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Destinator User's Guide
Destinator User's Guide
1. Limited Product Warranty Destinator Technologies, warrants to the Client that the Products shall
substantially conform to Destinator Technologies’ specification for a period of one (1) year from the date of
the original purchase by the end user (the "Warranty Period"). As Destinator Technologies' sole obligation
and Client's exclusive remedy for any breach of warranty, Destinator Technologies agrees, at its sole option,
to (i) use reasonable efforts to repair the Product with new or refurbished replacement parts; (ii) replace the
Product with a new or refurbished unit; or (iii) refund the purchase price, provided Client returns the
defective Products to Destinator Technologies with proof of purchase and Destinator Technologies’
Destinator Technologies’ warranty hereunder does not apply in case of any damage caused by accident,
abuse, misuse, misapplication, or alteration of any kind performed by anyone other than Destinator
Technologies. The Products are not designed or licensed for use in mission-critical applications, or in
hazardous environments, requiring fail-safe controls, including without limitation operation of nuclear
facilities, aircraft navigation or communication systems, air traffic control, or life support or weapons
systems. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Destinator Technologies specifically disclaims any
express or implied warranty or condition of fitness for such purposes. Destinator Technologies’ warranty
does not, in any event, apply to physical damage to the surface of the Product or replacement. Destinator
Technologies shall have no obligation with respect to any data stored in the Product.
Except as expressly stated in this section, Destinator Technologies makes no warranties or includes any
conditions with respect to the products, express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied
warranties or conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and no infringement.
2. Liability Limitation. In no event shall Destinator Technologies, be liable to Client, (and Client hereby
waives any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages in connection with) the transactions
contemplated by this agreement, whether or not such damages were foreseen, or their likelihood disclosed.
Destinator Technologies shall not be liable to Client or any third party claiming through Client, for any
damages of any kind in excess of the amounts paid by Client under the terms of this agreement with
respect to the products giving rise to such damages. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of or
limitation on implied conditions, warranties or damages, thus some of the foregoing may not apply to Client.
3. Intellectual Property Rights. Hardware and Software are proprietary to Destinator Technologies or its
suppliers and are subject to copyright and other intellectual property laws. Client's only rights with respect
to any Destinator Technologies software included with the Products shall be provided, under the terms of
Destinator Technologies’ software license. The title to all Destinator Technologies Software remains with
Destinator Technologies. Client agrees that Destinator Technologies retains ownership of all rights, title and
interest in all intellectual property, works of authorship, trade secrets and like’s in all aspects of the
Product(s). Client and its affiliates and subcontractors agree not to reverse engineer any aspect of the
Software and/or Products supplied under this agreement and further agree to pay assessed damages should
such action take place.
4. Copyright and Copies. The Software (including any copy thereof) is owned by Destinator Technologies or
its suppliers and is protected by United States, Canada, European, Brazilian and Australian copyright and
patent laws and international treaty provisions. The Software copy is licensed to you the client, not sold to
you, and you (the client) are not an owner of any copy thereof. You may make one copy of the software for
backup or archival purposes. You may not otherwise copy the software, except as authorised by applicable
law, nor the written materials accompanying the Software. Destinator Technologies hereby reserves all
rights not explicitly granted in this license agreement.
Copyright © 2006, Destinator Technologies
Destinator User's Guide i
1 - Introduction 2
Destinator Features .......................................................................................................................................2
Destinator Guided Tour ................................................................................................................................2
Technical Support.........................................................................................................................................2
2 - Getting Started 3
Menus ...........................................................................................................................................................3
Main Map......................................................................................................................................................6
GPS Not Found.............................................................................................................................................7
Map Views....................................................................................................................................................8
Point on the Map...........................................................................................................................................8
Screen Buttons..............................................................................................................................................9
Cycling Through Screens..............................................................................................................................9
3 - Search for a Location 10
Enter Address..............................................................................................................................................10
Recent Locations.........................................................................................................................................13
My Favourites.............................................................................................................................................14
POI (Points of Interest)...............................................................................................................................17
Route Manager............................................................................................................................................19
Map Manager..............................................................................................................................................23
4 - Settings 27
Language Settings.......................................................................................................................................27
Look & Feel Settings..................................................................................................................................27
GPS Settings ...............................................................................................................................................28
Demo Button...............................................................................................................................................28
5 - Installation Requirements 29
PC Requirements ........................................................................................................................................29
Installing the Console .................................................................................................................................29
Console Toolbar..........................................................................................................................................29
Installing Destinator Software to the SD Memory Card.............................................................................30
Maps ...........................................................................................................................................................30
