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MI 3002/MI 3100/MI 3102
Instruction manual
Version 3.1, HW 3; Code No. 20 750 131
Ljubljanska cesta 77
1354 Horjul
web site: http://www.metrel.si
e-mail: metrel@metrel.si
© 2004 -2009 METREL
Mark on your equipment certifies that this equipment meets the requirements of the EU
(European Union) concerning safety and interference causing equipment regulations.
No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means
without permission in writing from METREL.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Table of contents
1 Preface ......................................................................................................... 6
2 Safety and operational considerations ..................................................... 7
2.1 Warnings and notes.................................................................................... 7
2.2 Batteries ................................................................................................... 10
2.3 Charging ................................................................................................... 10
2.4 Precautions on charging of new battery cells or cells unused for a longer
period ....................................................................................................... 11
2.5 Standards applied..................................................................................... 12
3 Instrument description ............................................................................. 13
3.1 Front panel ............................................................................................... 13
3.2 Connector panel ....................................................................................... 14
3.3 Back panel................................................................................................ 15
3.4 Bottom view .............................................................................................. 16
3.5 Carrying the instrument ............................................................................ 17
3.6 Instrument set and accessories ................................................................ 18
4 Instrument operation ................................................................................ 19
Meaning of symbols and messages on the instrument display
.......................... 19
4.1.1 The online voltage and output terminal monitor ................................... 19
4.1.2 Message field – battery status.............................................................. 20
4.1.3 Message field – measurement warnings/messages............................. 20
4.1.4 Result field ........................................................................................... 21
4.1.5 Other messages ................................................................................... 21
4.1.6 Sound warnings.................................................................................... 22
4.1.7 Function and parameter line................................................................. 22
4.2 Selecting measurement function/subfunction ........................................... 22
4.3 Setting measurement parameters and limits ............................................ 23
4.4 Help menu (MI 3100 and MI 3102) ........................................................... 23
4.5 Setup menu .............................................................................................. 23
4.5.1 Supply system setup ............................................................................ 24
4.5.2 Prospective short/fault current scaling factor adjustment ..................... 24
4.5.3 Language selection .............................................................................. 24
4.5.4 Communication port selection (MI 3102 only) ...................................... 25
4.5.5 Recalling original settings..................................................................... 25
4.6 Display contrast adjustment...................................................................... 27
5 Measurements........................................................................................... 28
5.1 Insulation resistance................................................................................. 28
5.2 Continuity.................................................................................................. 30
5.2.1 LowΩ resistance................................................................................... 30
5.2.2 Continuity ............................................................................................. 33
5.3 Testing RCDs ........................................................................................... 35
5.3.1 Limit contact voltage............................................................................. 35
5.3.2 Nominal differential trip-out current ...................................................... 35
5.3.3 Multiplier of nominal residual current.................................................... 35
5.3.4 RCD type and test current starting polarity........................................... 35
5.3.5 Testing selective (time-delayed) RCDs ................................................ 36
5.3.6 Contact voltage .................................................................................... 36
5.3.7 Trip-out time ......................................................................................... 38
5.3.8 Trip-out current..................................................................................... 40
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Table of contents
5.3.9 Autotest ................................................................................................ 41
5.4 Fault loop impedance and prospective fault current ................................. 47
5.4.1 Fault loop impedance ........................................................................... 47
5.4.2 RCD trip-lock function .......................................................................... 49
5.5 Line impedance and prospective short-circuit current .............................. 51
5.6 Phase sequence testing ........................................................................... 53
5.7 Voltage and frequency.............................................................................. 54
5.8 Resistance to earth (MI 3102 only)........................................................... 56
5.9 TRMS current (MI 3102 only) ................................................................... 58
5.10 Illumination (MI 3102 only)........................................................................ 60
5.11 Testing PE terminal .................................................................................. 62
6 Working with results (MI 3102 only) ........................................................ 64
6.1 Saving results ........................................................................................... 65
6.2 Recalling results ....................................................................................... 66
6.3 Deleting results......................................................................................... 68
7 RS232 / USB communication (MI 3102 only)........................................... 71
7.1 EuroLink PRO PC software ...................................................................... 71
8 Maintenance............................................................................................... 73
8.1 Replacing fuses ........................................................................................ 73
8.2 Cleaning ................................................................................................... 73
8.3 Periodic calibration ................................................................................... 73
8.4 Service...................................................................................................... 73
9 Technical specifications........................................................................... 74
9.1 Insulation resistance................................................................................. 74
9.2 Continuity resistance ................................................................................ 74
9.2.1 LowΩ resistance................................................................................... 74
9.2.2 Continuity ............................................................................................. 75
9.3 RCD testing .............................................................................................. 75
9.3.1 General data ........................................................................................ 75
9.3.2 Contact voltage .................................................................................... 76
9.3.3 Trip-out time ......................................................................................... 76
9.3.4 Trip-out current..................................................................................... 76
9.4 Fault loop impedance and prospective fault current ................................. 77
9.5 Line impedance and prospective short-circuit current .............................. 78
9.6 Resistance to earth................................................................................... 78
9.7 TRMS current ........................................................................................... 79
9.8 Illumination ............................................................................................... 79
9.8.1 Illumination (LUXmeter type B)............................................................. 79
9.8.2 Illumination (LUXmeter type C) ............................................................ 79
9.9 Phase rotation .......................................................................................... 80
9.10 Voltage and frequency.............................................................................. 80
9.11 Online voltage monitor.............................................................................. 80
9.12 General data............................................................................................. 80
A Fuse base tables ....................................................................................... 82
A.1 Fuse base table ........................................................................................ 82
A.2 Fuse base table (UK version only)............................................................ 87
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Table of contents
B IT supply systems..................................................................................... 89
B.1 Standard references ................................................................................. 89
B.2 Fundamentals........................................................................................... 89
B.3 Measurement guides ................................................................................ 91
B.4 Technical specifications............................................................................ 96
C Reduced low voltage supply systems..................................................... 97
C.1 Standard reference................................................................................... 97
C.2 Fundamentals........................................................................................... 97
C.3 Measurement guides ................................................................................ 97
C.4 Technical specifications.......................................................................... 100
D Accessories required for specific measurement.................................. 104
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Preface
1 Preface
Congratulations on your purchase of the Eurotest instrument and its accessories from
METREL. The instrument was designed on basis of rich experience, acquired through
many years of dealing with electric installation test equipment.
The Eurotest instrument is professional, multifunctional, hand-held test instrument
intended for all measurements performed for total inspection of electrical installations in
buildings. The following measurements and tests can be performed:
Voltage and frequency,
Continuity (LowΩ and continuity function),
Insulation resistance,
RCD testing,
Fault loop / RCD trip-lock impedance,
Line impedance,
Phase sequence,
IMD testing (MI 3102 only),
Resistance to earth (MI 3102 only),
TRMS current (MI 3102 only),
Illumination (MI 3102 only).
Large graphic matrix display with backlight offers easy to read results, indications,
measurement parameters and messages. Operation is simple and clear – operator
does not need any special training (except reading this instruction manual) to operate
the instrument.
In order for operator to be familiar enough with measurements in general and typical
applications it is advisable to read Metrel handbook Measurements on electric
installations in theory and practice.
The instrument is equipped with all accessories necessary for comfortable testing. It is
kept in a soft carrying bag together with all accessories.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Safety and operational considerations
2 Safety and operational considerations
2.1 Warnings and notes
In order to reach high level of operator’s safety while carrying out various tests and
measurements using the Eurotest instrument, as well as to keep the test equipment
undamaged, it is necessary to consider the following general warnings:
symbol on the instrument means »Read the Instruction manual with
special care to safety operation«. The symbol requires an action!
If the test equipment is used in a manner not specified in this user manual
the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired!
Read this user manual carefully, otherwise use of the instrument may be
dangerous for the operator, for the instrument or for the equipment under
Do not use the instrument and accessories if any damage is noticed!
In case a fuse has blown follow the instructions in this manual to replace it!
Consider all generally known precautions in order to avoid risk of electric
shock while dealing with hazardous voltages!
Do not use the instrument in supply systems with voltages higher than
550 V!
Service intervention or adjustment procedure is allowed to be carried out
only by a competent authorized person!
Use only standard or optional test accessories supplied by your
Consider that older and some of new optional test accessories compatible
with this instrument meet only overvoltage category CAT III / 300 V!
It means that maximal allowed voltage between test terminals and ground
is 300 V!
Instrument contains rechargeable Ni-Cd or Ni-MH battery cells. The cells
should only be replaced with the same type as defined on the battery
placement label or in this manual. Do not use standard alkaline battery
cells while power supply adapter is connected, otherwise they may
Hazardous voltages exist inside the instrument. Disconnect all test leads,
remove the power supply cable and switch off the instrument before
removing battery compartment cover.
Do not connect any voltage source on CLAMP CURRENT input. It is
intended only for connection of current clamp with current output. Maximal
continuous input current is 30 mA!
All normal safety precautions have to be taken in order to avoid risk of
electric shock when working on electrical installations!
