esplosioni. Attenetevi scrupolosamente alle disposizioni di legge
del vostro paese.
Utilizzate soltanto batterie e caricabatterie originali. L'utilizzo di
accessori non originali potrebbe causare ustioni, incendi oppure
esplosioni; provocando seri danni alla radio/batteria o serie lesio-
ni alle persone.
I caricabatterie vanno usati solo al chiuso.
Assicuratevi che la vostra sorgente di alimentazione sia confor-
me a quella nominale elencata per il caricabatteria in dotazione
(adattatore CA). Se non siete sicuri, controllate con il vostro
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 18
Precauzioni e manutenzione19
rivenditore o con il vostro fornitore locale di energia elettrica.
Per evitare di danneggiare il cavo di alimentazione del caricabat-
teria collocatelo in una posizione dove non venga calpestato e
non appoggiate alcun oggetto sopra di esso. Inserite la spina in
prese dotate di messa a terra.
Evitate urti e vibrazioni eccessive. Non utilizzate il caricatore se
ha ricevuto un forte urto, se è caduto o se sembra danneggiato;
contattate immediatamente un centro di assistenza autorizzato.
Non smontate il caricabatteria. Gli interventi di assistenza devo-
no essere effettuati esclusivamente da centri autorizzati. Per
informazioni contattate il vostro rivenditore locale.
Per ridurre il rischio di folgorazioni, scollegate la spina prima di
effettuare la pulizia o la manutenzione. Afferrate la spina (non il
cavo!) per rimuoverla dalla presa. L'utilizzo di prolunghe non
adatte può causare fuoco o folgorazioni.
Non esponete le batterie direttamente a temperature al di sotto
dei -20°C e oltre i +35°C durante il loro magazzinaggio e non cari-
catele al di fuori dei valori da +5 a +55°C.
8.2 Manutenzione della radio
8.2.a Pulizia della radio
Strofinate la radio con un panno morbido, pulito e privo di pelucchi per
rimuovere lo sporco. Se è molto sporca, inumidite leggermente il panno
con acqua.
Non utilizzate detergenti liquidi, spray, alcol o abrasivi
Se normalmente utilizzate la vostra radio in luoghi polverosi o in con-
dizioni ambientali gravose vi raccomandiamo di utilizzare la custodia
opzionale. Fate riferimento al capitolo 9.
8.2.b Pulizia dei pacchi batteria
Per rimuovere lo sporco, grasso o qualsiasi altro materiale che possa
impedire un buon contatto elettrico, strofinate i contatti della batteria con
un panno morbido, pulito e privo di pelucchi. Se i contatti sono molto
sporchi potete anche strofinarli utilizzando una gomma morbida da mati-
ta (non quelle ruvide per inchiostro!). Se pensate che i contatti della bat-
teria non funzionino più bene, contattate il vostro rivenditore autorizzato.
Non utilizzate detergenti liquidi, spray, alcol o abrasivi
8.2.c Connettori
Quando i connettori non sono utilizzati, devono essere sempre coperti con
l’apposita protezione. In particolare fate riferimento ai par. 9.1.a e 9.1.b
Collegate ai connettori della radio solo accessori adatti. Per det-
tagli contattate il rivenditore autorizzato.
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 19
seguenti requisiti:
• Gli spinotti per l'Altoparlante (SPK) e il Microfono (MIC) devono esse-
re di tipo standard rispettivamente da 3,5 mm e 2,5 mm e collegati
come mostrato in figura:
• L'impedenza di ingresso dell'altoparlante deve essere di 8 Ohm.
• Il microfono deve essere del tipo a condensatore a bassa impeden-
• Tutti gli accessori devono essere di alta qualità ed adatti all'uso pro-
Non collegate alcun accessorio, se non siete sicuri che sia con-
forme ai requisiti sopra citati. Potreste creare seri danni alla
vostra radio. In caso di dubbi contattate il vostro rivenditore
9.1.b Connessione
Sia per il microfono/altoparlante che per la cuffia/microfono seguite
quanto riportato al paragrafo 7.2.a
Per evitare danni all’apparecchio, quando non utilizzate il con-
nettore accessori, collocate di nuovo in sede la protezione
20Accessori opzionali
9 Accessori opzionali
Questi accessori opzionali possono essere utilizzati per migliorare le pre-
stazioni del ricetrasmettitore:
• Pacco batteria di scorta. Aumenta l’autonomia e minimizza la pos-
sibilità di effetto memoria (fate riferimento al capitolo 8.1).
• Custodia.Protegge la vostra radio contro i piccoli urti e graffi; è l’i-
deale per l’uso in condizioni ambientali gravose.
• Caricatore standard. Fate riferimento al paragrafo 4.5.
• Caricatore rapido. Fate riferimento al paragrafo 4.5.
• Microfono/altoparlante esterno. Fate riferimento al par. 9.1
• Cuffia con microfono incorporato e commutatore PTT/VOX.
Fate riferimento al par. 9.1
9.1 Microfono/altoparlante o cuffia con microfono
Il connettore accessori (sotto la protezione) è stato progettato per il col-
legamento a due accessori base (opzionali):
• Un microfono/altoparlante esterno, che permette di utilizzare la
radio saldamente affrancata alla vostra cintura per mezzo dell'attac-
co a cintura in dotazione.
• Una cuffia con microfono incorporato e commutatore PTT/VOX,
che aggiunge l’ulteriore comodità del VOX: potete attivare la trasmis-
sione in condizioni di mani libere semplicemente parlando nel micro-
fono della cuffia. Per ulteriori dettagli fate riferimento al par. 7.2.
9.1.a Collegamenti
Qualsiasi tipo di accessorio approvato per gli scopi sopra menzionati può
essere collegato al connettore del microfono, a patto che rispondano ai
Massa Altop.
Massa Mic.
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 20
Regolazione volume
Selezione canale operativo
Monitor delle comunicazioni in corso
Invio chiamata selettiva Nr.1
Invio chiamata selettiva Nr.2
Invio chiamata selettiva di emergenza
Scansione dei canali
Selezione canale prioritario
di scansione
VOX (attivazione/disattivazione)
Sensibilità VOX (due livelli)
Scrambler (attivazione/disattivazione)
Selettore canali
Selettore canali
Rotazione in senso orario/antiorario oltre lo
scatto meccanico
Rotazione in senso orario/antiorario
Rotazione del selettore sul canale desiderato
Pressione breve
Pressione prolungata dall’inizio alla fine del
Pressione prolungata
Pressione prolungata
Pressione prolungata contemporanea
Accendere la radio con i tasti premuti
Attivare la scansione con il selettore sul
canale desiderato
Accendere la radio con il tasto premuto
Pressione breve
Pressione breve contemporanea
Guida rapida21
10 Guida rapida
10.1 Riassunto delle funzioni
Se avete familiarizzato con il vostro ricetrasmettitore, potete utilizzare rapidamente la varie funzioni facendo riferimento a questa comoda tabella riassuntiva:
La tabella a fianco costituisce
solo un semplice promemoria.
Va comunque letto con atten-
zione tutto il manuale prima di
utilizzare la radio
Se si preme il tasto MON e si
accende l’apparato, quest’ul-
timo entra in PROGRAMMING
MODE. Non effettuate questa
operazione, in quanto va ese-
guita solo da personale tecni-
co dotato di opportune appa-
recchiature. L’utilizzo errato di
questa funzione potrebbe
creare dei malfunzionamenti
Come già specificato in ciascun
paragrafo, molte di queste fun-
zioni variano (o non sono dispo-
nibili) in base alla programmazio-
ne eseguita precedentemente.
Per dettagli contattate il vostro
rivenditore/gestore della rete
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 21
Caratteristiche tecniche
11 Caratteristiche tecniche
11.1 Metodi di test
• ETS 300-086
• IEC 529 IP54 e MIL STD 810 C/D/E
11.2 Tabella caratteristiche
CaratteristicaUnitàValore/Condizioni di misura
FrequenzaMHzALANHP106: da 148 a 174
ALANHP406: da 440 a 470
Banda operativaMHz26
Numero canali programmabili-16
Spaziatura canaliKHz12,5 / 20 / 25
Incrementi di frequenzaKHz5 / 6,25
Alimentazione nominaleVcc7,5
Capacità batteriamAhNi-MH 1.300
5 in RX al 60% della potenza
B.F. massima8 (ore)
90 in RX a squelch chiuso
in power save
Impedenza antennaOhm50
Impedenza altoparlanteOhm8
Stabilità in frequenzappm±2,5
Gamma temperatura operativa°Cda –30 a +60
Potenza di uscita (±1 dB)W1 / 5
Emissioni spurieµWda 9 KHz a 1 GHz< 0,25
da 1 a 4 GHz< 1
Sistema di modulazione-F3E (FM)
ModulazioneKHz± 2,5 / 5
Distorsione audio-5 % o meno
Deviazione massimaKHz± 2,5 / 5
Attenuazione potenza suldB< -60 / -70
canale adiacente
Sensibilità (a 12 dB SINAD)µV< 0,35
Sensibilità squelch (SINAD)dB10
Selettività (canali adiacenti)dBAlmeno -65 / -75
Reiezione alle spuriedB> 70
IntermodulazionedB> 65
Soppressione rumore di fondodB< -45 / < -40
Uscita audio mW400
(1 KHz al 5% T.H.D.)
Specifiche meccaniche
Dimensioni (incl. pacco batteria)mm130 x 42 x 60
Peso (incluso pacco batteria)g355
i A-air
Connettore -Jack monofonici standard da 2,5 e 3,5 mm
accessori/ programmazione
Resistenza polvere e umidità-Secondo le norme IEC529 e IP54
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 22
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 23
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 24
In this book...1
2.1Conventions and Symbols in this Book4
2.2Warning notes4
3.3Side (left and right)7
4.2Fitting/removing the antenna8
4.3Installing/removing the battery pack9
4.4Installing/removing the belt clip9
4.5Charging the battery pack10
5.1Switching the radio ON/OFF10
5.2Adjusting volume11
5.3Channel selection11
5.6.aTime-out Transmission Timer (TOT)12
5.6.bBusy Channel Lock Out13
5.6.cTransmission Power13
6.2.aCTCSS/DCS transmission14
6.2.bSending a normal selective call14
6.2.cSending an emergency selective call14
7.1Channel Scanning15
7.1.aEnabling/disabling scanning15
7.1.bPriority Channel15
7.2Handsfree transmission (VOX)16
7.2.aHeadset Connection16
7.2.bEnabling/disabling VOX16
7.2.cAdjusting VOX sensitivity16
7.3Confidential Communications (scrambler)16
8.1Battery Packs17
8.1.aProperly charging battery packs17
8.1.bMemory effect18
8.1.cErasing memory effect18
8.1.dWarnings for battery and chargers use18
8.2Radio maintenance19
8.2.aCleaning the radio19
8.2.bCleaning battery packs19
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 1
2In this book
9.1Microphone/speaker or Headset with microphone20
9.1.aContacts layout20
10.1 Operation resume21
11.1 Test methods22
11.2 Specifications table22
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 2
ALAN HP106/HP406 - The power of semplicity3
1 ALANHP106/HP 406 – The power of semplicity
Congratulations. ALAN HP106/HP406 is a Professional Radio, whose
rugged design allows it to be your reliable partner even during hard wor-
king days.
