15VHF 7000, 7100US, 7100EU Operation Manual
1. Select GPS/DATA, then SETTING.
2. Select TIME OFFSET to enter the difference between UTC and local time. Half hour
increments can be used with a maximum offset of ±13 hours.
In this example, a difference of +1.5 hours has been entered and the local time is displayed
with the sufx LOC.
2-5-3 Time Format Options (TIME FORMAT)
Time can be shown in 12 or 24 hour format.
1. Select GPS/DATA, then SETTING.
2. Select TIME FORMAT.
3. Select 12 Hr or 24 Hr as desired. In this example, 12 hour format has been selected and so
the LCD shows the AM or PM sufx.
2-5-4 Time Display Options (TIME DISPLAY)
If you have entered the time manually as described in the previous sections, the time is always
shown on the screen with the prex M.