Test your knowledge of how to operate the DataMax Pro by checking true (nn T) or false (nn F) in pencil. Answers
are found on the bottom of the next page and in the owner’s guide on the pages listed in parentheses.
1. nn T nn F Your two-year warranty will be void if the registration card is not sent in. (pg. ii)
2. nn T nn F A flashing Tissue Loading Bar Graph means you have entered a Violation Mode. (pg. 32)
3. nn T nn F You can ascend shallower than your decompression ceiling for no more than 15 secs. (pg. 33)
4. nn T nn F An audible alarm of one beep per second alerts you to immediate danger. (pg. 24)
5. nn T nn F If the bar graphs are kept in the green zone, your exposure to DCS is minimized. (pg. 19)
6. nn T nn F Entering the TLBG red zone means you should decompress sometime later in the dive. (pg. 14)
7. nn T nn F It’s okay to activate the DataMax Pro while underwater. (pg. 10)
8. nn T nn F The audible alarm warns you when you are ascending too fast. (pg. 20)
9. nn T nn F You should never let your ascent rate put the VARI bar graph into the red zone. (pg. 20)
10. nn T nn F The Dive Time displays either air and no-decompression time remaining. (pg. 21)
11. nn T nn F Your DataMax Pro doesn’t need to be inspected annually by an Authorized Dealer. (pg. 46)
12. nn T nn F The DataMax Pro will compensate for diving at altitudes up to 14,000 feet elevation. (pg. 27)
13. nn T nn F Time to Fly mode displays a countdown 20 hours to 0 starting 4 hours after the dive. (pg. 17)
14. nn T nn F After activation, the Pro will shut down to save batteries after two hours with no dive. (pg. 10)
15. nn T nn F Any dive after a minimum of 24 hours surface interval will be numbered Dive #1. (pg. 11)
16. nn T nn F Surface mode shuts down after 12 hrs. but no-decom calculations continue for 24 hrs. (pg. 11)
17. nn T nn F Bottom time and maximum depth are not displayed underwater. (pg. 13)
18. nn T nn F Decompression Time displays total time required at all ceiling depths. (pg. 13)