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LAN Control Utility
(ProjectorView Global+/ProjectorView)
User Manual
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................ 2
1.1. Preparing to use network features .......................................................................................... 2
1.2. Functions and features ............................................................................................................ 2
1.3. Operation environment ............................................................................................................ 2
2. Setup ......................................................................................................................4
2.1. Installation of “ProjectorView Global+ .................................................................................... 4
2.2. When deleting “ProjectorView Global+” (Uninstallation) ......................................................... 5
3. Main screen ............................................................................................................ 6
3.1. System settings ....................................................................................................................... 8
4. Projector registration .............................................................................................. 9
4.1. Connection ............................................................................................................................... 9
4.2. Registration of projector to “ProjectorView Global+ ............................................................ 10
4.3. When changing the projector IP settings .............................................................................. 12
4.4. When changing projector settings ......................................................................................... 13
4.5. When deleting projector registration ..................................................................................... 13
5. Operation of projector .......................................................................................... 14
5.1. Operation of projector by remote controller .......................................................................... 14
5.2. Confirmation of projector status ............................................................................................ 15
6. Schedule setting ................................................................................................... 16
6.1. Creation of projector group ................................................................................................... 16
6.2. When changing schedule setting .......................................................................................... 17
6.3. When deleting group.............................................................................................................. 18
7. E-mail setting........................................................................................................ 19
7.1. Connection with E-mail server ............................................................................................... 19
7.2. E-mail setting ......................................................................................................................... 19
7.3. Sending test E-mail ................................................................................................................ 19
8. ProjectorView ....................................................................................................... 20
8.1. Main functions ....................................................................................................................... 20
8.2. Starting ProjectorView ........................................................................................................... 20
8.3. Entering projector information ............................................................................................... 23
8.4. Setting the network password ............................................................................................... 24
8.5. Resetting the network settings .............................................................................................. 24
9. Visual PA2 (Visual PA2 enabled projectors only) .................................................. 25
9.1. Starting Visual PA2 ................................................................................................................ 25
9.2. Saving messages entered and settings specified in Visual PA2 ........................................... 26
9.3. Loading saved data in Visual PA2 ......................................................................................... 26
9.4. Deleting data from Visual PA2 ............................................................................................... 26
9.5. Configuring the Schedule function of Visual PA2 .................................................................. 27
10. Telnet setup (Telnet enabled projectors only) ....................................................... 28
11. Others ................................................................................................................... 29
11.1. Troubleshooting ..................................................................................................................... 29
11.2. Supported Projectors ............................................................................................................ 29
1.1. Preparing to use network features
This projector is equipped with the network function to control and monitor the projector’s operations and to
send e-mail notification.
Before using the network function, perform the following three preparation steps.
• InstallingtheProjectorViewGlobal+
• AssigningtheprojectorIPaddress
• ConguringsettingssuchasPASSWORD,E-mailSetting,Language,andPJLinkcerticationSettingby
running Telnet (Telnet enabled projectors only) or using ProjectorView
more information, see the section describing network settings provided in the projector's User Manual.
1.2. Functions and features
ProjectorView Global+
• 200unitsofprojectorscanberemote-controlledatthemaximum.
• SettingssuchastheIPaddressoftheprojectorcanbecongured.
• Youcanregistermultipleprojectorsinagroupandcontrolthemcollectively.
• Variousconditionsofconnectedprojectorscanbemonitored.
• ScheduleofthepowersupplyON/OFFcanbeseteverygroup.
• ScheduleofthepowersupplyON/OFFcanbeseteveryday.
• Whenthecommunicationwiththeprojectormonitoredbythetheftdetectorisdisrupted,warningE-mailis
issued to the designated address.
• Messagecanbedisplayedonthescreenoftheoperatingprojector.(VisualPA2enabledprojectorsonly)
• Theprojectoriscapableofreadingaloudon-screenmessages.(TextSpeechenabledprojectorsonly)
• EachprojectorcanbecontrolledseparatelyusingaWebbrowser.
• Whenanerrororwarningoccurswiththeprojector,warningE-mailisissuedtothedesignatedaddress.
