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The One For All 4 Device Universal
Remote Control is designed to operate
three (or four) home entertainment
devices,depending on the model pur-
chased (see Key Charts, Mode Keys on
the right).
The remote control requires four fresh
AAA alkaline batteries (not included) and
easy programming to control your devices.
For best results,please read and perform
all instructions listed here.Also,keep
these instructions for future reference.
Use the Key Charts to learn how to use the
universal functions of the One For All 4
Device Universal Remote Control.
Key Charts
Use SET for all
The LED (red light)
blinks to show that
the remote control is
working and is
sending signals.
Press POWER once to
turn on or off the
selected device.
Mode Keys for 4 Device:
Press VCR,DVD,TV,or
CBL/SAT once to select
a home entertainment
device to control.
Use the keypad (0~9)
to directly select
channels (for example,
09 or 31).
Press MUTE once to
turn sound off
or on.
Press PREV CH once to
recall the last-viewed
channel and to page
back one screen on the
main menu.
Press ENTER once
after entering channel
numbers on some TV
Use MENU to choose
options from your
selected devices
Use VOL+ (or VOL-)
to raise (or lower) the
sound volume.
Use CH+ (or CH-) to
select the next higher
(or lower) channel.
Press SLEEP to activate
your devices sleep
timer (not available
for all devices).
Use the transport keys
to control your VCR,
CD or DVD player,or
VOD. To record a
program,press the
record key (
use TV/VID to switch
the TV’s input to view
TV or video program.
1. On the remote control’s back, push the
tab and lift off the battery cover.
2. Obtain four (4) fully-charged AAA
alkaline batteries.Match the + and –
marks on the batteries to the + and
– marks in the battery case,then
insert the new batteries.
3. Press the battery cover back into
place.The tab should click when the
cover is locked.
4. Test the unit by pressing POWER
and any mode key (e.g.,TV).If the
batteries are inserted correctly,the
LED will blink once.
NOTE:When batteries need replacement,
the remote control will stop operating.
Remove the old batteries and insert new
ones within 30 minutes to ensure all of
your programming information is restored.
The One For All 4 Device remote control
is preprogrammed at the factory to
operate an RCA TV and VCR,a Motorola
(GI) cable box,and a Toshiba DVD play-
er.To control devices other than the
default brands,perform the following
steps;otherwise skip this section:
NOTE:For TV/VCR Combo control,see the
next section.
1. Turn on a device (e.g.,VCR) and,if
applicable, insert media, (e.g.,
cassette or disc).
NOTE:Please read steps 2-4 completely
before proceeding. Highlight or write down
the codes and device you wish to program
before moving on to step 2.
2. On the remote control,press a device
key once (i.e., VCR,DVD,TV,or
CBL/SAT ).Press and hold SET until
the LED blinks twice,then release
3. Use the Manufacturer’s Codes to
locate the type of device and brand
name and then enter the first four-
digit code for your component.If
performed correctly,the LED will
blink twice.
NOTE:If the LED did not blink twice,then
repeat steps 2 through 3 and try entering
the same code again.
4. Aim the remote control at the device
and press POWER once.The device
should turn off.If it does not respond,
repeat steps 2-3,trying each code for
your brand until you find one that
works.If it still does not work,try
Searching For Your Code.
NOTE: If the device does not have a
key,press the (
) key.
5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 for each
device you want to control.
Perform the following instructions to
control a TV/VCR Combo:
1. Turn on the TV/VCR Combo and
insert a video cassette.
NOTE:Please read steps 2-4 completely
before proceeding.Highlight or write down
the codes and device you wish to program
before moving on to step 2.
2. On the remote control,press VCR.
Press and hold SET until the LED
blinks twice,then release SET.
3. Use the Setup Codes For TV/VCR
Combos (on the back side) to locate
the brand name and then enter the
first four-digit code for your device.
If performed correctly,the LED will
blink twice.
NOTE:If the LED did not blink twice,then
repeat steps 2 through 3 and try entering
the same code again.
4. Aim the remote control at the device
and press POWER once. It should turn
off.If the device does not respond,
repeat steps 2-3,trying each code for
your brand until you find one that
works.If it still does not work,try
Searching For Your Code.
NOTE: If the device does not have a
key,press the (
) key.
