Technical data
Data sheet for household tumble driers
In acc. with delegated regulation (EU) No. 392/2012
Model name/identifier TWD440WP
Rated capacity18,0 kg
Type of tumble drier (Air-vented / condenser) - / ●
Energy efficiency class
A+++ (most efficient) to D (least efficient) A+++
Weighted annual energy consumption (AEc)2177 kWh/year
Tumble drier (Automatic / non-automatic) ● / -
Energy consumption of the standard cotton programme
Energy consumption at full load 1,44 kWh
Energy consumption at partial load 0,82 kWh
Weighted power consumption in off-mode (Po) 0,40 W
Weighted power consumption in the left-on mode (Pl) 0,40 W
Duration of the 'left-on' mode (Tl)315 min
Standard programme to which the information in the label and the fiche
Cottons with arrow
Programme time of the 'standard cotton programme'
Weighted programme time 121 min
Programme time at full load 155 min
Programme time at partial load 95 min
Condensation efficiency class5
A (most efficient) to G (least efficient) A
Weighted condensation efficiency for the 'standard cotton programme' at
full and partial load
95 %
Average condensation efficiency of the 'standard cotton programme' at full
95 %
Average condensation efficiency of the 'standard cotton programme' at par-
tial load
95 %
Sound power level (LWA)666 dB(A) re 1 pW
Built-in -
● Yes, standard feature
1In kg of cotton laundry for the standard cotton programme at full load.
2based on 160 drying cycles of the standard cotton programme at full and partial load, and the con-
sumption of the low-power modes. Actual energy consumption per cycle will depend on how the ap-
pliance is used.