false signals. Gain setting is a personal pref erence . However , I t is impor tant to set the gain set-
ting to the highest level possible wher e no major popping sounds are heard to a void missing
smaller and deeper targets. F or example; if the noise level is suitable for sear ching and is the
same at gain levels 40 and 70, then 70 should be pref er red. U sing the factor y default levels
will be a good starting point until you get familiar and experienced with the device.
Gain in Discrimination Modes:
Since the threshold setting is not a vailable in the discrimination modes , you can increase
the depth of the device or ensure no ise -free opera tion on diff erent g rounds only by using
the gain setting .
In order t o adjust the gain in the discrimination modes, first gr ound balance while the gain
is at its default setting . After g round balance is complet ed, hold the search c oil stationary
or swing o ver the ground a t search heig ht. Reduce the gain if the device r eceives noise . If
not (ensure that the Di sc. is also at its defa ult settings when checking this), increase the
gain gradually until ther e is no pop ping sound. If th e device starts to r eceive noise during
searching , reduce the gain g radually .
NO TE: IMP ACT is a high gain device and some of the search modes will run relatively noisy
(Deep, DI4, VLX2) compared t o other modes so as to provide the best depth performance.
Howev er , due to the design characteristics of these modes , the noise will be hear d more if
the coil is in fr ee air than sweeping the coil on the gr ound. Please keep this factor in mind
while adjusting the gain.
Gain in Static Modes:
The factor y default for the gain setting is optimized. In situations where you would like to
adjust the gain setting (sudden changes in weather conditions, differ ent ground structures
and environmenta l noise), first re- ground balance . If there are significant positive or negativ e
threshold drifts after ground balancing , increase the iSA T setting in the Exper t S ettings. If the
drifts still continue frequently , drop the gain to 39, decrease the iSA T and re- ground balance .
In situations where the environmental and ground c onditions allow , you can obtain mor e
depth by incr easing the gain and lo wering the iSA T .
Threshold (Thresh.)
In the General Search Modes ( GEN and GEN (D)), search is performed with a continuous
humming sound in the backg round, also referred to as the thr eshold sound. The loudness
of this hum dir ectly impac ts the detection depth of smaller and deeper targets and it is
adjusted by the threshold ( Thresh.) setting . If the threshold is set too high, a w eak target
signal may not be heard. On the contrary , if the threshold is too low , you give up the depth
advantage this setting offers. In other w ords, weak signals of smaller or deeper targets may
be missed. It is r ecommended for a verage users to leave this setting at its default value
and for e xperienced users to adjust to the highest lev el where they can still hear the w eak
target signals .
Threshold level is directly relat ed to the Gain and iSA T settings. Please be sur e to r ead the
related sections of the manual carefully .
Gain is the depth setting of the device. It is also used to eliminate the ambient electromag-
netic signals from the surrounding envir onment and noise signals transmitted from ground .
NO TE: T o obtain maximum depth per formance, t o eliminate the noise caused by electro-
magnetic interference , tr y shifting the frequenc y first (F . Shift). I f this is not sufficient, change
the operating frequency of the device (5kHz/14kH z/20kHz) before low ering the gain.
Gain setting range is 01-99 and pre- defined for e ach mode. All modes start at default
settings. They can be manually m odified when necessary . Gain adjustment applies t o the
selected mode; the modified setting does not affect the gain setting of the other modes .
NO TE: If the ground is highly mineralized causing the device to overload, decrease the gain
until the ''Overload'' message disappears from the screen.
Gain in General Search Modes (GEN and GEN (D))
In the GEN modes, gain setting causes an increase or decrease in the popping sounds and
Discrimination (Disc.)
Disc. is the ability of the devic e to ignor e all metals below a c er tain T arget ID . In the Disc.
process , the filtered ID range is shown with lines on the ID scale and every 2 consecutive
IDs are r epresented with 1 line. F or example, if you set the Disc. to 30, 15 lines will be shown
between the 0-30 ID range on the scale and the device will not produce an audio response
for an y metals with IDs between 0-30.
