see the
composite screen (see below example).
NOTE: Depending on the devices you program, the Home Theater composite screen on your
Mosaic may look different than the one shown in the example above.
Home Theater 69