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Table of Contents
1. Disclaimer .................................................................................................................. 1
2. Welcome to TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 ......................................................................... 2
2.1. Document Conventions ..................................................................................... 2
2.2. Documentation Resources ................................................................................ 3
2.3. In this Document .............................................................................................. 3
3. Concepts ................................................................................................................... 4
3.1. Automatic Track Synchronization ....................................................................... 5
3.1.1. Beatgrid ................................................................................................. 5
3.1.2. Tempo Master and Master Clock ............................................................. 5
3.1.3. Automatic Tempo Master Assignment ...................................................... 5
3.2. About the Track Collection ................................................................................ 5
3.3. STEM File Playback ......................................................................................... 6
4. Setting up TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 ............................................................................ 7
4.1. Connecting to the Computer .............................................................................. 7
4.2. Connecting Active Speakers .............................................................................. 8
4.3. Connecting Headphones ................................................................................... 9
4.4. Final Preparation .............................................................................................. 9
4.5. Importing Music to the Track Collection ............................................................. 11
5. TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 Overview ........................................................................... 12
5.1. Decks ............................................................................................................ 12
5.2. Mixer ............................................................................................................. 14
5.3. Mixer Channel ................................................................................................ 16
5.4. Front View ...................................................................................................... 17
5.5. Rear View ...................................................................................................... 17
6. Mixing Your First Tracks using SYNC ......................................................................... 18
6.1. Prerequisites .................................................................................................. 18
6.2. Loading the First Track into Deck A ................................................................. 18
6.3. Starting Playback of Deck A ............................................................................ 19
6.4. Loading the Second Track into Deck B ............................................................. 20
6.5. Syncing the Track Tempos .............................................................................. 20
6.6. Starting Playback of the Second Track ............................................................. 21
6.7. Mixing in the Audio Signal ............................................................................... 21
7. Tutorials ................................................................................................................... 23
7.1. Browsing and Loading Tracks .......................................................................... 24
7.2. Controlling Track Playback .............................................................................. 25
7.3. Adjusting Volume Levels ................................................................................. 26
7.4. Using the Equalizer to Tweak Your Sound ........................................................ 26
7.5. Adjusting Track Tempo .................................................................................... 27
7.6. Locking the Key of Tracks ............................................................................... 27
7.7. Playing with Mixer Effects ................................................................................ 28
7.8. Playing with Cue Points .................................................................................. 28
7.9. Playing with Loops .......................................................................................... 29
7.10. Snap Mode and Quantize Mode .................................................................... 30
7.11. Using Flux and Reverse Modes ..................................................................... 31
7.12. Previewing Tracks using the CUE Channel ..................................................... 32
7.13. Working with the Preparation List ................................................................... 32
7.14. Adding Samples to Your Mix .......................................................................... 33
7.15. Correcting Beatgrids of Tracks ....................................................................... 34
7.16. Mixing Tracks Using Jog Wheels ................................................................... 35
7.16.1. Prerequisites ...................................................................................... 35
7.16.2. Loading the First Track into Deck A ...................................................... 35
7.16.3. Starting Playback of Deck A ................................................................ 36
7.16.4. Loading the Second Track into Deck B ................................................. 37
7.16.5. Syncing Tracks Manually ..................................................................... 38
7.16.6. Cuing the Next Track using the Jog Wheels ......................................... 42
7.16.7. Mixing in the Next Track ...................................................................... 42
8. Preferences .............................................................................................................. 43
9. Integrating a Microphone ........................................................................................... 46
10. Setting the TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 as Your Default Audio Interface ........................ 47
The information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a
commitment on the part of Native Instruments GmbH. The software described by this document is
subject to a License Agreement and may not be copied to other media. No part of this publication
may be copied, reproduced or otherwise transmitted or recorded, for any purpose, without prior
written permission by Native Instruments GmbH, hereinafter referred to as Native Instruments.
“Native Instruments”, “NI” and associated logos are (registered) trademarks of Native Instruments
Mac, macOS, GarageBand, Logic and iTunes are registered trademarks of Apple Inc., registered
in the U.S. and other countries.
Windows and DirectSound are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States
and/or other countries.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners and use of them does not imply
any affiliation with or endorsement by them.
Document authored by: Native Instruments GmbH
Software version: 3.0.2 (1
Hardware version: TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 MK3
Special thanks to the Beta Test Team, who were invaluable not just in tracking down bugs, but in
making this a better product.
Thank you for choosing TRAKTOR KONTROL S2. It is because of customers like you that we can
continue developing groundbreaking music software and hardware. TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 is a
fully integrated hardware and software DJ performance system. The all-in-one TRAKTOR KON-
TROL S2 controller offers you an ergonomic DJ mixer, a built-in 24-bit/48 kHz audio interface, and
a high-resolution control surface, perfectly tailored for TRAKTOR PRO 3.
This documentation provides you with all the information you need to get started mixing, syncing
and looping. If you are already familiar with TRAKTOR, this guide will also help you use the more
advanced features of TRAKTOR KONTROL S2.
2.1. Document Conventions
This document uses particular formatting to point out special facts and to warn you of potential is-
sues. The icons introducing the following notes let you see what kind of information can be expec-
The speech bubble icon indicates a useful tip that may help you to solve a task more
The exclamation mark icon highlights important information that is essential for the
given context.
The warning icon warns you of serious issues and potential risks that require your
full attention.
Furthermore, the following formatting is used:
Paths to locations on your hard disk or other storage devices are printed in italics.
Important names and concepts are printed in bold.
Square brackets are used to reference keys on a computer’s keyboard, e.g., Press [Shift] +
Pet Names for Software and Hardware
Throughout the documentation, we will refer to the TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 hardware controller
as TRAKTOR KONTROL S2, S2 controller, or simply S2.
Likewise, the TRAKTOR software may be referred to as TRAKTOR.
2.2. Documentation Resources
Native Instruments provides many information sources regarding TRAKTOR KONTROL S2. The
main resources to get you started are:
TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 Manual: This manual guides you through the hardware and soft-
ware setup process to get the TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 system up and running. Additionally,
by providing task-based tutorials, it offers a practical approach to using your TRAKTOR KON-
TRAKTOR PRO 3 Manual: For in-depth information on all features provided by the TRAKTOR
software, refer to the TRAKTOR PRO 3 Manual.