Disc. setting is disabled for GEN (D) and ST A (D) modes only. F or all other modes, the factor y
default value will be displayed on screen at star t up.
In order t o change the Disc. value , select the Disc . option fr om the menu a nd decrease o r
increase the value using the plus (+) or minus (-) butt ons. Pl ease remember that certain
targets, other than the ones you want to ignore , may also be missed or their signals may
become w eaker when using the Disc. setting.
In the case of receiving multiple IDs for the same target - let's say 35 and 55 - due to the orien-
tation of the target or the composition of the metal itself, if you set the Disc. to 40, because 35
will fall in the filtered range , the signal strength as well as the depth may diminish.
NO TE: Disc. setting works in versely proportional to depth up to level 15 in DI2, DI3, DI4,
DI99 and C OG modes and up to 49 in GEN, GEN (D), ST A, ST A (D), DEEP , VLX1 and VLX2
modes. In other wor ds, as the Disc. is increased up to the abov e mentioned levels, stabil-
ity will increase but depth will be reduc ed and vice v ersa. Above these levels though,
both depth and noise will increase .
Iron V olume (F e V ol.)
It adjusts or turns off the volume of the low iron tone . I t can be adjusted between F0-F5 or
F0-F5: F5 is the maximum lev el. As you lo wer it, the audio r esponse volume the device
produces for f errous metals will decrease . At F0 level , the ir on audio will be silenced. In
other wor ds, the device will detect ferrous targets, the T arget ID will be displa yed on the
screen but the device will not pr oduce any audio respon se.
n1-n5: This will enable you t o get a lo w iron tone for your not ched out tar get IDs instead
of silencing them. n5 is the maximum level and the ir on volume will be r educed as y ou go
down but it cannot be silenced complet ely .
F e V ol. adjustment applies to the selec ted search mode only . The change does not affect the
other modes.
T racking
When tracking is ac tive (01 position), the device continuously tracks the changing ground
structures and automatically reconfigures the gr ound balance setting. The invisible changes
in ground affect the detection depth as well as the discrimination abilit y of the device so
it is possible to operate the device at higher per formance using this featur e under suitable
ground conditions . Please refer to page 9 for more inf ormation on T racking.
Page 19
When tracking is activated, ''T rack'' will be displayed in the message section at the bottom
of the screen.
NO TE: Tr acking is recommended to be used in the GEN and GEN (D) modes only .
Brightness (Bright.)
It enables you to adjust display back light level accor ding to your personal prefer ence. It
ranges between 0-5 and C1-C5. At 0 level, the backlight is off . W hen set between 1-5, it lights
up only for a short period of time when a target is detec ted or while navigating the menu
and then it goes off. At C1-C5 levels, it will be continuously lit. The continuous operation of
the backlight will affect power consumption, which is not recommended .
The backlight setting is restor ed to the final saved setting when the device is turned off and
on again. This setting is common in all modes; change made in any mode also applies to the
other modes.
Vibr ation ( Vibr ate)
This fea ture pro vides feedback to the user by producing a vibration effect when a tar get is
detected. It can be used independently or t ogether with the audio response . When audio
response is disabled , all feedbacks ar e provided t o the user as vibration only during target
Vibra tion setting is adjusted within the range of 00-05. When it is switched to 0, vibration fea-
ture is completely disabled. If the vibration is at 01 level, the device pro vides long vibration
signals and at 05 it provides short vibration signals. The magnitude of the vibration effect can
vary accordi ng to the depth of the target and the swinging speed. This setting is common in
all search modes (except for ST A and ST A (D)); change made in any mode also applies to the
other modes. Vibra tion will not work in ST A and ST A (D) modes except when the device goes
into overload .
Vibra tion may not be felt in the General Search modes (GEN and GEN (D)) with weak signals;
it will be felt as the signal gets stronger . In other words , vibration does not star t at the depth
where the audio tones are heard but at a lesser depth. Therefor e, if you are detecting with
vibration only and audio tones are off , you can miss weaker and deeper signals.
