bat te ry ti ps
cop y r ight
Certain mob ile phone features are depen dent on the capabilit ies and
settings of you r service pr ovider’ s network. A dditionally , certain
feature s may no t be act ivated by your ser vice pr ovider , and/or the
provider ’ s netw ork set tings ma y limit the feat ure’ s function ality . Always
contact y our servic e provide r about feat ure ava ilabilit y and
functio nality . All feat ures, func tional ity , and other product
specificat ions, as we ll as the i nform ation co ntained in this u ser’ s gui de
are based upon the l atest a vailable inf ormatio n and are b elieved t o be
accurat e at th e time o f pri nting. M otorola rese rves t he right t o ch ange
or modi fy any inf ormation or specifi catio ns witho ut notic e or obligat ion.
Software Co pyright Notice
The Motor ola product s describ ed in this manual may include
copyrig hted Mot orola and t hird-par ty so ftware stored in semi conduct or
memories or oth er media. L aws in the United St ates and o ther cou ntries
preserve for M otorola a nd third- party softwa re pr oviders ce rtain
exclusi ve right s for copy right ed soft ware , such as t he exclu sive rig hts to
distribu te or re produc e the c opyri ghted so ftware. Acco rdingly , any
copyright ed soft ware contai ned in t he Motor ola produc ts may not be
modifie d, revers e-engineer ed, dist ribut ed, or re produced in any manne r
to the e xtent a llowed b y law . Furtherm ore, t he purc hase of the M otorola
product s shall not be deeme d to gran t eit her direc tly or by implica tion,
estoppel, or other wise, any license under th e copyr ights, pa tents, o r
patent ap plication s of Motorola or any t hird-par ty soft ware provid er ,
except for the normal , non-e xclusiv e, ro yalty- free lic ense to u se that
arises b y operation of law in t he sale o f a product .
Specific A bsorption Rate D ata
SAR Data
This model m eets internat ional gui delines f or exposur e to rad io
Y our mobile device is a radio trans mitte r and re ceiver . It is des igned no t to
exceed the lim its for expo sure to radi o waves recom mended by
interna tiona l guide lines. Th ese gu ideline s were de velope d by the
indepen dent s cientifi c organi zation I CNIRP a nd incl ude safet y margi ns
design ed to as sure the p rotec tion of al l perso ns, rega rdle ss of age an d
The guide lines use a un it of measu rem ent know n as the S pecific
Absorp tion Rate, or SAR . The I CNIRP SA R limit f or m obiles devic es u sed by
th e gener al pub lic is 2 W/k g and th e high est SA R value for thi s devi ce
when t ested at t he ea r was
0.34 W/kg.
As m obile device s of fer a rang e of
functio ns, the y can be us ed in o ther posi tions , such as on the body as
describe d in thi s user gu ide.
In this cas e, the hi ghes t tested S AR valu e is
As SAR is measur ed uti lizing the dev ice’ s hi ghest tr ansmi tting po wer , the
actual SAR of thi s device w hile o perati ng is typi cally be low tha t indic ated
above. This is du e to au toma tic cha nges to t he pow er lev el of the devi ce to
ensure i t only us es the min imum level re quired to reac h the net work.
While th ere m ay be d iffer ences b etw een th e SAR l evels of vari ous pho nes
an d at va riou s po siti ons , they al l mee t th e gove rnmen tal req uire ment s for
saf e ex posure . Pl ease not e that im provem ents to t his p rod uct m odel coul d
cause d ifferen ces in the S AR v alue for late r prod ucts; in all c ases, produ cts
are d esigne d to be within the gui deline s.
The W orld Health O rganizat ion has s tated that pres ent sci entific
inform ation do es not indica te the ne ed for a ny spec ial prec aution s for th e
use of mo bile dev ices. Th ey no te that if y ou want to reduc e your ex posu re
then you c an do s o by limiti ng the len gth of c alls or using a “h ands-fr ee”
device to keep the mobil e phon e away fr om the he ad and bo dy .
Additi onal In formati on ca n be fou nd on the website s of the Wo rld Hea lth
Organ ization
(http://www.who.i nt/emf)
or Motorola , Inc.
(h ttp://
www.motorola.com/rfhealth ).