5. If youve located a TV/VCR setup
code that works your TV/VCR
Combo and a separate TV code is
also listed,youll need to program
this code into the remote control to
access volume control .
If your device does not respond to the
remote control after trying all codes
listed for your brand,or if your brand is
not listed at all,try searching for your
code. For example,to search for a code
for your TV:
1. On the remote control,press TV once.
2. Press and hold SET until the LED
blinks twice,then release SET.
3. Enter 9 - 9 - 1.The LED will
blink twice.
4. Aim the remote control at the the
TV and slowly alternate between
pressing POWER and TV.Stop when
the TV turns off.
NOTE:In the search mode,the remote
control will send IR codes from its library
to the selected device,starting with the
most popular code first.
5. To lock in the code,press and hold
SET until the LED blinks twice,then
release SET.
6. To search for the codes of your other
devices,repeat steps 1 through 5,but
substitute the appropriate device key
for the device you are searching for.
If you have set up the remote control
using the Searching For Your Code
procedure,you may need to find out
which four-digit code is operating your
For example,to find out which code is
operating your TV:
1. On the remote control,press TV once.
2. Press and hold SET until the LED
blinks twice,then release SET.
3. Enter 9 - 9 - 0.The LED will
blink twice.
4. To view the code for the first digit,
press 1 once.Wait 3 seconds,count
the LED blinks (e.g.,3 blinks = 3)
and write down the number.
NOTE:If a code digit is “0”,the LED will
not blink.
5. Repeat step 4 three more times for
remaining digits.Use 2 for the
second digit,3for the third digit,
and 4 for the fourth digit.
6. To check for codes of other devices,
repeat steps 1 through 5,but substi-
tute the appropriate device key for
each device you are checking.
As before,write down each four-
digit code.
The One For All 4 Device can be set to
control a second TV,VCR,or DVD player.
For example,to control two TVs,a VCR,
and a cable box,you will need to re-
assign the unused DVD key to operate
the second TV as follows:
1. On the remote control,press and
hold SET until the LED blinks twice,
then release SET.
2. Enter 9 - 9- 2.The LED will
blink twice.
3. Press TV once, then press DVD once.
4. The DVD key is now ready to be
programmed for your second TV.
See Programming Device Control.
To re-assign other device keys,repeat
steps 1 through 4 by substituting the key
sequence from the below chart for the
most popular components:
To Re-Assign Key
Sequence Perform
VCR as 2nd TV key: SET - 9 - 9- 2
- TV - VCR
VCR as 2nd CBL key: SET - 9 - 9 - 2
VCR as 2nd SAT key: SET - 9 - 9 - 2
VCR as 2nd DVD key: SET - 9 - 9 - 2
VCR back to VCR: SET - 9 - 9 - 2
DVD as 2nd TV key: SET - 9 - 9- 2
- TV - DVD
DVD as 2nd CBL key: SET - 9 - 9 - 2
DVD as 2nd SAT key: SET - 9 - 9 - 2
DVD as 2nd VCR key: SET- 9 - 9 - 2
DVD back to DVD: SET - 9 - 9 - 2
When a re-assignment is done,the LED
will blink twice to confirm your choice.
At that time,you will need to program
the remote control for the new device
(see Programming Device Control).
The One For All 4 Device is set to
control the volume of your TV in the TV,
VCR,CBL/SAT,and DVD modes.If you
want the volume to be controlled by a
mode other than TV (e.g.,CBL/SAT),
change the Volume Lock as follows:
To Change Volume Lock To
Another Mode:
1. On the remote control,press and
hold SET until the LED blinks twice,
then release SET.
2. Enter 9 - 9- 3 and then press any
mode key once (except TV).The LED
will blink twice.
3. Now,whenever you press VOL+,
VOL–,or MUTE,volume will be
controlled by your mode choice.
Unlocking Volume Control:
NOTE:Perform these instructions when you
want independent volume control for each
programmed device (e.g., TV volume control
in TV mode,CBL/SAT volume control in
CBL/SAT mode,etc.)
1. On the remote control,press and
hold SET until the LED blinks twice,
then release SET.
2. Enter 9 - 9- 3 and then press VOL+.
The LED will blink four times.
