As with all other radio devices, touching the built-in antenna area during telephone conversation may impair
the quality and lead to shorter standby time due to increased power consumption.
The battery
Your Xda is equipped with a high-performance Li-Ion battery. Optional battery types may be available; check
with your local retailer. Observe the maintenance guidelines and your battery should give you a long service
• Atthebeginningofthebattery’slife,fullychargeanddischarge(letitgoat)threetimes.
• DonotoverchargetheLi-Ionbattery,asthiscanresultinareductioninbatteryperformanceand
lifespan. The recommended maximum charge time is 2.5 hours.
Avoid repeated short charging. It is preferable to let the battery go flat and then recharge it completely.
• Avoidcharginginstrongheatorextremecold.Ambientroomtemperatureispreferable.Thebattery
has its optimum performance in an ambient temperature of +5 °C to +50 °C.
• Donotstoreabatterynearareorheatsource.
• Useonlythebatteryapprovedbythemanufacturer.
• Neverreplacethebatterywithanon-approvedbattery.
• Neversoakthebatteryinwateroranyotheruid.
• Nevertrytoopenthebatteryasitcontainssubstancesthatmightbeharmfulifswallowedorallowed
to come into contact with unprotected skin.
• Nevershort-circuitthebattery,asitmayoverheatandcauseare.Keepitawayfromjewelleryand
other metal objects.
• Neverdisposeofthebatteryinare.Itcouldexplodeandreleaseharmfulsubstancesintotheenvironment.