1. The test s are carried out in accorda nce with int ernational gu idelines for testing.
The limi t incorpo rates a substant ial margin fo r safety to give addition al
protec tion for the pub lic and to accoun t for any var iations in measu rements.
Additi onal relate d information includes th e Motorola te sting protoc ol,
asse ssment proc edure, and meas urement unce rtaint y range for this product.
2. Pl ease se e t he
Safe ty and General Informat ion
section abo ut body worn
operat ion.
European U nion Direct ives Conforma nce Statement
EU Conforma nce
Here by , Motoro la decl are s that this p roduc t is in
com plianc e with :
•The ess ential req uirement s and oth er relev ant
provision s of Direc tive 1999/5/E C
•All other re levant EU Directives
The above gives an example o f a typi cal Pr oduct Ap proval Num ber .
Y o u c an view your product ’ s Declar ation of Conformit y (DoC) to D irectiv e
1999/5/ EC (to R&TT E Directi ve) at
www.mo torola. com/rtt e. T o f ind your
DoC, ent er the Pr oduct A pproval N umber f rom you r produc t’ s lab el in the
“Sea rch” bar on the Web s ite.
Safety and G eneral Inform ation
Safe ty In forma tion
This se ction contain s important inf ormation on the s afe and
efficient operation of y our mobile devic e. Read this info rmation
before usin g your mobil e device.
Exposure to R adio Frequency ( RF) Energy
Y o ur mobil e device contains a t ransmit ter and re ceiver . When it is ON, it
receiv es and tr ansmits R F energ y . When you comm unicate with your
mobile device, the system hand ling your ca ll contro ls the power l evel at
which your mob ile device t ransmits.
Y our M otorola mobi le device is designed t o comply with l ocal regu latory
requirem ents in you r count ry concer ning expo sure of human being s to RF
energ y .
Operati onal Preca utions
For opt imal mob ile devi ce perf ormance and to be sure that huma n
exposure t o RF en ergy doe s not exce ed the guid elines se t fort h in the
relevant standa rds, alwa ys follo w these i nstruc tions an d precau tions.
External Antenna Care
If your mob ile devic e has an ext ernal antenna , use only a Motorola-
supplied o r approv ed rep lacement antenna. U se of una uthorized
antennas , modific ations, or atta chments could da mage t he mobile device
and/or may r esult in your device n ot complying wi th local regu latory
requirem ents in you r count ry .
DO NOT ho ld the ex ternal ant enna when the mo bile devic e is IN USE .
Holding the ext ernal ant enna affe cts call q uality and may cau se th e
mobile dev ice to op erate at a highe r powe r level t han need ed.
Product Oper ation
When placin g or receiving a phone call, hold y our mobil e device jus t like
you would a landline ph one.
If you wear the m obile device o n your bo dy , always place the mobile
device in a M otorola-s upplied o r approved clip, ho lder , holster , case, or
body har ness. If y ou do no t use a bo dy-wor n accesso ry supp lied or
approve d by Mot orola—or if yo u hang y our mobil e dev ice from a lanyard
around y our neck—ke ep the mob ile devi ce and its antenna at least
2.5 centimeter s (1 inch) f rom your body when transmit ting.
When using any data featu re of t he mobile dev ice, wit h or wi thout an
accessory cable, po sition the mobile device a nd its ant enna at l east
2.5 centimeter s (1 inch) f rom your body .
Using ac cessories n ot supplie d or ap proved b y Motorola may caus e your
mobile dev ice to exc eed RF e nergy expos ure guide lines. Fo r a list of
Motorola -supplie d or ap proved ac cessori es, v isit our Web site at:
www. moto rola. com.
RF E nergy Int erference/Comp atibility
Nearly ever y elect ronic device i s subjec t to RF energy interfere nce from
extern al sources if inadequ ately shield ed, des igned, or o therwise
configured for RF ener gy compatibilit y . In some circumstances your
mobi le de vice may c ause i nterf erenc e wit h othe r de vices.
Follow Instructions to Avoid Interference P roblems
T urn off your mob ile devic e in any locat ion where pos ted not ices instruc t
you to do s o.