6 - Maps 31
Map Screen Interface..................................................................................................................................31
Transferring a Map onto the SD Memory Card..........................................................................................31
Map Cutter Screen Interface.......................................................................................................................32
Focus the Map.............................................................................................................................................33
Cut Map ......................................................................................................................................................34
Load Map....................................................................................................................................................34
Remove Map...............................................................................................................................................34
Index 35
Destinator User's Guide 2
1 - Introduction
Welcome to the world of mobile navigation! With Destinator, you can steer into a new era of mobile
navigation. Simple operation, clear maps in 2D or 3D mode as well as numerous innovative features and
functions have made Destinator the essential guide for every traveller – whether in the car, on foot or by
Destinator Features
Destinator provides the following features for easy navigation:
Route calculation within seconds
High quality 2D/3D maps with display of street names·
QuickNav button for travel to a predetermined address
Address input via a full-size keyboard optimized for finger input
Storing of any location one click away
Cross border navigation without switching maps
Address retrieval from History, Favourites, Points of Interest (POI)
Planning and optimising of multi-stop trips·
Car navigation with fastest or shortest route
Pedestrian navigation in parks and town centres
Fast installation, no activation
Short tutorial for an easy start·
Day and night views or turn-by-turn information
Destinator Guided Tour
When you first start the Destinator navigation system, a message box appears prompting
you to open the Destinator Guided Tour program. The Guided Tour is an excellent way of
becoming familiar with the different navigation features available. You can also start the
Destinator Guided Tour any time, by tapping the Tutorial button from the Extras menu.
Technical Support
If you have other questions about the Destinator software, please contact your supplier or Technical
Telephone: +49 (0)1805-123012
Web Address: www.destinatortechnologies.com
Destinator User's Guide 3
2 - Getting Started
Destinations – (see "Destinations Menu" on page 3) menu - Provides the central navigation features, such
as Addresses, Recent Locations, My Favorites, and POI (Points of Interest).
Options (see "Options Menu" on page4) menu - Provides 2D/3D and Day/Night map view options, and the
following submenus:
o Route Manager (see "
Route Manager Menu" on page 4) - Displays features relating to route
information, avoiding roads, and setting up a QuickNav route.
o Map Manager (see "
Map Manager Menu" on page 5) - Displays features relating to selecting maps
and specifying map settings.
o Extras (on page 5) - Displays Destinator’s add-on features
Settings (see "
Settings Menu" on page 6) menu - Provides setting options to configure the navigation
You can press the button from the Main Map screen to display the Destinations menu, as shown
Destinations Menu
The Address button lets you
navigate to an address, as
described in "Enter
Address" (see on page
The Recent Locations
button lets you navigate to a
previously visited
destination, as described in
"Recent Locations (on
The My Favourites button
lets you navigate to a
favourite location, as
described in "My Favourites
(on page
Figure 1 - Destinations Menu
The Points of Interest button lets
you navigate to thousands of
interesting places. For more
information, see "POI (Points of
Interest) (on page
The Cancel Route button stops the
current navigation.
The Map button lets you return to the Main Map screen.
The Quit button lets you close the Destinator Navigation System.
The More button lets you move between the Destinations and Options menus.
Getting Started
Destinator User's Guide 4
Options Menu
The Day/Night Mode toggle
button lets you display the map
view for either day or night
driving. For a display of day and
night maps, see "Map Views
(on page
The 2D/3D Mode toggle button
lets you display the map view in
2 dimensional or 3-dimensional
views for either day or night
driving. For a display of 2D and
3D maps, see "Map Views (on
Figure 2 - Options Menu
The Route Manager button displays
a menu that lets you select from the
following route buttons: Show Route,
Turn-by-Turn, Route Playback, Avoid
Road, and QuickNav. For more
information, see “Route Manager
(on page
The Map Manager button displays
a menu that lets you select from
the following map buttons: Select
Map, Pedestrian Mode, Free Map
Browsing , Units of Measure, and
Map Settings. For more
information, see “Map Manager
(on page
The Extras button displays a menu
that lets you select additional
Destinator features. For more
information, see “Extras (on page
Route Manager Menu
The Turn-by-Turn button lets
you display the complete, step-
by-step directions to your
destination. For more
information, see "Turn-by-Turn
List (on page
The Route Summary button
lets you display your complete
route on the Map screen. This
button is disabled when no route
The Route Playback button lets
you record your route and play
it back later. For more
information, see "Route
Playback (on page
Figure 3 – Route Manager Menu
The Avoid Roads button lets you
avoid a road type, such as toll
roads or selected streets, as
described in "Avoid Roads (on
The QuickNav Settings button
lets you specify an address or place
to which you can navigate with a
single tap on the QuickNav button.
For more information, see
"QuickNav (on page
Getting Started
Destinator User's Guide 5
Map Manager Menu
The Select Map button lets you
choose among different maps on
your memory card. For more
information, see "Select Map (on
The Units of Measure button
lets you specify the system
measurement units. For more
information, see "Units of
Measure (on page
The Map Settings button lets
you specify map orientation, font,
and zoom features. For more
information, see "Map Settings
(on page
Figure 4 – Map Manager Menu
The Pedestrian Mode/Driving
Mode button lets you toggle
between travelling as a pedestrian
or in a vehicle. When in Pedestrian
Mode, you are not limited by
vehicle constraints, such as one
way streets. Note that you can
only generate a route up to ten
kilometres and Voice prompts are
not available.
The Free Map Browsing button
lets you browse the map
unconnected to the current
location. In this mode, the GPS
system is not used. Your current
position is not detected and
Destinator does not keep track of
your driving progress.
Figure 5 - Extras Menu
The Multi-Stop Planner button lets you designate several stops on a
route, as described in "Multistop Planner (on page
The Tutorial button opens the Destinator Guide Tour program. The
Guided Tour is an excellent way of becoming familiar with the
different navigation features available.
Getting Started
Destinator User's Guide 6
Settings Menu
The button, at the bottom of the Options menu, lets you configure your settings options.
The Prompts button lets you
specify the types of voice or visual
prompts that you want to use. For
more information, see " Prompts
(on page
The Language button lets you
select the language for announcing
travel prompts, street names, and
driving directions. For more
information, see “Language
Settings (on page
The Look & Feel button lets you
select a different skin. For more
information, see “Look & Feel
Settings (on page
Figure 6 - Settings Menu
The GPS button lets you
configure the GPS settings. For
more information, see "GPS
Settings (on page
The Help button opens the
Destinator help file.
The Start Demo button lets
Destinator display a simulated
route. Many of the Destinator
navigation features are disabled
when the Demo is running. You