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Safety and operational considerations
Warnings related to measurement functions
Insulation resistance
Insulation resistance measurement should only be performed on de-energized
When measuring insulation resistance between installation conductors all loads
must be disconnected and all switches closed!
Do not touch the test object during the measurement or before it is fully
discharged! Risk of electric shock!
When an insulation resistance measurement has been performed on a capacitive
object automatic discharge may not be done immediately! Warning message
and actual voltage is displayed during discharge, until voltage drops below 10 V.
Do not connect test terminals to external voltage higher than 600 V (AC or DC) in
order not to damage the test instrument!
Continuity functions
Continuity measurements should only be performed on de-energized objects!
Parallel impedances or transient currents may influence test results.
Testing PE terminal
If phase voltage is detected on the tested PE terminal, stop all measurements
immediately and take care the fault is eliminated before proceeding with any
Notes related to measurement functions
Indicator means that the selected measurement cannot be performed
because of irregular conditions on input terminals.
Insulation resistance, continuity functions and earth resistance measurements
shall be performed on de-energized objects.
PASS / FAIL indication is enabled when limit is set. Apply appropriate limit value
for evaluation of measurement results.
In case that only two of three wires are connected to tested electrical installation,
only voltage indication between these two wires is valid.
Insulation resistance
In case of voltage higher than 10 V (AC or DC) between test terminals, the
insulation resistance measurement will not be performed.
Continuity functions
If voltage between test terminals is higher than 10 V the continuity functions
cannot be performed.
Before performing continuity measurement compensate test lead resistance if
necessary. The compensation is performed in LowΩ function.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Safety and operational considerations
RCD functions
Parameters set in one function are also kept for other RCD functions!
The measurement of contact voltage does not normally trip an RCD. However,
the trip limit may be exceeded as a result of leakage current flowing to the PE
protective conductor or a capacitive connection between L and PE conductors.
RCD trip-lock sub-function (function selector switch in LOOP position) takes
longer to complete but offers much better accuracy of fault loop resistance result
(in comparison with the RL sub-result in Contact voltage function).
RCD trip-out time and RCD trip-out current measurements will be performed only
if contact voltage in pre-test at nominal differential current is lower than the set
limit contact voltage!
The autotest sequence (RCD AUTO function) stops when trip-out time is out of
allowed time period.
Fault loop / RCD trip-lock impedance
L and N test terminals are reversed automatically if L/L1 and N/L2 test leads (3-
wire test lead) are connected in reversed way, or terminals of the tested wall plug
are reversed, or plug commander is turned around
(except in UK version).
Low limit prospective short-circuit current value depends on fuse type, fuse
current rating, fuse trip-out time and IPSC scaling factor.
Specified accuracy of tested parameters is valid only if mains voltage is stable
during the measurement.
Fault loop impedance measurement trips an RCD.
The measurement of fault loop impedance using trip-lock function does not
normally trip an RCD. However, the trip limit may be exceeded as a result of
leakage current flowing to the PE protective conductor or a capacitive connection
between L and PE conductors.
Line impedance
Low limit prospective short-circuit current value depends on fuse type, fuse
current rating, fuse trip-out time and IPSC scaling factor.
Specified accuracy of tested parameters is valid only if mains voltage is stable
during the measurement.
Resistance to earth (MI 3102 only)
If voltage between test terminals is higher than 30 V the resistance to earth
measurement will not be performed.
If a noise voltage higher than approx. 5 V is present between the H and E or S test
terminals, ” (noise) warning symbol will be displayed, indicating that the test
result may not be correct!
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Safety and operational considerations
TRMS current (MI 3102 only)
Use test clamp supplied by Metrel or other with similar characteristics (current
output, 1000:1, appropriate measurement range, consider error of test clamp
when evaluating measured results)!
Current clamps Metrel A 1074 and A 1019 are suitable for use with MI 3102
EurotestXE instrument in range 0.2 A ÷ 200 A. Below 0.2 A they can be used as
indicator only. They are not suitable for leakage current measurements.
The only Metrel current clamps, suitable for leakage current measurements, are
A 1018 (1000 A/1 A).
Illumination (MI 3102 only)
For accurate measurement make sure that the milk glas bulb is lit without any
shadows cast by hand, body or other unwanted objects.
It is very important to know that the artificial light sources reach full power of
operation after a period of time (see technical data for light sources) and should
be therefore switched on for this period of time before the measurements are
Testing PE terminal
PE terminal can be tested in RCD, LOOP and LINE function selector switch
positions only!
For correct testing of PE terminal, the TEST key has to be touched for a few
Make sure to stand on non-isolated floor while carrying out the test, otherwise
test result may be wrong!
2.2 Batteries
When battery cells have to be replaced or before opening battery/fuse
compartment cover, disconnect any measuring accessory connected to the
instrument and power off the instrument, hazardous voltage inside!
Insert cells correctly, otherwise the instrument will not operate and the batteries
could be discharged.
If the instrument is not used for a long period of time remove all batteries from
the battery compartment.
Alkaline or rechargeable Ni-Cd or Ni-MH batteries (size AA) can be used. The
operating hours are given for cells with a nominal capacity of 2100 mAh.
Do not recharge alkaline battery cells!
2.3 Charging
The battery is charged whenever the power supply adapter is connected to the
instrument. In-built protection circuits control the charging procedure and assure
maximal battery lifetime. Power supply socket polarity is shown in figure 2.1.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Safety and operational considerations
Figure 2.1: Power supply socket polarity
Use only power supply adapter delivered from manufacturer or distributor of the
test equipment to avoid possible fire or electric shock!
2.4 Precautions on charging of new battery cells or cells
unused for a longer period
Unpredictable chemical processes can occur during charging of new battery cells or
cells that were unused for a longer period of time (more than 3 months). Ni-MH and Ni-
Cd cells are affected to a various degree (sometimes called as memory effect). As a
result the instrument operation time can be significantly reduced at the initial
charging/discharging cycles.
Therefore it is recommended:
To completely charge the battery (at least 14h with in-built charger).
To completely discharge the battery (can be performed with normal work with the
Repeating the charge/discharge cycle for at least two times (four cycles are
When using external intelligent battery chargers one complete discharging/charging
cycle is performed automatically.
After performing this procedure a normal battery capacity is restored. The operation
time of the instrument now meets the data in the technical specification.
The charger in the instrument is a pack cell charger. This means that the cells
are connected in series during the charging so all of them must be in similar state
(similarly charged, same type and age).
Even one deteriorated battery cell (or just of an another type) can cause an
improper charging of the entire battery pack (heating of the battery pack,
significantly decreased operation time).
If no improvement is achieved after performing several charging/discharging
cycles the state individual battery cells should be determined (by comparing
battery voltages, checking them in a cell charger, etc). It is very likely that only
some of the cells are deteriorated.
The effects described above should not be mixed with normal battery capacity
decrease over time. All charging batteries lose some of their capacity when
repeatedly charged/discharged. The actual decrease of capacity versus number
of charging cycles depends on battery type and is provided in the technical
specification from battery manufacturer.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Safety and operational considerations
2.5 Standards applied
The EurotestLITE, EurotestEASI and EurotestXE instruments are manufactured and
tested in accordance with the following regulations:
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
EN 61326 Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory
use – EMC requirements
Class B (Hand-held equipment used in controlled EM
Safety (LVD)
EN 61010-1 Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement,
control and laboratory use – Part 1: General requirements
EN 61010-031 Safety requirements for hand-held probe assemblies for electrical
measurement and test
EN 61010-2-032 Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement,
control, and laboratory use - Part 2-032: Particular requirements
for hand-held and hand-manipulated current sensors for electrical
test and measurement
EN 61557 Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1000
VAC and 1500 VAC – Equipment for testing, measuring or
monitoring of protective measures
Part 1 ......... General requirements
Part 2 ......... Insulation resistance
Part 3 ......... Loop resistance
Part 4 ......... Resistance of earth connection and equipotential
Part 5 ......... Resistance to earth (MI 3102 only)
Part 6 ......... Residual current devices (RCDs) in TT and TN
Part 7 ......... Phase sequence
Part 10........ Combined measuring equipment
DIN 5032 Photometry
Part 7 ......... Classification of illuminance meters and luminance
Other reference standards for testing RCDs
EN 61008 Residual current operated circuit-breakers without integral
overcurrent protection for household and similar uses
EN 61009 Residual current operated circuit-breakers with integral
overcurrent protection for household and similar uses
EN 60364-4-41 Electrical installations of buildings
Part 4-41 .... Protection for safety – protection against electric
BS 7671 IEE Wiring Regulations
Note about EN and IEC standards:
Text of this manual contains references to European standards. All standards of
EN 6XXXX (e.g. EN 61010) series are equivalent to IEC standards with the same
number (e.g. IEC 61010) and differ only in amended parts required by European
harmonization procedure.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Instrument description
3 Instrument description
3.1 Front panel
Figure 3.1: Front panel
1........ ON/OFF key, to switch on or off the instrument.
The instrument is automatically switched off 10 minutes after the last key was
pressed or function switch rotated.
2........ Function selector switch.
3........ MI 3100: CAL key, to compensate test leads resistance in low-value
resistance measurement.