3. Volume will again be controlled
according to its default states.
For assistance,please contact us in any
of the following ways:
Consumer Help Line:(330) 405-8612
Internet: http://www.oneforall.com
PROBLEM: LED does not blink when
you press a key.
SOLUTION: Replace batteries with
four new
PROBLEM: LED blinks when you
press a key,but home
entertainment component
does not respond.
SOLUTION: Make sure the remote
control is aimed at your
home entertainment
device and is not farther
than 15 feet away.
PROBLEM: The unit does not control
home entertainment
devices or commands are
not working properly.
SOLUTION: Try all listed codes for the
component brands being
set up.Make sure they
can be operated with an
infrared remote control.
PROBLEM: TV/VCR combo does not
respond properly.
SOLUTION: Use the VCR codes for
your brand.Some combo
units may require both a
TV code and a VCR code
for full operation.
PROBLEM: Changing channels does
not work properly.
SOLUTION: If original remote control
required pressing ENTER
to change channels,press
ENTER on the remote
control after entering the
channel number.
PROBLEM: Tried “Search Method
and still could not find a
working code.
SOLUTION: Clear the device key as
follows: Press and hold
SET until the LED
blinks twice,then release.
Next enter 9- 9 - 2.Then
press the device key to be
cleared twice.Now repeat
the “Search Method.
and CH do not
work for your RCA TV.
SOLUTION: Due to RCA design (1983-
1987),only the original
remote control will oper-
ate these functions.
PROBLEM: Remote control does not
turn on Sony or Sharp
TV/VCR Combo.
SOLUTION: For power on,these prod-
ucts require programming
TV codes.For Sony, use
TV code 0000 and VCR
code 0032.For Sharp,use
TV code 0093 and VCR
code 0048.
Setup Codes for TVs:
AOC 0030, 0019,0052
Admiral 0093,0463
Aiko 0092
Akai 0030
Alaron 0179
Ambassador 0177
America Action 0180
Ampro 0751
Anam 0180
Audiovox 0451, 0180,0092, 0623
Baysonic 0180
Belcor 0019
Bell & Howell 0154
Bradford 0180
Brockwood 0019
Broksonic 0236, 0463
CXC 0180
Candle 0030,0056
Carnivale 0030
Carver 0054
Celebrity 0000
Cineral 0451,0092
Citizen 0060,0030,0056, 0039,0092
Concerto 0056
Contec 0180
Craig 0180
Crosley 0054
Crown 0180, 0039
Curtis Mathes 0047,0054,0154,0051, 0451,0093,
0060, 0030,0145,0056,0039, 0166,0466,
1147, 1347
Daewoo 0451, 0019,0039, 0092,0623, 0624
Daytron 0019
Denon 0145
Dumont 0017,0019
Dwin 0720,0774
Electroband 0000
Emerson 0154,0236,0463, 0180,0178, 0019,
0179, 0039,0177,0623,0624
Envision 0030
Fisher 0154
Fujitsu 0179,0683
Funai 0180,0179,0171
Futuretech 0180
GE 0047,0051,0451,0093, 0178,0135,
1147, 1347
Gibralter 0017, 0030,0019
GoldStar 0030, 0178,0019, 0056
Gradiente 0053,0056
Grunpy 0180,0179
Hallmark 0178
Davidson 0179
/Kardon 0054
Harvard 0180
Hitachi 0145,0056, 0151
Infinity 0054
Inteq 0017
JBL 0054
JCB 0000
JVC 0053
KEC 0180
KTV 0180,0030, 0039
Kaypani 0052
Kenwood 0030, 0019
LG 0056
LXI 0047,0054,0154,0156,0178
Luxman 0056
MGA 0150, 0030,0178, 0019
MTC 0060,0030,0019,0056
Magnavox 0054,0030,0179,1254
Marantz 0054,0030
Matsushita 0250
Megatron 0178, 0145
Memorex 0154,0250, 0463,0150, 0178,0056
Midland 0047, 0017,0051, 0039,0135
Mitsubishi 0093, 0150,0178, 0019
Motorola 0093
Multitech 0180
NAD 0156, 0178,0166
NEC 0030,0019,0056
NTC 0092
Nikko 0030,0178,0092
CH +
CH -

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