1.3. Operation environment
• SupportedOS
Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 (Operation of the projector isn’t guaranteed in a 64-bit version of
any operating system.)
• CPU
Higher than the minimum specifications for the above operating systems to work
• Memory
More than the minimum specifications for the above operating systems to work
• FreeHDDspace
32 MB or more (recommended)
• Webbrowser(WhenusingProjectorView)
(1) DownloadJRE7fromtheJAVAdownloadcenterontheOracleWebsite
the download site.)
(3) After installation is complete, disable the cache settings as following procedures.
1. Select[Start]-[ControlPanel]-[Java].
2. Select [General] tab and click [Settings...].
3. Click [Delete Files...].
4. Click [OK] in the Delete Temporary Files window.
1. Introduction
and Windows
are the registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United
States and other countries.
(The official name of Windows is Microsoft Windows Operating System.)
Other company names and product names described in this document are the registered trademark or trademark
of the respective holders.
Furthermore, “®” mark and “TM” mark are omitted in this document.
• WindowsXPisreferredtoasMicrosoftWindowsXPHomeEdition/Professional.
• WindowsVistaisreferredtoasMicrosoftWindowsVistaHomeBasic/HomePremium/Business/Enterprise/
• Windows7isreferredtoasMicrosoftWindows7HomeBasic/HomePremium/Professional/Enterprise/
1. Introduction
2.1. Installation of “ProjectorView Global+
Copy “ProjectorView Global+v3_2.msi” contained in the Tools folder of CD-ROM to the hard disk of your
personal computer.
(1) Double click “ProjectorView Global+v3_2.msi”, and start up the installer of “ProjectorView
(2) The setup window is displayed. Click [Next].
(3) Select the folder to be installed, and click [Next].
• Wheninstalling“ProjectorViewGlobal+”toWindowsVistaorWindows7,donotchangetheinstallation
destination folder.
(4) Click [Next].
• Installationisstarted.
2. Setup
(5) When the installation has been completed, click [Close].
2.2. When deleting “ProjectorView Global+” (Uninstallation)
• Whenuninstalling“ProjectorViewGlobal+,“ProjectorViewGlobal+”shouldbeendedinadvance.Ifthe
application continues operating, uninstallation can not be performed normally.
(1) Double click “ProjectorView Global+v3_2.msi”, and start up the installer of “ProjectorView
(2) Select “Remove ProjectorView Global+, and click [Finish].
• Theuninstallationisstarted.
(3) When the uninstallation has been completed, click [Close].
• Logsandsettinglesarenotautomaticallydeleted.Deletethemmanually.
2. Setup
Menu bar
Configuration Youcanspecifythefollowingsettings:
AddNewGroup: Youcancreateanewgroup.
EditScheduleSetting: Youcaneditschedulesettingssetforexistinggroups.
SearchProjector: Automaticallysearchesavailableprojectors.
AssignIP: YoucancongureIPsettingsoftheprojector.
EditProjectorSetting: Youcaneditprojectorsettings.
EditE-mailSetting: YoucancongureE-mailsettingsusedforthisapplication.
SearchProjectorSetting: Youcanspecifyasearchrangeforcommunicationwiththeprojectorviaa
SystemConguration: Youcanconguresystemsettingsofthisapplication.
Help The version information is displayed.
Tool bar
ProjectorView YoucancontroleachprojectorseparatelyusingaWebbrowser.Incaseofanerrorin
the projector, the details of the error are displayed. For details, see page 20.
Telnet YoucanmakevarioussettingsusingTelnet.(Telnetenabledprojectorsonly)
certification. For details, see page 28.
Visual PA2 Youcandisplayalineofanytextontheprojectorscreen(VisualPA2enabled
projectors only). For details, see page 25.
Remote Controller RemoteControllerwindowcanbedisplayedtooperatetheprojector.Youcanturn
Refresh Status The current status of Power, Input Source, AV Mute, and Lamp Time (Low) of the
projectors being displayed in the projector list can be reacquired. The status of Input
• whentheprojectorispoweredoff
• duringwarm-uporcool-down.