2.3. In this Document
What you are reading now is the TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 Manual. This manual is structured as
Concepts quickly introduces you to the TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 user interface and its main
areas, both on the hardware side and software side.
Setting up TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 guides you through the process of setting up your TRAK-
TOR KONTROL S2 system and importing your music into TRAKTOR.
TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 Overview is an extensive reference of all hardware control elements
to be found on your TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 hardware controller. Whenever you are unsure
about the functionality of a particular control element, you will find all the necessary information
Mixing Your First Tracks using SYNC is a quickstart tutorial introducing you the main steps of
mixing your first tracks using the SYNC function.
Tutorials contains a collection of short tutorials, showing you how to work with the individual
areas of the controller. This also includes the tutorial of manually aligning tracks using the Jog
Wheels. For more information, refer to Mixing Tracks Using Jog Wheels
Preferences explains how to open the Preferences in TRAKTOR and introduces the options to
customize the TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 for particular needs.
Adding a Microphone shows you how to integrate TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 with your studio or
live setup, in various configurations.
Setting the TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 as Your Default Audio Interface describes how to use the
audio interface of the TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 as the default audio device of your computer.
Specification gives you the technical specifications of the TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 controller.
This section quickly introduces the main areas and concepts of your TRAKTOR KONTROL S2
hardware controller with reference to the TRAKTOR PRO software.
(1) Decks: You can use the Decks to control tracks and Samples, similar to DJ turntables or CD
players but with additional features. TRAKTOR controls four virtual Decks and each of them can
be operated in several Deck Types: Track Deck, Remix Deck, STEM, Deck, and Live Input.
TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 provides you with two physical Decks. The left Deck on your S2 controls
Deck A in the software and the right Deck controls Deck B in the software. Additionally, you can
gain control over TRAKTOR's Decks C and D using the S2's SAMPLE mode.
The S2 is designed to control Track Decks on Deck A and B and to control Remix Decks on C and
D. Hence, the software's upper Decks should always are Track Decks or STEM Decks, whereas
the software's lower Decks should always are Remix Decks.
(2) Mixer: You can use the Mixer to mix the audio signals coming from the Decks. The Mixer sits in
the middle of the TRAKTOR software as well as on your TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 controller. On
the S2, the Mixer consists of the two Mixer channels A and B which receive the individual audio
signals from the Decks A and B. Each Mixer channel contains controls to modulate the audio sig-
nal and to adjust the outgoing volume before the audio signal is send to the MASTER output. The
SAMPLE knob in the middle of the Mixer controls the relative level of the combined channel for
Deck C and D. Furthermore, the Mixer provides the crossfader to let you fade between the audio
signals in the Mixer channels A and B.
3.1. Automatic Track Synchronization
This section introduces the principles of the automatic synchronization features offered by TRAK-
One of the key features of TRAKTOR is the automatic synchronization of tracks. After loading
tracks into the Decks, you can synchronize the track tempos with the SYNC function. The tempo of
the synced track then adjusts the tempo of the Tempo Master, for example, the track in the playing
Deck. For this to work, TRAKTOR uses the tempo and beat information from the Beatgrids of
tracks. Samples and time-evolving effects sync to the current Tempo Master automatically.
3.1.1. Beatgrid
TRAKTOR analyzes the tracks by providing reliable tempo information for syncing. This analysis
determines the tempo (BPM) as well as the position of the beats; the result is the Beatgrid. There
is a specific Beatgrid for each of your tracks.
3.1.2. Tempo Master and Master Clock
The Tempo Master represents the reference tempo to which the Decks synchronize. When ena-
bling the SYNC function on a Deck, TRAKTOR synchronizes the track to the Tempo Master. The
Tempo Master can either be a Deck or TRAKTOR's Master Clock. When the Master Clock is the
Tempo Master, it then represents the global tempo reference to which all Decks can sync. The
Tempo Master does not have to be the same throughout your mix, but there can only be one Tem-
po Master.
3.1.3. Automatic Tempo Master Assignment
TRAKTOR assigns the new Tempo Master automatically using the AUTO mode in the Master Con-
trol panel. When mixing tracks using the SYNC function, the synced Deck automatically becomes
the new Tempo Master, as soon as the track of the current Tempo Master Deck ends or is stopped
manually. This continues as long as there is no other track synced to the Tempo Master. Then the
Master Clock automatically becomes the new Tempo Master as soon the current track stops play-
ing. The MASTER button then lights up in the Master Control panel.
The AUTO mode is activated by default.
3.2. About the Track Collection
The Track Collection represents all the music you use in TRAKTOR. With the Track Collection you
can organize, tag, and prepare your tracks for being played as part of your mix.
A benefit of the Track Collection is that reads the metadata of the tracks, like track title, artist
name, tempo, genre, key etc. It also stores TRAKTOR-specific information about your tracks.
3.3. STEM File Playback
Generally, the S2 is designed to control tracks using Track Decks. However, you can also load
STEM Files into the Decks. In this case the Decks in TRAKTOR switch to Deck Type STEM Deck
and show the individual STEM Part waveforms and additional controls. With the S2 you can play-
back the STEM Files like normal tracks but you are not able to further control the STEM Files.
By this section, you should have already installed TRAKTOR PRO 3 software using NATIVE AC-
CESS, in order to configure S2 for its first use. If this is not the case, follow the instructions under
this link Registering and Installing a Native Instruments Product using NATIVE ACCESS.
This section describes how to set up the TRAKTOR KONTROL S2. When all devices are connec-
ted your setup will look like the following illustration:
4.1. Connecting to the Computer
To connect the TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 to your computer:
1. Connect the device end (square plug) of the included USB cable to the USB socket on the
rear panel of your S2.
2. Connect the computer end (flat rectangle plug) of the USB cable to an available USB 2.0 port
(or later) on your computer.
4.2. Connecting Active Speakers
To connect your power amplifier or active speakers to the TRAKTOR KONTROL S2:
Connect the MAIN OUT RCA (or 3.5 mm) outputs on the rear panel of the TRAKTOR KON-
TROL S2 to the inputs of your amplification system using the appropriate cables.
4.3. Connecting Headphones
To connect headphones to the TRAKTOR KONTROL S2:
Connect your headphones to the PHONES OUT socket on the front panel of the TRAKTOR
KONTROL S2, using the 3.5 mm connector.
4.4. Final Preparation
After successfully setting up the TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 system, you can switch on the devices.
