Opening OutRide:
1. Pull up on the clasp release at the top of the
case and then swing the clasp latch up. (It may
be necessary to hold the case slightly closed
with your other hand)
2. With the lens-side door now free, use the
thumb tab to swing it down for full access.
Loading your iPhone
1. With the volume buttons toward the bottom
(mount side) of OutRide, place the screen
side of the iPhone into the deep-side of the
case. Lead with the volume buttons so that
they properly seat on top of OutRide’s action
button. Your iPhone camera should now be
opposite OutRide’s wide-angle camera lens,
and you’re ready to close the case.
Closing OutRide:
1. Make sure all gaskets and internal pads are
seated properly, and your iPhone is properly
installed (if inserted) before closing the case.
2. Close the case slowly making sure the leading
edge of the gasket enters the other side of the
case smoothly.
3. Inspect all 4 sides for gasket alignment. The
gasket is designed to easily show a bad seal.
All smooth inside? - it’s good to go. Pinched in
the door? - close once more.