can end the Demo by tapping
the Stop Demo button.
The About button opens an
information box, providing
version and copyright
Main Map
You can use the icons displayed on this screen to plan and view your route.
Figure 7 - Map Screen
Getting Started
Destinator User's Guide 7
Current location in Vehicle Mode.
Current location in Pedestrian Mode.
Last known location when GPS signal is unreliable.
Generated route
Travel direction
The red GPS receiver means that a reliable GPS signal is not yet located.
The green GPS receiver means that a reliable GPS signal is located and that you are
ready to navigate.
These icons display your power source, electricity or battery. The battery appears as
green, yellow, or red depending on whether the battery is recharged or weak.
The GPS bar is a toggle button that displays the remaining travel distance and travel time, estimated time
of arrival, street name and address number, and speed and altitude.
When you have calculated a route, the Directions bar displays information about your next turn. Click this
bar for a complete list of turn-by-turn directions.
GPS Not Found
When you first start your navigation device, you will hear the message "Signal too low". This message
means that your navigation device hasn’t yet located a reliable GPS signal. Check that your device is
connected to the cigarette lighter and has a clear view of the sky.
The “GPS not found” message means that there is no GPS antenna or the antenna is not properly installed.
For more information about GPS, see GPS Settings (on page 28.
Please check that:
The GPS antenna is extended or flipped up.
The GPS antenna has a clear view of the sky for uninterrupted GPS reception. Destinator cannot
calculate the route if there is no GPS reception (for example, in a tunnel).
The navigation device is charged or connected to the cigarette lighter.
Getting Started
Destinator User's Guide 8
Map Views
From the Options menu, you can determine whether you want to see a two-dimensional or three-
dimensional map in daylight or night-time conditions.
Figure 8 - 2D Day Map View
Figure 9 - 2D Night Map View
Figure 10 - 3D Day Map View
Figure 11- 3D Night Map View
Point on the Map
You can navigate to any point by tapping its location directly on the Main Map screen in both 2D and 3D
map view. This feature is especially handy when you want to navigate to a specific point on the map, but
you don’t have the street address. When you tap on the map, the context menu appears.
Go There – This button lets you calculate a route from the map
Add to My Favourites – This button lets you save a point on the
map as a favourite destination. This is helpful if you see a location
that you want to return you later.
Set as Origin –This button lets you designate the selected point as
the starting point and not the designation. This is helpful when you
want to calculate a route from a point other than your current
Figure 12- Point on the Map Options
Getting Started
Destinator User's Guide 9
Screen Buttons
The following buttons appear on many of the navigation Destinator screens.
When you tap the Next button for a selected address, group, or place, Destinator
automatically opens the next screen in the sequence.
When you tap the Back button, Destinator returns you to the previous screen.
When you tap the GO button, Destinator calculates the route to your selected
The Actions button provides a list of command options available for the selected
address or place.
The Save, OK, or Done buttons confirm your value preferences and returns you to the
menu or map.
Cycling Through Screens
Every navigation function in the system, such as Address, POI, or My Favourites consists of a sequence of
screens. You can cycle through the screen sequences by either:
Selecting an item from the list and tapping it.
Selecting an item form the list and tapping the Next button.
The sequence ends with the Show on Map screen, where the destination is displayed and the GO button is
available for you to calculate a route.
Note: You must first select an item for Actions, Next and Back buttons to be enabled.
Destinator User's Guide 10
3 - Search for a Location
Enter Address
When you click the Address button, the Address screen appears as shown below.
Figure 13 - Display the Address Screen
Note: For United States maps, an additional States Address screen appears.
Search for a Location
Destinator User's Guide 11
You can use the keyboard to enter the characters of the address name. The characters appear in the
Address field. Destinator automatically searches the Address list for the first occurrence of the entered
characters. After you have selected a city, Destinator displays the next address field, such as street and
address number.
You can also tap the Next button to move through the sequence of address screens.
The following command keys are available to enhance your search process:
If the automatic search feature does not find your specified name, use the Find button to
conduct a sub-search, particularly useful when the address name consists of two or more
The Scroll buttons let you move up or down the list of address items, such as town or street
The Hide/Display Keyboard toggle button lets you extend or shorten the address list by
hiding or displaying the keyboard.
Note: The keyboard is automatically hidden, displaying the address list only, when the
number of address search results fits on a single screen. If the search results do not display
the desire address, display the keyboard and enter additional search characters.
The Select key lets you display lowercase, numeric, and special characters This button also
displays different alphabet characters (for example, Greek). The operating system installed
on the device must be able to support these characters.
The Erase key lets you delete the last character in an address field.
You can change your address search method by tapping the Mode button to select from a variety of address
formats, as described in "Address Modes" (on page
Note: If the entered characters are not found at the beginning of the name in the Address list, the Smart
Search System automatically searches for the entered characters throughout the entire list, for example, in
the middle or the end of the name.
Destinator lets you search for city and street names without having special characters, such as umlauts or
accent marks, which are used in many European languages.
Address Modes
You can define the information used to locate an address by tapping the button. Destinator
provides a variety of options for entering an address.
For United States maps only. This sequence provides the following
address screens: State, City, Street, Address Number
This sequence provides the following address screens: Town, Street, Address
For every city, you also have the option of selecting the City Centre.
If you don't know address number, you can select the Street Midpoint.
Town-Street is the default format.
This sequence provides the following address screens: Town, Street, Address
This mode lets you enter a street name without having to first designate a town.
Useful when you're looking for an address in a metropolitan area where there are
many cities and towns.
Search for a Location
Destinator User's Guide 12
Side Streets
This sequence provides the following address screens: Town, Street 1, Street 2
You can locate a road junction by entering the names of two intersecting streets.
Post Code
This sequence provides the following address screens: Post Code, Street,
Address Number
You can locate a street address by entering the post code, without entering a town
name. Useful when you have no information about the town.
In Other Maps
You can select another map of a country that you can travel to by vehicle.
This feature is available only when you have the following maps installed:
Map of the country where you are currently located.
Map of the country where you wish to travel.
The map of the major roads for that continent that connect one map to
another (for example, the major roads of Europe)
For example, if you are in Paris and you want to travel to Munich, select the map
of Germany and designate Munich Town Centre as your destination. Destinator
automatically displays the map of France when travelling on local roads of that
country, a map of Major Roads of Europe when travelling on a European
