NI 17xx Smart Camera User Manual G-2
exposure time The amount of time that light is allowed to strike the imaging sensor to
produce an image.
falling edge The digital signal transition from the high state to the low state.
field of view The area of inspection that the camera can acquire.
fps Frames per second.
gain The amount of increase in signal power, voltage, or current expressed as the
ratio of output to input.
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission. A standard-setting body.
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. A standard-setting body.
I/O Input/output. The transfer of data to/from a computer system involving
communications channels, operator interface devices, or data acquisition
and control interfaces.
LED Light-emitting diode.
MAC Media access control. The MAC address uniquely identifies each unit
connected to a network.
MAX Measurement & Automation Explorer. A controlled, centralized
configuration environment that allows you to configure all of your
NI devices.