In an airc raft, t urn off your mo bile devic e wheneve r ins tructed t o do so by
airline s taff. If y our mobile device of fers an ai rplane mode or s imilar
featur e, consul t airl ine st aff abou t using it in fli ght.
Implantabl e Medical De vices
If you ha ve an impla ntable med ical de vice, such as a pac emaker o r
defibrilla tor , consult your physician before u sing this mo bile devic e.
Persons wi th impl antable medical de vices sho uld obser ve the f ollowing
precaution s:
• AL WA YS keep the mobi le devi ce more tha n 20 cent imeters (8 in ches)
from the implant able med ical device when the mobile device is turned
• DO NOT car ry the mobile d evice in the breas t pocket .
• Use the ear oppos ite the implant able medic al devi ce to mini mize th e
potentia l for interfe rence.
• T urn OFF the mobile de vice imm ediatel y if you have any reason t o
suspect that interferen ce is ta king p lace.
1. T he information p rovided in this doc ument supersede s the general s afety informatio n in
user’ s guides published prior to May 1, 200 7.
Read and f ollow the d irect ions fr om the man ufactur er of your implant able
medical dev ice. If you h ave an y questi ons about using your m obile devic e
with your i mplantable medical de vice, co nsult your health car e provide r .
Driving Pre cautions
Check th e laws and regulat ions on t he use of mobile dev ices in the area
where yo u drive. A lways ob ey them.
When using you r mobi le device while driv ing, plea se:
• Give ful l atte ntion to drivin g and to t he roa d. Using a mobile de vice
may be distract ing. Disc ontinue u se if you can’ t c oncentr ate on d riving.
• Use hand sfree o peration, if availab le.
• Pull off the road and par k before m aking or a nswering a call if drivin g
condition s so require.
• Do not pla ce a mobile device i n the airb ag deplo yment ar ea.
Responsibl e driving pr actice s can be found in t he “Smar t Practic es While
Driving” s ection in this user’ s gu ide and/ or at th e Motoro la We b site :
www. motor ola. com/ ca llsm art.
Note: Th e use of wi reless pho nes while d rivin g may ca use distra ction.
Discontinue a call if you can’ t concentrate on dri ving. Addit ionally , the
use of wi reless devices and their accesso ries may be prohib ited or
restrict ed in cert ain areas . Always obey the laws and r egulations on the
use of thes e pro ducts.
Operati onal Warnings
Obey all po sted signs when usin g mobile dev ices in public areas .
Potenti ally Explosi ve Atmospheres
Areas wi th potent ially explosiv e atmosp heres are o ften but not a lways
posted a nd can incl ude fuelin g areas suc h as belo w decks on boats, f uel
or chemica l transfer or stora ge facilities , or are as where th e air con tains
chemical s or partic les, su ch as grain dust, or metal powders.
When you ar e in suc h an area, turn off your m obile devic e, and do n ot
remove, ins tall, or char ge batter ies. In su ch areas, s parks can oc cur and
cause an ex plosion or fire.
Symbol Key
Y our battery , charger , or mo bile devic e may co ntain sy mbols, define d as
Batteri es and Chargers
Caution : Improper treatmen t or use of batter ies may presen t a
danger of fire, exp losion, leakage, or othe r hazard. For more
informa tion, s ee the “ Battery U se & B attery Safet y” sectio n in this
user’s guide.
Choking Ha zards
Y our mobile device o r its acc essori es may in clude det achable pa rts,
which may presen t a choking hazard to small children. Keep you r mobile
device and it s accesso ries away from sma ll children.
Symbol Definition
Import ant saf ety info rmation foll ows.
Do not d ispose of your b attery or mobile dev ice in
a fi re.
Y our battery or mobi le device may requ ire
recycl ing in ac cordance with local laws. Co ntact
your loc al regulator y authorit ies for more
inform ation.
Do not t hrow your batter y or mobi le device in the
Y our mobile dev ice conta ins an int ernal lith ium ion
batte ry .
Do not l et yo ur batte ry , charger , o r mobile de vice
get we t.
Listenin g at full v olume to music or voice thr ough
a heads et may da mage your hearing.
Glass Parts
Some parts of yo ur mobile device may be made of glass. Thi s glass could
break if th e product i s dropped on a hard s urface or receives a s ubstantial
impact. If gl ass bre aks, do n ot touc h or att empt to r emove. St op using
your mobile d evice unt il the glass is replace d by a qual ified ser vice
center .