motorway, and the map of Germany when travelling on local roads of that
Address Actions
When you have specified an address, tap the Actions button to select from the following Address
Set as Origin
Lets you designate the selected location as the route origin. You would use this command when calculating a
route from a point other than your current location.
Show on Map
Lets you see the selected address on the map.
Add to My Favourites
Lets you add an address to your list of favourite locations, as shown in the figure below. For more
information, see "My Favourites".
Figure 14 - Add Address to My Favourites
Go to your Destination
Search for a Location
Destinator User's Guide 13
After you have specified the address, tap the Next button. Destinator shows your destination on the Map
screen before calculating a route. Check that the destination address is correct at the top of the screen. If
you want to change the destination, tap the Back button and change your address entries.
Figure 15 - Calculate your Destination
When you have specified the address, you can instruct Destinator how to calculate your route by tapping
either the Quick or Short button.
This option selects the route that takes the least amount of time. Quick is the default
This option selects the route that is the shorter distance. Remember, the shorter route may
not always be the quickest, as you are able to travel faster on some roads than on others.
When you are ready, tap the
button to create a route to your selected destination.
Note: Route generation excludes any detours, stops or delays along the route.
Recent Locations
The Recent Locations screen lets you select an existing destination from a list of
destinations that you have previously travelled to. Destinator automatically stores the
last 64 destinations in memory. As each new route is added to the top of the list, the
older destinations at the bottom are erased.
To navigate to a recent destination, tap the Recent Locations button. From the Recent
Locations screen, select a location and tap the Show or Next button. A map appears
showing the specified location. Tap the GO button to calculate the route.
Figure 16 -Travelling to a Recent Location
Search for a Location
Destinator User's Guide 14
From this screen, you can tap the Actions button to select from the following command options.
Set as Origin
Lets you designate the selected location as the route origin. You would use
this command when calculating a route from a point other than your current
Delete Item
Lets you delete a recent location.
Clear List
Lets you clear all locations in the Recent Locations screen.
This button displays the location’s address information.
My Favourites
A Favourite is a destination that you have stored for easy retrieval.
To access a favourite destination, open the Destinations menu and tap the My
Favourites button. The My Favourites screen displays your favourites groups. When you
tap on a selected group, Destinator automatically displays its stored locations. Tap the
selected location to show your destination on a map. Tap the GO button to calculate your
Figure 17 - Travel to a Favourite Location
Note: The My Favourites folder is the default folder where all favourites are stored if not assigned to a
The Show Map screen also lets you set your route type, Quick or Short. For more information, see "Go to
your Destination" (on page
Search for a Location
Destinator User's Guide 15
Favourite Groups
You can tap the Actions button from the My Favourites screen to add, edit, or delete groups, as described
Add Group
When you tap this button, the Favourites Group screen appears. Enter the group
name and select an icon to identify the group, as shown below.
Figure 18 - Create Favourites Group
The icon identifies all destinations located in that group, as displayed on the map.
Edit Group
When you tap this button, the Favourites Group screen appears with the name
and selected image of the highlighted group. You can change the name and icon.
Delete Group
When you tap this button, the selected group and its associated entries are
removed. The My Favourites group cannot be deleted.
Favourite Alerts
Alerts let you know that you are within a certain distance of a favourite location.
You can tap the Alerts button to set the distances for the 1st and 2nd Alerts. When you travel closer than
the designated distance, the alert will sound, as shown below.
Figure 19 - Setting Your Favourite Alerts
Search for a Location
Destinator User's Guide 16
Favourite Alert settings affect all Favourites Groups.
The 2nd Alert must be set to go off at closer distance than the 1st Alert.
Alerts can be set for a group but not for individual locations. Of course, you can always create a group that
has just one location.
You can disable the alerts for all groups by selecting the 1st Alert setting to Off.
You can disable the alerts for a particular group by removing the tick next to the selected group. Activate
that disabled alert by adding a tick next to the selected group.
Figure 20 - Disabled Favourite Alerts
Add Favourite Locations
Tap MY FAVOURITES or any selected group that you have created to display its locations. You can save a
location to your favourites groups from the Address, Recent Locations, or POI screens. For more
information, see "Add to My Favourites (on page
Favourites Actions
From this screen, you can tap the Actions button to display the following commands.
Set as Origin
Lets you designate the selected location as the route origin. You
would use this command when calculating a route from a point
other than your current location.
Show Map
Lets you see the selected address on the map.
Edit Favourite Location
Lets you change the name, comment, or group location for the
selected location.
Delete Favourite Location
Tap the button to remove the selected location.
This button displays additional address information, such as
address details, phone number, and other comments about your
favourite location that you have entered.
Search for a Location
Destinator User's Guide 17
POI (Points of Interest)
The POI list is a collection of hundreds of interesting or useful places organised by easy-to-
find categories. For example, you can use Destinator to guide you to a shopping centre,
hotel, restaurant, or petrol station.
From the Destinations menu, tap the Points of Interest button. The POI screen appears. You can find a
category by tapping the Hide/Display Keyboard
button and entering text in the POI Category field.
The Smart Search System automatically displays the POI categories that match the characters entered.
If you didn’t find the category through the initial search you can also use the Find
button to do a
sub-search, particularly useful when the category name consists of two or more words. You can always
browse the POI Category list by using the Scroll buttons.
When selecting a category, Destinator automatically displays the category entries and the distance each
entry is from your current position. Select your entry and tap or click the Next button to display your
selected destination on the map and then tap the GO button to calculate your route. From the Show on Map
screen, you can designate a route type, Quick or Short. For more information about calculating a route, see
"Go to your Destination (on page
12)" on page 13.
Figure 21 – Points of Interest
Note: From the Actions screen, click the Sort by ABC button to display the category entries in alphabetical
Many categories have subcategories to provide for an even greater list
of choices. For example, “Petrol Station” may have many
subcategories each representing a particular brand name. The same is
also true for Hotels. Restaurants have subcategories that represent
different types of food, such as Indian, Italian, and French, as shown
Figure 22 - POI Subcategories
Search for a Location
Destinator User's Guide 18
Search Near a Location
You can tap the Near button to determine the location area, where you want to search for a specific place,
such as a petrol station, hotel, or restaurant.
The available options are listed below.
Current Location
Lets you search near your current location. This is the default value.
Lets you search near a specified destination. For example, you know your
general destination, but not very much about interesting locations in the area.
You can use Destinator to locate the tourist attractions close to your