We recommended that you follow the order in the instructions below:
Switching on Devices and Starting TRAKTOR
1. On your S2, turn down the volumes to minimum position by using the MASTER knob, and
the VOL knob for the headphones volume.
2. Switch on the amplification system (active speakers or power amplifier with passive speak-
3. Switch on your computer.
4. Start TRAKTOR by double-clicking the Traktor 3 application icon on your desktop.
The TRAKTOR software opens.
Importing Data from Your Previous TRAKTOR Version
When you start TRAKTOR for the first time, TRAKTOR recognizes if a previous version of TRAK-
TOR is installed on you system. In this case TRAKTOR asks if you want to import your previous
data from the existing user content into a new folder in your user folder. Your previous data will not
be changed if you import it to the new default folder.
If you want to import data from your previous TRAKTOR installation:
Click Yes to confirm.
The data is imported.
Switching to TRAKTOR Default Settings
When you start TRAKTOR with the S2 for the first time, TRAKTOR asks if you want to
switch switch Mixer FX selection to default values. This is necessary to get the intended user ex-
perience of your S2:
TRAKTOR alert for switching Mixer FX pre-selection to default.
Click Yes.
The pre-selection of the Mixer FX is set to default.
Configuring TRAKTOR using the Setup Wizard
The Setup Wizard dialog appears automatically when you start TRAKTOR for the first time after
installation. The Setup Wizard helps you to configure the software to your needs only with a few
clicks. To configure TRAKTOR to be controlled with your S2 controller, perform the following ac-
1. On the WELCOME page click Next to proceed.
2. On the DECK LAYOUT page select the Deck setup to control with your S2, for example, 2
Track Decks + 2 Remix Decks.
3. Click Next to proceed.
The SUMMARY page shows you the configuration of TRAKTOR.
4. Click Finish to confirm your configuration.
The TRAKTOR window now appears in the Essential Layout.
4.5. Importing Music to the Track Collection
The most convenient way to get your tracks into TRAKTOR's Track Collection is using drag and
Drag the music files from the location on your computer and drop them in the Track Collec-
tion folder in TRAKTOR's Browser Tree.
TRAKTOR now analyzes the metadata of the music files and stores the files in the Track
This section introduces you to the TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 and all its control elements and con-
(1) Decks: TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 provides you with two physical Decks. You can use the
Decks to control tracks and Samples. The left Deck on your S2 controls Track Deck A in the soft-
ware and the right Deck on your S2 controls Track Deck B in the software. Additionally, you can
gain control over TRAKTOR's Remix Decks C and D. For more information on the control ele-
ments, refer to Decks.
(2) Mixer: You can use the Mixer to mix the audio signals coming from the Decks. The Mixer con-
sists of the two Mixer channels A and B which receive the individual audio signals from the
Decks A and B. Each Mixer channel contains controls to modulate the audio signal and to adjust
the outgoing volume before the audio signal is send to the MASTER output. The SAMPLE knob in
the middle of the Mixer controls the relative level of the combined channel for Deck C and D. Fur-
thermore, the Mixer provides the crossfader to instantly fade between the audio signals in the Mix-
er channels A and B. For more information on the control elements, refer to Mixer, and Mixer
5.1. Decks
TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 provides you with two physical Decks to control the TRAKTOR
Decks. Each Deck provides you with the following control elements:
S2 Deck.
(1) BROWSE encoder: You can navigate within TRAKTOR's Browser, select tracks in the Track
List by turning the BROWSE encoder. You can load the selected track into the Deck by pressing
the BROWSE encoder.
(2) Preparation button: Assigns the selected track in the Track List to the Preparation List. With
the Preparation list you can prepare the tracks for your next mix.
(3) BROWSE View button: Maximizes the Browser view in the TRAKTOR software.
(4) Jog Wheel: The Jog Wheel provides advanced control over track transport. As with a conven-
tional CD player or turntable, you can manually hold playback, nudge and bend, and start scratch-
ing by touching and turning the Jog Wheel and the outer rim. Furthermore, you can manually cor-
rect tracks' Beatgrids.
(5) KEYLOCK : Enables Keylock for the Deck. When you change the tempo for the track on the
Deck with Keylock enabled, then the tempo changes but the current key pitch for the track re-
(6) SYNC: Syncs the Deck to the Tempo Master.
(7) TEMPO Fader: Lets you manually adjust the track tempo on that Deck. The TEMPO fader can
be operated in Absolute mode and in Relative mode. If the Deck is synced to the Tempo Master,
the TEMPO Fader has no effect.
(8) Play/Pause: Lets you start or pause the track playback on that Deck.
(9) CUE: Lets you start track playback from the Floating Cue Point when the Deck is stopped.
Moves the playback position back to the Cue Point during playback.
(10) SHIFT: When you hold SHIFT, you are provided with the secondary functions of some of the
control elements on the S2.
(11) GRID: Enables the Beatgrid Adjust mode. In this mode you can use the Jog Wheel to correct
the Beatgrid for the loaded track.
(12) REV button: Plays back the track in reverse when in Flux mode.
(13) FLX button: Enables Flux mode for that Deck.
(14) MOVE encoder: Allows you to jump within the track, and enables Looping. When Looping is
enabled, the MOVE encoder allows you to move the Loop forwards and backwards within the
(15) HOTCUES button: Enables HOTCUES mode. When enabled, you can use the eight Pads to
store and trigger Cue Points and Loops.
(16) SAMPLES button: Enables SAMPLES mode. When enabled, you can use the eight Pads to
control the first four Samples of the Sample Slots in Remix Decks C or D.
(17) LOOP encoder: Allows you to enable/disable Looping and change the Loop size.
(18) Pads: Their function depends on the current Pad mode:
When in HOTCUES mode, the Pads store and trigger Cue Points and Loops for tracks and
STEM Files.
When in SAMPLES mode, the Pads control the first four Sample Cells of Sample Slots in Re-
mix Decks C and D.
5.2. Mixer
You can use the Mixer to mix the audio signals coming from the Decks. The Mixer is situated in the
middle of your TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 controller and contains the following control elements:
(1) Mixer channel A and B: The Mixer channels A and B receive the individual audio signals from
the Decks A and B. Each Mixer channel contains controls to adjust the audio signal's frequency
content and to adjust the outgoing volume before the audio signal is send to the MASTER out-
put. For more information, refer to Mixer Channel.
(2) QNT: Allows you to enable or disable Quantize mode and Snap mode. More Information, refer
to Snap Mode and Quantize Mode.