Select All Allprojectorscurrentlydisplayedontheprojectorlistcanbesettoselected/non
selected state.
Exit Youcanexit“ProjectorViewGlobal+.However,youcannotexittheapplication
during the automatic projector search and the projector status refreshing. Even
clicking the button at the upper right corner of the main screen. In this case,
Windows warning message is displayed.
3. Main screen
3. Main screen
Group Name Group of the projector can be selected. When you select “All”, all the registered
projectors are displayed. Newly created group(s) are added to the list. When you
select your choice of group, all projectors that belong to the selected group are
Status tag Property and status of the projector can be indicated. When clicking each tag button
Projector list display column
List of the projector which belongs to the selected group can be displayed. Status of
the projector can also be displayed. The display color changes as follows depending
Black: Innormalcondition
Red: Inabnormalcondition( Check the abnormal condition by ProjectorView.
When the communication fails, see “11.1. Troubleshooting.”)
Black(yellowbackground): Warningaboutthelamplifetime
White(redbackground): Thecommunicationwiththeprojectormonitoredbythetheftdetectorhas
been disrupted. ( Check the condition. There is a possibility of theft.)
Gray: Incommunicationinoperablecondition
Error Message Error messages detected in communicating with the projector can be displayed.
Operation status display column
Operation status of “ProjectorView Global+” can be indicated. Operation status
during communication processing by remote-controlling and schedule can be
3. Main screen
3.1. System settings
(1) Select “System Configuration” from “Configuration” of the menu bar on the main screen.
• “SystemConguration”windowisdisplayed.(Defaultsettingsareshowninthefollowingexample.)
Item Description
Language Youcanselecttheuserinterfacelanguage,JapaneseorEnglish.
RefreshStatusCycle Youcansetthecycletoobtaintheprojectorstatus.Selectanintegervaluewith
no decimal part from 1 to 60 minutes.
(2) Change the settings as needed and click [Save].
• Toupdatethesettingsyouchanged,itisnecessarytorestart“ProjectorViewGlobal+.
4. Projector registration
4.1. Connection
Connect the controller PC and the projector, which have installed “ProjectorView Global+, to a commercially
available LAN cable.
When connecting multiple projectors, use a commercially available hub.
• ALANterminalisrequiredforthecontrollerPC.
• UseaLANcablecompatiblewithCategory5and100BASE-T.
• DonottouchmetalpartsoftheLANterminalandLANcablebyhandschargedofstaticelectricity.Discharge
of static electricity may cause a failure of the projector.
• Upto200unitsoftheprojectorscanberegisteredatthemaximum.
• TheLANfunctionmaybeunavailabledependingonthestandbymodesettingoftheprojector.Toenablethe
LAN function, change the setting referring to the User Manual of your projector.
Connection example 1
Controller PC
Commercially available LAN cable
(Crossover cable)
Connection example 2
Controller PC
Connection example 3
Controller PC
(Straight-through cable)
Commercially available LAN cable
4. Projector registration
4.2. Registration of projector to “ProjectorView Global+
• Inconnectionexamples1and2(whereprojectorsareinstalledwithinthesamelocalnetwork),theprojectors
within such network are automatically detected and registered. For details, see procedure A below.
• Inconnectionexample3(whereprojectorsareinstalledviaarouter),specifytherangeoftheprojectors’IP
addresses and then carry out automatic projector search within the range to register projectors. For details,
see procedure B below.
• Upto200unitsofprojectorscanberegisteredatthemaximum.
• Projectorsthathavejustbeenregisteredbytheautomaticprojectorsearcharen’tbelongingtoanygroup.
When the projectors you registered aren’t displayed on the projector list on the main screen, select “All” from
the group select pull-down menu.
Procedure A - For connection examples 1 and 2 (where projectors are installed within the
same local network)
(1) Start up “ProjectorView Global+.
(2) Select “Search Projector” from “Configuration” of the menu bar on the main screen.
• TheprojectorsconnectedtoLANaresearchedautomatically.