destination. Note that this button is enabled only when a destination is
Other Address
Lets you search near another address. For example, you have set a
destination, but on the way you want to stop at another location. You can use
this feature to search near that location for restaurants, lodging, historical
sites, or other locations.
Search Radius
Enter the location distance to search for a designated place. For example, if
you enter 5 km, Destinator only searches within a five kilometre radius.
When you select a large search radius, you risk the chance of finding too
many locations, which makes it harder to find the place that you are searching
for. It is best to start with a small search radius size, and then increase the
radius size if necessary.
Note: if you don’t specify a search radius, Destinator searches the whole
map and displays the locations according to the distance from you.
Show or Hide Symbol on Map
You can add or remove the ticks next to a POI entry to show or hide the POI symbol on the Map.
POI Actions
When you have selected a POI location, tap the Actions button to display the commands listed below.
Set as Origin
Lets you designate the selected location as the route origin. You would use this
command when calculating a route from a point other than your current location.
Show on Map
Lets you see the selected address on the map.
Add to My
Lets you add an address to your list of favourite locations, as shown in the figure
below. For more information, see "My Favourites".
Sort By ABC or
Lets you sort the entries of the selected category alphabetically or by distance from
your current location.
Note: Destinator initially displays the entries by distance.
This button displays the location’s address information.
Search for a Location
Destinator User's Guide 19
Route Manager
From the Options menu, tap the Route Manager button to display Destinator’s route navigation
features, as described in the sections below.
Turn-by-Turn List
When you display the Turn-by-Turn screen by tapping the Directions Bar on the main map, the Turn-by-
Turn list changes as you navigate the route.
After you have entered a destination and calculated a route, the Directions bar appears on the Main Map
screen, displaying the following information:
The next turn direction
The distance to the next turn
The street name of the next turn
When you tap the Directions bar, Destinator displays a complete set of turn-by-turn directions from your
current point to your selected destination. You can also tap the Turn-by-Turn button to display the
direction list.
Use the Scroll buttons to move up or down the directions list.
Figure 23 - Turn-by-Turn Display
The following options are available:
The Route Summary button displays your entire route on the Map screen, plus the travel
distance and the Estimated Travel Time Remaining (ETR).
The Show Turn button displays the next turn on the Map screen, including the street
name, the distance to it, and the turn direction.
The Avoid button lets you avoid the selected turn in the directions list. Destinator
recalculates the route automatically. Note that when you exclude a turn, the recalculated
route may take longer.
Search for a Location
Destinator User's Guide 20
Route Summary or Cancel Route
The Route Summary button lets you display an overview of your complete route on the Map
Manager screen, the total driving distance to your destination, the estimated travel time,
and the complete destination address.
The Cancel Route button, in the Destinations menu, stops the current navigation and clears
the route. This feature is active only after a destination has been set.
Avoid Roads
You can specify that certain roads be permanently excluded from your route calculations. Use this feature
when you want to avoid congested roads, toll roads, or unsafe streets.
From the Route Manager menu, tap the Avoid Roads button. The Avoid Roads screen appears, displaying
the Toll Roads and Avoid Road groups.
Figure 24 – Creating Avoid Road Groups
Avoid Road Groups
From the Avoid Roads screen, tap the Actions button. The Actions screen lets you select from the
following commands:
Add Group
Create a new a group of roads to avoid. For example, you can create a group called
“Country Roads”, where you designate the roads in that area to be avoided.
When you tap the Add Group button, the Avoid Roads Group screen appears. Enter
the group name and tap Save.
Edit Group
Select a group and tap this button to change the group name. When you tap the Edit
Group button, the Avoid Roads Group screen appears displaying the group name.
Change the group name and tap Save. The new name is displayed on the Avoid
Roads screen.
Search for a Location
Destinator User's Guide 21
Delete Group
Select a group and tap this button to remove the group from the Avoid Roads screen.
The road entries in this group are also removed.
When selecting a group route, you can tap the
or buttons to include or exclude all
roads located in the group.
Avoid Road Locations
When you tap Default or an Avoid Roads group, Destinator displays the group screen, which lets you select
roads to avoid. From this screen, you can use the Allow or Avoid buttons to include or exclude a selected
road when calculating a route.
Figure 25 - Adding a Road to Avoid
Note: You cannot specify a particular toll road.
You can tap the Actions button from this screen to select from the following commands:
Add Road
Lets you select a road. An address screen appears for you to specify a town and
street. When you have completed updating your road information, tap Save.
Edit Road
Lets you rename the road and select a different group. When you have made your
changes, tap Save.
Delete Road
Select a road and tap this button to remove the road from your group. Destinator
no longer avoids the removed road.
Show on Map
Lets you show the map with the displayed destination for you to review before
creating a route.
This button displays the location’s address information.
Route Playback
This feature lets you record your route as you’re driving and then to play it back on the Main
Map screen. From the Route Manager menu, tap the Route Playback button.
To record a route, tap the Record button in the Route Playback screen. Destinator shows the Main Map
screen and navigates you to your selected destination. To stop recording, return to the Route Playback
screen and tap the Stop button.
To playback your recording, select the data file, and tap the Play button. Destinator shows the Map
screen to play the recorded route. To stop the playback, return to the Route Playback screen and tap the
Stop button.
Search for a Location
Destinator User's Guide 22
Route Playback Actions
You can tap the Actions button to display the following commands:
Delete Recording
This button lets you remove a selected recording.
Clear All Recordings
This button removes all recordings.
Playback Speed
Use the arrow keys to adjust the playback speed. The range is from 100% to
Quick Navigation
You can define the QuickNav location by selecting either the To Predefined Address or To Nearest POI
Category in the QuickNav Settings screen. When the location is selected, you can navigate to your
address by tapping the QuickNav
button displayed on the Main Map screen.
For example, if you have selected "Gas Stations" as the QuickNav destination, when you click the QuickNav
from the Main Map screen, Destinator automatically creates a route to the closest gas station.
Figure 26 - Setting the QuickNav Location
Search for a Location
Destinator User's Guide 23
Map Manager
From the Options menu, tap the Map Manager button to display Destinator’s map navigation features, as
described in the sections below.
Select Map
This feature lets you change the currently selected map to another map saved on your SD memory card. If
you want to store additional maps on your memory card, see “Maps” on page 31.
You can tap the Select Map button to display the maps saved on your SD memory card. The Select Map
screen displays map details and version numbers. The map currently used appears at the top of the list.
Figure 27 - Select a Map
You can choose from the following Select Map commands:
Lets you refresh the screen when a new memory card is inserted into the device.
Lets you permanently remove a selected map.
Note: You cannot delete the current map.
Lets you designate a selected map as the current map.