It’s a transceiver designed to be easy to use, but featured with advanced
functions that make it flexible to every use.
We state the most important ones:
• Easy to use – just only five commands to control all the transceiver’s
• Channel scanning – it allows to automatically search the radio
signals on the programmed channels.
• VOX (Voice Operated eXchange) – it allows to enable the transmis-
sion by simply speaking, in full handsfree condition, by the optional
• CTCSS/DCS – to share more radio networks on the same frequency
and safely access to your radio repeaters.
• Selective call – for more advanced radio network management. You
can individually call a user inside a network or make group calls.
• Emergency selective call – you can send it, when needed, with a
simple command protected against accidental switching.
• Analogue scrambler – for confidential communications. Radio com-
munications are encoded and decoded from every ALANHP106 in
order to reduce the risk of tapping from third parties who are watching
your frequency.
• Wide range of optional accessories which allow to extend the flexi-
bility of use.
Transceiver’s specifications of ALAN HP106/HP4065 are compliant
with ETS 300 086, moreover its top level design and resistance are
compliant with IEC529 level IP54 and MIL STD 810 C,D,E.
CTE International is committed to continuous quality improve, for this
reason specifications may vary without prior notice.
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 3
4Safety first
2 Safety first
2.1 Conventions and Symbols in this Book
This symbol marks a ‘note’. Notes are hints or tips which offer addi-
tional information to allow an easier use of the device and obtain the
best performances.
This symbol marks a ‘caution’. Cautions are special notices
which you should read and follow carefully to avoid possible
damage to your equipment and to avoid potential danger to
yourself or other people.
Key names will be highlighted in bold.
Important sentences and words are highlighted in Italic.
2.2 Warning notes
Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this
document is complete, accurate and up-to-date. CTE
International assumes no responsibility for the results of errors
beyond its control. The manufacturer of this equipment also can-
not guarantee that changes in the equipment made by non
authorized people will not affect the applicability of the informa-
tion in it.
The operations described in this manual should be executed fol-
lowing the order they are listed. The consultation references of
the chapters/paragraphs are exclusively listed to allow a more
practical use.
The reliability of what is described in this manual is intended
errors and omissions expected. In case of any doubts please
contact your dealer/radio network manager.
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 4
Safety first5
2.3 Safety
Your ALAN HP106/HP406 handheld transceiver has been carefully desi-
gned to give you years of safe, reliable performance. As with all electrical
equipments, however, there are a few basic precautions you should take
to avoid hurting yourself or damaging the radio:
Read the instructions in this handbook carefully. Be sure to save
it for future reference.
Read and follow all the warning labels and instruction on the
radio itself and on the accessories.
Don’t carry the transceiver by the antenna. This may damage the
antenna or antenna terminal. Grasp it by its base (not the tip!)
when you need to place or remove it.
Don’t keep the radio with the antenna very close to you, or tou-
ching exposed parts of the body, while transmitting. The radio
will perform best if the microphone is 5-10 cm away from the
mouth and the radio is vertical.
Be sure the PTT key is not accidentally depressed when you
don’t need to transmit.
Do not operate the radio near unshielded electrical blasting caps
or in an explosive atmosphere.
Don’t transmit without the antenna fitted on the radio or with a
damaged antenna. Though it is provided with a protection, it may
seriously damage the TX output final stage.
Respect the environment conditions. The radio is designed to be
used in heavy environments, however avoid exposing it to extre-
mely hot or cold temperature (out of the range between –30° to
+60°C). Don’t expose the transceiver to excessive vibrations as
well as dusty or rainy places.
Never try to disassemble or service the radio by yourself (aside
from the routine maintenance described in this handbook). It will
immediately void the warranty and you may cause damage
requiring extensive repair work. Always contact your local dealer
for assistance.
Grasp your radios firmly. Otherwise it may fall and be damaged.
Use only genuine accessories. Non original ones could seriously
damage your handheld transceiver.
Do not use your radio near water or spill liquid of any kind into it.
If the transceiver gets wet immediately, dry it by a soft and clean
Switch the radio off before you clean it. Strictly follow the direc-
tions stated in Chapter 8.
Handle the battery properly. Strictly follow the directions stated
in Chapter 8.
Be certain that your power source matches the rating listed for
the supplied battery charger. If you are not sure, check with your
dealer or with your local power company.
To avoid damaging the power cable of the battery charger, do
not put anything on it or place it where it will be walked on.
This product complies with the requirements of the Council Directives
89/336/EEC and 73/23/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the
member states relating to electromagnetic compatibility and low voltage.
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 5
6Part names and their functions
3 Part names and their functions
We recommend to have a look to this section in order to familiarize with
the transceiver’s main parts and controls. Numbers in brackets refer to
the images.
3.1 Top
[1] Antenna connector(MX thread type). Fit the supplied rubber
antenna to this connector.
[2] Power ON/OFF knob. Rotate this knob to turn the transceiver on
and off and to adjust the monitor volume level.
[3] Channel selector knob. Rotate this knob to select the operative
channel. It also defines the scanning priority channel.
[4] Status LED. Glows in different colors to show the current radio’s
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 6
Part names and their functions7
3.2 Front
[5] Speaker. The built in speaker
located in this point emits the
reception sound.
[6] Microphone.Your voice is
detected by the microphone
located in this place.
3.3 Side (left and right)
[7] Accessory connector(under the cover cap). To connect the exter-
nal speaker / microphone, headsets for VOX use and other acces-
sories. It must be protected with the supplied plastic cap when not
in use. For the related connections please refer to the Chapter 9.1.
[8] Battery pack. The rechargeable NiMH battery pack supplies energy
to your radio. For details please see the paragraph 4.5.
[9] Release button(located on the battery’s body). Allows to remove
the battery pack. For details please see the paragraph 4.3.
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 7
[10] MON (monitor) button. This button carries out different functions.
The main ones are the following:
• If you briefly press it, you will enable/disable the audio monito-
ring of the radio traffic on the selected channel (if enabled). For
details please see the paragraph 5.5.
• If you keep it pressed, the selective call #1 (if enabled) will be
sent. For details please see the paragraph 6.2.b
[11] PTT (Push To Talk) button. When pressed, it switches the trans-
ceiver from reception to transmission. For details please see the
paragraph 5.6.
[12] FUNC (Function) button. This button carries out different functions.
The main ones are the following:
• If you briefly press it, you can adjust the VOX sensitivity by swit-
ching one of two available levels. For details please see the para-
graph 7.2.c
• If you keep it pressed, the selective call #2 (if enabled) will be
sent. For details please see the paragraph 6.2.b
4 Setup
4.1 Unpacking
The following items are in the package:
(a) Transceiver’s main body
(b) Rubber ducky antenna
(c) Battery pack NiMH 1,300 mA/H
(d) Belt clip
(e) User’s guide (this book!)
If something is missing please promptly advise your supplier.
The battery charger is available as option in two versions. For details
please see the paragraph 4.5.
4.2 Fitting/removing the antenna
To fit the antenna:
1) Hold the transceiver directing its antenna connector to the top with
one hand and the base (the thicker part with the MX threaded con-
nector) of the rubber ducky antenna with the other one.
2) Direct the base of the antenna to the transceiver’s antenna connector.
3) Screw down the antenna to the antenna connector rotating it clock-
wise until it firmly locks.
Do not overtight the antenna in order to avoid the damage of the
transceiver’s threaded connector or the antenna connector.
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 8
To remove the antenna:
1) Execute the above-mentioned step 1.
2) Unscrew the rubber ducky antenna rotating it counterclockwise and
remove it.
Leave the antenna fitted on the radio. You can’t communicate
without it. Moreover, transmitting without the antenna (or with a
damaged antenna) may damage the TX output final stage. Use
the supplied antenna only.
The supplied antenna is broadband type and covers the whole spec-
trum, so it doesn’t need any alignment procedure.
4.3 Installing/removing the battery pack
To install the battery pack (please refer to the drawing):
1) Direct the front part of the transceiver
downwards. Hold the transceiver’s
body with one hand and the battery
pack with the other. Put the battery
pack onto the lower part of the trans-
ceiver’s battery slot as shown.
2) Firmly push the battery pack toward
the upper part of the transceiver’s bat-
tery slot until you will hear a mechani-
cal snap (click), meaning that the bat-
tery pack is steadily locked in its posi-
To remove the battery pack:
1) Press and hold in the direction shown
by the arrow the battery release button
located in the back of the battery pack.
2) Ensure that the battery pack is unloc-
ked, keep the button pressed and
gently pull the battery pack away from
the upper edge of the transceiver’s bat-
tery slot (the opposite operation of the
previous step 2).
3) Remove the battery pack by separating it from the transceiver’s
For details about the battery pack charge and the battery chargers to
make use of please see the paragraph 4.5.
4.4 Installing/removing the belt clip
The supplied belt allows you to
hang the transceiver up to your
belt or jacket when you are not
using the radio and you are just in
stand-by condition (ready to recei-
ve calls).
To fit the belt clip onto the trans-
ceiver’s body just gently slide the
clip into the appropriate guides
located in the transceiver’s back
(battery slot) until it firmly locks.
1slide down
2push down
1push down
2let up
1slide down
3slide over
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 9
10Basic operations
To remove the belt press the belt clip spring and do the reverse of what
stated to fit the belt clip.
4.5 Charging the battery pack
In order to carry out the first charge of the battery pack please refer to the
User’s Manual supplied with the battery charger. This one is supplied
separately, as it is available in two versions to choose depending on your
• Desktop slow battery charger – more convenient model which
allows you to maximize the life of your battery pack.
• Rapid intelligent battery charger – for a quick and automatic bat-
tery charge.