MI 3002, MI 3102: MEM key, to access memory operations.
4........ MI 3100: HELP key, to access help menus.
MI 3102: HELP/CAL key, to access help menus. CAL function is
enabled in low-value resistance measurement to
compensate test leads resistance.
MI 3002: CAL key, to compensate test leads resistance in low-value
resistance measurement.
5........ Jogger keypad with cursors and TEST keys.
The TEST key also acts as the PE touching electrode.
6…….BACKLIGHT and CONTRAST key, to change backlight level and contrast.
High level backlight is automatically shut off 20 seconds after the last strike of
any key or function switch rotation in order to extend service life of the battery.
7........ 128 × 64 dots matrix display with backlight.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Instrument description
3.2 Connector panel
> 550V
Figure 3.2: Connector panel
1........ Test connector.
Warning! Maximal allowed voltage between test terminals and ground is 600
V! Maximal allowed voltage between test terminals is 550 V!
MI 3102 only: In resistance to earth function test connector terminals are used
as follows:
L/L1 black test lead is used for the auxiliary earth electrode (H).
N/L2 blue test lead is used for the earth electrode (E).
PE/L3 green test lead is used for the probe (S).
2........ Power supply socket.
3........ RS 232 connector (MI 3002 and MI 3102).
4........ Protection connector cover.
5........ USB connector (MI 3002 and MI 3102).
6........ CLAMP CURRENT input (MI 3102 only).
Warning! Do not connect any voltage source on this input. It is intended for
connection of current clamp with current output only. Maximal continuous input
current is 30 mA!
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Instrument description
3.3 Back panel
Figure 3.3: Back panel
1........ Battery/fuse compartment cover.
2........ Information label.
3........ Fixing screws for battery/fuse compartment cover.
Figure 3.4.: Battery and fuse compartment
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Instrument description
1........ Fuse F1.
2........ Fuse F2.
3........ Fuse F3.
4........ Serial number label.
5........ Battery cells (size AA).
6........ Battery holder.
3.4 Bottom view
Continuity 7mA
R: 0.0 1999
Test current: max. 7mA
Open-circuit voltage: 5.4V 7.2V
Ω÷ Ω
Insulation resistance (EN 61557-2)
R: 0.000M 199.9M , U =100V , 250V
R: 0.000M 999M , U = 500V , 1kV
U: 0V 1200V,
Nominal voltages: 100V , 250V , 500V , 1kV
Measuring current: min. 1mA at R =U 1k /V
Short-circuit current: <3mA
Ω÷ Ω
Ω÷ Ω
R: 0.00 1999
Test current: min. ±200mA
Open-circuit voltage: 5.4V 9.0V
Ω÷ Ω
Tripping time
non-delayed (time-delayed) RCDs
t : 0ms 300ms (500ms)
t : 0ms 150ms (200ms)
t : 0ms 40ms (150ms)
U : 0.00V 100.0V
Tripping current
I : 0.2 I 1.1 I
t : 0ms 300ms
U : 0.00V 100.0V
×÷ ×
Contact voltage
U : 0.00V 100.0V
R : 0.00 10.00k (R =U / I )
Ω÷ Ω, Δ
Fault loop resistance (without tripping RCD)
R : 0.00 10k
U : 0.00V 100.0V, (U =R I )
Ω÷ Ω
÷ × Δ
Line resistance
R : 0.00 1999
I : 0.06A 24.4kA
Nominal voltage: 100V 440V / 45Hz 65Hz
Ω÷ Ω
Fault loop resistance (EN 61557-3)
R : 0.00 1999
I : 0.06A 24.4kA
Nominal voltage: 100V 440V / 45Hz 65Hz
Ω÷ Ω
Voltage, frequency
U: 0V 440V
f: 45Hz 65Hz
Phase rotation (EN 61557-7)
Nominal voltage: 100V 440V / 45Hz 65Hz
Results: 1.2.3. or 2.1.3
I : 10mA, 30mA, 100mA, 300mA, 500mA, 1A
Multiplier: / 1, 2, 5
Nominal voltage: 100V 264V / 45Hz 65Hz
÷ ÷
RCD (EN 61557-6)
Continuity (EN 61557-4)
Figure 3.5: Bottom view
1........ Information label.
2........ Neck belt openings.
3........ Handling side covers.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Instrument description
3.5 Carrying the instrument
With the neck carrying belt supplied in standard set, various possibilites of carrying the
instrument are available. Operator can choose appropriate one on basis of his / her
operation, see the following examples:
The instrument is hung
around operator's neck
only - quick placing and
The instrument can be used even placed in
soft carrying bag – test cable connected to the
instrument through the front aperture.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Instrument description
3.6 Instrument set and accessories
Instrument EurotestEASI – MI 3100
Soft carying bag
Soft carying neck belt
Soft carying back belt
EurotestLITE – MI 3002
Soft carying bag
Soft carying neck belt
Soft carying back belt
EurotestXE – MI 3102
Soft carying bag
Soft carying neck belt
Soft carying back belt
accessories*) Test lead, 3 × 1.5 m
Tip commander with two
function keys
Schuko plug cable
Test tip (blue)
Test tip (black)
Test tip (green)
3 crocodile clips (black, blue,
Test lead, 3 × 1.5 m
Schuko plug cable
Test tip (blue)
Test tip (black)
Test tip (green)
3 crocodile clips (black, blue,
Test lead, 3 × 1.5 m
Tip commander with two
function keys
Schuko plug cable
Test tip (blue)
Test tip (black)
Test tip (green)
3 crocodile clips (black, blue,
Earth test set – 20 m:
Test lead (black, 20 m)
Test lead (blue, 4.5 m)
Test lead (green, 20 m)
Documentation Short instruction manual
Product verification data
Warranty declaration
Declaration of conformity
Short instruction manual
Product verification data
Warranty declaration
Declaration of conformity
Short instruction manual
Product verification data
Warranty declaration
Declaration of conformity
Battery 6 Ni-MH rechargeable cells
Power supply adapter
6 Ni-MH rechargeable cells
Power supply adapter
6 Ni-MH rechargeable cells
Power supply adapter
Cables RS232 cable
USB cable
RS232 cable
USB cable
CD-ROM Instruction manual
Short instruction manual
Measurement on electric
installations in theory and
Instruction manual
Short instruction manual
Measurement on electric
installations in theory and
EuroLink PRO PC software
Instruction manual
Short instruction manual
Measurement on electric
installations in theory and
EuroLink PRO PC software
Plug commander with two
function keys
Three-phase cable
Three-phase adapter
Test lead (black, 4 m)
Test lead (black, 20 m) Test
lead (black, 50 m)
Fast 12 cells charger
(C and AA sizes)
Fast 6 cells charger (AA size)
Plug commander with two
function keys
Tip commander with two
function keys
Three-phase cable
Three-phase adapter
Test lead (black, 4 m)
Test lead (black, 20 m) Test
lead (black, 50 m)
Fast 12 cells charger
(C and AA sizes)
Fast 6 cells charger (AA size)
Plug commander with two
function keys
Three-phase cable
Three-phase adapter
Test lead (black, 50 m)
Low current range clamp
Mini current clamp
Connection cable for mini
LUXmeter probe, type B
LUXmeter probe, type C
Fast 12 cells charger
(C and AA sizes)
Fast 6 cells charger (AA size)
*) Please, see the attached sheet to compare received set of accessories with listed one.
See also the attached sheet for a list of optional accessories that are available on
request from your distributor.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Instrument operation
4 Instrument operation
4.1 Meaning of symbols and messages on the instrument display
The instrument display is divided into four sections:
Figure 4.1: Display outlook
1........ Function and parameter line.
In the top display line the measuring function/sub-function and parameters are
2........ Result field.
In this field the main result and sub-results together with the
PASS/FAIL/ABORT status are displayed.
3........ Online voltage and output monitor.
4........ Message field.
4.1.1 The online voltage and output terminal monitor
Online voltage is displayed together with test terminal
indication. All three test terminals are used for selected
Online voltage is displayed together with test terminal
indication. L and N test terminals are used for selected
Polarity of test voltage applied to the output terminals, L
and N.
Unknown supply system.
L – N polarity changed.
fri Frequency out of range.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Instrument operation
4.1.2 Message field – battery status
Battery power indication.
Low battery indication. Battery pack is too weak to
guarantee correct result. Replace the batteries.
Recharging is running (if power supply adapter is
4.1.3 Message field – measurement warnings/messages
Warning! High voltage is applied to the test terminals.
Warning! Phase voltage on the PE terminal! Stop all the
measurements immediately and eliminate the fault before
proceeding with any activity!
Measurement is running. Consider any displayed
Measurement can be performed after pressing the TEST
key. Consider any displayed warning after starting the
Measurement prohibited. Consider any displayed
warnings and check online voltage/terminal monitor!
Co Test leads resistance in low-value resistance
measurement is compensated.
RCD tripped during the measurement. The trip limit may
be exceeded as a result of leakage current flowing to the
PE protective conductor or capacitive connection
between L and PE conductors.
RCD not tripped during the measurement.