Pedestrian Mode
The Pedestrian Mode button lets you toggle between travelling as a pedestrian or in a
vehicle. When in Pedestrian Mode, you can generate a route up to ten kilometres and you
are not limited by vehicle constraints, such as one way streets. When creating a pedestrian
route, Destinator avoids motorways or other roads where pedestrians would not travel.
Voice prompts are deactivated in this mode.
Free Map Browsing
This feature lets you browse the map without the GPS receiver returning you to your
current location. Tap the Free Map Browsing button to disconnect from the GPS receiver.
When you are ready to reconnect to the GPS receiver, go to the Settings menu and tap the
button. From the GPS Signal screen, tap the button.
Search for a Location
Destinator User's Guide 24
Units of Measure
You can tap the Units of Measure button to specify the measurement system you would
like to use.
You can select:
o Miles/Yards
o Miles, 10
of a Mile
o Kilometres, Metres
Map Settings
You can tap the Map Settings button to customize your map display, as shown in the
figure below.
The following map settings are:
Map Orientation
Forward is up – This option orients the map so that your forward direction
is always at the top.
North is up – This option orients the map so that North is always at the
Use Automatic Zoom
When this option is selected, the zoom is speed dependent. The map
zooms out at higher speeds, displaying a larger map area, and zooms in
at slower speeds, displaying a smaller map area. If you manually change
the zoom, the Automatic Zoom returns to a system defined zoom level
after several seconds of inactivity.
Use Larger Print
This option increases the size of street names to make the map easier to
Search for a Location
Destinator User's Guide 25
From the Options menu, tap the Extras button, to display the Destinator add-ons as described in the
sections below.
Multistop Planner
The Multistop Planner lets you plan a route with up to twelve stops.
When you tap the GO button, the route is calculated in stages, from the departure point to the
first stop. When you reach the first stop, the route recalculates to the second stop, and so on.
Figure 28- Travel to Multiple Routes
The Show Map screen provides you with the following route types: Quick and Short. You can select Short
(the default value) to calculate a route with the shorter physical distance between your current location and
the selected designation. When you tap the GO button, Destinator automatically calculates the faster
Defining Route Groups
A Route Group represents a group of stops.
From the Multistop Planner screen, select the Actions button and tap Add Group. From the Add Group
screen, enter the Group name and save. The Actions screen also lets you edit or delete a selected group.
Figure 29 - Defining the Route Group
Search for a Location
Destinator User's Guide 26
Setting Stops Along the Route
You can set up stops by selecting the Route Group and tapping the Next button. From the Stops screen,
tap the Actions button to add, rename, or delete a destination.
Add a stop by Address, POI, My Favourites, or Recent Locations. Select one of these options, and specify a
location. The selected location appears in the Stops screen.
Figure 30 - Specifying a Stop
When in the Stops screen, you can use the following commands:
Use the Up or Down buttons to change the order of your itinerary.
Shows the stop destination on the map and lets you select a route type, Quick or
Short. Tap GO to calculate the stop destination.
Select the Show button to view the selected stop destination on the map.
Stops Actions
You can tap the Actions button for the following command options:
Set as Origin
Lets you designate the selected address as the route origin. You would use this
command when calculating a route from a point other than your current location.
Note: You are still connected to the GPS signal.
Add Stop
Lets you add a location by specifying an address from recent locations, favourite
locations, or pre-defined POIs, such as fuel, food, or lodging.
Rename Stop
Lets you change the stop information, such as name, comments, or route group.
Delete Stop
Lets you remove a selected stop.
Optimize Route
Your trip itinerary is created by the sequence of stops entered. This may not be
the most efficient route. When you click Optimize Stops, Destinator changes the
order of stops to create the most efficient route.
This button displays the location’s address information.
Destinator User's Guide 27
4 - Settings
You can select the types of voice and visual notifications that you would like to use while
navigating. From the Settings menu, tap the Prompts button. The Prompts screen appears.
Voice Prompts
Speed Warning
Warns you when your car exceeds the speed limit. This prompt is not active by
Activated when Destinator recalculates a new route. This prompt is not active
by default.
Unreliable GPS
Warns that the GPS signal is too low and unreliable for navigation. This prompt
is automatically active by default.
GPS Not Found
Alerts you if the GPS signal is lost, or if the power is removed from the GPS
Drive Carefully
Reminder at the start of each journey. This prompt is automatically active by
Visual Prompts
Directions are displayed as text.
Directions are displayed as symbols.
Directions are not displayed.
Language Settings
Lets you select the language for text and voice travel messages and driving directions.
Look & Feel Settings
Lets you select from other preinstalled skins. A skin determines how screens and buttons are
Destinator User's Guide 28
GPS Settings
Destinator uses the GPS receiver to pinpoint your location. GPS signals are automatically
acquired and your vehicle's location and position are constantly updated unless you are
working in the Free Browse Map mode or you tap the GPS Off button. The GPS receiver
may take a few minutes to find its initial location. For best results, ensure that the GPS
receiver has a clear view of the sky.
The following GPS information is displayed:
Longitude - The angular distance east or west on the earth's surface.
Latitude - The location of a place north or south of the earth's surface.
Speed - The rate of movement, as expressed by kilometres or miles per hour.
Altitude - The height above sea level.
and buttons let you connect or disconnect from the GPS receiver. If you are
working in Free Browse Map mode, Destinator automatically disconnects from the GPS receiver.
Tap the GPS Set button to display the following Connection fields:
COM Port
This field lets you specify the Communications port.
Note: Most Bluetooth receivers use COM 6 or COM 8. Most serial receivers use
COM 1.
Baud Rate
This field lets you specify the transmission rate of data.
This field displays the GPS protocol. The default value is NMEA.
Note: Most receivers use NMEA 4800.
Connect to GPS
This button lets you locate the GPS receiver by the values you have entered
in the COM, Baud, and Protocol fields.
Demo Button
The Start Demo button lets Destinator display a simulated route. Many of the Destinator navigation
features are disabled when the Demo is running. You can end the Demo by tapping the Stop Demo button.
Destinator User's Guide 29
5 - Installation Requirements
PC Requirements
Minimum System Requirements for PC:
o CPU: AMD/ c 3.8 and higher. Intel® Processor (300 MHz or faster)
o Operating System: Windows® 2000/XP
o Memory: 128 MB RAM (or more)
o Free space on hard drive for installation: at least 500 MB
o CD-ROM: 4x drive (or more)
Installing the Console
To install the Destinator Console:
1. Insert the Destinator Disk into the PC's CD-ROM drive. The Destinator Console Installation
Wizard prompts you to select the language used for the installation process. When you have
selected a language, click OK.
2. Please read the Welcome message and click Next.
3. From the Select Directory screen, either accept the recommended default directory or browse to a
different directory to install the Destinator Console. Click Next.
4. The Installation Confirmation screen displays your installation choices. If you are ready to install,
click Next. The Installation Status box displays the progress of the installation process.
5. When the installation is complete, click the Finish button to close the wizard.
Note: You can uninstall the Destinator Console by opening the Microsoft Windows Programs menu,
