Harry Ramsden’s Removable Bowl Fryer
Please read and keep these instructions
Getting the best from your new fryer...
Hot oil
Do not attempt to move the fryer while it is still hot
- wait three hours after frying for your fryer to cool.
Easy cleaning
Your fryer breaks down into component parts for
easy cleaning with a removable bowl.
DF45362 MUK Rev2
For replacement parts, help with using your Morphy Richards product,
problems and lots more, contact us by phone or through our website.
UUKK HHeellpplliinnee:: 00884444 887711 00995522
RReeppllaacceemmeenntt PPaarrttss:: 00884444 887733 00771188
IIrreellaanndd HHeellpplliinnee:: 11880000 440099 111199