For the next charges, best duty and battery life, please refer to
the paragraph 8.1.
The battery chargers are for indoor use only.
If the battery pack is new, it is not 100% efficient, meaning that it could
get discharged before the expected time. In order to reach the full
capacity, you must carry out the “running-in period” of the battery
pack through at least 3-4 complete charge/discharge cycles, after that
the battery reaches its maximum efficiency. For further details please
refer to the paragraph 8.1.a.
5 Basic operations
This section describes how the standard functions work. The standard
functions could have been modified by your radio network manager. For
such reason the way your transceiver operates can slightly differ from
what is described here.
IMPORTANT: In case of doubts please contact your dealer/radio net-
work manager for further details.
5.1 Switching the radio ON/OFF
To switch the radio on rotate the PWR/VOL knob clockwise beyond the
mechanical “click” until the radio is switched on: the internal CPU will
start an autotest as follows:
• The status LED will light green, then red and finally off.
• A multi-tone acoustic signal confirms that the autotest has been pas-
The self-test goes very fast, therefore the LED optical signaling could
not be seen.
To switch the radio off just completely rotate the PWR/VOLknob coun-
terclockwise beyond the mechanical “click” until the radio is switched off.
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 10
Basic operations11
5.2 Adjusting volume
With the device turned on, rotate the PWR/VOLknob clockwise to
increase the volume or counterclockwise to reduce it. For a normal use
we suggest to keep it to the middle position.
5.3 Channel selection
If your radio has been programmed with more than one channel you can
easily change it. To select a channel, turn the channelselector knob
clockwise or counterclockwise until the channel indicator on the knob
matches the wished channel.
If the selected channel has not previously been programmed, the green
status LED remains permanently lit and a low error tone is produced.
5.4 Reception
Your radio could have been previously programmed to work, channel by
channel, in different modes: Open traffic, CTCSS/DCS orSelective
Call. Please have a look to each description and ask your radio network
manager or dealer which mode your radio channels have been program-
• OPEN TRAFFIC- in this mode you will hear any communication
which will be transmitted on the selected channel. When no signals
are received, the circuit called Squelch will mute the audio of your
device in order to not let you hear the annoying background noise.
When the signals are received, the squelch will open (i.e. it will auto-
matically disabled), the status LED will glow green and you will hear
the message from the speaker. At the end of message the squelch will
shut automatically.
• CTCSS/DCS(Continuous Tone Code Squelch System - Digital
Coded Squelch) - they are systems which use particular TX signaling
(a continuous sub-audio tone for CTCSS or a digital sub-audio code
for DCS, both transmitted below the audio band, so not audible) as
an access “key” to work a repeater or to unlock the party’s squelch,
which is sensitive to this signaling only. This last condition allows to
share more radio networks on the same frequency. In this case you
will receive only messages coming from parties sending a proper TX
signaling, i.e. belonging to your group. During CTCSS/DCS operation,
only the reception of the appropriate CTCSS/DCS tone/code enables
the speaker, glowing amber the status LED. Eventual signals without
the appropriate CTCSS/DCS tone will leave the speaker muted and
will glow green the status LED. For further details please refer to the
chapter 6.
• SELECTIVE CALL:It is a signalling system which uses audio tones
in sequence (usually “5 tones” selective calls) to call a specific station
or group(s). In this case you will only receive calls that have your
selective call identification code (a number) or calls sent to the group
you belong. For further details please refer to the chapter 6.
CTCSS/DCS and Selective Call can be combined together.
CTCSS/DCS and Selective Call allow to share the same frequency
among more than one radio network, however they are just useful
to avoid disturbing stations not owning of the same network with
messages not related to them. In any case, if more than one sta-
tion is transmitting at the same time on the same channel, this will
cause interferences. Don’t transmit if the status LED is glowing
green or amber. Wait till nobody is transmitting on the channel.
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 11
12Basic operations
5.5 Monitor
The MON(monitor) button is mainly useful for two purposes:
•If the channel you have tuned has been programmed in the Open
Traffic mode, briefly pressing the MONbutton temporarily disables
the squelch in order to allow you the reception of extremely weak
signals that can’t steadily open the squelch and are therefore recei-
ved “chopped”.
• If the channel you have tuned has been programmed with
CTCSS/DCS and/or Selective Call, a brief pressure of the MONbut-
ton temporarily disables the CTCSS/DCS and/or Selective Call to
allow you to monitor all the communications on the tuned channel,
even the ones that are not belonging to your network. Practically, you
are able to temporarily receive in Open Traffic just briefly pressing the
MON button.
In any case, if the MONbutton is enabled on your transceiver, press
it briefly to temporarily monitor the signals on the tuned channel and
repeat this operation to return to the normal condition.
Every time the MON button is pressed, a high or low acoustic tone will
be produced to notify respectively the monitor function enabled (open
squelch or disabled CSCSS/selective call) or disabled (closed squelch
or enabled CSCSS/selective call)
Depending on the programming, the MONbutton could not be acti-
ve or work in order to disable the CTCSS/DCS only or the selective
call only. Please refer to your dealer/radio network manager for details.
5.6 Transmission
To transmit please follow this procedure:
1) Ensure that the channel is not busy (otherwise you will create an inter-
ference), verifying that the status LED is not glowing green or amber.
If the channel is not free, please wait until that condition (LED turned
2) Keep pressed the PTTbutton and verify that the status LED is glo-
wing red to show that you are transmitting.
3) Speak with a normal voice level at approximately 5-10 cm from the
4) When your message is over, release the PTT button ensuring that the
status LED is turned off.
Don’t shout! It won’t increase the distance range, but rather will make
you heard distorted.
Don’t release the PTT button before your message is over or start tal-
king before pressing it, otherwise your message will be “chopped”.”
A handheld radio doesn’t normally allow to talk and receive simulta-
neously, for this reason make your messages with a reasonable time.
When you are talking, the other parties can’t do that, so don’t occupy
too much the channel.
In order to transmit properly, please also see the following paragraphs.
5.6.a Time-out Transmission Timer (TOT)
The radio might be programmed with the internal TOT timer (Time Out
Timer) which automatically put your radio in reception if you talk too long
(after a preset time). In this case release the PTT button and wait for few
seconds: the radio TX features will be automatically restored. Ask the
network responsible or your dealer for further details.
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 12
Basic operations13
5.6.b Busy Channel Lock Out
The radio might be programmed with the Busy Channel Lock Out
(BCLO). In this condition the PTT button is disabled during the reception
of radio signals. For such reason, if you are not able to transmit while you
are pressing the PTTbutton (the status LED is not glowing red), release
the PTT button and verify if the channel is actually free (the status LED is
turned off).
Depending on the programming, the BCLO can work either when it
finds any signal or in case of a signal with a specific CTCSS/DCS
5.6.c Transmission Power
Your ALAN HP106/HP406 can transmit with two power levels according
to the distance of your party station(s). The low/high power channels are
preset during the programming and cannot be modified by the user. We
strongly recommend to use low power when possible: you will extend the
life of the battery and you will reduce the risk of interference with stations
not belonging to your radio network which could share with you the same
In case of low battery level, the unit will then automatically revert to
low power in order to help to extend the battery's operational life. In
this case, two short beeps (acoustic signals) will be heard before
transmission and one during reception.
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 13
14CTCSS/DCS and Selective Call operation
6 CTCSS/DCS and Selective Call operation
6.1 Reception
The radio may be set-up so that, during the operation with the
CTCSS/DCS and/or Selective Call, audio is enabled only when you recei-
ve the appropriate CTCSS/DCS tone and/or Selective Call. Speaker will
then remain muted until the correct CTCSS tone, the correct DCS code
and/or the appropriate selective call is received. As soon as this condi-
tion takes place, the speaker will be unmuted allowing you to hear the
message and the status LED will glow amber. In case of reception of
signals without the correct tone, the speaker will remain muted and the
status LED will glow green.
Depending on the programming, you can temporarily disable the
CTCSS/DCS and the selective call in order to monitor the radio traf-
fic. For details please refer to the paragraph 5.5.
6.2 Transmission
6.2.a CTCSS/DCS transmission
If your transceiver has been programmed to transmit a CTCSS tone or a
DCS code, it is not necessary to do anything. The CTCSS tone or the
DCS code is automatically sent every time you transmit (the device does
not show this condition).
6.2.b Sending a normal selective call
On your transceiver the MONand FUNCbuttons could have been pro-
grammed to send, respectively, the selective call Nr.1 and Nr.2.
To send a selective call:
1) Ensure that the channel is not busy (otherwise you will cause an inter-
ference), verifying that the status LED is not glowing green or amber.
If the channel is not free, please wait until that condition takes place
(LED turned-off)
2) Keep the MON or FUNC button pressed until the device will produce
a beep (about 3 seconds), then release the button. The default
address of every button is automatically recalled.
During a call, the transceiver turns automatically on the transmission
(the status LED glows red), so it is not necessary to press the PTT but-
6.2.c Sending an emergency selective call
If your transceiver has been programmed to send an emergency selecti-
ve call, you can send it by simultaneously pressing for a long time both
the MONand FUNCbuttons until you will hear a beep and the status
LED will glow red, then release the buttons. The transceiver will send the
emergency selective call.
Please use the emergency selective call only if a real condition
requires its use. Please agree its use with your radio network
During a call the transceiver turns automatically on the transmission
(the status LED glows red), so it is not necessary to press the PTT but-
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 14
Advanced operations15
7 Advanced operations
In this section we’ll describe some advanced operations which you can
do with your handheld transceiver.
7.1 Channel Scanning
If you have more than one channel programmed, your ALAN
HP106/HP406 can scan them; in other words it can repeatedly switch
through all the programmed channels cyclically and automatically stop
when a signal is detected on one of them. During the scanning, only the
channels belonging to a specific scanning list (defined by the set-up) are
monitored. If a valid signal is received during the scanning, the scanning
stops and the communication is audible through the speaker. When the
signal is over, the scanning automatically restarts.
If the CTCSS/DCS or the selective call have been previously program-
med, the device could be set-up to stop only if the received signals con-
tain the correct signaling.
7.1.a Enabling/disabling scanning
To enable the scanning:
1) Turn off the device
2) Turn on the device keeping the MON + FUNC button pressed. A high
beep (after the acoustic tone of power-on confirmation stated in the
paragraph 5.1) notifies that the scanning is activated, and the status
LED will slowly blink amber.
During scanning the channel selector knob becomes invalid.