Instrument overheated. Temperature of internal
components in the instrument reached top limit.
Measurement is prohibited until the temperature is lower
then that limit.
Battery capacity is too low to guarantee correct result.
Replace the batteries.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Instrument operation
Fuse F1 (continuity circuit) blown or not inserted.
SF Single fault condition in IT system.
Noise voltage is present between H and E or S test
Resistance of auxiliary earth electrode is higher than
100×RE. Check the auxiliary earth electrode.
Probe resistance is higher than 100×RE. Check the
Resistances of auxiliary earth electrode and probe are
higher than 100×RE. Check all probes.
4.1.4 Result field
Measurement passed.
Measurement failed.
Measurement is aborted. Check the conditions at the
input terminal.
4.1.5 Other messages
Hard Reset
Instrument settings and measuremet parameters/limits
are set to initial (factory) values. For more information
refer to chapter 4.5.5. Recalling original settings.
No probe LUXmeter probe is turned off or disconnected from the
EurotestXE instrument. Connect probe to the instrument
using RS232 connector and turn it on.
First measurement First stored measurement results are displayed.
Last measurement Last stored measurement results are displayed.
Memory full All memory locations are occupied.
Already saved Measurement results already saved.
CHECK SUM ERROR Memory contents damaged. Contact your distributor or
manufacturer for further information.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Instrument operation
4.1.6 Sound warnings
The shortest sound Pressed key deactivated.
Sub-function is not available.
Short sound
Pressed key activated.
Measurement has been started after pressing the TEST
key. Consider any displayed warnings during
Long sound Measurement is prohibited. Consider any displayed
warnings and check online voltage/terminal monitor!
Periodic sound
Warning! Phase voltage on the PE terminal! Stop all the
measurements immediately and eliminate the fault before
proceeding with any activity!
4.1.7 Function and parameter line
Figure 4.2: Function selector switch and belonging parameter line
1……Main function name.
2……Function or sub-function name.
3……Measuring parameters and limit values.
4.2 Selecting measurement function/subfunction
The following measurements can be selected with the function selector switch:
Voltage and frequency,
Insulation resistance,
Low-value resistance,
RCD testing,
Fault loop impedance,
Line impedance,
Phase sequence,
Resistance to earth (MI 3102 only),
TRMS current (MI 3102 only),
Illumination (MI 3102 only).
The function/sub-function name is highlighted on the display by default.
Sub-function can be selected by using ¿ and À keys in function/parameter line.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Instrument operation
4.3 Setting measurement parameters and limits
By using ½ and ¾ keys select the parameter/limit value you want to edit. By using ¿
and À keys the selected parameter can be set.
Once the measurement parameters are set the settings are kept until new changes are
made or the original settings are recalled.
4.4 Help menu (MI 3100 and MI 3102)
Help menus are available in all functions. The Help menu contains schematic diagrams
for illustration how to properly connect the instrument to electric installation. After
selecting the measurement you want to perform, press the HELP key in order to view
the belonging Help menu.
Press the HELP key again to see further Help screens if available or to return to the
function menu.
Figure 4.3: Example of help menu
4.5 Setup menu
In the Setup menu the following actions can be taken:
Supply system selection,
Prospective short/fault current scaling factor adjustment,
Language selection,
Communication port settings (MI 3002 and MI 3102)
Support for remote comamnders.
To enter the Setup menu press the BACKLIGHT key and rotate function selector switch
in any direction at the same time.
Rotate function selector switch again to leave Setup menu or setup sub-menus.
Figure 4.4: Setup menu
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Instrument operation
4.5.1 Supply system setup
The instrument enables tests and measurements in the following supply systems:
TN (TT) system,
IT system,
Reduced low voltage system (2×55 V),
Reduced low voltage system (3×63 V).
Select SYSTEMS in the Setup menu by using ¿ and À keys and press the TEST key
to enter the Supply system setup menu.
Figure 4.5: Supply systems selecting menu
By using ¿ and À keys select supply system and press the TEST key to accept the
4.5.2 Prospective short/fault current scaling factor adjustment
Select SET ISC FACTOR in Setup menu by using ¿ and À keys and press the TEST
key to enter the Prospective short/fault current scaling factor adjustment menu.
Figure 4.6: Scaling factor adjustment menu
Use ¿ and À keys to adjust the scaling factor. Press the TEST key to accept the new
More information about the prospective short/fault current scaling factor can be found in
chapters 5.4 and 5.5.
In UK version, impedance scaling factor Z is used instead of prospective
short/fault scaling factor Isc.
4.5.3 Language selection
Select SET LANGUAGE in Setup menu by using the ¿ and À keys and press the
TEST key to enter the Language selecting menu.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Instrument operation
Figure 4.7: Language selecting menu
By using ¿ and À keys select language you want to use. Press The TEST key to
accept the new setting.
4.5.4 Communication port selection (MI 3002 and MI 3102)
Select SET COMMUNICATION PORT in Setup menu by using ¿ and À keys and
press the TEST key to enter the Communication menu.
RS 232 <9600>
USB 115200
Figure 4.8: Communication menu
By using ¿ and À keys select communication port you want to use. If RS232
communication port is selected, use ½ and ¾ keys to select baud rate. USB port has a
baud rate set to 115200 bps. Press the TEST key to accept the new setting.
Only one port can be active at one time.
4.5.5 Plug / Tip commander support
Select COMMANDER in Setup menu by using ¿ and À keys and press the TEST key
to switch on / off the support for remote commanders.
If disable is selected then keys on Plug / Tip commander are disabled (except backlight
key). The selected test can be started (or results can be saved) using instrument keys
If enable option is selected, then keys on Plug / Tip commander are activated.
This option is intended to disable the commander’s remote keys. In the case of
high EM interfering noise the operation of the commander’s key can be irregular.
4.5.6 Recalling original settings
The following parameters and settings can be set to initial (factory) values:
Test parameters and limit values,
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Instrument operation
Prospective short/fault current scaling factor,
Supply system,
Communication port (MI 3002 and MI 3102)
Support for remote commanders.
In order to recall original setting press and hold ¾ key and switch on the instrument.
»Hard reset« message wil be displayed for a while.
Instrument settings, measurement parameters and limits are set to their initial values as
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Instrument operation
Instrument settings Default value
Contrast 50 %
Prospective short/fault current
scaling factor (except in UK version)
Impedance scaling factor Z (UK
version only)
Supply system TN/TT
Communication RS232, 9600 bps
Commander Enabled
Sub-function Parameter / limit value
CONTINUITY Selected function: R LOWΩ
R LOWΩ High limit resistance value: 2.0 Ω
Continuity High limit resistance value: 20.0 Ω
INSULATION Nominal test voltage: 500 V
Low limit resistance value: 1 MΩ
LINE Fuse type: none selected (F)
Fuse current rating: none selected (A)
Fuse tripping current: none selected (ms)
Zs (rcd)
Fuse type: none selected (F)
Fuse current rating: none selected (A)
Fuse tripping current: none selected (ms)
RCD Selected function: RCD Uc
Contact voltage – RCD Uc
Trip-out time – RCD t
Trip-out current – RCD III
Autotest – RCD AUTO
Nominal differential current: IΔN=30 mA
RCD type and test current starting polarity:
Limit contact voltage: 50 V
Nominal differential current multiplier: ×1
(MI 3102 only)
High limit resistance value: 50 Ω
ILLUMINATION (MI 3102 only) Low limit illumination value: 300 lux
TRMS CURRENT (MI 3102 only) Current limit: 4.5 mA
4.6 Display contrast adjustment
When low-level backlight is activated press and hold BACKLIGHT key until the Display
contrast adjustment menu is displayed.
Figure 4.9: Contrast adjustment menu
Use ¿ and À keys to adjust the contrast level. Press the TEST key to accept the new
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Measurements
5 Measurements
5.1 Insulation resistance
Insulation resistance measurement is performed in order to assure safety against
electric shock. Using this measurement the following items can be determined:
Insulation resistance between installation conductors,
Insulation resistance of non-conductive rooms (walls and floors),
Insulation resistance of ground cables,
Resistance of semi-conductive (antistatic) floors.
For additional general information concerning insulation resistance measurement refer
to the Metrel handbook Measurements on electric installations in theory and practice.
How to perform insulation resistance measurement
Step 1 Select Insulation function with the function selector switch. The following
menu is displayed:
Figure 5.1: Insulation resistance measurement menu
Connect test cable to the Eurotest instrument.
Step 2 Set the following measuring parameter and limit values:
Nominal test voltage,
Low limit resistance value.
Step 3 Connect test cable to the item under test. Follow the connection diagram
shown in figure 5.2 to perform insulation resistance measurement. Use the
Help function if necessary.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Measurements
switched off
mains voltage closed
ted loads
Figure 5.2: Connection of 3-wire test lead and tip commander
Step 4 Check the displayed warnings and online voltage/terminal monitor before
starting the measurement. If OK, press and hold the TEST key until result is
stabilised. Actual measured results are shown on the display during
After the TEST key is released the last measured results are displayed,
together with the PASS/FAIL indication (if applicable).