Seizures /Blackouts
Some peop le may be sus ceptible to epilept ic seizu res or blac kouts when
exposed to f lashing ligh ts, suc h as when play ing video ga mes. Th ese may
occur eve n if a per son has n ever had a pr evious seizure o r blackout .
If you have experien ced seizu res or bl ackouts, or if you ha ve a fami ly
history of s uch occur rences, pl ease con sult w ith your ph ysician before
playing vi deo games or en abling a flashin g-light s featur e (if available) on
your mobile d evice.
Disconti nue use and cons ult a physici an if any of the follow ing symp toms
occur: con vulsion, eye or mu scle tw itching, l oss of a warenes s,
involunta ry moveme nts, or disorien tatio n. It is a lways a good idea to hold
the scree n away fr om your eyes, leav e the light s on in t he room, t ake a
15-minute break e very ho ur , and stop use if you are very tired.
Caution About High Volume Usage
Listenin g at f ull volume to musi c or voic e throug h a headse t
may dam age your hearing.
Repetitiv e Motion
When you r epetitively perfor m action s such as pressin g keys or entering
finger -written c haracte rs, you may exp erienc e occasi onal di scomfo rt in
your hands, arms, s houlders , neck, or ot her p arts of you r body . If you
continue to have d iscomfo rt du ring o r after such use, stop us e and see a
physici an.
Indust ry Canada No tice to Users
Industry Canada Notice
Operation is subject t o the foll owing two con ditions: (1) Th is device m ay
not cause in terf erence and (2) This device mus t accept a ny inter ferenc e,
including in terf erence tha t may c ause undes ired oper ation of the dev ice.
See RSS-GEN 7.1.5.
FCC Notice t o Users
FCC N ot ice
The fo llowing state ment appli es to all produc ts that have
received F CC approval. App licable pro ducts bear the FCC l ogo,
and/or an FCC ID in the format F CC-ID:xxxxxx on the product
Motorola has not a pproved any chan ges or mo dific ations t o this de vice by
the user . Any changes or modif icatio ns could void the user’ s au thori ty to
operate t he equipme nt. S ee 47 CFR S ec. 15.21 .
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Ru les. Oper ation i s subject
to the f ollowing two cond itions : (1) This d evice may not cause ha rmful
interferen ce, and (2) this d evice mu st accept any int erference receiv ed,
including in terfer ence tha t may caus e undesir ed operat ion. See 4 7 CFR
Sec. 15.19(3).
This equipme nt has been tested a nd foun d to comply with the li mits for a
Class B di gital device , pursuan t to par t 15 of the FCC Rules. T hese l imits
are desig ned to provi de reaso nable prot ecti on against harmful
interferen ce in a resident ial insta llation . This equip ment g enerates, u ses
and can r adiate rad io freque ncy ener gy and, if not ins talled and used in
acco rdance with t he i nstructio ns, ma y caus e harm ful in terfe rence to radio
communications . However , th ere is no guarante e that inter ference w ill
not occur in a par ticular ins tallatio n. If this equipment does ca use harm ful
interfer ence to radio or telev ision r eceptio n, which c an be dete rmined by
turning t he eq uipment of f and o n, the us er i s encourag ed to try t o corr ect
the inter ference by one or m ore of t he followin g measur es:
• Reorient o r reloca te the r eceiving antenna.
• Increase t he separ ation between t he equipmen t and t he re ceiver .
• Connect t he equi pment t o an ou tlet on a circ uit di fferent from t hat to
which the receiv er is connec ted.
• Consult t he deale r or an expe rienc ed radio/T V techn ician f or help.
Heari ng Aid Compatib ility with Mobi le Phones
Hea ri ng Ai ds
Some Motor ola phon es are m easured for compat ibility with hearing ai ds.
If the box for your partic ular model has “Rate d for Hea ring Ai ds” printe d
on it, the followi ng explana tion ap plies.
When some mobile phones ar e used ne ar some h earing dev ices (he aring
aids and coc hlear impla nts), us ers may de tect a b uzzing, humm ing, or
whining nois e. Some he aring dev ices ar e more imm une th an others to
this inte rferen ce noise, and phon es also var y in the amount of
interfer ence th ey gen erate.