If the Scan List is empty, an error tone will be heard when you try to
activate the scan and the radio will not start the Scan Mode.
Obviously, at least two channels must be entered in the Scan List for
the unit to be put in the SCAN Mode.
If the PTT button is pressed during the channel scanning, this one will
stop and the radio will transmit on the first vacant channel, then the
unit will automatically resume scanning.
To stop the scanning, repeat the above procedure from step 1. A low
beep is produced and the scanning will stop.
7.1.b Priority Channel
Depending on the transceiver’s programming, one of the scanning list
channels could have been assigned as Priority Channel. The scanning
will monitor the priority channel more frequently.
The programming could has been also set-up to allow you to decide,
from time to time, which is the channel to assign as priority. For informa-
tion please contact your dealer/radio network manager.
To assign a priority channel (if previously enabled by the programming):
1) Ensure that the scanning is not active.
2) Before starting the scan mode, select the desired channel using the
channel selector.
3) Start the channel scanning as described in paragraph 7.1.a. The
channel previously selected by the channel selector will be scanned
more frequently.
Once the scanning is started, if you wish to change the priority chan-
nel, you need to disable the scanning. Therefore it is not sufficient to
turn-off the device, rotate the channel selector, and switch it on again.
Depending on the programming, on the priority channel could also be
set the busy channel lock out function (BCLO) or other conditions (i.e.
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 15
16Advanced operations
reception of a correct CTCSS/DCS signal, with CTCSS/DCS incor-
rect, etc.). For details about the BCLO operation please refer to the
paragraph 5.6.b
7.2 Handsfree transmission (VOX)
VOX (Voice Operated eXchange) is a device that allows you to automati-
cally switch the transmission in hands free mode just by speaking in the
built-in microphone of a headset (not provided with the unit) connected
to your transceiver. Once you have finished to talk, the VOX automatically
switches the radio on reception.
Ensure that the headset with microphone you are going to use is
suitable to your transceiver as stated in the paragraph 9.1
7.2.a Headset Connection
1) With a suitable screwdriver, unscrew the screw that holds the cover
cap of the accessory connector (item [7] of the paragraph 3.3)
2) Keep the cover cap in a safe place and connect the headset/micro-
phone to the accessory connector (for details about the contacts
layout please refer to the paragraph 9.1.a).
In order to avoid damages to the device, put the cover cap in its
place again when the accessory connector is not used.
7.2.b Enabling/disabling VOX
1) Ensure that the headset is properly connected and that the headset’s
built-in microphone is located close to the side of your mouth.
2) Switch on the radio on keeping pressed the FUNC button.
3) When the device is switched on, release the button.
7.2.c Adjusting VOX sensitivity
1) Enable the VOX as described above
2) Briefly press the FUNCbutton to select one of two VOX sensitivity
levels (high/low).
3) Perform some tests in order to ensure a stable transmission when
speaking with a normal voice level, but avoiding accidental transmis-
We recommend to set just the minimum sensitivity as possible.
A too high value could cause accidental transmissions, espe-
cially in hi-noise environments.
The transceiver isn’t provided with any indication of LOW/HIGH VOX
PTT button is disabled during VOX operation.
7.3 Confidential Communications (scrambler)
Your transceiver could have been programmed to use the scrambler
when necessary. This is a device that make your communications unin-
telligible to normal receivers/transceivers, but perfectly clear to the other
radios of your network, that obviously must belong to the HPx06 family
(i.e. equipped of the same type of scrambler).
To enable the scrambler:
1) Ensure that the other party enables his/her scrambler too.
2) Simultaneously and briefly press the MONand FUNCbuttons. The
device will send a high-pitched beep to confirm that the scrambler is
To disable the scrambler:
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 16
Care and maintenance17
1) Ensure that the other party disables his scrambler too
2) Follow the above-mentioned step 2. The device will produce a low-
pitched beep to confirm that the scrambler is disabled.
If the scrambler is enabled, you can’t receive unencrypted communi-
cations. In any case, in order to guarantee the communication, all the
radios that have to communicate each other must have the scrambler
enabled or disabled.
The scrambler can be disabled during the programming. In case of
doubts please contact your dealer/radio network manager.
As any coding device, even your transceiver’s scrambler cannot gua-
rantee the communication security at 100%.
8 Care and maintenance
8.1 Battery Packs
8.1.a Properly charging battery packs
Should you properly use the battery pack, you will obtain at least 400
charging/discharging cycles with an excellent working life. To properly
charge the battery pack:
1) Ensure that the radio is switched off.
2) Insert the radio (or the battery pack) into the cradle as explained in the
paragraph 4.5.
3) Wait the necessary time to provide a full charge.
Don’t overcharge the battery: always remember to remove the
radio after the necessary time.
The battery charger is for indoor use only.
When possible, charge the battery when it is fully discharged or, at
least, you have used it for the major part of its duty; otherwise the bat-
tery’s duty could be temporarily reduced. Please see the paragraph
Don’t remove the radio before the necessary time, otherwise the bat-
tery’s duty could be temporarily reduced. Please see the paragraph
Rechargeable battery packs lose their charge with the time if left unu-
sed (self-discharge): this is normal. A NiMH (Nickel Metal Hydrate) bat-
tery can reduce 10 to 20% of its stored energy in a few days.
It is normal that the battery duty will progressively reduce after 2/3 of
its life (approx.).
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 17
18Care and maintenance
8.1.b Memory effect
The supplied NiMH (Nickel Metal Hydrate) battery pack is made with a
more advanced technology than normal NiCd (Nickel Cadmium) battery.
For this reason it is virtually free of what is called “memory effect”, that is
a temporary capacity reduction which reduces the battery duty Memory
effect may occur just if you regularly charge the battery when you have-
n’t discharged it at least at 50-70%. Memory effect can be easily avoided
by following these simple rules:
• When possible charge battery packs only when they are completely
• Don’t remove the battery from the charger before the necessary time
to provide a full charge.
• Provide at least two deep charge/discharge cycles per month.
• The best way to avoid memory effect is to use two battery packs and
alternate their use with the radio. This will allow you to keep on your
transceiver’s operation by replacing the battery pack just when it’s
fully discharged and use the spare (charged) one.
8.1.c Erasing memory effect
Memory effect can be easily erased just by applying 3-4 deeper char-
ge/discharge cycles.
1) Use the battery fitted in the radio and wait till the radio switches off for
a lack of energy, then switch the radio off by the PWR/VOL knob.
2) Wait at least one hour and then try to switch on the radio: you will note
that some energy has restored in the battery, because the radio can
be switched on.
3) Leave the radio in RX until the radio switches off again, then switch it
off by the PWR/VOL knob.
4) Repeat steps 2) and 3) three times.
5) Fully charge the battery and check the battery duty. If some memory
effect still exists, go back to step 1.
If the battery duty does not improve after three of the over stated
cycles, it means that your battery pack is faulty or has reached the end
of life (please refer to the paragraph 8.1). In this case please ask your
dealer to provide you with a new battery pack.
8.1.d Warnings for battery and chargers use
Please follow these cautions to avoid damaging battery packs or the
Before using the battery charger carefully read any related war-
ning or caution.
Don’t short battery terminals: this may cause fire, burns or explo-
Never dispose batteries into fire and never expose them to high
temperature, they may explode causing fire or explosions.
Strictly follow any disposal regulation of your Country.
Use only genuine batteries and chargers. The use of non-genui-
ne accessories may cause burns, fire or explosions, making
serious damages to the radio/battery or serious injuries to peo-
Battery chargers are for indoor use only.
Be certain that your power source matches the rating listed for
the supplied battery charger (AC adapter). If you are not sure,
check with your dealer or with your local power company.
To avoid damaging the power cable of the battery charger, do
not put anything on it or place it where it will be walked on. Insert
the plug in socket provided with earth connection.
Avoid strong shocks. Don’t use the charger if it received a strong
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 18
Care and maintenance19
shock, has fallen down or it appears damaged; immediately con-
tact an authorized service station.
Never try to disassemble the charger by yourself. Servicing must
be carried out by authorized centers only. Please contact your
local dealer for information.
To reduce the risk of electric shocks disconnect the plug before
providing any cleaning or maintenance. Grasp the plug (not the
cable!) to remove it from the socket. The use of non-suitable
extension can cause fire or electric shocks.
Do not expose batteries directly to temperatures below -20°C or
greater than +35°C during their storage and don’t charge them
outside the range of +5° to +55°C.
8.2 Radio maintenance
8.2.a Cleaning the radio
Wipe the radio with a soft, clean and lint free cloth to remove dust. If it is
very dirty, you can use a damp (slightly moistened with water) cloth.
Do not use liquid, aerosol, alcohol or abrasive cleaners.
If you normally use your radio in dusty or hard environments, we do
recommend to use the optional carrying case. Please refer to the
chapter 9.
8.2.b Cleaning battery packs
Wipe the battery contacts with a soft, clean and lint free cloth to remove
dirt, grease or any other material that may prevent a good electrical con-
tact. If contacts are very dirty you can also wipe them using a soft pencil
rubber (not hard erasers for ink!). If you feel that battery contacts aren’t
still working properly, please contact your authorized dealer.
Do not use liquid, aerosol, alcohol or abrasive cleaners.
8.2.c Connectors
When the connectors are not being used, they should be protected with
the supplied cover cap. Particularly, please refer to the paragraphs 9.1.a
and 9.1.b
Only suitable accessories must be connected to the radio’s con-
nectors. For details please contact your authorized dealer.
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 19
20Optional accessories
9 Optional accessories
These optional accessories can be used to improve the transceiver’s per-
• Spare battery pack. It extends the duty time and minimizes the pos-
sibility of memory effect (please refer to the chapter 8.1).
• Carrying case. It protects your radio against small shocks and scrat-
ches; the best for use in hard environments.
• Slow battery charger. Please refer to paragraph 4.5.
• Rapid battery charger. Please refer to paragraph 4.5.
• External microphone/speaker. Please refer to paragraph 9.1
• Headset with built-in microphone and PTT/VOX switch. Please
refer to paragraph 9.1
9.1 Microphone/speaker or Headset with microphone
The accessories connector (under the cover cap) has been designed for
the connection of two basic accessories (not supplied as standard):
• An external speaker/microphone, which allows to use the radio
firmly secured to your belt by means of the supplied belt clip.
• A headset with built-in microphone and PTT/VOX switch, which
additionally add the VOX facility, in other words you can switch the
transmission just by talking at the headset’s microphone in hands free
convenience. For further details please refer to the paragraph 7.2.