• Someprojectorsmayrequireyoutoenterthepasswordwhenestablishingprojectorconnectionsfortherst
time. If the projector password is changed, you need to enter that new password.
• EnsurethattheIPaddressofthePCandthatoftheprojectorareinthesamenetworkgroup.(Thelastoctet
of the IP address should contain a different value.)
• BesuretomakeanoteoftheIPaddressesyouset.IfyouforgettheIPaddresses,youmaynotbeableto
detect the projectors again.
• Atinitialsetup,DHCPorAutoIP(throughautomaticallyassignsanIPaddress.
Note that a different IP address may be assigned every time you start the projectors. If a connection cannot
• IfyouchangetheIPaddressintheprojectormenuaftertheprojectorshavebeendetected,execute“Search
Projector” again.
• ItisrecommendedthatyouassignanIPaddressoftheprojectortothexedIPaddress.
• IfseveralprojectorswiththesameIPaddressareregistered,deletetheoneswhicharenotconnectedtothe
network from “Edit Projector Setting”.
4. Projector registration
Procedure B - Connection example 3 (where projectors are installed via a router)
To automatically detect projectors connected via a router, confirm the IP address in the projector network menu
and specify a range of IP addresses to search that particular IP address using “Search Projector Setting”.
If you want to connect a projector via a router after automatically detecting it, you need to specify a search range
of IP addresses that includes the projector's IP address in advance.
(1) Start up “ProjectorView Global+.
(2) Select “Search Projector Setting” from “Configuration” of the menu bar.
• “SearchProjectorSetting”windowisdisplayed.
Item Description
Start IP Address Specify the IP address that is the start of the search range.
the first and last octets and a range other than 0 to 255 for the second and third
EndIPAddress SpecifythelastoctetoftheIPaddressthatistheendofthesearchrange.(You
cannot specify a value that contains a number other than 1 to 254. In addition,
you cannot specify a value that is smaller than the last octet of the search start IP
address specified in step .)
Search Projector The settings you made are saved and then the automatic projector search is
(3) Specify the projector search range by IP address ( and ).
• Upto16searchrangescanbeset.(Settingscanbeconguredforeachlineofthesearchrange.)
(4) To save the settings, click [Save]. To continue the projector search, click [Search Projector].
• Whenyouclick[Save],thesearchrangesyouspecifyaresavedandthe“SearchProjectorSetting”window
is closed.
• Whenyoudon'twanttosavethesearchranges,click[Cancel]toclosethe“SearchProjectorSetting”
• Aftersavingthesettings,byselecting“Conguration”onthemenubarandthenselecting“Search
Projector”, you can perform automatic projector search within the search ranges you saved.
• Someprojectorsmayrequireyoutoenterthepasswordwhenestablishingprojectorconnectionsforthe
first time. Authentication is automatically performed from the second time onwards unless projectors are
deleted from the list.
4. Projector registration
• SetthedefaultgatewaysoftheprojectorsandPCcorrectly.Fordetails,contactyournetworkadministrator.
• BesuretomakeanoteoftheIPaddressesanddefaultgatewaysyouset.Ifyouforgetthesettingvalues,you
may not be able to detect the projectors again.
• Atinitialsetup,DHCPorAutoIP(throughautomaticallyassignsanIPaddress.
Note that a different IP address may be assigned every time you start the projectors. If a connection cannot
• IfyouchangetheIPaddressintheprojectormenuaftertheprojectorshavebeendetected,execute“Search
Projector” again.
• ItisrecommendedthatyouassignanIPaddressoftheprojectortothexedIPaddress.
• IfseveralprojectorswiththesameIPaddressareregistered,deletetheoneswhicharenotconnectedtothe
network from “Edit Projector Setting”.
4.3. When changing the projector IP settings
(1) Select the projector which you like to change from the projector list on the main screen.
(2) Select "Assign IP" from “Configuration” of the menu bar on the main screen.
• AssignIP”windowisdisplayed.
(3) To automatically assign an IP address, select [Auto] and then select DHCP. To manually
assign an IP address, select [Manual] and enter values for IP Address, Subnet Mask, and
Default Gateway.