The wireles s teleph one indust ry has de veloped r atings for some o f the ir
mobile ph ones, to assist hea ring de vice us ers in fi nding p hones that m ay
be compatibl e with thei r hearing devi ces. Not all phone s have been rat ed.
Phones th at are r ated hav e the rat ing on the ir box or a l abel on the box.
The ratin gs ar e not gua rante es. Result s will vary d ependin g on the u ser’ s
hearing dev ice and h earing los s. If your hearin g device happ ens to be
vulnerabl e to inter ference, y ou may n ot be a ble to use a rated phone
successfu lly . T ryin g out the phone w ith your hearing de vice is the be st
way to evalu ate it f or your per sonal nee ds.
M-Ratings : Phone s rated M3 or M4 m eet FC C requir ements a nd are
likely to generat e less int erfere nce to he aring dev ices th an phone s that
are not la beled. M4 is the bet ter/highe r of the two rat ings.
T -R atings: Phones ra ted T3 or T4 meet FCC requirem ents and are likely
to be mor e usable wi th a he aring dev ice’ s tele coil (“T Sw itch” or
“T elephone Swi tch”) than unrat ed phones . T4 is th e bett er/higher of the
two rati ngs. (Note that n ot all hear ing devices have te lecoils in them.)
Hearing dev ices ma y also be mea sured f or immunit y to th is type of
interferen ce. Y our hearing device manuf actur er or hea ring healt h
professi onal may help you f ind re sults for your he aring d evice. Th e more
immune you r hearing aid is, th e less lik ely you ar e to expe rience
interfer ence noise from mob ile phones.
Information from the World Health Organization
WHO Informa tion
Prese nt scienti fic info rmati on does no t indic ate the need fo r any s pecial
preca utions f or the us e of mobile ph ones. If y ou are c oncerne d, you may
want to lim it your own or your children ’ s RF exposur e by limit ing the
length of calls or by us ing handsfre e devices to k eep mobile phon es away
from you r head and bod y .
Source: WHO Fact Sheet 193
Furthe r inform ation:
http: //www.w ho.int ./peh- emf
Caring for the Env ironment by Recycling
Recyclin g Informat ion
This s ymbol on a Motor ola produ ct mean s th e produc t
should not be dis posed of with hous ehold was te.
Disposal of your M obile Device and
Please do not dispose of mobile devices or electrica l accessories (such as
charg ers, hea dsets, or bat terie s) with your househ old wast e. The se item s
should be dispos ed of in acc ordance with the n ational c ollection and
recycl ing schem es opera ted by y our loca l or regio nal author ity .
Alte rnative ly , you may retu rn unw anted mobi le devi ces and e lectric al
accessor ies to an y Motorola Approved Service Cen ter i n your regio n.
Details of Moto rola appr oved nat ional re cycling s chemes, a nd furt her
info rmation o n Motoro la recycli ng activ ities c an be found at:
www.m otorol a.com /rec yclin g
Disposal of your M obile Device Packagi ng and User’ s Guide
Product packagin g and user ’ s guide s should only be dispo sed of in
accorda nce with national colle ction and recycling requir ements. Please
contact y our regio nal author ities for more det ails.
Privacy an d Data Security
Privacy and Dat a Securit y
Motorola u nders tands that privac y and dat a securi ty are imp ortant to
everyone . Because some featur es of y our mobile device may affect y our
privacy or data securit y , please follow t hese recom mendation s to
enhance protec tion of y our info rmation:
• Monit or access—Keep your mob ile dev ice with you and do not leave
it wher e others may have u nmonit ored acces s. Lock you r devic e’ s
keypad wh ere this feature is available .
• Keep so ftware up to date—If Motorola or a sof tware/a pplicatio n
vendor releases a patch or softwar e fix fo r your mobile de vice which
updates t he devic e’ s secu rity , install it as soon as pos sible.
• Erase before recycling—De lete pe rsona l informa tion or da ta from
your mobil e devic e prior to dis posing of it or tur ning it in for re cycling.