(3) MASTER knob: Adjusts the Master volume level.
(4) MIC button: Inserts the microphone channel signal to the Master signal.
(5) SAMPLE knob: Adjusts the volume for the combined channel of Remix Deck C or D.
(6) CUE MIX control: Adjusts the signal mix between Master output signal and the CUE channel
signal in the headphones.
(7) CUE VOL control: Adjusts the volume for the CUE channel.
(8) Mixer FX SELECT buttons: Select the individual Mixer FX to be controlled with the Mixer FX
Amount knob in the Mixer channel.
(9) CUE button: Sends the Mixer channel’s audio signal to the CUE channel for preparing the next
transition and previewing tracks.
(10) Channel Level Meter: Gives you visual feedback of the GAIN level on that Mixer channel.
The blue LEDs indicate the signal below clipping and the red LED indicates the signal is clipping.
For more information, refer to Adjusting Volume Levels.
(11) Crossfader: Lets you transition between the audio signals of Mixer channel A and B. At each
crossfader end, the opposite signal is totally silent. Moving the crossfader gradually fades in and
fades out the relevant audio signal in the Master output. At the center position, both audio signals
are fully audible.
5.3. Mixer Channel
The Mixer channels A and B receive the individual audio signals from the Decks A and B. Each
Mixer channel contains controls to adjust the incoming and outgoing levels, and the audio signal's
frequency content. The Mixer channels provide you with the following control elements:
Mixer channel.
(1) GAIN knob: Adjusts the input level for the incoming signal of the corresponding Deck, before it
passes the channel fader.
(2) HI knob: Emphasizes, attenuates, or removes the high frequency band of the audio signal.
(3) MID knob: Emphasizes, attenuates, or removes the middle frequency band of the audio signal.
(4) LOW knob: Emphasizes, or attenuates, or removes the low frequency band of the audio sig-
(5) Mixer FX Amount knob: The Mixer FX Amount knob controls the amount of the Mixer FX to
be applied to the audio signal. In the center position the Mixer FX is disabled for that Mixer chan-
(6) Channel Fader: Adjusts the volume level for the Mixer channel before the audio signal is sent
to the crossfader.
5.4. Front View
The front panel of your S2 hosts the PHONES OUT socket for the CUE channel. Here you can
connect a pair of headphones using a stereo 1/4" jack.
Front view.
5.5. Rear View
This section describes all the sockets and controls available on the rear panel of your TRAK-
Rear view.
(1) Kensington Lock slot: Attaches a Kensington Lock to protect your S2 against theft.
(2) MIC GAIN: Adjusts the level for the incoming microphone signal.
(3) MIC 1/4" socket: Connects a microphone using a 1/4" jack.
(4) MAIN OUT 1/8" socket: Connects the S2 to active speakers.
(5) MAIN OUT RCA R / L: Connects the S2 to a power amplifier.
(6) iOS: Connects an iOS device for future iOS compatibility.
(7) USB: Connects your S2 with your computer using the included USB cable.
(8) Power Supply socket: Connects the optional Native Instruments Power Supply to be pur-
chased separately on the Native Instruments online shop.
In this section you will learn to mix your first two tracks, using Deck A and Deck B, and the SYNC
function. For this method, you will not need to use Jog Wheels or your headphones. If you want to
try a more advanced method of mixing, using the Jog Wheels and headphones, refer to section
Mixing Tracks Using Jog Wheels.
At first, you prepare the Mixer by adjusting the control elements for mixing from Deck A to B. Then
you will load the first track into Deck A, and begin to perform step by step.
6.1. Prerequisites
1. Set the crossfader to the left-most position.
2. Set Channel fader A and Channel fader B to maximum position.
3. Set the MASTER knob to center position at 0.0 dB.
4. Set the volume of your audio system or active speakers to minimum level.
6.2. Loading the First Track into Deck A
1. Press the Browser View button to maximize the Browser view in the software.
2. Turn the BROWSE encoder to select one of your tracks, or a demo track, for example Berlin
Hauptbahnhof by Native Instruments.
Mixing Your First Tracks using SYNC
3. Press the BROWSE encoder to load the track into the Deck.
TRAKTOR now analyzes the track to determine its tempo, and to create the Beatgrid and the
4. Press the Browser View button again to minimize the Browser View.
6.3. Starting Playback of Deck A
To start playback on Deck A:
1. Press the Play/Pause button on Deck A.
The Waveform starts moving and the Channel Level Meter LEDs in the left Mixer channel A
Mixing Your First Tracks using SYNC
2. Slowly increase the volume of your audio system or active speakers to a moderate listening
You now hear the audio of the track in your speakers.
6.4. Loading the Second Track into Deck B
The next track you want to mix must have a similar tempo like the playing track.
1. Press the Browser View button to maximize the Browser view in the software.
2. Turn the BROWSE encoder to select one of your tracks, or a demo track, for example Li-
sa by Native Instruments.
3. Press the BROWSE encoder to load the track into the Deck.
TRAKTOR now analyzes the Track to determine its tempo, and to create the Beatgrid and
the Waveform.
6.5. Syncing the Track Tempos
In order to sync the tempos of both tracks:
Press the SYNC button on Deck B.
Mixing Your First Tracks using SYNC
The tempo of the track in Deck B is now synced to the running track, indicated by the equal
tempo value in the software's Deck Header. The SYNC button lights up on Deck B.
6.6. Starting Playback of the Second Track
When the track in Deck A is almost over you can start the playback of the next track:
Press the Play/Pause button on Deck B to start playback.
The waveform starts moving and the Channel Volume Meter LEDs in Mixer channel B illumi-
nate. The tracks in Deck A and Deck B play in sync.
6.7. Mixing in the Audio Signal
You can now mix the audio signal of Mixer channel B into the Master signal:
1. Move the crossfader slowly towards center position and hold for a moment.
The audio signal of the track in Mixer channel B fades into the Master signal.
2. While the track in Deck A reaches its end, slowly move the crossfader towards the right-most
Mixing Your First Tracks using SYNC
The audio signal of Mixer channel A slowly fades out of the Master signal. Only Mixer chan-
nel B is now audible.
When the playback of Deck A ends, Deck B automatically becomes the Tempo Master and is
ready to transition to the next track.