Item Description
DHCP Obtain an IP address via a DHCP server.
IP Address Enter an IP address.
Subnet Mask Enter the subnet mask.
Default Gateway Enter the default gateway address.
• AnerrordialogfortheftdetectionmaybedisplayedaftertheIPsettingshavebeenchanged.
• IfaconnectioncannotbeestablishedaftertheIPsettingshavebeenchanged,execute“SearchProjector.
• IfyouwanttochangetheIPaddressofaprojectorconnectedviaarouter,youneedtospecifyasearchrange
of IP addresses that includes the new IP address in “Search Projector Setting”.
• Consultyournetworkadministratoraboutthesubnetmaskanddefaultgatewayinadvance.
4. Projector registration
4.4. When changing projector settings
(1) Select the projector which you like to change from the projector list on the main screen.
(2) Select “Edit Projector Setting” from “Configuration” of the menu bar.
• “EditProjectorSetting”windowisdisplayed.
(3) Set the Projector Name and its group and the theft detector.
Item Description
Projector Name Enter the projector name within 64 characters in one-byte alphanumeric symbol.
MAC Address The MAC address is displayed. The displayed address cannot be changed.
IP Address The IP address is displayed. The displayed address cannot be changed. When it
is required to change the IP address, use [Assign IP].
Group Name From the pull-down menu, select the group to which the projector is belonging.
(A new group can be created by clicking [Add New Group]. See “6.1. Creation
of projector group”.)
Theft Check Turn on or off the theft detector.
In right-click menu also, the setting of the projector can be changed. (Multiple projectors can be selected.)
• AddtoNewGroup: Additiontoanewlycreatedgroup
• AddtoExistingGroup: Changeofthebelonginggroup
• TheftCheckSetting: Changeoftheftdetectorsetting(ON/OFF)
4.5. When deleting projector registration
(1) Select the projector which you like to delete from the projector list on the main screen.
(2) Select “Edit Projector Setting” from “Configuration” of the menu bar.
• “EditProjectorSetting”windowisdisplayed.
(3) Click [Delete].
• Theselectedprojectorisdeleted.
5. Operation of projector
5.1. Operation of projector by remote controller
Group or single unit of projector can be operated.
(1) Select the projector which you like to operate from the projector list on the main screen.
• Whenselectingmorethanoneprojectorsimultaneously,selectwhilepressingtheCtrlkey.
(2) Click [Remote Controller] of the tool bar on the main screen or when you like to operate a
certain projector, double click the projector on the projector list on the main screen.
• “RemoteController”windowisdisplayed.
(3) Operate the projector by selecting each operating button on the window.
Command Button Description
Power Power ON Turn on the power supply of the projector.
Power OFF Turn off the power supply of the projector.
Input Source COMPUTER 1 Change the input signal to COMPUTER 1.
COMPUTER 2 Change the input signal to COMPUTER 2.
VIDEO Change the input signal to VIDEO.
S-VIDEO Change the input signal to S-VIDEO.
COMPONENT Change the input signal to COMPONENT.
STORAGE 1 Change the input signal to PC Less Presentation.
STORAGE 2 Change the input signal to USB Display.
NETWORK Change the input signal to LAN Display.
Exit ClosetheRemoteControllerwindow.
• Thenextoperationcannotbeperformeduntilthepreviousoperationhasbeencompleted.
• Theoperationcannotbeperformedduringre-obtaining(refreshing)theprojectorstatus.
• Availableinputsourcesvarydependingonthetypeofprojectors.Youcannotselectinputsourcesthataren’t
supported by the projector.
5. Operation of projector
5.2. Confirmation of projector status
The status of the projector is displayed on the projector list on the main screen.
Item Description
Check Theftdetectorsetting(ON/OFF)
No. Projector list registration number
Projector Name Projector name set in the application
MAC Address MAC address of the projector
IP Address IP address of the projector
Power Powersupplystatusoftheprojector(ON/OFF)
AVMute Mutestatusoftheprojector(ON/OFF)
Lamp1/2Time(Low) Lampilluminatingtime(HHHH:MM)
In the case of the projector equipped with two lamps, illuminating time for
the lamp 1 is displayed in the left side and illuminating time for the lamp 2 is
displayed in the right side.