For ste p-by-s tep instru ctions o n how to delete all pe rsonal inf ormation
from you r devic e, see the section en titled “master clear” o r “delet e
data” in t his user’ s guid e.
For info rmation on back ing up your mobile dev ice data bef ore erasing it,
go to
www.m otorola.com and then navi gate to the “down loads” sec -
tion of the cons umer Web page fo r “Mot orola B ackup” or “Moto rola
Phone Too ls.”
• Understand ing A GPS—In orde r to com ply with emergenc y caller
locatio n require ments of the FCC , certain M otorola m obile devic es
incorp orate Assisted Glob al Posi tioning System (AGP S) technology .
AGPS tec hnology al so can be used i n non-emer gency a pplicatio ns to
track a nd monitor a user’ s location—for ex ample, to provide drivin g
dire ctions. Users who prefe r not to permit s uch tr acking a nd
monitori ng should avoid us ing such appl ications .
If you have furt her question s re garding how use of you r mobil e device
may imp act your p rivacy or data securit y , please contact Moto rola at
privacy@moto rola.com, or contac t your ser vice prov ider .
California Per chlorate Labe l
Perchlorate Label
Some mo bile phones use an in terna l, permanen t bac kup batt ery on the
printe d circui t boar d tha t may cont ain very small am ounts of perc hlorate.
In such cas es, California law requires the foll owing label:
“Perchlo rate Material – special ha ndling m ay apply . See
www.dt sc.ca. gov/haza rdousw aste/ perch lorate.”
There is no special handling required by cons umers.
Smart Pr actice s While Driving
Driving Safety
Drive S afe, Call Smart
Check the laws and regulations on t he use of mobil e devices
and their ac cessories in the ar eas where you dr ive. Alway s
obey them. The use of these devices may be prohibited or
restricted in c ertain areas. Go to
www.motorol a.com/callsmart
for more info rmation.
Y our mobile dev ice lets y ou communi cate by voice an d data—alm ost
anywher e, anyti me, wher ever wi reless service is available and s afe
condit ions allow . When drivi ng a car , driv ing is yo ur first respo nsibility .
If you ch oose to u se your mobile d evice while dr iving, r emember the
following t ips:
• Get to know yo ur Motorola mobi le device and its feat ures
such as speed d ial and redial. If avai lable, thes e features help
you to plac e yo ur call without ta king your attention off the r oad.
• When availa ble, use a handsfree de vice. If
possible, a dd an ad ditional lay er of conv enience t o
your mobile device w ith one of the many
Motoro la Original hand sfree acces sories av ailable
today .
• Position you r mobile device within easy reac h.
Be able to acce ss your mobile device w ithout removin g your eyes
from the road . If you r eceive an incomin g call at an in convenient time,
if possib le, let your voi ce mail answe r it for you.
• Let the person you are speaking wi th know you are driving; if
necessary, suspend the c all in heavy traff ic or hazardous
weathe r conditions. Rain, sleet, snow , ice, and e ven heavy tr affic
can be hazardo us.
• Do not take notes or look up phone numb ers while driv ing.
Jotting down a “to do” lis t or goin g through your add ress bo ok tak es
attention away from yo ur primary responsibi lity—dr iving safely .
• Dial sensib ly and assess the traffic; if po ssible, place cal ls
when your car is not moving or bef ore pulling int o traffic. If
you must make a call while moving, dial only a few numb ers, check
the roa d and y our mirr ors, t hen conti nue.
• Do not engage in s tressful or emotio nal conver sations that
may be distracti ng. Mak e people you are talking wi th awa re yo u
are dri ving and s uspend c onversat ions that can div ert your a ttention
away fro m the roa d.
• Use your mobile device to call for hel p. Dial 99 9 or othe r loc al
emergen cy number i n the case o f fire, t raffic a ccident, or medical
emergen cies.*
• Use your mobile device to help othe rs in emergencies . If you
see an a uto acc ident, crime in p rogress, o r oth er seri ous emer gency
where lives are in da nger , call 9 99 or other local emer gency nu mber ,
as you would w ant other s to do for you .*
• Call roadside as sistance or a specia l non-emergency
wireless as sistance number w hen necessary. I f you se e a
broken -down vehicle p osing no s erious h azard, a broken traffi c
signal, a minor traffi c accid ent whe re no one a ppear s injured, or a
vehicle you kno w to be stol en, cal l roadside assistan ce or ot her
specia l non-emer gency w ireless number .