Vibra tion speed is constant in the pinpoint mode and cannot be adjusted. Vibra tion is off
at 0 position. 01-05 values provide the same level of vibration in the pinpoint mode. When
vibration is used in the pinpoint mode, vibration speed increases as the target is approached
and it reaches the maximum level over the center of the target.
The vibration setting is restored to the final saved setting when the device is turned off and
on again. This setting is common in all modes; change made in any mode also applies to the
other modes.
Led F lashlight (Light)
It is the headlight used for lighting the area you are scanning while detecting at night or in
dark locations. LED flashlight does not operate when the device is off . It is recommended to
turn it on only when necessar y since its operation consumes extra batter y power .
F r equenc y S hif t (F . S hif t)
I t is u s e d t o e li m i n a t e t h e el e c t r om a g n e ti c i n t e r f e r en c e t ha t t h e d e v i c e r e c e iv e s f r o m a n ot h e r
d e t ec t or wh i ch o p e r a t e s i n t h e s a m e f r e q u en c y r an g e n e ar b y o r f r o m th e s u r r o u n d i n g s . I f
t o o m u c h n oi s e i s r e c e i v e d w h e n t he sea r c h c o i l i s li f t e d i n t h e a ir , t h is m a y b e c au s e d b y t h e
l oc al e l e c t r om a g n et i c s i g n al s o r e x c e ss i v e ga i n s e t ti n g s .
T o elimina t e the noise caused b y elec tr omag netic in t er f er enc e , tr y shif ting the fr equenc y
first (F . Shif t) bef or e lo w er ing the gain t o obtain maximum depth per f or manc e . F r equenc y
shif t c onsists of 5 st eps . D efault setting is 03 which is the c en tr al fr equenc y .
IMPOR T ANT! F r e q ue n c y s h i f t m a y i mp a i r p e r f or m a n c e . T h er e f or e , i t i s s u gg e s t e d t h a t y ou do
n o t s h i f t th e fr e q u e n c y u n le s s i t i s n ec e s s ar y . I n c a s e s w h e r e t h e i n t e r f e r e n c e ca n n o t b e e lim i -
n a t ed wi t h t h e f r e q u e n c y s h i f t , t h e o pe r a t i ng f r e q u e n c y of t h e d e vi c e ( ( 5 k H z/ 1 4 kH z/ 2 0 k H z)
i n t h e Ex p e r t S e t t i n g m a y a ls o b e c ha n g e d .
F ac t or y Default /S a v e (FD/S a v e)
W i t h t h e F D / S a v e f e a t u r e o f t h e IMP A C T , y o u c a n s a v e y ou r s e t t i n g s o r r e s t o r e f a c t o r y
d e f a u l t s . S a v e f u n c t i on s a v e s a ll s e t t i n g s e x c e p t f o r t h e g r o u n d b a l an c e , t r ac k i n g a n d li g h t .
T h e d e v i c e s t a r t s i n t h e l a s t m o d e w h e r e t h e s a v e f u n c t i o n w a s p e r f o r m e d .
T o sa v e y our settings , selec t FD/S a v e on scr een. T w o dashes (--) will be displa y ed on scr een.
P ush the r igh t butt on. W hen ''SA '' is displa y ed , pr ess the SELEC T butt on onc e . Y ou will see
lines r ota ting in the GB windo w on the r igh t side . W hen the sa ving is c omplet ed , the lines
will st op r ota ting and the SA t e x t will disappear .
T o go back t o fac t or y defaults , selec t FD/S a v e on scr een. T w o dashes (--) will be displa y ed
on scr een. P ush the lef t butt on. W hen ''F d'' is displa y ed , pr ess the SELEC T butt on onc e . Y ou
will see lines r ota ting in the GB windo w on the r igh t side . W hen the pr oc ess is c omplet ed ,
the lines will st op r ota ting and the F d t e x t will disappear .