Group Name The belonging group of projector
HDMI and DVI-D are displayed with DIGITAL 1 or DIGITAL 2 by a connected projector.
• Theprojectorstatusisre-obtained(refreshed)automaticallyandperiodically,butthepresentstatuscan
also be obtained by the user’s instruction. When clicking [Refresh Status] of the tool bar on the main screen,
• ThestatusofInputSourceandAVMutewillnotbeobtainedunderthefollowingconditions:
- when the projector is powered off
- during warm-up or cool-down.
• Whenclickingthestatustagoftheprojectorlist(excepttheMACaddress),thelistcanberearranged(sorted).
The list can be rearranged in reversed order by pressing one more time.
• Whenclicking[SelectAll]ofthetoolbar,allprojectorsintheprojectorlistbecomeselected/nonselected
• Ifanyabnormalstateoftheprojectorisdetectedbyacquiringtheprojectorstatus,anerrormessagewillbe
displayed on the error message display column at the lower part of the screen.
• Thedefaultcycleoftheautomaticre-acquisitionis10minutes.Tochangethiscycle,see“3.1.System
• Whenmultipleprojectorsareconnected,itmaytaketimetoacquirethestatus.Duringacquiringthestatus,
the status bar at the lower part of the main screen becomes “Getting status..., and it becomes “Done” when
the acquisition has been completed.
6. Schedule setting
6.1. Creation of projector group
Multiple projectors can be controlled and batched by sorting groups.
operate at the same schedule should be integrated into the same group.
When Power ON and Power OFF are enabled, their time settings are indicated on the schedule list.
[Example] Whensettingthescheduleforthegroup“group1”toturnthepowersupplyONat9:00onMonday,
Group name
Day of the week
Time of power supply ON
Time of power supply OFF
When validating the setting,
Schedule list
(1) Select “Add New Group” from “Configuration” of the menu bar.
• AddNewGroup”windowisdisplayed.
(2) Input the group name to be created in the “Group Name” column (within 16 characters in
one-byte alphanumeric symbol).
(3) Select the day of the week to be set for the time of the power supply ON/OFF.
(4) Only when setting the time of the power supply ON, set the time in the “Power ON” column,
and put a check mark in the “Enable” box.
(5) Only when setting the time of power supply OFF, set the time in the “Power OFF” column,
and put a check mark in the “Enable” box.
(6) When there are more than one day of the week to be set for the power supply ON/OFF
schedule, repeat the procedure (3) to (5).
(7) Click [Add].
6. Schedule setting
• ThepowersupplyONandthepowersupplyOFFcannotbeselectedatthesametimeofthesamedayofthe
• TheScheduleSettingwillbeexecutedwhile“ProjectorViewGlobal+”isinoperation.
• Dependingonusageconditions,suchaswhentherearesomanyprojectorsthatyouneedtocontrol,thetime
• WhenutilizingtheNetworkTimeProtocol(NTP)functionontheInternet,thescheduleoperationmaynotbe
• Whentheautomatictimeadjustmentbysummertimeisvalid,thescheduleoperationmaynotbeexecuted
because the time is automatically adjusted before and after switching over.
6.2. When changing schedule setting
(1) Select a group which you like to change from the Group select pull-down menu on the main
(2) Select “Edit Schedule Setting” from “Configuration” of the menu bar.
• “EditScheduleSetting”windowisdisplayed.
(3) Change the contents which you like to correct, and click [Save].
• Correctedcontentsarereected.
6. Schedule setting
6.3. When deleting group
(1) Select the group which you like to delete from the Group select pull-down menu on the main
(2) Select “Edit Schedule Setting” from “Configuration” of the menu bar.
• “EditScheduleSetting”windowisdisplayed.
(3) Click [Delete].
• Theselectedgroupisdeleted.