Figure 5.3: Example of insulation resistance measurement results
Displayed results:
R.............Insulation resistance,
Um..........Instrument test voltage.
Save displayed results for documentation purposes. Refer to chapter 6.1.
Saving results (MI 3002 and MI 3102).
Insulation resistance measurement should only be performed on de-energized
When measuring insulation resistance between installation conductors all loads
must be disconnected and all switches closed!
Do not touch the test object during the measurement or before it is fully
discharged! Risk of electric shock!
When an insulation resistance measurement has been performed on a capacitive
object automatic discharge may not be done immediately! Warning message
and actual voltage is displayed during discharge, until voltage drops below 10 V.
Do not connect test terminals to external voltage higher than 600 V (AC or DC) in
order not to damage the test instrument!
In case of voltage higher than 10 V (AC or DC) between test terminals, the
insulation resistance measurement will not be performed.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Measurements
5.2 Continuity
Two Continuity sub-functions are available:
LowΩ resistance,
5.2.1 LowΩ resistance
This test is used to ensure electric safety and correct connection of all protective
conductors, earth conductors or bonding conductors. The measurement of LowΩ
resistance is performed with automatic pole reversal of the test voltage and the test
current of more than 200 mA. This measurement completely complies with
EN61557-4 regulations.
How to perform LowΩ resistance measurement
Step 1 Select Continuity function with the function selector switch first. Use the ¿/À
keys to select R LOWΩ function. The following menu is displayed:
Figure 5.4: Low
resistance measurement menu
Connect test cable to the Eurotest instrument.
Step 2 Set the following limit value:
High limit resistance value.
Step 3 Before performing LowΩ measurement compensate test leads resistance as
1. Short test leads first as shown in fugure 5.11.
rolongation lead
Figure 5.5: Shorted test leads
2. Press the TEST key in order to perform regular measurement. Result
close to 0.00 Ω is displayed.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Measurements
3. Press the CAL key. After performing test leads compensation
compensated test leads indicator is displayed.
4. In order to annul potential compensation follow the procedure described in
this step with open test leads. After annulling compensation, the
compensation indicator dissapears.
Compensation performed in this function is also considered in the Continuity
Step 4 Connect test cable to the item under test. Follow the connection diagram
shown in figures 5.12 and 5.13 to perform LowΩ resistance measurement.
Use the Help function if necessary.
MPEC....Main Potential Equilizing Collector
PCC....Protection Conductor Collector
prolongation lead
Figure 5.6: Connection of 3-wire test lead and optional probe test lead
MPEC....Main Potential Equilizing Collector
PCC....Protection Conductor Collector
prolongation lead
Figure 5.7: Connection of tip commander and optional probe test lead
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Measurements
Step 5 Check the displayed warnings and online voltage/terminal monitor before
starting measurement. If OK, press the TEST key. After performing the
measurement results appear on the display together with the PASS/FAIL
indication (if applicable).
Figure 5.8: Example of Low
resistance measurement results
Displayed results:
R.............Main Low resistance result (average of R+ and R- results),
R+...........Low resistance sub-result with positive voltage at L terminal,
R-............Low resistance sub-result with positive voltage at N terminal.
Save displayed results for documentation purposes. Refer to chapter 6.1.
Saving results (MI 3002 and MI 3102).
Low-value resistance measurement should only be performed on de-energized
Parallel impedances or transient currents may influence test results.
If voltage between test terminals is higher than 10 V the R LOWΩ measurement
will not be performed.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Measurements
5.2.2 Continuity
Continuous low-value resistance measurement can be performed without pole reversal
of the test voltage and a lower test current (few mA). In general function serves as an
ordinary Ω-meter with low-test current. Function can also be used to test inductive
For additional information concerning continuity measurement refer to the Metrel
handbook Measurements on electric installations in theory and practice.
How to perform Continuity measurement
Step 1 Select Continuity function with the function selector switch first. Use the ¿/À
keys to select Continuity function. The following menu is displayed:
Figure 5.9: Continuity measurement menu
Connect test cable to the Eurotest instrument.
Step 2 Set the following limit value:
High limit resistance value.
Step 3 Connect test cable to the item under test. Follow the connection diagram
shown in figures 5.16 and 5.17 to perform Continuity measurement. Use the
Help function if necessary.
Figure 5.10: Connection of 3-wire test lead
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Measurements
Figure 5.11: Connection of tip commander
Step 4 Check the displayed warnings and online voltage/terminal monitor before
starting measurement. If OK, press the TEST key to start the measurement.
Actual measuring result with PASS/FAIL indication (if applicable) is shown on
the display during measurement.
To stop measurement at any time press the TEST key again. The last
measured result is displayed, together with the PASS/FAIL indication (if
Figure 5.12: Example of Continuity measurement result
Displayed result:
R.............Continuity resistance result.
Save displayed results for documentation purposes. Refer to chapter 6.1.
Saving results (MI 3002 and MI 3102).
Continuity measurement should only be performed on de-energized objects!
If voltage between test terminals is higher than 10 V the continuity measurement
cannot be performed.
Before performing continuity measurement compensate test lead resistance if
necessary. The compensation is performed in LowΩ function.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Measurements
5.3 Testing RCDs
When testing RCDs, the following sub-functions can be performed:
Contact voltage measurement,
Trip-out time measurement,
Trip-out current measurement,
RCD autotest.
In general the following parameters and limits can be set when testing RCDs:
Limit contact voltage,
Nominal differential RCD trip-out current,
Multiplier of nominal differential RCD trip-out current,
RCD type,
Test current starting polarity.
5.3.1 Limit contact voltage
Safety contact voltage is limited to 50 VAC for standard domestic area. In special
environments (hospitals, wet places, etc.) contact voltages up to 25 VAC are permitted.
Limit contact voltage can be set in Contact voltage function only!
5.3.2 Nominal differential trip-out current
Nominal differential current is the rated trip-out current of and RCD. The following RCD
current ratings can be set: 10 mA, 30 mA, 100 mA, 300 mA, 500 mA and 1000 mA.
5.3.3 Multiplier of nominal residual current
Selected nominal differential current can be multiplied by ½, 1, 2 or 5.
5.3.4 RCD type and test current starting polarity
Eurotest instrument enables testing of general (non-delayed) and selective (time-
delayed, marked with
symbol) RCDs, which are suited for:
Alternating residual current (AC type, marked with symbol),
Pulsating DC residual current (A type, marked with symbol).
Test current starting polarity can be started with the positive half-wave at 00 or with the
negative half-wave at 1800.
positive start polarity
(0°) negative start polarity
Figure 5.13: Test current started with the positive or negative half-wave
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Measurements
5.3.5 Testing selective (time-delayed) RCDs
Selective RCDs demonstrate delayed response characteristics. Trip-out performance is
influenced due to the pre-loading during measurement of contact voltage. In order to
eliminate pre-loading a time delay of 30 s is inserted before performing trip-out test.
5.3.6 Contact voltage
Leakage current flowing to the PE terminal causes a voltage drop across earth
resistance, which is called contact voltage. This voltage is present on all accessible
parts connected to the PE terminal and should be lower than the safety limit voltage.
The parameter contact voltage is measured without tripping-out the RCD. RL is a fault
loop resistance and is calculated as follows:
Displayed contact voltage relates to the rated nominal differential current of the RCD
and is multiplied by a safety factor. See the table 5.1 for detailed contact voltage
RCD type Contact voltage Uc
G Uc 1.05×IΔN
S Uc 1.05×2×IΔN
G Uc 1.05×2×IΔN
S Uc 1.05×2×2×IΔN
Table 5.1: Relationship between Uc and I
For additional general information concerning contact voltage measurement refer to the
Metrel handbook Measurements on electric installations in theory and practice.
How to perform contact voltage measurement
Step 1 Select RCD function with the function selector switch first. Use the ¿/À keys to
select Contact voltage function. The following menu is displayed:
Figure 5.14: Contact voltage measurement menu
Connect test cable to the Eurotest instrument.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Measurements
Step 2 Set the following measuring parameters and limit values:
Nominal residual current,
RCD type,
Limit contact voltage.
Step 3 Follow the connection diagram shown in figure 5.21 to perform contact
voltage measurement. Use the Help function if necessary.
Figure 5.15: Connection of plug test cable or 3-wire test lead
Step 4 Check the displayed warnings and online voltage/terminal monitor before
starting the measurement. If OK, press the TEST key. After performing the
measurement results with PASS/FAIL indication appear on the display.
UK version
Figure 5.16: Example of contact voltage measurement results
Displayed results:
U.............Contact voltage.
Rl............Fault loop resistance.
Lim.........Limit earth fault loop resistance value according to BS 7671.
Save displayed results for documentation purposes. Refer to chapter 6.1.
Saving results (MI 3002 and MI 3102).
Parameters set in this function are also kept for other RCD functions!
The measurement of contact voltage does not normally trip an RCD. However,
the trip limit may be exceeded as a result of leakage current flowing to the PE
protective conductor or a capacitive connection between L and PE conductors.