9.1.a Contacts layout
Any kind of accessory for the above stated purposes can be connected
to the microphone connector, provided that they meet the following
• Jack connectors for Speaker (SPK) and Microphone (MIC) must be
respectively standard type 3,5 mm and 2,5 mm. and connected as
• The speaker input impedance should be 8 Ohms.
• The microphone should be condenser low-impedance type.
• All the accessories should be hi-quality suitable for professional use.
Do not connect any accessory if you are not sure it meets the
above stated requirements. You could seriously damage your
radio. In case of doubt please contact your authorized dealer.
9.1.b Connection
For details about the microphone/speaker and the headset/microphone
connections please refer to the paragraph 7.2.a
In order to avoid damages to the device, put the cover cap in its
place again when the accessory connector is not used.
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 20
Quick reference21
10 Quick reference
10.1 Operation resume
If you are now familiar with your transceiver, you can quickly use its functions making reference to this useful summary table:
This table is only a simple
reminder. The manual
should be read carefully
before using the radio any-
If the MON button is pressed
while the unit is powered on,
the radio enters the PRO-
carry out this operation,
since it is only allowed to
technical personnel provi-
ded with the appropriate
equipments. Wrong use of
this function could cause
device failures.
As already specified in each
paragraph, many of these
functions differ (or they are not
available) depending on the
programming previously car-
ried out. For details please
contact your dealer/radio net-
work manager.
Switching on/off
Adjusting volume
Operating channel selection
Monitor of the communications in
progress (enabling/disabling)
Sending the selective call #1
Sending the selective call #2
Sending the emergency selective call
Channel scanning
Priority channel scanning selection
VOX (enabling/disabling)
VOX sensitivity adjustment (two levels)
Scrambler (enabling/disabling)
Channel selector
Channel selector
Clockwise/counterclockwise rotation beyond
the mechanical click
Clockwise/counterclockwise rotation
Rotation on the desired channel
Briefly pressed
Pressed from the start to the end of the mes-
Held pressed
Held pressed
Both held pressed simultaneously
Turn on the radio holding the buttons pres-
Enable the scanning with the selector on the
desired channel
Turn on the radio by holding the button pressed
Briefly pressed
Both simultaneously briefly pressed
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 21
echnical specifications
11 Technical specifications
11.1 Test methods
• ETS 300-086
• IEC 529 IP54 and MIL STD 810 C/D/E
11.2 Specifications table
CharacteristicUnitsValue/Measurements conditions
FrequencyMHzALANHP106: from 148 to 174
ALANHP406: from 440 to 470
Operating Band MHz26
Number of -16
Programmable Channels
Channel SpacingKHz12.5 / 20 / 25
Frequency StepsKHz5 / 6.25
Rated Power SupplyVdc7.5
Battery CapacitymAhNi-MH 1.300
Duty Cyclehours5% on TX at the maximum power
5% on RX at 60 % of the
mum rated A.F.
er8 hours
90% on RX with closed squelch
in power save mode
Antenna ImpedanceOhm50
Speaker ImpedanceOhm8
Frequency Stabilityppm±2.5
Operating Temperature Range°Cfrom –30 to +60
Output Power (±1 dB)W1 / 5
Spurious EmissionsµWfrom 9 KHz to 1 GHz< 0,25
from 1 to 4 GHz< 1
Modulation System-F3E (FM)
ModulationKHz± 2,5 / 5
Audio Distortion -5 % or less
Maximum DeviationKHz± 2.5 / 5
Adjacent Channel dB< -60 / -70
Power Attenuation
Configuration-Double Conversion Superetherodyne
Sensitivity (at 12 dB SINAD)µV< 0.35
Squelch Sensitivity (SINAD)dB10
Selectivity (Adjacent Channel)dBAt least -65 / -75
Spurious Response RejectiondB> 70
IntermodulationdB> 65
Hum & Noise Suppression dB< -45 / < -40
Audio Output mW400
(1 KHz at 5% T.H.D.)
Mechanical Specifications
Size (Battery Pack Included)mm130 x 42 x 60
Weight (Battery Pack Included)g355
Accessories -2.5 and 3.5 mm standard monophonic
Moisture & Dust Resistance-According to the IEC529 and IP54
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 22
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 23
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 24
Dans ce manuel…1
2.1Conventions et Symboles dans ce Manuel4
3.3Côté droit et gauche7
4.1Vérification des parties8
4.2Fixation/enlèvement antenne8
4.3Installation/enlèvement du pack batterie9
4.4Installation/enlèvement de l'agrafe ceinture9
4.5Chargement du pack batterie10
5.1Mise en marche/Arrêt de la radio10
5.2Réglage du volume11
5.3Sélection du canal11
5.6.aTimer (horloge de l’arrêt) du temps 13
maxime d’émission(TOT)
5.6.bArrêt de la transmission en cas de canal occupé13
5.6.cPuissance de transmission13
6.2.aTransmission CTCSS/DCS14
6.2.bEnvoi d’un appel sélectif normal14
6.2.cEnvoi d’un appel sélectif d’urgence14
7.1Balayage des canaux15
7.1.aActivation/désactivation du balayage15
7.1.bCanal prioritaire15
7.2Transmission mains libres(VOX)16
7.2.aConnexion du casque16
7.2.bActivation/désactivation du VOX16
7.2.cRéglage sensibilité du VOX16
7.3Transmissions confidentielles (scrambler)16
8.1Packs Batterie17
8.1.aCharge correcte des packs batterie17
8.1.bEffet Mémoire18
8.1.cElimination effet mémoire18
8.1.dPrécautions pour l’usage de la batterie
et des chargeurs18
8.2Entretien de la radio19
8.2.aNettoyage de la radio19
8.2.bNettoyage des packs batterie19
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 1
2Dans ce manuel…
9.1Microphone/haut-parleur ou casque avec microphone20
10.1 Résumé des fonctions21
11.1 Normes22
11.2 Tableau spécifications techniques22
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 2
ALAN HP106/HP406 – La force de la semplicité3
1 ALANHP106 – La force de la semplicité
Félicitations. ALAN HP106/HP406 est un émetteur-récepteur profession-
nel qui utilise les dernières technologies. Sa constitution robuste lui per-
met d’être votre partenaire fiable même dans les journées de travail les
plus absorbantes.
Il s’agit d’une radio conçue pour être facilement utilisée. Elle est équipée
avec les dernières fonctions qui la rendent flexible pour toutes les utilisa-
tions. En bref nous vous indiquons seulement les plus importantes:
• Simple à utiliser – seulement cinq commandements pour maîtriser
toutes les fonctions de la radio
• Balayage des canaux– lui permet de rechercher automatiquement
les signaux radio sur les canaux programmés dans l’émetteur-récep-
• VOX (Voice Operated eXchange) – qui permet d’activer la transmis-
sion simplement en parlant, en pleine condition de mains libres avec
le casque/microphone en option
• CTCSS/DCS– pour partager plus réseaux radio sur la même fré-
quence et accéder en sécurité à Vos relais hertziens
• Appel sélectif – pour une gestion des réseaux radio encore plus
avancée. Vous pouvez appeler un seul utilisateur à l’intérieur d’un
réseau ou effectuer des appels de groupe
• Appel sélectif d’urgence – que vous pouvez émettre quand vous en
avez besoin avec un simple commandement à preuve d’activation
• Scrambler analogique - pour les conversations confidentielles. Les
communications radio sont codifiées et décodées par chaque ALAN
HP106 pour réduire les risques d’interception de la part de tiers qui
écoutent sur votre fréquence
• Une vaste gamme d’accessoires optionnels qui permettent l’ex-
tension de la flexibilité d’usage de l’appareil
Les spécifications de l’émetteur-récepteur ALAN HP106/HP406 sont
conformes aux normes ETS 300 086, de plus son design de haut niveau
et sa résistance sont conformes avec IEC529 niveau IP54 et MIL STD
810 C, D, E.
CTE International s’est engagée à améliorer continuellement la quali-
té de ses produits, pour cette raison les spécifications peuvent varier
sans avis antérieur.
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 3
4Avant securité
2 Avant securité
2.1 Conventions et Symboles dans ce Manuel
Ce symbole affiche une ‘note’. Les notes sont des renseignements ou
des conseils pratiques importants que vous devrez suivre pour rendre
l’utilisation de votre appareil la plus simple possible afin d’obtenir les
meilleures performances.
Ce symbole affiche un ‘avertissement’. Les avertissements sont
des avis spéciaux que vous devrez lire et suivre attentivement
pour éviter d’endommager votre appareil et éviter tout risque de
danger potentiel envers les autres et vous-mêmes.
Les noms des boutons et des touches seront mis en valeur en gras.
Phrases importantes et mots sont mis en valeur en cursif.
2.2 Avertissements
Ce document a été réalisé avec le plus grand soin, afin que les
renseignements soient complets, mis à jour et exacts. CTE
International dégage sa responsabilité envers tout problème sur-
venu en dehors des contrôles à sa charge. Le fabricant de cet
appareil ne peut garantir que des changements dans le produit
faits par les autres personnes non autorisées et rapportés dans
ce manuel n’affecteront pas l’applicabilité des renseignements
Les opérations décrites dans ce manuel doivent être exécutées
dans l’ordre pour lesquelles elles sont listées. Les références de
consultation des chapitres/paragraphes sont mentionnes exclu-
sivement pour permettre une utilisation plus pratique de ce
La crédibilité de la description de ce manuel doit être entendue
sauf erreurs et omissions. En cas de doute contactez votre
revendeur/administrateur du réseau radio
2.3 Sécurité
Votre émetteur-récepteur portatif ALAN HP106/HP406 a été conçue
avec attention pour vous offrir des années de performance sûres et fia-
bles. Comme pour tous les appareils électriques il y a quelques précau-
tions de base que vous devez prendre pour éviter de vous blesser ou
d’endommager la radio:
Lisez les directives dans ce manuel avec soin. Veuillez à le con-
server pour une référence future.
Lisez et suivez tous les avertissements et les indications que
vous trouverez sur la radio elle-même.
Ne portez pas l’émetteur-récepteur par l'antenne. Cela peut
endommager l'antenne ou le terminal de l’antenne.
Ne tenez pas la radio avec l’antenne très proche ou qu’elle tou-
che les parties exposées du corps, en transmettant. La radio
fonctionnera mieux si le microphone est placé à 5-10 cm de la
bouche et avec l’antenne en position verticale.
Assurez-vous que la touche PTT ne serait pas enfoncée acci-
dentellement quand vous n’avez pas besoin de transmettre.