• Whendeletingagroup,theprojectorwhichhasbelongedtotherelevantgroupwillnotbelongtoanygroup.
Set a new group to belong again on “Edit Projector Setting” window.
7. E-mail setting
When the communication with the projector monitored by the theft detector is disrupted, a warning E-mail can be
sent to the designated address, enabling to serve for early detection of the projector theft.
The E-mail setting can not be set at every projector and every group. The same setting should be set for all
7.1. Connection with E-mail server
Connect the E-mail server to the network to which the controller PC and the projector are connected that
“ProjectorView Global+” is operating.
7.2. E-mail setting
Designate the address of the E-mail server and the address of the destination to be sent.
• Asforthenetworkenvironment,conrmtothenetworkadministrator.
(1) Select “Edit E-mail Setting” from “Configuration” of the menu bar on the main screen.
• “EditE-mailSetting”windowisdisplayed.
(2) Input the setting item for the network environment, and click [Save].
Item Description
E-mailServer(SMTP) EntertheIPaddressoftheE-mailserver(Example:,or
Destination E-mail Address Enter the destination E-mail address using up to 64 single-byte
7.3. Sending test E-mail
After completing the setting of the each item on the E-mail Setting window, a test E-mail can be sent to confirm
whether the E-mail is correctly delivered to the destination. When clicking [Test E-mail] at the upper right on
the Email Setting window, the test E-mail is issued. Confirm whether the E-mail is correctly delivered to the
destination address.
• TheE-mailfunctionwillbeexecutedwhile“ProjectorViewGlobal+”isinoperation.
• IfthetestE-mailisnotcorrectlyreceived,conrmtheaddressoftheE-mailserverandthedestination,and
the connection status of the network. For details, make an inquiry to the network administrator.
• TheE-mailmaypossiblynotbedelivereddependingonthecerticationfunctionoftheE-mailserver.For
details, make an inquiry to the network administrator.
• Whenthecommunicationwiththeprojectormonitoredbythetheftdetectorisdisrupted,atheftcheckerror
dialog is displayed.
However, the projector list isn’t updated at the same time because it takes some time to update the list.
8. ProjectorView
ProjectorView is a web-browser based remote control and monitoring tool for network projectors. If you use the
projectors listed in page 29, see ProjectorView in “LAN Control Utility” User Manual included with the projector.
8.1. Main functions
• Itdisplaysthestatusofnetworkprojectors(suchasthenameoftheprojector,lamptemperature,lamphours,
errors and alerts).
• Itcontrolsnetworkprojectors(suchaspoweringonandoffnetworkprojectorsandswitchinginputorlamp
• ItsendsanE-mailnoticationwhenanerrororwarningoccurs.
8.2. Starting ProjectorView
(1) Select the projector that you want to operate from the list of projectors on the main screen.
• StartProjectorViewforoneprojectoratatime.YoucannotconcurrentlyuseProjectorViewformultiple
(2) Click [ProjectorView] in the tool bar on the main screen.
• TheWebbrowserlaunchesautomatically.Thepasswordentrywindowisthendisplayed.
• YoucanstartProjectorViewbymanuallytypingtheprojectorIPaddressinyourwebbrowser’saddress
• Ifyouareusingaproxyserver,donotenableproxysettingswhenaccessingtheprojectorIPaddress.
• UptothreeProjectorViewunitscanbeusedtocontrolasingleprojector.
(3) Enter the password and click [OK]. (The default password is “admin”.)
• “ProjectorView”mainwindowisdisplayed.
• Theconnectionwillturnoffinveminutesafterthepasswordentrywindowisdisplayed.Youcannotenter
the password then. If this happens, restart the ProjectorView.
8. ProjectorView
• Iflampmodeissetto“STANDARD”,“Lamptime”displayedmaybelongerthan“Operationtime”.
ProjectorView main window (REMOTE CONTROL)
status by clicking GET STATUS.
display the window on the left.
to display the main window
Click to obtain the status of the
projector. The window is updated
It may take time to update the
These are virtual remote control
For details, see the description of
User Manual.
These buttons are used to control the projector’s power, input source, and lamp mode.