Mixing Your First Tracks using SYNC
The tutorials in this section introduces you the several functions and features of the S2. The follow-
ing list provides you with an overview of the tutorials including the link to it:
Browsing and Loading Tracks: By having your music imported in TRAKTOR, you can use
the Browse controls on the S2 to find tracks for your mix. When loading a track into a Deck,
TRAKTOR starts to analyze the track, calculating its exact tempo and key information. From
this analysis, TRAKTOR creates the Beatgrid and the Waveform. This information is then stor-
ed for the track in the Track Collection. For more information, refer to Browsing and Loading
Controlling Track Playback: The S2 lets you control the playback of your tracks using trans-
port controls and the Jog Wheels. For more information, refer to Controlling Track Playback.
Adjusting Levels: The Mixer lets you adjust volumes of your tracks and tweak the frequency
bands of the audio signals using the equalizer. For more information, refer to Adjusting Volume
Levels, and Using the Equalizer to Tweak Your Sound.
Adjusting Tempo: You can use the TEMPO faders to adjust the tempo on each Deck manual-
ly. The TEMPO faders can be operated in two modes. For more information, refer to Adjusting
Track Tempo.
Locking Key of Tracks: When adjusting the track tempo, then the pitch changes accordingly.
Using Keylock you can adjust the track tempo without changing the pitch. For more informa-
tion, refer to Locking the Key of Tracks.
Working with Mixer FX: You can modulate the sound of your tracks using Mixer FX. For more
information, refer to Playing with Mixer Effects.
Working with Cue Points: By triggering stored Hotcues from the Pads, you are able to jump
to specific sections within the track. For more information, refer to Playing with Cue Points.
Working with Loops: To extend the playback of tracks or to loop a specific part in a track, you
can make use of the looping functions on your S2. For more information, refer to Playing with
Snap Mode and Quantize Mode: In order to precisely place Cue Points, Loops and jumps
within tracks without loosing the sync, use Snap mode and Quantize mode. For more informa-
tion, refer to Snap Mode and Quantize Mode.
Using Flux and Reverse mode: Flux mode and Reverse mode allow you to create a parallel
playhead that you can use to perform with Hotcues and Loops. The parallel playhead ensures
you don't lose the original track playhead position in the track. For more information, refer to
Using Flux and Reverse Modes.
Previewing Tracks using the CUE Channel: The CUE channel and its controls on the Mixer
enable you to preview your tracks and your sound adjustments before you transition to the next
track. For more information, refer Previewing Tracks using the CUE Channel.
Working with the Preparation List: TRAKTOR's Browser allows you to prepare for your next
mix. The S2 has a dedicated control so you can easily add tracks to the Preparation List. For
more information, refer to Working with the Preparation List.
Adding Samples to Your Mix: You can perform and remix your music by triggering the first
four Loops or One-shot Samples of Remix Decks C and D, with the Pads. For more informa-
tion, refer to Adding Samples to Your Mix.
Correcting Beatgrids of Tracks: If the SYNC function is enabled but the playing tracks are
not synced, it is likely that the Beatgrids were miscalculated. The S2 allows you correct Beat-
grids manually. For more information, refer to Correcting Beatgrids of Tracks.
Mixing Tracks using the Jog Wheels: This tutorial introduces you to the workflow of mixing
two tracks manually, using the Jog wheels and the Headphone CUE channel. For more infor-
mation, refer to Mixing Tracks Using Jog Wheels.
7.1. Browsing and Loading Tracks
The S2 lets you conveniently browse for your music in TRAKTOR. Using the BROWSE controls
on the Decks, you can quickly maximize the Browser in TRAKTOR, navigate in the Track List, and
select Favorite folders and Playlists for loading your desired tracks.
Selecting a Track in the Track List
To select a track in the TRAKTOR Browser's Track List:
Turn the BROWSE encoder to scroll through the Track List and to select a track.
Loading the Track into a Deck
To load the selected track on the selected Deck:
Push the BROWSE encoder of that Deck.
The track is loaded into the Deck.
If the track is loaded into the Deck for the first time, TRAKTOR starts to analyze the track to deter-
mine its tempo, and then calculate the Beatgrid and Waveform. The moment of the analysis can
be switched to another context in the Preferences.
Depending on the selected track or STEM File, the Deck Type switches accordingly when loading
Maximizing the Browser in TRAKTOR
To get a better overview of the Track List you can maximize the Browser in TRAKTOR:
1. Press the Browser View button.
The Browser maximizes in the TRAKTOR.
2. Press the Browser View button again to minimize the Browser in TRAKTOR.
Selecting a Favorite Folder
At the top of TRAKTOR's Browser you can find the favorite folders of the Browser, for example All
Tracks or Preparation. You can use the BROWSE controls on your S2 to select a favorite folder:
Press and hold SHIFT + turn the BROWSE encoder to select another favorite folder.
The Track List content changes accordingly.
Rather than selecting a Favorite folder using SHIFT, you can also scroll along the Browser Tree to
select the subfolders. To implement this, you need to switch the Browse behavior for the SHIFT
button on the TRAKTOR S2 MK3 page in the Preferences.
7.2. Controlling Track Playback
The Transport Controls and the Jog Wheels on the S2 let you control the playback behavior of
tracks. This section describes several ways to control track playback and how to preview tracks in
the CUE channel when creating transitions.
Starting or Pausing Playback
To start the playback of the loaded track:
Press the Play/Pause button.
To pause the playback:
Press the Play/Pause button again.
Holding Track Playback
You can use the Jog Wheel to hold the playback of the track, just like a record on a turntable:
1. Touch the top plate of the Jog Wheel and keep hold of it.
The playback of the track held in place.
2. Release the top plate to continue playback.
Scratching the Track
You can use the Jog Wheel to perform scratch routines on the track:
1. Hold the top plate of the Jog Wheel and then quickly turn it clockwise and counterclockwise
in slight movements.
You will hear the typical vinyl scratch sound.
2. Release the top plate to continue playback.
Seeking within the Track
You can use the Jog Wheel to seek within the track:
Touch the top plate of the Jog Wheel and turn it clockwise or counterclockwise.
While turning the Jog Wheel the track now quickly winds forward or backward, respectively.
To seek in bigger steps through the track:
Press and hold SHIFT and turn the Jog Wheel clockwise or counterclockwise.
Cueing the Track using the CUE Button
When pressing and holding the CUE button, playback continues from the position of the Float-
ing Cue Point.
When releasing the CUE button, the playback position jumps back to the Cue Point and play-
back stops immediately.