N’utilisez pas la radio près de dispositifs électriques de détona-
tion qui ne sont pas protégés ou dans une atmosphère explosi-
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 4
Avant securité5
Ne transmettez pas si l'antenne n’est pas installée sur la radio ou
avec l’antenne endommagée. Même si elle est munie d’une pro-
tection, elle peut endommager l’étage final de sortie du trans-
Respectez les conditions de l’environnement. La radio est con-
çue pour être utilisée dans les environnements lourds, cepen-
dant évitez de l’exposer à températures extrêmement chaudes
ou froides (en dehors de–30° à +60° C). N’exposez pas l’émetteur-
récepteur à vibrations excessives ainsi qu’à des endroits pous-
siéreux ou humides.
N'essayez jamais de démonter ou de réparer la radio vous même
(mis à part l'entretien habituel décrit dans ce manuel). La garan-
tie sera annulée immédiatement et vous pourrez causer des
dégâts lourds pour la réparation. Contactez toujours votre reven-
deur local pour l'assistance.
Saisissez votre radio fermement. Autrement elle peut tomber et
Utilisez seulement des accessoires d'origine. Les autres pour-
• Microphone/haut-parleur extérieur. S’il vous plaît faites référence au
paragraphe 9.1
• Casque avec microphone incorporé et commutateur PTT/VOX. S’il
vous plaît faites référence au paragraphe 9.1
9.1 Microphone/haut-parleur ou casque avec microphone
Le connecteur auxiliaire (sous la protection) a été conçu pour la connexion à
deux accessoires de base (qui ne sont pas fournis de série):
• Un microphone/haut-parleur externe, qui permet d’utiliser la radio
attachée fermement à votre ceinture parmi l’agrafe ceinture en dotation.
• Un casque avec microphone incorporé et commutateur PTT/VOX,
qui ajoute entre outre la facilité du VOX, en d’autres mots vous pouvez
activer la transmission en condition de mains libres simplement en par-
lant au microphone du casque. Pour les détails supplémentaires s'il vous
plaît faites référence au paragraphe 7.2.
9.1.a Connexions
Tout genre d'accessoire utilisé à des fins décrites ci-dessus peut être con-
necté au connecteur du microphone, à condition qu'ils répondent aux exi-
gences suivantes:
• Les fiches pour le Haut-parleur (SPK) et le Microphone (MIC) doivent être
du type standard respectivement de 3,5 mm. et 2,5 mm. et connectés
comme montré dans la figure suivante:
• L'impédance d’entrée du haut-parleur doit être de 8 Ohms.
• Le microphone devrait être du type à condenseur de bas-impédance.
• Tous les accessoires devront être de haute qualité et convenables pour
l’usage professionnel.
S'il vous plaît ne connectez aucun accessoire, si vous n'êtes pas sûr
qu’il est conforme aux exigences ci-dessus. Vous pourriez créer des
dégâts sérieux à votre radio. En cas de doutes s'il vous plaît con-
tactez votre revendeur autorisé
9.1.b Connexion
Soit pour le microphone/haut-parleur que pour le casque/microphone s'il
vous plaît suivez la description du paragraphe 7.2.a
Pour éviter des dégâts à l’appareil, quand vous n’utilisez pas le
connecteur auxiliaire, mettez de nouveau la protection à sa place
Masse haut.
Masse Mic.
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 20
Guide rapide21
10 Guide rapide
10.1 Résumé des fonctions
Si vous êtes familiarisé avec votre émetteur-récepteur maintenant vous pouvez utiliser rapidement les fonctions différentes, ilsuffit que vous fassiez réfé-
rence au tableau confortable récapitulatif qui suit:
Le tableau à côté est seulement
un petit mémento. Avant d’utili-
ser la radio, lisez tout le manuel
Si vous appuyez sur le bouton
MON et l’appareil s’allume,
dans ce cas l’appareil entre en
N’effectuez pas cette opéra-
tion, parce que seulement le
personnel technique avec les
appareils appropriés peut le
faire. L’usage incorrect de cette
fonction pourrait créer des mal
fonctionnements de l’appareil.
Comme déjà expliqué dans cha-
que paragraphe, plusieurs de ces
fonctions changent (ou ne sont
pas disponibles) sur la base de la
programmation effectuée précé-
demment. S’il vous plait pour les
détails contactez votre reven-
deur/administrateur du réseau
Mise en marche/Arrêt
Réglage volume
Sélection canal opérationnel
Moniteur des communications courantes
Envoi appel sélectif Nr.1
Envoi appel sélectif Nr.2
Envoi appel sélectif d’urgence
Balayage des canaux
Sélection du canal prioritaire de balayage
VOX (activation/désactivation)
Sensibilité VOX (deux niveaux)
Scrambler (activation/désactivation)
Mise en marche/Vol.
Mise en marche/Vol.
Commutateur canaux
Commutateur canaux
Rotation dans le sens des aiguilles d’une
montre/dans le sens contraire à celui des aiguilles
d’une montre au-delà du déclic mécanique
Rotation dans le sens des aiguilles d’une
montre/dans le sens contraire à celui des aiguilles
d’une montre
Rotation du commutateur sur le canal désiré
Pression brève
Pression prolongée du début à la fin du message
Pression prolongée
Pression prolongée
Pression prolongée simultanée
Mise en marche de la radio avec les boutons appu-
Activer le balayage avec le commutateur sur le
canal désiré
Mise en marche de la radio avec le bouton appuyé
Pression brève
Pression prolongée simultanée
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 21
Specifications techniques
11 Specifications techniques
11.1 Normes
• ETS 300-086
• IEC 529 IP54 et MIL STD 810 C/D/E
11.2 Tableau spécifications techniques
Spécifications techniquesUnitéValeur/Conditions de mesure
FréquenceMHzALAN HP106: de 148 à 174
ALANHP406: de 440 à 470
Bande opérationnelleMHz26
Numéro canaux programmables-16
Espacement canauxKHz12,5 / 20 / 25
Incréments de fréquenceKHz5 / 6,25
Alimentation nominaleVcc7,5
Capacité batteriemAhNi-MH 1.300
Duty cycle
sec. en TX à la puissance maximale
5 sec. en RX au 60 % de la puissance
h 8elami
90 sec. en RX à squelch fermé
en économie d’énergie
Impédance antenneOhm50
Impédance haut-parleurOhm8
Stabilité de fréquenceppm±2,5
pérature gamme opérat. °Cde –30 à +60
Puissance en sortie (±1 dB)W1 / 5
Emission de spuriesµWde 9 KHz à 1 GHz< 0,25
de 1 à 4 GHz< 1
Système de modulation-F3E (FM)
ModulationKHz± 2,5 / 5
Distorsion audio-5 % ou moins
Déviation maximale KHz± 2,5 / 5
Atténuation puissance surdB< -60 / -70
le canal adjacent
Sensibilité (à 12 dB SINAD)µV< 0,35
Sensibilité squelch (SINAD)dB10
Sélectivité (canaux adjacents)dBAu moins -65 / -75
Rejet aux spuriesdB> 70
IntermodulationdB> 65
Suppression bruit de fonddB< -45 / < -40
Audio en sortie (1 KHz au 5% T.H.D.)mW400
Spécifications mécaniques
Dimension (avec le pack batterie)mm130 x 42 x 60
Poids (avec le pack batterie)g355
à t
Connecteur -Jack monophonique standard
auxiliaire/programmationde 2,5 et 3,5 mm
Résistance poussière et humidité-Selon les normes IEC529 et IP54
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 22
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 23
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 24
2.1Bedeutungen und Symbole in diesem Handbuch4
3.3Seitenansicht (links und rechts)7
4.2Montage und Demontage der Antenne8
4.3Aufsetzen und Abnehmen des Akkupacks9
4.4Montage und Demontage des Gürtelclips9
4.5Laden des Akkupacks10
5.1Gerät ein-/ausschalten10
5.2Lautstärke einstellen11
5.6.aTOT – Time Out Timer (Zeitsteuerung)13
5.6.bSendesperre auf belegten Kanälen13
5.6.cDie Sendeleistung einstellen13
6.2.aSenden mit CTCSS/DCS-Kennung14
6.2.bAussenden eines normalen Selektivrufs14
6.2.cAussenden eines Notrufs14
7.1.aKanalsuchlauf ein-/ausschalten15
7.2Senden im Freisprechbetrieb (VOX)16
7.2.aAnschluss einer Sprechgarnitur16
7.2.bAktivierung/Deaktivierung der VOX16
7.2.cEinstellen der VOX-Empfindlichkeit16
7.3Senden mit Sprachverschlüsselung (Scrambler)16
8.1.aInformation zu wiederaufladbaren Akkus17
8.1.bMemory Effekt18
8.1.cMemory Effekt rückgängig machen18
8.1.dWarnhinweise für die Benutzung von Akkus18
und Ladegeräten
8.2Wartung des Funkgerätes19
8.2.aReinigung des Funkgerätes19
8.2.bReinigung des Akkupacks19
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 1
9.1Mikrofon/Lautsprecher oder Sprechgarnitur20
10.1 Funktionszusammenfassung21
11.1 Vorschriften22
11.2 Technische Daten22
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 2
ALAN HP106/HP406 – Die Kraft der Schlichtheit3
1 ALAN HP106/HP406 – Die Kraft der Schlichtheit
Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Das ALAN HP 106/HP 406 ist ein modernes
Betriebsfunk-Handgerät. Die robuste Bauweise erlaubt es, ein zuverläs-
siger Partner auch an harten Arbeitstagen zu sein.
Dieses Funkgerät ist auf benutzerfreundliche Bedienung ausgelegt.
Durch die Vielzahl an Funktionen kann das Gerät jederzeit flexible an
jedes Bedürfnis angepasst werden. Für einen besseren Überblick haben
wir nachfolgend die wichtigsten Funktionen aufgeführt:
• Einfache Handhabung– über 5 Tasten werden alle Funktionen
• Kanalsuchlauf– erlaubt das Absuchen nach Signalen auf den pro-
grammierten Kanälen
• VOX- erlaubt den Freisprechbetrieb, d.h. automatisch zu senden,
ohne die Sendetaste drücken zu müssen.
• CTCSS/DCS– Diese Funktion erlaubt es, dass mehrere Funknetze
einen Kanal verwenden können und verhindert Störungen durch
andere Funkteilnehmer.
• Selektivruf- Mit dem Selektivruf kann ein Teilnehmer oder aber eine
ganze Gruppe im gleichen Funknetz angerufen werden.