2. W herever wirele ss phone serv ice is available .
Battery Use & Battery Safety
• Motorola reco mmends you always use Motorola -branded
batteri es and chargers . The warrant y does n ot cove r damage
caused by non-M otorola batteri es and/or charg ers. Caution: Use of
an unqualif ied bat tery or charge r may pr esent a risk of f ire,
explosion, leakage, or other hazard. Im proper ba ttery use, or u se of
a damaged b atter y , may result i n a fire, e xplosion, or ot her hazar d.
• Battery us age by c hildren s hould be supervis ed.
• Important: Motorola mobile de vices are designed t o work best
with qualif ied batter ies. If y ou see a me ssage on y our display such
Invalid B attery or Unable to Char ge, take the f ollowing ste ps:
• Remove th e batt ery and inspect it to c onfirm that it be ars a
Motorola “Origina l Equipme nt” holog ram;
• If there is no hol ogram, th e batt ery is not a qualifie d batter y;
• If there is a holo gram, rep lace the b attery an d retry c harging it ;
• If the mes sage remains , contact a Motorola A uthorized Service
Center .
• New bat teri es or bat teri es stored for a long t ime may take mo re
time t o cha rge.
• Charging pr ecautions: When charging yo ur battery , keep it ne ar
room tem peratur e. Never ex pose bat teries to tempe rature s below
0°C (32°F) or above 45°C (113°F) wh en charg ing. Alwa ys take you r
mobi le de vic e with you wh en yo u lea ve your vehi cle
• When storin g your ba ttery , keep it in a cool, d ry place.
• It is norma l over time for batt ery life to decr ease, and f or the b attery
to exhibi t sho rter r untime bet ween cha rges or re quire mor e
frequent or longer chargi ng time s.
• Avoid damage to bat tery and mobile device. Do not
disassembl e, open, crush, bend , deform, punctur e, shred, or
submerge the batt ery or mobile dev ice. A void dr opping th e batt ery
or mobile d evice, espe cially on a hard surface. I f your b attery or
mobile dev ice has b een subjec ted to suc h damage, t ake it t o a
Motorola Authoriz ed Service C enter be fore usi ng. Do not attemp t
to dry it with an appliance o r heat s ource, suc h as a ha ir dryer or
microwave ov en.
• Use care when han dling a charged battery—par ticular ly when
placing it ins ide a po cket, pur se, or other contai ner with m etal
objects. Cont act wit h metal objec ts (such as jewelr y , keys, b eaded
chains) coul d complete an ele ctrical ci rcuit (shor t circuit), c ausing
the ba ttery t o becom e very hot, which c ould c ause da mage o r injury .
Promptly di spose of used bat teries in accordan ce with l ocal
regulatio ns. Contac t your loc al recycl ing cen ter for pr oper
battery d ispos al.
Warning: Never dispose o f batter ies in a f ire beca use they
may expl ode.
New batter ies are not fully charge d.
T ip: Mot orola b atteries h ave cir cuitry that pr otects the bat tery f rom
damage from ov ercharg ing.
MOTOROL A and the St ylized M L ogo are registe red in the US Paten t &
T rademark Of fice. Al l other pr oduct o r serv ice names are the propert y
of their respec tive own ers. The Blu etooth t rademar ks are o wned by
their pr oprietor and used by Motor ola, Inc . unde r lice nse.
© Motorol a, Inc. 2008.
Caution : Chang es or mod ifica tions mad e in th e radio pho ne, not
expressly a pproved b y Motor ola, will void the us er’s aut hority to
operate t he equ ipment.
Note: The fun ctions available o n this han dset may vary in d ifferent
regions a nd nations . Please c ontact your loca l customer services
centre s, agencie s or re tail ers if you have any ques tion about the
handset functio ns. Mo torola r eserves a ll right s to r evise and change
this manu al with out obligat ion to no tify any person of such r evisions
or chang es. The pic tures and simula ted scr eenshot s are enh anced to
show det ails for ease of ref eren ce. Please refer to yo ur handse t for
actualit y .
Manual No: 6 809521A1 9