When pressing and holding the CUE button and later pressing the Play/Pause button, the play-
back continues as normal.
7.3. Adjusting Volume Levels
When mixing tracks you need to make sure that the volumes of both tracks are at the same level
for flawless transitions. For this, you can define the volume level for the incoming audio signal into
the Mixer channel (GAIN) on the one side, and you can define the volume for the outgoing signal
to the MASTER output on the other side.
Adjusting the GAIN Levels for Incoming Audio Signals
To adjust the volume level for incoming audio signals, you need to use the GAIN knob:
Turn the GAIN knob to a position so that the LEDs stay between 0 dB and 6 dB.
Adjusting Channel Volume Levels
To adjust the volume of the mixer channels:
Move the channel faders up or down.
Adjusting the MASTER Output Level
To adjust the MASTER volume level:
Turn the MASTER knob clockwise or counterclockwise.
To avoid damaging your ears, always set the connected speakers or power amplifier
to a comfortable listening level.
7.4. Using the Equalizer to Tweak Your Sound
You can use the equalizer for adjusting the sound of your tracks while mixing. You can, for exam-
ple, take out the bass frequency band of one track in order to let the bass of the other track domi-
nate the mix. Or you can slightly adjust the middle frequencies to attenuate, for example, vocals.
The EQ knobs adjust the high, middle, or low frequencies in the audio signal.
Taking out Frequency Bands of the Audio Signal
Turn the EQ knobs counterclockwise to take out the individual frequency band.
Turning the EQ knobs entirely counterclockwise would remove the individual frequency band
from the audio signal.
Using EQ to remove frequencies can help to avoid the clipping that can occur when
two tracks play together at full volume.
Attenuating Frequency Bands in the Audio Signal
Turn the EQ knobs clockwise to attenuate the individual frequency band.
Using the equalizer while cueing a track can support manual tempo alignment of complex tracks.
For example, you can remove the high and middle frequency bands from the next track to focus on
the bassline.
7.5. Adjusting Track Tempo
Besides using SYNC to adjust the track tempo, you can also adjust the track tempo for the Decks
individually by using the TEMPO fader on each Deck. The TEMPO faders be can operated in two
different modes: in Relative mode and Absolute mode. By default, the TEMPO faders operate in
Relative mode.
Relative mode
In this mode, The TEMPO fader position on your S2 Deck has not necessarily have to match the
Tempo fader position of the software Deck. When loading tracks in Relative mode, then the Tempo
fader in the software Deck always resets to center position and the track will play at its original
tempo. When moving the TEMPO fader on the S2 Deck, then the Tempo fader on the software
Deck moves accordingly.
Absolute Mode
You can also operate the Tempo faders in Absolute mode. In this mode, whenever you move the
TEMPO fader on your S2, its position is transmitted 1:1 to the Tempo fader of the software Deck,
no matter what the current position of the Tempo fader in the software is.
In Absolute mode, the software Deck’s tempo always matches the TEMPO fader position on your
S2, unless you have somehow changed the software Deck’s tempo.
The TEMPO fader mode can be changed on the Kontrol S2 MK3 page in the TRAKTOR Prefer-
7.6. Locking the Key of Tracks
When synchronizing tracks, you change their tempos and, consequently, their pitches (or keys).
Slowing down a track will cause its pitch to drop while speeding up the track will cause its pitch to
rise. This is not problematic for small tempo adjustments, but if the tempo change is more drastic,
the resulting pitch shift might sound unnatural, especially for vocals.
To avoid this, you can use the KEYLOCK function on the S2 Deck to lock the track's current key
value. When you then move the TEMPO fader up or down, you change the track tempo but the
track's key remains at the locked value.
To lock the key for a track:
1. Load a track into a Deck.
2. Set the TEMPO fader to center tempo position.
3. Press the KEYLOCK button on the Deck to lock the key for the track.
4. Move the TEMPO fader up or down to change the track tempo.
The track tempo changes but the key value remains at the locked value.
7.7. Playing with Mixer Effects
A Mixer FX is a grouped effect that can be applied to the audio signal in the Mixer channel using
the Mixer FX Amount knob. You can choose one of four preselected Mixer FX using the FX SE-
LECT buttons:
Filter: The FX SELECT 1 button lights up red.
Reverb: The FX SELECT 2 button lights up green.
Dual Delay: The FX SELECT 3 button lights up blue.
Flanger: The FX SELECT 4 button lights up red.
Besides the Filter Effect, each Mixer FX consists of the individual Effect and a Filter Effect. De-
pending on the direction you turn the FX Amount knob, you either apply the Mixer FX in combina-
tion with a low-pass Filter, or with a high-pass Filter.
Selecting a Mixer FX
To select a Mixer FX:
Press the FX SELECT button corresponding to the Mixer FX you want to add.
The FX SELECT button brightly lights up, indicating the Mixer FX is selected.
Applying the Mixer FX to the Audio Signal
To apply the selected Mixer FX in combination with a low-pass Filter to the audio signal:
Turn the Mixer FX Amount knob counterclockwise.
To apply the selected Mixer FX in combination with a high-pass Filter to the audio signal:
Turn the Mixer FX Amount knob to center position.
7.8. Playing with Cue Points
When mixing tracks a common technique is to mix in the next track from a particular position in
that track instead from its start, for example, at a certain beat. Mixing in tracks from a particular
position in that track is called “cueing”. The S2 enables you to set points for cueing and for directly
jumping to these particular positions: Cue Points. You can store Cue Points as Hotcues using the
Pads on the Deck. This allows you to gain instant access to your Cue Points.
Enabling HOTCUES Mode
In order to work with Cue Points you need to ensure you are in HOTCUES mode:
Press the HOTCUES button to enable HOTCUES mode for the selected Deck.
Storing Cue Points as Hotcues
To store a Cue Point as Hotcue:
At the desired position in the track, press a Pad.
The Cue Point is set at the current playback position in the track and stored as Hotcue on the
Pad. This Pad lights up blue.
Triggering Cue Points on a Deck During Playback
To trigger Cue Points on a Deck during playback:
Press a blue lit Pad.
The playback position jumps the stored Cue Point and playback continues.
Triggering Cue Points on a Stopped Deck
On a stopped Deck, triggering Cue Points result in a different playback behavior:
When pressing and holding a blue lit Pad, the playback continues from the position of the stor-
ed Cue point as long as the Pad is kept depressed.