selecting DestinatorApps>Uninstall Console.
Console Toolbar
The following options are available from the Console Toolbar:
Figure 31 – Console Toolbar
Install Software
Lets you install the Navigation System to your device.
lets you install or remove a map. For more information, see "Installing a Map
(on page
Cut Map
Lets you cut sections of a map and define them as separate smaller maps. The
end user can also define a multi-stop route on the map and cut it as a separate
map as well. For more information, see Map Cutter Screen Interface (on
Installation Requirements
Destinator User's Guide 30
Installing Destinator Software to the SD Memory Card
To install Destinator software:
1. From the Microsoft
Windows Programs menu, click DestinatorApps/Destinator Console. The
Destinator Console opens.
2. Connect the USB cable from your card reader to the USB port on your computer. Make sure that the
SD card is inserted into the card reader’s SD slot.
3. Click the Install Software button, the Destinator Agreement screen is displayed. Click the I Agree
button to continue.
4. Destinator prompts you to select a target device for software installation. Select Removable Disk and
click OK. The Available Memory and Memory Balance fields display the amount of space available on
the SD card.
5. The Destinator Console starts installing the Destinator software to the SD card. Installation is
indicated by the Installation Progress bar.
After you have installed the Destinator Console to your proprietary device, you must select at least one
map. For information about installing maps, see "Installing a Map (on page 31)".
Destinator User's Guide 31
6 - Maps
Map Screen Interface
On the Destinator Console, a collection of available maps is displayed, as shown in the figure below.
Standard Maps
Maps available for installation.
My Maps
Maps that have been customized from a standard map.
Installed Maps
Standard and customised maps that are already loaded on your device.
Transferring a Map onto the SD Memory Card
1 Connect the Card Reader to your desktop PC by using a USB cable.
2 Insert your SD card into the Card Reader.
3 Select the required maps (Be aware of the size of your memory card). Click Change (bottom right) and
select Removable Disk.
4 Click Install/Remove Maps on the toolbar.
5 Remove the SD card from the Card Reader and insert it into the navigation device.
Figure 32 –Installing a Map
Destinator User's Guide 32
Map Cutter Screen Interface
Due to memory limitations of your device, you may want to customize a standard map by selecting the area
you need.
You can crop a standard map from the Map Cutter screen. Select a standard map and click the Cut Map
button. The Map Cutter screen appears, as shown in the figure below.
Figure 33 –Cutting a Map
The following tools are provided to help you easily move, view, and designate an area on the map:
You can use the Pan tool to move the map up, down, left, or right.
You can use the Zoom tool to increase or decrease the map detail. You can also use the
scroll bar to zoom in or out.
You can use the Crop tool to designate an area on the map that you want to cut. When
you have selected your focus by using the focus tools, as described below, click the Crop
tool to designate an area on the standard map.
You can use the Cut tool to create a customized map from your designated area.
Destinator User's Guide 33
Focus the Map
The following tools are provided to help you focus your map, so you can designate the area that you want to
You can click the Address tool to set the origin of the map to a Town, Street Address,
or Road Junction. The Address dialog box provides the Show… and Set… buttons to
view and set the map focus.
You can click the POI tool to set the origin of the map to a point of interest. The POI
dialogue box displays all categories in the left pane. When you click a category, the items
associated with the category appear in the right pane. You can click the Show POI and
Set POI buttons to view and set the map focus.
You can click the Select tool to set the origin of the map by a predefined sub-region. A
list of sub-regions is displayed in a pane to the right of the map. When you click a sub-
region, that area is highlighted.
Focus the Map by Route
Destinator supports route cutting, which allows you to create a map composed of points on a route. To
create the route, you must specify two or more points. After the route has been created, you can cut a map
from your route specifications.
Click the Route
tool. The Route pane appears. Use the Address and POI tools to set route points.
Click the Create Route button. Your route is highlighted in blue. Click the Cut Map tool.
The following commands are described below:
Click this button to centre the map on the selected point.
Click this button to delete the selected point.
Click this button to delete all selected points.
Click these buttons to move a selected point up or down.
Corridor You can select the amount of surrounding area that is included along the route's path, as
measured in kilometres or miles.
Route You can select either the quickest route, as determined by speed limit, or the shortest
physical route.
Destinator User's Guide 34
Cut Map
When you have designated your map area, click the Cut Map tool. The Cut Map dialogue box
appears, as shown in the figure below.
Figure 34 – Cut the Map Box
You must enter a map name and description. If you have entered a name that already exists,
Destinator prompts you to enter a different name.
You can click the Estimate button to display the map size. This is an important feature when memory space
is limited.
Load Map
On the Destinator Console, you can refresh your maps by clicking Tools>Refresh New Map Data.
Select the map that you wish to load by clicking on the map image or select it from the list. A checkmark
represents a selected map.
From the Target Device pane, click the Change button to specify where to install the map. You can choose
from Main Memory, Storage Card, or Removable Disk. After you have selected your target device and have
confirmed that there's sufficient memory, click the Install/Remove Maps button. Your selected maps are
installed and appear in the Installed Maps pane.
Remove Map
In the Target Device pane, click the Change button and select the location from where to remove the
map. You can choose from Main Memory, Storage Card, or Removable Disk. This updates the Installed
Map pane.
The Installed Map pane displays a list of all the loaded maps available. Select the check box by the map
you want to remove. Click the Install/Remove Maps button to remove the selected map.
Destinator User's Guide 35
Add Favourite Locations • 16
Add to My Favourites • 12, 16
Address Actions • 12
Address Modes • 11
Avoid Road Groups • 20
Avoid Road Locations • 21
Avoid Roads • 4, 20
Console Toolbar • 29
Cut Map • 34
Cycling Through Screens • 9
Defining Route Groups • 25
Destinations Menu • 3
Destinator Features • 2
Destinator Guided Tour • 2
Enter Address • 3, 10
Extras • 3, 4, 5, 25
Favourite Alerts • 15
Favourite Groups • 15
Favourites Actions • 16
Focus the Map • 33
Focus the Map by Route • 33
Free Map Browsing • 23
Getting Started • 3
Go to your Destination • 12, 14, 17
GPS Not Found • 7
GPS Settings • 6, 7, 28
Installation Requirements • 29
Installing a Map • 29, 30
Installing the Console • 29
Introduction • 2
Language Settings • 6, 27
Load Map • 34
Look & Feel Settings • 6, 27
Main Map • 6
Map Cutter Screen Interface • 29, 32
Map Manager • 4, 23
Map Manager Menu • 3, 5
Map Screen Interface • 31
Map Settings • 5, 24
Map Views • 4, 8
Maps • 30, 31
Menus • 3
Multistop Planner • 5, 25
My Favourites • 3, 14
Options Menu • 3, 4
PC Requirements • 29
Pedestrian Mode • 23
POI (Points of Interest) • 3, 17
POI Actions • 18
Point on the Map • 8
Prompts • 6, 27
Quick Navigation • 4, 22
Recent Locations • 3, 13
Remove Map • 34
Route Manager • 4, 19
Route Manager Menu • 3, 4
Route Playback • 4, 21
Route Playback Actions • 22
Route Summary or Cancel Route • 20
Screen Buttons • 9
Search for a Location • 10
Search Near a Location • 18
Select Map • 5, 23
Set as Origin • 12
Setting Stops Along the Route • 26
Settings Menu • 3, 6
Show on Map • 12
Show or Hide Symbol on Map • 18
Stops Actions • 26
Subcategories • 17
Technical Support • 2
Turn-by-Turn List • 4, 19
Units of Measure • 5, 24
Visual Prompts • 27
Voice Prompts • 27