• Notruffunktion– durch eine einfache Tastenkombination kann ein
Notruf im Notfall abgesetzt werden.
• Analoger Scrambler – für eine abhörsichere Kommunikation. Die
Funksprüche werden codiert/decodiert von einem ALAN HP 106/HP
406 zum anderen übertragen, um so das Risiko von Störungen durch
Dritte auf Ihrer Frequenz zu verringern.
• Vielfältige Auswahl an optionalem Zubehör zur Verbesserung der
Leistung Ihres Funkgerätes
Die Technischen Daten des Handfunkgeräts ALAN HP 106/HP 406 ent-
sprechen dem europäischen Standard EN 300 086, darüber hinaus erfüllt
die hochwertige Bauweise und die elektrischen Eigenschaften des
Gerätes die Vorschriften nach IEC529 Level IP54 und MIL STD 810
CTE International ist stets bemüht, seine Produkte fortlaufend zu ver-
bessern, deswegen können sich diese Angaben ohne vorherige
Ankündigung ändern.
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 3
4Allem voran...die Sicherheit
2 Allem voran...die Sicherheit
2.1 Bedeutungen und Symbole in diesem Handbuch
Dieses Symbol markiert einen Hinweis. Hinweise bieten zusätzliche
Informationen, die Ihnen weiterhelfen können.
Dieses Symbol markiert Vorsichtsmaßnahmen.
Vorsichtsmaßnahmen sind spezielle Anmerkungen, die Sie
genau lesen und beachten sollten, um einen möglichen Schaden
an Ihrem Funkgerät zu vermeiden und um potentielle Gefahren
für Sie oder andere zu vermeiden.
Schlüsselbegriffe sind fett hervorgehoben.
Wichtige Sätze und Worte sind in kursivhervorgehoben.
2.2 Anmerkungen
Es wurde jede Anstrengung unternommen, um sicherzustellen,
dass die Informationen in diesem Dokument komplett, richtig
und auf dem neuesten Stand sind. CTE International übernimmt
jedoch keine Verantwortung für die Auswirkungen von Fehlern
außerhalb ihres Einflussbereiches. Der Hersteller dieses Gerätes
kann auch nicht garantieren, dass Änderungen am Gerät und
der Ausrüstung, die von nicht autorisierten Personen durchge-
führt wurden und auf die in dieser Anleitung Bezug genommen
werden, die Anwendbarkeit der Information beeinflussen kön-
Die beschriebenen Funktionen in diesem Handbuch werden in
systematischer Reihenfolge aufgeführt. Die jeweiligen Verweise
auf Kapitel/Absätze dienen einer besseren Übersicht.
Die Erklärungen in diesem Handbuch dienen dazu alle Fragen zu
beantworten und Fehler zu vermeiden. Sollten dennoch Zweifel
auftreten, befragen Sie Ihren Fachhändler.
2.3 Sicherheit
Ihr ALAN HP 106/HP 406 Handfunkgerät wurde sorgfältig entwickelt,
um Ihnen jahrelangen, sicheren und zuverlässigen Funkbetrieb zu
ermöglichen. Wie bei allen elektrischen Geräten, gibt es einige grund-
legende Sicherheitsmaßnahmen, die Sie beachten sollten um
Schaden an Personen oder ihrem Funkgerät zu vermeiden:
Lesen Sie die Anleitungen in diesem Handbuch sorgfältig.
Bewahren Sie es jederzeit erreichbar auf, falls Unklarheiten
Halten Sie das Funkgerät nicht an der Funkantenne fest.
Dadurch kann die Antenne oder der Antennenanschluss beschä-
digt werden.
Halten Sie das Funkgerät mit seiner Antenne während des
Sendens möglichst körperfern und berühren Sie die Antenne
nicht. Das Funkgerät funktioniert am besten, wenn das Mikrofon
ca. 5-10 cm vom Mund entfernt ist und senkrecht gehalten wird.
Achten Sie darauf, dass die Sendetaste (PTT) nicht unkontrolliert
gedrückt wird.
Betreiben Sie das Funkgerät nicht in der Nähe von starken elek-
trischen oder magnetischen Feldern oder in einer
Explosionsgefährdeten Umgebung.
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 4
Allem voran...die Sicherheit5
Senden Sie nicht ohne angeschlossene Antenne. Obwohl das
Funkgerät eine Schutzschaltung enthält, könnte dennoch der
Sender beschädigt werden.
Beachten Sie die Umweltbedingungen. Das Funkgerät wurde für
den Betrieb in rauer Umgebung entwickelt. Vermeiden Sie, das
Funkgerät extrem heißen oder kalten Temperaturen auszuset-
zen (außerhalb des Bereiches zwischen –30° und +60° Celsius).
Setzen Sie das Funkgerät nicht extremer Vibration aus und ver-
wenden Sie es nicht an staubigen oder feuchten Einsatzorten.
Versuchen Sie niemals das Funkgerät zu öffnen oder
Reparaturen am Funkgerät selbst vorzunehmen (abgesehen von
den Wartungsarbeiten, welche in diesem Handbuch beschrieben
werden). Fehleingriffe führen zum Verlust der Garantie und kön-
nen das Gerät so beschädigen, dass eine aufwendige Reparatur
notwendig wird. Nehmen Sie mit ihrem örtlichen Fachhändler
Kontakt auf, wenn Sie Probleme haben.
Halten Sie das Funkgerät gut fest, damit es nicht herunterfällt
und damit beschädigt wird.
Verwenden Sie das Funkgerät nicht in unmittelbarer Nähe von
Wasser oder tropfender Flüssigkeiten und ähnlichen
Umgebungen. Falls das Funkgerät feucht wird, trocknen Sie es
sofort mit einem weichen und sauberen Tuch ab.
Schalten Sie das Funkgerät aus, bevor Sie es reinigen. Beachten
Sie genau die Hinweise unter „Pflege und Wartung“ im Kapitel 8.
Achten Sie auf ihre Akkus oder Batterien. Beachten Sie genau
die Hinweise unter „Pflege und Wartung“ im Kapitel 8.
Vergewissern Sie sich, dass ihre Netzspannung mit der einge-
stellten Spannung auf dem Ladegerät (AC Adapter) überein-
stimmt. Im Zweifelsfall ziehen Sie ihren örtlichen Fachhändler zu
Dieses Produkt entspricht den Anforderungen der Direktiven
99/5/EEC (R&TTE), 89/336/EEC und 73/23/EEC der
Europäischen Kommission zur Angleichung der Gesetze der ent-
O aparelho não possui indicador de baixa/alta sensibilidade do VOX.
Quando o VOX está em função, o PTT fica desactivado.
7.3 Trasmissões confidenciais (scrambler)
O seu radiotelefone pode ter sido programado para utilizar, quando neces-
sário, o scrambler. Trata-se de um dispositivo que torna as suas comuni-
cações incompreensíveis por parte de transmissores e receptores de rádio
normais, mas perfectamente claras para as outras rádios da sua rede que,
claro, sejam da família HPx06 (dotadas do mesmo tipo de scrambler).
Para activar o scrambler:
1) Assegure-se de que o seu interlocultor active o seu scrambler
2) Pressione simultaneamente e brevemente as teclas MON e FUNC. O
aparelho emite um bip de tonalidade aguda para confirmar que o
scrambler está activo
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 16
Precauções e manutenção17
Para desactivar o scrambler:
1) Assegure-se de que o seu interlocutor desactive o seu scrambler
2) Efectue o ponto 2 citado acima. Um bip de tonalidade baixa confir-
ma que o scrambler foi desactivado.
Com o scrambler activo não é possível receber as comunicações
“claras”. De qualquer forma, para garantir a comunicação, todas as
rádios que querem comunicar-se entre elas têm que ter o scrambler
activado ou desactivado.
Em fase de programação, o scrambler pode ter sido desactivado. Em
caso de dúvidas contacte o seu revendedor/administrador da rede
Como qualquer dispositivo de codificação, o scrambler do seu radio-
telefone não garante 100% de segurança nas comunicações
8 Precauções e manutenção
8.1 Bateria
8.1.a Carga correcta das baterias
A bateria utilizada em modo correcto fornece pelo menos 400 ciclos de
carga/descarga, com uma excelente autommia. Para carregar correcta-
mente a bateria:
1) Verifique se a rádio está desligada.
2) Coloque a rádio na base (ou a bateria), como se descreve no pará-
grafo 4.5.
3) Deixe a bateria a carregar pelo tempo necessário para receber uma
carga completa.
Não convém carregar demasiadamente a bateria, sendo sempre
conveniente remover a rádio do carregador depois de ter decor-
rido o tempo necessário.
O carregador de bateria deve ser usado somente em locais
Quando possível, carregue a bateria quando estiver totalmente
descarregada ou quando a maior parte da sua carga tiver sido con-
sumida, para não limitar a capacidade da mesma. Consulte o pará-
grafo 8.1.b.
Não retire a bateria do carregador antes de ter decorrido o tempo
necessário à sua completa recarla, pois isto acarretaria uma redução
na sua autonomia. Consulte o parágrafo 8.1.b.
As baterias recarregáveis perdem a sua carga com o tempo mesmo
quando não são utilizadas (auto-descarga); Isto é normal. Uma bate-
ria de NiMH (Níquel Metal Hidrato) pode perder de 10 a 20% da sua
energia em poucos dias.
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 17
18Precauções e manutenção
E’ normal quea autommia da bateria se reduza progressivamente
após cerca de 2/3 de sua vida.
8.1.b Efeito Memória
A bateria NiMH (Níquel Metal Hidrato) fornecida é produzida com uma
tecnologia mais avançada do que a de uma bateria de niquel-cádmio
NiCd. Por tal razão, está virtualmente livre do chamado "efeito memó-
ria" que consiste em uma limitação temporária da capacidade, que reduz
o desempenho da bateria. O “efeito memória” pode ocorrer somente se
a bateria for recarregada quando ainda contiver uma carga de 50-70%.
O efeito memória pode ser facilmente evitado se forem seguidas estas
regras simples:
• Sempre que for possível, só recarregue as baterias quando estiverem
completamente descarregadas
• Não retire a bateria do carregador antes de ter decorrido o tempo
necessário à sua completa recarga
• Efectue pelo menos dois ciclos completos de carga/descarga por
• O melhor modo de evitar o efeito memória é utilizar duas baterias e
alternar o seu uso. Isto permite continuar a usar o seu radiotelefone
substituindo a bateria quando ela se descarrega completamente.