When releasing the Pad, the playback position jumps back to the Cue Point and playback
stops immediately.
When pressing and holding a blue lit Pad and later pressing the Play/Pause button, the play-
back continues as normal.
Removing Cue Points
To remove a Cue Point from the track and so the Hotcue:
Press SHIFT and press a blue lit Pad.
The Hotcue is removed and the Cue Point is deleted from the track. The pad is now unlit.
7.9. Playing with Loops
A Loop is a snippet of audio that repeats (loops). Loops are used as tools for remixing parts of
tracks and can be used to extend track transitions. In this section you learn to play with Loops on
the S2. Besides enabling Loops, you can store Loops as Hotcues in the track using the Deck's
Pads. This allows you to gain instant access to your most important Loops.
Enabling a Loop
To enable a Loop:
1. Press the LOOP encoder.
The Loop is enabled. The playback is looping by the selected Loop size. The Loop appears
as the green area in the Waveform. When the playhead position reaches the Loop out point,
the playback position seamlessly jumps back to to Loop In point. Looping continues as long
as as the Loop is enabled.
2. To disable the Loop, press the LOOP encoder again.
The playback continues as normal.
Changing the Loop Size
You can change the size of the enabled or disabled Loop:
Turn the LOOP encoder clockwise or counterclockwise.
The Loop size for the enabled Loop instantly changes by the value displayed in the Loop
Control bar.
If there is no Loop enabled, turning the LOOP encoder only selects a Loop size.
Storing a Loop as Hotcue
To store a Loop as a Hotcue:
1. Press the LOOP encoder to enable a Loop.
2. Press an unlit Pad.
The Loop is stored as Hotcue in the track. The Pad lights up green.
Triggering a Stored Loop
To trigger a stored Loop:
Press a green lit Pad.
The Loop is enabled. The playback position jumps to the stored Loop In point and playback
loops by the selected Loop size.
Moving the Loop within the Track
You can move an enabled or disabled Loop forwards or backwards within the track:
Turn the MOVE encoder clockwise or counterclockwise.
This instantly moves the Loop within the track by the selected Loop size.
Removing a stored Loop
To remove a stored Loop from the Hotcue and from the track:
Press SHIFT and press a green lit Pad.
The Loop is removed from the Hotcue and from the track. The Pad is now unlit.
7.10. Snap Mode and Quantize Mode
Snap mode and Quantize mode are important tools that can help you when you work with Cue
Points and Loops, and jump within the track:
Snap mode: When Snap mode is enabled, any Loop or Cue Point you set in a track snap to
the closest beat.
Qquantize mode: When Quantize mode is enabled, you remain in sync and on beat, whenev-
er you jump to a Loop, a Cue Point, or any position in the track.
Examples for Using SNAP Mode
Depending on what you want to do, you can enable or disable Snap mode and Quantize mode at
any time. Here are a few examples:
Enable Snap mode, if you want to set a Loop starting directly on a beat.
Disable Snap mode, if you want to set a Cue Point at the beginning of vocals that do not nec-
essarily start on the beat.
Enable Quantize mode, if want to mix in a synced track and want the downbeats of both tracks
to perfectly match.
Disable Quantize mode, if you want to trigger tracks or Samples any time you press play or
trigger Hotcue buttons.
Enabling/Disabling Quantize Mode
When Quantize mode is enabled, the QNT button brightly lights up. When Quantize mode is disa-
bled, the QNT button is dimmed.
To enable or disable Quantize mode:
Press the QNT button on your S2.
Enabling/Disabling Snap Mode
To enable or disable Snap mode:
1. Press and hold SHIFT to access the secondary functions of your S2.
When Snap mode is enabled, the QNT button brightly lights up. When Snap mode is disa-
bled, the QNT button is dimmed.
2. While holding SHIFT and press the QNT button to enable or disable SNAP Mode.
7.11. Using Flux and Reverse Modes
Flux mode lets you jump to Cue Points and Loops without loosing the phrasing of your tracks. It is
a timeline-based transport technique that enables you to interact with TRAKTOR's transport con-
trols, and then immediately jump back to the position in the timeline where the track would have
been if the transport action had not been used. In other words, it is as if a second, virtual playhead
continues forwards in the track, while TRAKTOR loops or jumps to a Cue Point.
When you release the Loop or Cue Point, by releasing the relevant Pad with the Hotcue, playback
resumes at this playhead position. The longer you loop, the further ahead the playhead position
will move and therefore the further ahead playback will jump to when you release Pad. The virtual
Flux mode timeline is represented by a green playhead in the Waveform view.
An expansion to the Flux mode is the Reverse mode. When you enable Reverse mode while in
Flux mode, you can let the track playback reversely from the current playhead position. The sec-
ond, virtual playhead continues forwards in the track.
Working with Flux Mode
To enable Flux mode for the selected Deck:
1. Press the FLX button on the selected Deck.
Flux mode is enabled. The second, virtual playhead continues forwards in the track.
2. Press and hold a Pad with the Hotcue.
The playback continues from the stored Cue Point or Loop.
3. Release the Pad.
The playback resumes to the original playback position.
Enabling Reverse Mode
To enable Reverse mode:
1. Press and hold the REV mode button on the selected Deck.
The track begins to playback in reverse. The second, virtual playhead continues forwards in
the track.
2. While holding the REV button, press and hold a Pad with a stored Hotcue.
The playback reversely continues from the stored Cue Point or Loop.
3. Release the REV button.
The playback resumes at the playhead position created by Flux mode.
Enabling Reverse mode also enables Flux mode.
7.12. Previewing Tracks using the CUE Channel
With the CUE channel on your S2 and your headphones connected to your S2, you can preview
tracks to prepare for the next transition. When you press the CUE buttons on Mixer channel A and
B you send the audio signals from the Mixer channel A and B into the CUE channel. The CUE
channel's audio signal is send to the headphones output on your S2.
To preview the track in your headphones:
1. Put on your headphones.
2. Press the CUE button of the Mixer channel you want to route into the CUE channel.
The Mixer channel's audio signal is now audible in your heaphones
3. Adjust the volume and the cue-master-mix signal by turning the VOL knob and MIX knob, so
that you hear both tracks by the desired amount in your headphones.
7.13. Working with the Preparation List
In TRAKTOR's Browser you can prepare for your next mix by adding tracks to it's Preparation List.