Hulp nodig? Stel uw vraag in het forum



  • Ik heb een view fun Gp135 en deze wil ik update.
    Wie kan mij helpen.
    groejes Elly
    Gesteld op 20-10-2018 om 21:36

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
  • kan ik de view Fun nooit meer gebruiken?
    Wat is de reden hier van?
    Gr Elly Geantwoord op 21-10-2018 om 22:56

    Waardeer dit antwoord Misbruik melden
  • Ik zoek het snoertje van de auto stopcontackt 12 volt na de navigatie van viewfun gp -135

    wie kan mij daar aan helpen

    nel.rietsnijder@hotmail.com Gesteld op 25-9-2014 om 19:07

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
    • Dag Nel
      Ik kan U wel helpen met een snoertje
      maar daar zit een verloop stekker bij
      de verloop stekker is 12 volt met 2 x
      USB aansluiting van 5 volt voor de
      viewfun gp 135 ik heb dezelfde navigatie
      met de zelfde stekker en snoertje en het
      werkt perfect mijn mail adres is
      Ik hoor het wel
      M.v.g Jan Geantwoord op 25-9-2014 om 19:48

      Waardeer dit antwoord (1) Misbruik melden
  • Kreeg van mn ouders de gps vieuwfun gp-135 maar nu zoek ik voor een update...waar kan ik deze vinden en installeer ik hem op de card....(heb dit nog nooit gedaan) dus uitleg is ook altijd welkom Gesteld op 23-3-2014 om 22:03

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
  • mijn sd kaart van mijn mustek 135 is weg wie kan mij helpen
    heb wel al een nieuwe maar kan geen software vinden
    gr mark
    mijn e mail
    fam.van.niekerken@live.nl Gesteld op 27-12-2012 om 22:17

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
    • als het mogelijk is om de kaart van de GP135 op een andere kaart te copieeren wil ik mijn kaart wel even aan de fam uitlenenr het wel
      ik hoor het wel
      M.v.g J.v.Erven
      Geantwoord op 27-12-2012 om 23:07

      Waardeer dit antwoord (5) Misbruik melden
  • Ik heb ook nog wel een backup op me pc staan.. Laat maar weten..

    Ris Geantwoord op 28-12-2012 om 11:02

    Waardeer dit antwoord (5) Misbruik melden
  • Is U inmiddels geslaagd met een nieuwe sd kaart?
    zo ja gaarne een mail naar avanvelsen@ziggo.nl Geantwoord op 26-4-2014 om 15:48

    Waardeer dit antwoord Misbruik melden
  • Mijn sd kaart van de mustek is gewist hoe kan ik dit weer repareren of nieuw downloaden?

    Gesteld op 23-8-2010 om 13:37

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
  • heb je hem al ik heb wel een backup van me software ,kan ik wel sturen indien nog van toepassing Geantwoord op 29-3-2012 om 16:48

    Waardeer dit antwoord (11) Misbruik melden

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