RCD trip-lock sub-function (function selector switch in LOOP position) takes
longer to complete but offers much better accuracy of fault loop resistance result
(in comparison with the RL sub-result in Contact voltage function).
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Measurements
5.3.7 Trip-out time
Trip-out time measurement is used to verify the effectiveness of the RCD. This is
achieved by a test simulating an appropriate fault condition. Trip-out times vary between
standards and are listed below.
Trip-out times according to EN 61008 / EN 61009:
½×IΔN*) I
General (non-
delayed) RCDs
tΔ > 300 ms tΔ < 300 ms tΔ < 150 ms tΔ < 40 ms
Selective (time-
delayed) RCDs
tΔ > 500 ms 130 ms < tΔ <
500 ms
60 ms < tΔ <
200 ms
50 ms < tΔ <
150 ms
Trip-out times according to IEC 60364-4-41:
½×IΔN*) I
General (non-
delayed) RCDs
tΔ > 999 ms tΔ < 999 ms tΔ < 150 ms tΔ < 40 ms
Selective (time-
delayed) RCDs
tΔ > 999 ms 130 ms < tΔ <
999 ms
60 ms < tΔ <
200 ms
50 ms < tΔ <
150 ms
Trip-out times according to BS 7671:
½×IΔN*) I
General (non-
delayed) RCDs
tΔ > 1999 ms tΔ < 300 ms tΔ < 150 ms tΔ < 40 ms
Selective (time-
delayed) RCDs
tΔ > 1999 ms 130 ms < tΔ <
500 ms
60 ms < tΔ <
200 ms
50 ms < tΔ <
150 ms
*) Test current of ½×IΔN cannot cause trip-out of the RCDs.
For additional general information concerning trip-out time measurement refer to the
Metrel handbook Measurements on electric installations in theory and practice.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Measurements
How to perform trip-out time measurement
Step 1 Select RCD function with the function selector switch first. Use the ¿/À keys to
select Trip-out time function. The following menu is displayed:
Figure 5.17: Trip-out time measurement menu
Connect test cable to the Eurotest instrument.
Step 2 Set the following measuring parameters:
Nominal differential trip-out current,
Nominal differential trip-out current multiplier,
RCD type, and
Test current starting polarity.
Step 3 Follow the connection diagram shown in figure 5.21 (see the chapter 5.4.6
Contact voltage) to perform trip-out time measurement.
Step 4 Check the displayed warnings and online voltage/terminal monitor before
starting measurement. If OK, press the TEST key. After performing the
measurement results with PASS/FAIL indication appear on the display.
Figure 5.18: Example of trip-out time measurement results
Displayed results:
t..............Trip-out time,
UC...........Contact voltage.
Save displayed results for documentation purposes. Refer to chapter 6.1.
Saving results (MI 3002 and MI 3102).
Parameters set in this function are also kept for other RCD functions!
RCD trip-out time measurement will be performed only if contact voltage at
nominal differential current is lower than the set limit contact voltage!
The measurement of contact voltage in pre-test does not normally trip an RCD.
However, the trip limit may be exceeded as a result of leakage current flowing to
the PE protective conductor or a capacitive connection between L and PE
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Measurements
5.3.8 Trip-out current
A continuously rising residual current is used for the evaluation of an RCD. After the
measurement has been started, the test current generated by the instrument is
continuously increased, starting at 0.2×IΔN to 1.1×IΔN (to 1.5×IΔN / 2.2×IΔN (IΔN =10 mA)
for pulsating DC residual currents), until the RCD is tripped.
For additional general information concerning trip-out current measurement refer to the
Metrel handbook Measurements on electric installations in theory and practice.
How to perform trip-out current measurement
Step 1 Select RCD function with the function selector switch first. Use the ¿/À keys to
select Trip-out current function. The following menu is displayed:
Figure 5.19: Trip-out current measurement menu
Connect test cable to the Eurotest instrument.
Step 2 By using cursor keys the following parameters can be set in this measurement:
Nominal residual current,
RCD type,
Test current starting polarity.
Step 3 Follow the connection diagram shown in figure 5.21 (see the chapter 5.4.6
Contact voltage) to perform trip-out current measurement. Use the Help
function if necessary.
Step 4 Check the displayed warnings and online voltage/terminal monitor before
starting the measurement. If OK, press the TEST key. After performing the
measurement results with PASS/FAIL indication appear on the display.
Figure 5.20: Example of trip-out current measurement result
Displayed results:
IΔ.............Trip-out current,
UCi ..........Contact voltage,
tI .............Trip-out time.
Save displayed results for documentation purposes. Refer to chapter 6.1.
Saving results (MI 3002 and MI 3102).
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Measurements
Parameters set in this function are also kept for other RCD functions!
RCD trip-out current measurement will be performed only if contact voltage at
nominal differential current is lower than set limit contact voltage!
The measurement of contact voltage in pre-test does not normally trip an RCD.
However, the trip limit may be exceeded as a result of leakage current flowing to
the PE protective conductor or a capacitive connection between L and PE
5.3.9 Autotest
The purpose of autotest function is to perform complete RCD testing and measurement
of belonging parameters (contact voltage, fault loop resistance and trip-out time at
different fault currents) in one set of automatic tests, guided by the instrument. If any
false parameter is noticed during autotest, individual parameter test has to be used for
further investigation.
The measurement of contact voltage in pre-test does not normally trips an RCD.
However, the trip limit may be exceeded as a result of leakage current flowing to the
PE protective conductor or a capacitive connection between L and PE conductors.
The autotest sequence stops when the trip-out time is out of allowed time period. How to perform RCD autotest – standard version
Step 1 Select RCD function with the function selector switch first. Use the ¿/À keys
to select RCD autotest function. The following menu is displayed:
Figure 5.21: RCD autotest menu
Connect test cable to the Eurotest instrument.
Step 2 Set the following measuring parameters:
Nominal differential trip-out current,
RCD type.
Step 3 Follow the connection diagram shown in figure 5.21 (see the chapter 5.4.6
Contact voltage) to perform the RCD autotest. Use the Help function if
Step 4 Check the displayed warnings and online voltage/terminal monitor before
starting the measurement. If OK, press the TEST key. The autotest sequence
starts to run as follows:
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Measurements
1. Trip-out time measurement with the following measurement parameters:
Test current of ½×IΔN,
Test current started with the positive half-wave at 00.
Measurement does not normally trip an RCD. The following menu is
Figure 5.22: Step 1 RCD autotest results
After performing step 1 the RCD autotest sequence automatically proceeds
with step 2.
2. Trip-out time measurement with the following measurement parameters:
Test current of ½×IΔN,
Test current started with the negative half-wave at 1800.
Measurement does not normally trip an RCD. The following menu is
Figure 5.23: Step 2 RCD autotest results
After performing step 2 the RCD autotest sequence automatically proceeds
with step 3.
3. Trip-out time measurement with the following measurement parameters:
Test current of IΔN,
Test current started with the positive half-wave at 00.
Measurement normally trips an RCD within allowed time period. The following
menu is displayed:
Figure 5.24: Step 3 RCD autotest results
After re-switching the RCD the autotest sequence automatically proceeds
with step 4.
4. Trip-out time measurement with the following measurement parameters:
Test current of IΔN,
Test current started with the negative half-wave at 1800.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Measurements
Measurement normally trips an RCD within allowed time period. The following
menu is displayed:
Figure 5.25: Step 4 RCD autotest results
After re-switching the RCD the autotest sequence automatically proceeds
with step 5.
5. Trip-out time measurement with the following measurement parameters:
Test current of 5×IΔN,
Test current started with the positive half-wave at 00.
Measurement normally trips an RCD within allowed time period. The following
menu is displayed:
Figure 5.26: Step 5 RCD autotest results
After re-switching the RCD, the autotest sequence automatically proceeds
with step 6.
6. Trip-out time measurement with the following measurement parameters:
Test current of 5×IΔN,
Test current started with the negative half-wave at 1800.
Measurement normally trips an RCD within allowed time period. The following
menu is displayed:
Figure 5.27: Step 6 RCD autotest results
Displayed results:
t1 ............Step 1 trip-out time result (½×IΔN, 00),
t2 ............Step 2 trip-out time result (½×IΔN, 1800),
t3 ............Step 3 trip-out time result (IΔN, 00),
t4 ............Step 4 trip-out time result (IΔN, 1800),
t5 ............Step 5 trip-out time result (5×IΔN, 00),
t6 ............Step 6 trip-out time result (5×IΔN, 1800),
Uc...........Contact voltage.
Save displayed results for documentation purposes. Refer to chapter 6.1.
Saving results (MI 3002 and MI 3102).
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Measurements
Auto test is finished with t4 test in case of testing the RCD type A with rated
residual currents of IΔn = 300 mA, 500 mA, and 1000 mA. In this case auto test
result passes if t1 to t4 results pass, and on the display are omitted t5 and t6. How to perform RCD autotest – UK version
Step 1 Select RCD function with the function selector switch first. Use the ¿/À keys to
select RCD autotest function. The following menu is displayed:
Figure 5.28: RCD autotest menu
Connect test cable to the Eurotest instrument.