The number of input switches that can be displayed vary depending on the type of projector you use.
See your projector User Manual for more information.
Lamp mode cannot be switched when the projector is muted.
ProjectorView main window (PROJECTOR INFORMATION)
information, enter data in the Setup window.
to display the window on the left.
display the main window (REMOTE
Click [SETUP] to display the Setup
window. (See page 23.)
If there is something wrong with the
projector, the red warning indicator
Details are displayed in the column
below by pointing the cursor to the
contents of failures.
See your projector User Manual for
the information on when you should
replace the lamp.
8. ProjectorView
E-mail notification feature
When there is something wrong with the projector, an E-mail notification is automatically sent to the designated
address to post an alert or error message.
To use this feature, enter the SMTP IP address, E-mail address, and E-mail from in the Setup window.
Once you have configured the above settings, the E-mail notification feature remains enabled even after your web
browser (the ProjectorView window) is closed.
An example: Sending an alert message when the lamp change required.
Replace the lamp and reset the lamp counter.
Please see the user manual for detailed instructions.
“Projector model” varies depending on the type of projectors.
8. ProjectorView
8.3. Entering projector information
(1) Click [SETUP] in the ProjectorView main window (PROJECTOR INFORMATION).
• Setupwindowisdisplayed.
• BesuretoenterdatawithinveminutesaftertheSetupwindowisdisplayed.ClickOKtosavechanges.
The connection will turn off in five minutes after the window is displayed so you need to go back to the
(2) Enter data in each field, set Alert e-mail service to ON or OFF, choose Language between
Japanese and English, set PJLink certification setting to ON or OFF, specify Password
setting, and choose to [RESET] Network setting reset.
• WhenyouchangetheLanguagesetting,besuretorestarttheProjectorViewforthechangestotakeeffect.
Item Description
Projector name Enter a unique name to identity the projector.
Enter the date when the projector is installed.
Enter the place where the projector is located.
Enter the IP address of the SMTP server used for sending e-mails.
(e.g.19 2.16 8.0.1)
Enter the E-mail address to receive alert messages.
Last lamp replaced date
Enter the date when the last change of lamp was made.
Enter the date when the last maintenance was done.
Alert e-mail service Choose whether to send alert messages.
Language ChoosethedisplaylanguageofProjectorView(JapaneseorEnglish).
PJLinkcerticationsetting ChoosewhethertosetthePJLinkcerticationsetting.
Password setting Click [PASSWORD] to access the network password setting window. (For
details, see “8.4. Setting the network password”.)
Network setting reset Click [RESET] to access the network settings reset window. (For details, see
“8.5. Resetting the network settings”.)
 Fordataentry,usesingle-bytealphanumericalcharactersandsymbols(+-/=*_!?.,:;#$%&()|<>[]{
}"' @ ).
For data entry, use single-byte number characters and symbol ( . ).
8. ProjectorView
8.4. Setting the network password
(1) Click [PASSWORD] in the Setup window.
• Thewindowappearstoenterthecurrentnetworkpassword.
(2) Enter the current network password and click [OK]. (The default is "admin".)
• Ifthepasswordiscorrect,anotherwindowappearstoenteranewone.
• Ifthepasswordiswrong,anerrormessageisdisplayed.Whenyouclick[OK],thecurrentnetwork
password window reappears.
(3) Enter the New network password and Confirm network password, and then click [OK].
• Ifpasswordsenteredmatch,thewindowclosestosavethechanges.
• Ifpasswordsentereddonotmatch,anerrormessageisdisplayed.Whenyouclick[OK],thenewnetwork
password window reappears.
8.5. Resetting the network settings
When you reset the network settings, all data and settings specified in 8.3. Entering projector information will be
reverted to factory defaults. Each field will go blank, Alert e-mail service will be set to OFF, Language to English,
(1) Click [RESET] in the Setup window.
• Thewindowappearstoresetthenetworksettings.
(2) Click [OK] to revert the network settings to factory defaults.
• Ifyouclick[CANCEL],thewindowcloseswithoutresetofthenetworksettings.

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