ACTIV = Activation
AL = Alarm
ALT = Alternate
ATA = Atmospheres Absolute
AUD = Audible
BATT = Battery
CDT (CD) = Countdown Timer
CONSERV = Conservative Factor
CV = Conditional Violation
DA = Depth Alarm
DECO = Decompression
DFLT = Default
DS = Deep Stop
DSAT = Algorithm type
DTR = Dive Time Remaining
DURA = Duration (backlight)
DV = Delayed Violation
EDT = Elapsed Dive Time
EL = Elevation (altitude)
FO2 = Fraction of Oxygen (%)
FORM = Format (date, time)
FPM = Feet Per Minute
FREE = Free Dive Mode
FT = Feet (depth)
GAUG = Digital Gauge Dive Mode
GLO = Glow (backlight)
HIST = History
LO = Low (battery)
M = Meters (depth)
MAX = Maximum
MIN (min) = Minutes (time)
MPM = Meters Per Minute
NDC = No Deco DTR
NDL = No Deco Limit
NO = Number
NO-D = No Decompression
NORM = Normal Dive Mode
O2 = Oxygen
O2SAT = % O2
OTL (OTR) = O2 Limit (DTR)
PDPS = Pre Dive Planning Sequence
PO2 = Partial Pressure of O2 (ATA)
PZ+ = Algorithm type
SAFE = Safety (stop)
SAT = Time to Desaturate
SEC (sec) = Seconds (time)
SI = Surface Interval
SN = Serial Number
SS = Safety Stop
SURF = Surface
SWCH = Switch (gas)
TAT = Total Ascent Time (deco)
TLBG (TBG) = Tissue Loading Bar Graph
TMR = Timer
VARI = Variable Ascent Rate Indcator
VGM = Violation Gauge Mode
VIO = Violation