Recording time (days) for permanent recording
Video system PAL, resolution 352 x 288, no audio recording
Hard disk capacity
Total picture
rate (PPS) of
all channels
Image quality selected (storage space required per image)
Low (2 KB/ image) Fair (3 KB/ image) Mid (4 KB/ image) High (5 KB/ image) Best (6 KB/ image)
320 GB
100 17.7 11.8 8.83 7.06 5.89
50 35.3 23.6 17.7 14.1 11.8
25 70.6 47.1 35.3 28.3 23.6
12.5 141 94.2 70.6 56.5 47.1
6.25 283 188 141 113 94.2
500 GB
100 27.8 18.6 13.9 11.1 9.28
50 55.7 37.1 27.8 22.3 18.6
25 111 74.2 55.7 44.5 37.1
12.5 223 148 111 89.1 74.2
6.25 445 297 223 178 148.4
750 GB
100 42 28 21 16.8 14
50 83.9 56 42 33.6 28
25 168 112 83.9 67.1 56
12.5 336 224 168 134 112
6.25 671 448 336 269 224
100 57.5 38.3 28.7 23 19.2
50 115 76.6 57.5 46 38.3
25 230 153 115 91.9 76.6
12.5 460 306 230 184 153
6.25 919 613 460 368 306
Recording time (days) for permanent recording
Video system NTSC, resolution 720 x 480, no audio recording
Hard disk capacity
Total picture
rate (PPS) of
all channels
Image quality selected (storage space required per image)
Low (6 KB/ image) Fair (10 KB/ image) Mid (14 KB/ image) High (18 KB/ image) Best (22 KB/ image)
320 GB
30 19.6 11.8 8.41 6.54 5.35
15 39.2 23.6 16.8 13.1 10.7
7.5 78.5 47.1 33.6 26.2 21.4
500 GB
30 30.9 18.6 13.3 10.3 8.43
15 61.9 37.1 26.5 20.6 16.9
7.5 124 74.2 53 41.2 33.7
750 GB
30 46.6 28 20 15.5 12.7
15 93.3 56 40 31.1 25.4
7.5 186 112 79.9 62.2 50.9
30 63.8 38.3 27.4 21.3 17.4
15 128 76.6 54.7 42.6 34.8
7.5 255 153 109 85.1 69.6
18.1.2 Video system NTSC