Step 2 Set the following measuring parameters:
Nominal differential trip-out current,
RCD type.
Step 3 Follow the connection diagram shown in figure 5.21 (see the chapter 5.4.6
Contact voltage) to perform the RCD autotest. Use the Help function if
Step 4 Check the displayed warnings and online voltage/terminal monitor before
starting the measurement. If OK, press the TEST key. The autotest sequence
starts to run as follows:
1. Trip-out time measurement with the following measurement parameters:
Test current of IΔN,
Test current started with the positive half-wave at 00.
Measurement normally trips an RCD within allowed time period. The following
menu is displayed:
Figure 5.29: Step 1 RCD autotest results
After re-switching the RCD, the autotest sequence automatically proceeds
with step 2.
2. Trip-out time measurement with the following measurement parameters:
Test current of IΔN,
Test current started with the negative half-wave at 1800.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Measurements
Measurement normally trips an RCD. The following menu is displayed:
Figure 5.30: Step 2 RCD autotest results
After re-switching the RCD, the autotest sequence automatically proceeds
with step 3.
3. Trip-out time measurement with the following measurement parameters:
Test current of 5×IΔN,
Test current started with the positive half-wave at 00.
Measurement normally trips an RCD within allowed time period. The following
menu is displayed:
Figure 5.31: Step 3 RCD autotest results
After re-switching the RCD the autotest sequence automatically proceeds
with step 4.
4. Trip-out time measurement with the following measurement parameters:
Test current of 5×IΔN,
Test current started with the negative half-wave at 1800.
Measurement normally trips an RCD within allowed time period. The following
menu is displayed:
Figure 5.32: Step 4 RCD autotest results
After re-switching the RCD the autotest sequence automatically proceeds
with step 5.
5. Trip-out time measurement with the following measurement parameters:
Test current of ½×IΔN,
Test current started with the positive half-wave at 00.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Measurements
Measurement does not normally trip an RCD. The following menu is
Figure 5.33: Step 5 RCD autotest results
After performing step 5 the RCD autotest sequence automatically proceeds
with step 6.
6. Trip-out time measurement with the following measurement parameters:
Test current of ½×IΔN,
Test current started with the negative half-wave at 1800.
Measurement does not normally trip an RCD. The following menu is
Figure 5.34: Step 6 RCD autotest results
Displayed results:
x1 (left) ...... Step 1 trip-out time result, t3 (IΔN, 00),
x1 (right) .... Step 2 trip-out time result, t4 (IΔN, 1800),
x5 (left) ...... Step 3 trip-out time result, t5 (5×IΔN, 00),
x5 (right) .... Step 4 trip-out time result, t6 (5×IΔN, 1800),
x½ (left) ..... Step 5 trip-out time result, t1 (½×IΔN, 00),
x½ (right) ... Step 6 trip-out time result, t2 (½×IΔN, 1800),
Uc...........Contact voltage.
Save displayed results for documentation purposes. Refer to chapter 6.1.
Saving results (MI 3002 and MI 3102).
x5 Auto tests are skipped in case of testing the RCD type A with rated residual
currents of IΔn = 300 mA, 500 mA, and 1000 mA. In this case auto test result
passes if t1 to t4 results pass, and on the display are omitted t5 and t6.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Measurements
5.4 Fault loop impedance and prospective fault current
Two loop impedance measuring sub-functions are available:
Z LOOP (in the UK version called Zs) sub-function performs fault loop impedance
measurement in supply systems without RCDs.
Zs(rcd) trip-lock sub-function performs fault loop impedance measurement in supply
systems equipped with an RCD.
5.4.1 Fault loop impedance
Fault loop impedance is the impedance within the fault loop when a short-circuit to an
exposed conductive parts occurs (conductive connection between phase conductor and
protective earth conductor). In order to measure loop impedance the instrument uses
high test current.
Prospective fault current is calculated on basis of measured resistance as follows:
Nominal input voltage UN Voltage range
115 V (100 V UL-PE < 160 V)
230 V (160 V UL-PE 264 V)
Because of diverse definitions of the IPFC in different countries the user can set the
scaling factor in the Setup menu (see chapter 4.5.2 Prospective short/fault current
scaling factor adjustment).
For additional general information concerning fault loop impedance measurement refer
to the Metrel handbook Measurements on electric installations in theory and practice.
How to perform fault loop impedance measurement
Step 1 Select LOOP function with the function selector switch first. Use the ¿/À keys
to select Fault loop impedance sub-function. The following menu is
Figure 5.35: Loop impedance measurement menu
Connect test cable to the Eurotest instrument.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Measurements
Step 2 Set the following measuring parameters:
Fuse type,
Fuse current rating,
Fuse trip-out time,
IPSC scaling factor (see chapter 4.5.2 Prospective short/fault current
scaling factor adjustment).
The complete list of available fuse types can be found in Appendix A.
Step 3 Follow the connection diagram shown in the figure 5.29 to perform fault loop
impedance measurement. Use the Help function if necessary.
Figure 5.36: Connection of plug cable and 3-wire test lead
Step 4 Check the displayed warnings and online voltage/terminal monitor before
starting the measurement. If OK, press the TEST key. After performing the
measurement results appear on the display together with the PASS/FAIL
indication (if applicable).
UK version
Figure 5.37: Example of loop impedance measurement results
Displayed results:
Z.............Fault loop impedance,
ISC ...........Prospective fault current,
Lim.........Low limit prospective short-circuit current value or high limit fault
loop impedance value in the UK version (if applicable).
Save displayed results for documentation purposes. Refer to chapter 6.1.
Saving results (MI 3002 and MI 3102).
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Measurements
L and N test terminals are reversed automatically if L/L1 and N/L2 test leads (3-
wire test lead) are connected in reversed way, or terminals of the tested wall plug
are reversed, or plug commander is turned around (except in UK version).
Low limit prospective short-circuit current value depends on fuse type, fuse
current rating, fuse trip-out time and IPSC scaling factor.
Specified accuracy of tested parameters is valid only if mains voltage is stable
during the measurement.
Fault loop impedance measurement trips an RCD.
5.4.2 RCD trip-lock function
Fault loop impedance is measured with low-test current to avoid trip-out of the RCD.
This function can also be used for fault loop impedance measurement in system
equipped with RCDs with rated trip-out current of 10 mA.
Prospective fault current is calculated on basis of measured resistance as follows:
Nominal input voltage UN Voltage range
115 V (100 V UL-PE < 160 V),
230 V (160 V UL-PE 264 V),
Because of diverse definitions of the IPFC in different countries the user can set the
scaling factor in the Setup menu (see chapter 4.5.2 Prospective short/fault current
scaling factor adjustment).
For additional general information concerning fault loop impedance measurement refer
to the Metrel handbook Measurements on electric installations in theory and practice.
How to perform RCD trip-lock measurement
Step 1 Select LOOP function with the function selector switch first. Use the ¿/À keys
to select RCD trip-lock sub-function. The following menu is displayed:
Figure 5.38: Trip-lock function menu
Connect test cable to the Eurotest instrument.
Step 2 Set the following measuring parameters:
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Measurements
Fuse type,
Fuse current rating,
Fuse trip-out time,
IPSC scaling factor (see chapter 4.5.2 Prospective short/fault current
scaling factor adjustment).
The complete list of available fuse types can be found in Appendix A.
Step 3 Follow the connection diagram shown in figure 5.21 to perform RCD trip-lock
measurement (see chapter 5.4.6 Contact voltage). Use Help function if
Step 4 Check the displayed warnings and online voltage/terminal monitor before
starting the measurement. If OK, press the TEST key. After performing the
measurement the results appear on the display.
UK version
Figure 5.39: Example of fault loop impedance measurement results using trip-lock
Displayed result:
Z.............Fault loop impedance,
ISC ...........Prospective fault current,
Lim.........Low limit prospective short-circuit current value or high limit fault
loop impedance value in the UK version (if applicable).
Save displayed results for documentation purposes. Refer to chapter 6.1.
Saving results (MI 3002 and MI 3102).
The measurement of fault loop impedance using trip-lock function does not
normally trip an RCD. However, the trip limit may be exceeded as a result of
leakage current flowing to the PE protective conductor or a capacitive connection
between L and PE conductors.
Specified accuracy of tested parameters is valid only if mains voltage is stable
during the measurement.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Measurements
5.5 Line impedance and prospective short-circuit current
Line impedance is the impedance within the current loop when a short-circuit to the
neutral conductor occurs (conductive connection between phase conductor and neutral
conductor in single-phase system or between two phase conductors in three-phase
system). High test current is used to perform line resistance measurement.
Prospective short circuit current is calculated as follows:
Nominal input voltage UN Voltage range
115 V (100 V UL-PE < 160 V)
230 V (160 V UL-PE 264 V)
400 V (264 V < UL-PE 440 V)
Because of diverse definitions of the IPSC in different countries the user can set the
scaling factor in the Setup menu (See chapter 4.5.3).
For additional general information concerning line impedance refer to the Metrel
handbook Measurements on electric installations in theory and practice.
How to perform line impedance measurement
Step 1 Select LINE function with function selector switch. The following menu is
Figure 5.40: Line impedance measurement menu
Connect test cable to the Eurotest instrument.