8.1.c Eliminação do efeito memória
O efeito memória pode se facilmente eliminado aplicando 3-4 ciclos
mais prolongados de carga/descarga.
1) Utilize a bateria inserida na rádio e espere até que a rádio desligue
sozinha por falta de energia, para então desligá-la usando o botão
2) Espere pelo menos uma hora para ligar a rádio: você notará que é
possível ligá-la pois alguma energia restaurou-se.
3) Deixe a rádio no modo recepção até desligar-se sozinha novamente,
e então desligue-a com o botão ligar/volume
4) Repita três vezes os pontos 2) e 3).
5) Caregue completamente a bateria e verifique a sua duração. Se é
presente ainda algum efeito memória recomece do ponto 1.
Se a capacidade da bateria não aumentar após repetidos três vezes
os ciclos descritos acima significa que a bateria é defeituosa ou que
chegou ao fim da sua vida útil. (Consulte o parágrafo 8.1.a). Neste
caso contacte o seu fornecedor para obter uma nova bateria.
8.1.d Precauções no uso da bateria e dos caregadores
Tome as seguintes precauções para evitar danos nas baterias ou no
Leia cuidadosamente as instruções de utilização e os avisos,
antes de utilizar o carregador de baterias.
Não permita que aconteça um curto-circuito nos terminais das
baterias; isto poderia causar incêndios, queimaduras ou explo-
Nunca lance as baterias ao fogo; podem explodir, causando
incêndios, queimaduras ou outras explosões. Siga rigorosamen-
te as disposições vigentes no seu país.
Use somente baterias e carregadores genuínos; o uso de aces-
sórios não originais pode causar queimaduras, incêndios ou
explosões, podendo ainda produzir sérias avarias no rádio/bate-
ria, ou sérios danos às pessoas.
Os carregadores de baterias só devem ser usados em ambientes
Certifique de que a tensão da rede pública coincida com a ten-
são de alimentação indicada no carregador de baterias forneci-
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 18
Precauções e manutenção19
do (Adaptador CA). Se houver dúvidas, contacte o seu revende-
dor ou a companhia de distribuição eléctrica local.
Para evitar danos ao o cabo de alimentação ao carregador de
baterias, não coloque nada sobre ele, nem o deixe em local onde
possa ser pisado. Utilize tomadas de corrente com ligação à
Evite choques fortes. Não utilize o carregador depois de ter sido
submetido a um choque forte, depois de ter caído, ou de apare-
cer danificado; contacte imediatamente um centro de assistên-
cia técnica autorizado.
Nunca tente desmontar ou reparar o carregador. Contacte sem-
pre o vendedor local para a prestação de assistência têcnica.
Para reduzir os riscos de choques eléctricos, desligue a ficha
antes de ser efectuada qualquer limpeza ou manutenção. Puxe
a ficha, mas nunca pelo cabo, para retirar a ficha da tomada. O
uso de uma extensão inadequada pode causar incêndios ou cho-
ques eléctricos.
Não exponha directamente as baterias a temperaturas inferiores
a -20ºC ou maiores que 35ºC durante o seu uso e não proceda à
sua recarga fora da gama dos +5 aos +55ºC.
8.2 Manutenção da rádio
8.2.a Limpeza da rádio
Limpe a rádio com um pano limpo, macio e sem pelos para remover suji-
dades. Se o aparelho estiver muito sujo molhe levermente o pano com
Não utilizar limpadores líquidos, nem álcoo, aerosol ou abrasivos.
Se normalmente se utiliza o rádio em lugares com poeira ou em con-
dições ambientais dificultosas recomendamos o uso da bolsa de
transporte opcional. Consulte o capítulo 9
8.2.b Limpeza da bateria
Limpe os contactos da bateria com um pano limpo, seco e sem pelos
para remover sujidades que impeçam um bom contacto elétrico. Se os
contactos estiverem muito sujos pode-se também limpá-los utilizando
um apagador de lápis macio (nunca apagadores para tinta!). Se notar
que os contactos entre os terminais da bateria e os do rádio ainda não
funcionam bem, contacte o seu fornecedor autorizado.
Não utilize detergentes líquidos, com álcool ou em aerosol, ou
8.2.c Conectores
Quando os conecttores não estão sendo utilizados, devem estar sempre
cobertos com a sua protecção. Consulte os parágrafos 9.1.a e 9.1.b.
Conecte aos conectores da rádio somente accessórios adequa-
dos. Para maiores detalhes contacte o seu revendedor autorizado.
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 19
20Accessorios opcionais
9 Accessorios opcionais
Estes accessórios opcionais podem ser utilizados para melhorar o
desempenho do radiotelefone:
• Baterias adicionais. Aumentam a autommia e minimizam a possibi-
lidade de efeito memória (consulte o capítulo 8.1).
• Estojo. Protege a sua rádio contra pequenas batidas e arranhões; é
ideal para o uso em condições ambientais adversas.
• Caregador standard. Consulte o parágrafo 4.5.
• Carregador rápido. Consulte o parágrafo 4.5.
• Microfone/altifalante externo. Consulte o parágrafo 9.1
• Headset con microfone incorporado e comutador PTT/VOX.
Consulte o parágrafo 9.1
9.1 Microfone/altifalante ou headset com microfone
O conector de accessórios (sob a protecção) foi projectado para ser
conectado a dois acessórios básicos (opcionais):
• Um microfone/altifalante externo, que permite utilizar a rádio fir-
memente presa ao seu cinto através do clip fornecido
• Um headset com microfone incorporado e comutador PTT/VOX,
que acresce a comodidade do VOX: você pode activar a transmissão
em condições de mão livres simplesmente falando no microfone do
headset. Para maiores detalhes consulte o parágrafo 7.2.
9.1.a Conexões
Qualquer tipo de accessório aprovado para o uso mencionado acima
pode ser ligado ao conector do microfone, desde que cumpra os seguin-
tes requisitos:
• Os conectores para o Altifalante (SPK) e o Microfone (MIC) devem ser
de tipo standard respectivamente de 3,5 mm. e 2,5 mm. e conecta-
dos como segue. A impedância de entrada do altifalante deve ser di
8 Ohm.
• O microfone deve ser do tipo com condensador e de baixa impe-
•Todos os acessórios devem ser de alta qualidade e adequados ao
uso profissional.
Não conecte nenhum acessório do qual não tenha certeza que
segue os requisitos acima. Poder-se-iam criar sérios danos ao
aparelho. No caso de dúvida, contacte o seu revendedor autori-
9.1.b Conexão
Siga as instruções do parágrafo 7.2.a para conectar o microfone/altifa-
lante e o headset/microfone
Para evitar danos ao aparelho, quando o conector de acessórios
não estiver em uso, coloque a sua protecção no receptáculo
Massa Altif.
Massa Mic.
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 20
Guia rapida21
10 Guia rapida
10.1 Resumo das funções
Uma vez familiarizado com o seu transceptor e constatada a facilidade de utilizar os seus comandos, é suficiente executar as suas várias operações con-
sultando a seguinte tabela
A tabela acima é somente um
pró-memória. O manual deve
ser lido integralmente antes
de utilizar a rádio
Se você pressionar a tecla
MON e o aparelho ligar, ele
entrará na função PRO-
efectue esta operação, pois
ela deve ser executada ape-
nas por pessoal técnico dota-
do de equipamentos adequa-
dos O uso errado desta fun-
ção poderia causar mau fun-
cionamento no aparelho.
Como já especificado em cada
parágrafo, muitas destas fun-
ções variam (ou não são dispo-
níveisi) de acordo com a progra-
mação efectuada precedente-
mente. Para detalhes contacte o
seu revendedor/administrador
da rede local.
Ajuste do volume
Selecção do canal operativo
Monitor das comunicações correntes
Envio de chamada selectiva Nr.1
Envio de chamada selectiva Nr.2
Envio de chamada selectiva de
Busca dos canais
Selecção do canal prioritário de
VOX (activação/desactivação)
Sensibilidade do VOX (dois níveis)
Scrambler (activação/desactivação)
Selector de canais
Selector de canais
Girar no sentido horário/antihorário além do
estalo mecânico
Girar no sentido horário/antihorário
Girar o selector para encontrar o canal dese-
Pressão breve
Pressão prolongada do início ao fim da men-
Pressão prolongada
Pressão prolongada
Pressão prolongada simultânea
Ligar a rádio com os botões premidos
Activar a busca com o selector no canal
Ligar a rádio com a tecla premida
Pressão breve
Pressão breve simultânea
ISTR106_int 26-09-2003 9:47 Pagina 21
Características técnicas
11 Características técnicas
11.1 Métodos para testes
• ETS 300-086
• IEC 529 IP54 e MIL STD 810 C/D/E
11.2 Tabela das características
CaracterísticaUnidadeValor/Condições de medida
FrequênciaMHzALANHP106: da 148 a 174
ALANHP406: da 440 a 470
Banda operativaMHz26
Número de canais -16
Espaço entre canaisKHz12,5 / 20 / 25
Incrementos de frequênciaKHz5 / 6,25
Alimentação nominalVcc7,5
Capacidade da bateriamAhNi-MH 1.300
n XT
5 in RX a 60 % da potência
B.F. máxima8
90 em RX com squelch fechado
em power save
Impedância da antenaOhm50
Impedância do altifalanteOhm8
Estabilidade da frequênciappm±2,5
Gama da temperatura °Cda –30 a +60
Potência de saída (±1 dB)W1 / 5
Emissões espúriasµWDe 9 KHz a 1 GHz< 0,25
De 1 a 4 GHz< 1
Sistema de modulação-F3E (FM)
ModulaçãoKHz± 2,5 / 5
Distorção do áudio-5 % ou menos
Desvio máximoKHz± 2,5 / 5
Atenuação da potência dB< -60 / -70
no canal adjacente
Sensibilidade (a 12 dB SINAD)µV< 0,35
Sensibilidade do squelch (SINAD) dB10
Selectividade (canais adjacentes)dBPelo m
enos -65 / -75
Rejecção às espúriasdB> 70
IntermodulaçãodB> 65
Suppressão do ruído ambientedB< -45 / < -40
Saída do áudio mW400
(1 KHz al 5% T.H.D.)
Especificações mecânicas
Dimensões (incluída a bateria)mm130 x 42 x 60
Peso (incluída a bateria)g355
sop etr
Conector de -Jacks monofônicos standard
accessórios/programaçãode 2,5 e 3,5 mm
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