In TRAKTOR you can do this by tagging the selected track in the Track List. The track is then add-
ed to the Preparation List. When you select the Preparation List in the Browser, you are then provi-
ded with all the tracks contained in the Preparation List. On your S2 you can add the selected
track in the Track List to the Preparation List using the Preparation List buttons on the S2 Decks.
Adding Tracks to the Preparation List
To add tracks to the Preparation List:
1. Turn the BROWSE encoder to select a track in the Track List.
2. Press the Preparation List button on the Deck.
The track is added to the Preparation List. A diamond icon appears in the first column in the
Track List in TRAKTOR indicating that track is added to the Preparation List.
Displaying the Preparation List
To display the Preparation List:
Press and hold SHIFT and press the BROWSE encoder to directly select the Preparation
List in the Browser.
7.14. Adding Samples to Your Mix
In this section, you can learn how to configure TRAKTOR so that you can control Samples on the
S2 and add them to your mix. For this, the TRAKTOR Decks C and D need to be enabled and
configured as Remix Decks. The S2 can then access the first Sample Cells of the Sample Slots in
the Remix Decks. If your S2 setup is not configured with the Remix Decks C and D, this section
explains how to do it. The following steps are covered:
Step 1 - Enabling Deck C and D in TRAKTOR
Step 2 - Changing the Deck Types to Remix Deck in TRAKTOR
Step 3 - Loading Samples or Remix Sets
Step 4 - Controlling Samples
Step 1 - Enabling Deck C and D in TRAKTOR
To enable Deck C and D:
1. In TRAKTOR, open the Preferences dialog.
2. Select the Decks Layout Page.
3. Under Deck Layout select Show C & D.
Decks C and D are now visible in TRAKTOR.
Step 2 - Changing the Deck Type to Remix Deck in TRAKTOR
To change the Deck Type to Remix Deck in TRAKTOR:
1. Click the Deck Focus of Deck C to open the context menu.
2. Select Remix Deck.
The Deck Type is changed to Remix Deck.
3. Repeat these steps for Deck D if you want it to be a Remix Deck.
Step 3 - Loading Samples or Remix Sets
To load Samples into the Remix Deck:
1. In the Browser Tree in TRAKTOR, click on plus icon of the Track Collection folder to ex-
pand it.
2. Select the subfolder All Samples to show all Samples in the Track List.
3. In the Track List, drag the Samples and drop it into the first Sample Cell of any Sample Slot
in the Remix Deck one-by-one.
The Samples are loaded. The Pads 1 to 4 now reflect the colors of the Samples.
Alternatively, you also can load a Remix Set from the All Remix Sets folder. In this case the first
Sample of the Sample Slots are loaded.
Step 4 - Controlling Samples
To control the loaded Samples in the Remix Deck:
1. Press the SAMPLES button on that Deck.
2. Press Pad 1 to 4 to trigger the individual Samples.
The Samples are audible. As long as the Samples or One-Shot Samples play, the Pads light
up brightly and the LED next to the SAMPLE knob lights up.
3. Turn the SAMPLES knob to adjust the volume for the Samples channel.
4. Mute or unmute the individual Sample Slots by pressing the white illuminated Pads 5 to 8.
A muted Sample Slot is reflected by a dim lit Pad.
7.15. Correcting Beatgrids of Tracks
When a track contains a complex rhythm or an uneven timing, it can happen that the Beatgrid cal-
culated by TRAKTOR does not precisely match the beat of the track. It is then not possible to
match the beats of that track when mixing it using the SYNC function. Miscalculated Beatgrids can
be corrected using the GRID mode on the S2.
Checking Beatgrid
To check the Beatgrid for the selected track:
1. Load the track into a Deck.
2. Press Play/Pause to start playback of the track.
3. Press the CUE button of the Mixer channel corresponding to that Deck.
4. Press and hold the GRID button on that Deck to make the Beatgrid tick audible.
Besides the beat of the track, you now hear a second beat tick (like a metronome tick) repre-
senting the Beatgrid. If the beat tick does not match the beat of the track, the Beatgrid is set
Correcting Beatgrid
To correct the Beatgrid setting, proceed as follows:
1. While holding the GRID button, slightly turn the Jog Wheel clockwise or counterclockwise to
move the Beatgrid forward or backward, respectively.
By turning the Jog Wheel you are able to adjust the Beatgrid, so that the beat tick matches
the beat of the track.
2. Release the GRID button.
The track's Beatgrid is corrected and saved with the track.
7.16. Mixing Tracks Using Jog Wheels
In this section, you learn how to mix your first two tracks using Deck A and Deck B, the Jog
Wheels and your headphones. At first, you will prepare the Mixer by adjusting the control elements
for mixing from Deck A to B. Then you will load the first track into Deck A, and begin to perform
step by step.
7.16.1. Prerequisites
Before you can start to mix your first tracks, you need to prepare the Mixer on your S2:
1. Set the crossfader to the left-most position.
2. Set Channel fader A and Channel fader B to maximum position.
3. Set the MASTER knob to center position.
4. Set the volume of your audio system or active speakers to minimum level.
7.16.2. Loading the First Track into Deck A
To load a track into Deck A:
1. Press the Browser View button to maximize the Browser view in the software.
2. Turn the BROWSE encoder to select one of your tracks in the Track List, or a demo track, for
example, Berlin Hauptbahnhof by Native Instruments.
3. Press the BROWSE encoder to load the track into the Deck.
TRAKTOR now analyzes the Track to determine its tempo and to create the Beatgrid and the
4. Press the Browser View button again to minimize the Browser View.
7.16.3. Starting Playback of Deck A
To start playback of the track on Deck A:
1. Press the Play/Pause button on Deck A.
The Waveform starts moving and the Channel Level Meter LEDs in the left Mixer channel A
2. Adjust the Mixer channel's GAIN level by turning its GAIN knob, so that the LEDs stay be-
tween 0 dB and 6 dB.
3. Slowly increase the volume of your audio system or active speakers to a moderate listening
You now hear the audio of the track in your speakers.
7.16.4. Loading the Second Track into Deck B
To load the second track into Deck B:
The next track you want to mix should have a similar tempo like the track currently
playing. Otherwise
1. Press the Browser View button to maximize the Browse View in the software.
2. Turn the BROWSE encoder to select one of your tracks in the Track List, or a demo track, for
example, Lisa by Native Instruments.
3. Press the BROWSE encoder to load the track into the Deck.

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