Step 2 Set the following measuring parameters:
Fuse type,
Fuse current rating,
Fuse trip-out time,
IPSC scaling factor (see chapter 4.5.2 Prospective short/fault current
scaling factor adjustment).
The complete list of available fuse types can be found in Appendix A.
Step 3 Follow the connection diagram shown in figure 5.40 to perform phase-neutral
or phase-phase line impedance measurement. Use the Help function if
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Measurements
Figure 5.41: Phase-neutral or phase-phase line impedance measurement
Step 4 Check the displayed warnings and online voltage/terminal monitor before
starting the measurement. If OK, press the TEST key. After performing the
measurement results appear on the display together with the PASS/FAIL
indication (if applicable).
UK version
Figure 5.42: Example of line impedance measurement results
Displayed results:
Z.............Line impedance,
ISC ...........Prospective short-circuit current,
Lim.........Low limit prospective short-circuit current value or high limit fault
loop impedance value in the UK version (if applicable).
Save displayed results for documentation purposes. Refer to chapter 6.1.
Saving results (MI 3002 and MI 3102).
Low limit prospective short-circuit current value depends on fuse type, fuse
current rating, fuse trip-out time and IPSC scaling factor.
Specified accuracy of tested parameters is valid only if mains voltage is stable
during the measurement.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Measurements
5.6 Phase sequence testing
In practice we often deal with the connection of three-phase loads (motors and other
electro-mechanical machines) to three-phase mains installation. Some loads
(ventilators, conveyors, motors, electro-mechanical machines, etc.) require a specific
phase rotation and some may even be damaged if the rotation is reversed. This is why it
is advisable to test phase rotation before connection is made.
For general information concerning phase sequence testing refer to the Metrel
handbook Measurements on electric installations in theory and practice.
How to test phase sequence
Step 1 Select PHASE ROTATION function with the function selector switch. The
following menu is displayed.
Figure 5.43: Phase rotation test menu
Connect test cable to the Eurotest instrument.
Step 2 Follow the connection diagram shown in figure 5.43 to test phase sequence.
result 1.2.3
option A 1110
result 2.1.3
Figure 5.44: Connection of 3-wire test lead and optional three phase cable
Step 3 Check the displayed warnings and online voltage/terminal monitor.
Continuous test is running. Actual result is shown on the display during test.
All three-phase voltages are displayed in order of their sequence represented
by the numbers 1, 2 and 3.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Measurements
Figure 5.45: Example of phase sequence test result
Displayed results:
Ph...........Phase sequence,
1.2.3........Correct connection,
2.3.1........Invalid connection,
-.-.-..........Irregular voltages.
Save displayed results for documentation purposes. Refer to chapter 6.1.
Saving results (MI 3002 and MI 3102).
5.7 Voltage and frequency
Voltage measurement should be carried out often while dealing with electric installations
(carrying out different measurements and tests, looking for fault locations, etc.).
Frequency is measured for example when establishing the source of mains voltage
(power transformer or individual generator).
How to perform voltage and frequency measurement
Step 1 Select VOLTAGE function with the function selector switch. The following
menu is displayed:
Figure 5.46: Voltage and frequency measurement menu
Connect test cable to the Eurotest instrument.
Step 2 Follow the connection diagram shown in figure 5.46 to perform voltage and
frequency measurement.
Figure 5.47: Connection diagram
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Measurements
Step 3 Check the displayed warnings. Continuous test is running. Actual results are
shown on the display during measurement.
Figure 5.48: Examples of voltage and frequency measurements
Displayed results:
Ul-n.........Voltage between phase and neutral conductors,
Ul-pe.......Voltage between phase and protective conductors,
Un-pe .....Voltage between neutral and protective conductors.
When testing three-phase system the following results are displayed:
U1-2........Voltage between phases L1 and L2,
U1-3........Voltage between phases L1 and L3,
U2-3........Voltage between phases L2 and L3.
Save displayed results for documentation purposes. Refer to chapter 6.1.
Saving results (MI 3002 and MI 3102).
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Measurements
5.8 Resistance to earth (MI 3102 only)
EurotestXE allows resistance to earth measurement using 3-wire measuring method.
Consider the following instructions when performing resistance to earth measurement:
The probe (S) is positioned between the earth electrode (E) and auxiliary earth
electrode (H) in the ground reference plane (see figure 5.49).
The distance from the earth electrode (E) to the auxiliary earth electrode (H) is at
least 5 time the depth of earthing electrode rod or the length of the band
If measuring the total earth resistance of a complex earthing system, the required
distance depends on the longest diagonal distance between the individual
earthing electrodes.
For additional general information concerning resistance to earth measurement refer to
the METREL handbook Measurements on electric installations in theory and practice.
How to perform resistance to earth measurement
Step 1 Select the EARTH function with function selector switch. The following menu
is displayed:
Figure 5.49: Earth resistance measurement menu
Connect test cable to the EurotestXE.
Step 2 Set the following measuring parameter:
High limit resistance value.
Step 3 Follow the connection diagram shown in figure 5.49 to perform resistance to
earth measurement. Use the Help function if necessary.
Test connector terminals are used as follows:
L/L1 black test lead is used for the auxiliary earth electrode (H).
N/L2 blue test lead is used for the earth electrode (E).
PE/L3 green test lead is used for the probe (S).
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Measurements
Rc Rp RE
Figure 5.50: Connection of standard 20 m long test leads
Step 4 Check the displayed warnings and online voltage/terminal monitor before
starting the measurement. If OK, press the TEST key. After performing the
measurement results appear on the display together with the PASS/FAIL
indication (if applicable).
Figure 5.51: Example of resistance to earth measurement results
Displayed results:
R.............resistance to earth,
RC...........auxiliary earth electrode resistance,
RP...........probe resistance.
Save displayed results for documentation purposes. Refer to chapter 6.1.
Saving results.
If voltage between test terminals is higher than 30 V the resistance to earth
measurement will not be performed.
If a noise voltage higher than approx. 5 V is present between the H and E or S test
terminals, ” (noise) warning symbol will be displayed, indicating that the test
result may not be correct!
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Measurements
5.9 TRMS current (MI 3102 only)
This function enables measuring of AC currents in a wide range from 0.5 mA to 20 A
using sensitive current clamp (A 1018) supplied by METREL.
For additional general information concerning TRMS current measurement refer to the
METREL handbook Measurements on electric installations in theory and practice.
How to perform TRMS current measurement
Step 1 Select TRMS CURRENT function with the function selector switch. The
following menu is displayed:
Figure 5.52: TRMS current measurement menu
Connect current clamp to the instrument clamp connector.
Step 2 Set the following limit value:
High limit current value.
Step 3 Follow the connection diagram shown in Figure 5.53 to perform TRMS current
measurement. Use the Help function if necessary.
Option A 1018
Figure 5.53: Connection diagram
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Measurements
Step 4 Check the displayed warnings before starting the measurement. If OK, press
the TEST key.
To stop measurement at any time press the TEST key again. The last
measured result is displayed, together with the PASS/FAIL indication (if
Figure 5.54: Example of TRMS current measurement result
Displayed results:
I..............TRMS current (or TRMS leakage current).
Save displayed results for documentation purposes. Refer to chapter 6.1.
Saving results.
Use test clamp supplied by METREL or other with similar characteristics (current
ouput 1000:1, appropriate measurement range, consider error of test clamp
when evaluating measured results)!
Current clamps Metrel A 1074 and A 1019 are suitable for use with MI 3102
EurotestXE instrument in range 0.2 A ÷ 20 A. Below 0.2 A they can be used as
indicator only. They are not suitable for leakage current measurements.
The only Metrel current clamps, suitable for leakage current measurements, are
A 1018 (1000 A/1 A).
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Measurements
5.10 Illumination (MI 3102 only)
The illumination measurements should be performed whenever planning or installing
indoor or outdoor lighting.
Illumination measurement can be performed using LUXmeter probe connected to the
RS23 connector of the instrument. The EurotestXE instrument supports LUXmeter type
B and LUXmeter type C probes.
How to perform illumination measurement
Step 1 Select SENSOR function with the function selector switch. The following
menu is displayed:
Figure 5.55: Illumination measurement menu
Connect LUXmeter probe to the instrument RS232 connector.
Step 2 Set the following limit value:
Low limit illumination value.
Step 3 Follow the positioning diagram shown in figure 5.55 to perform illumination
measurement. Turn on the LUXmeter probe by pressing its ON/OFF key.
Green LED should light. Use the Help function if necessary.
Figure 5.56: LUXmeter probe positioning
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Measurements
Step 4 Check the displayed warnings before starting measurement. If OK, press the
TEST key to start the measurement. Actual measuring result with PASS/FAIL
indication (if applicable) is shown on the display during measurement.
To stop measurement at any time press the TEST key again. The last
measured result is displayed, together with the PASS/FAIL indication (if
Figure 5.57: Example of illumination measurement result
Displayed result:
Save displayed results for documentation purposes. Refer to chapter 6.1.
Saving results.
For accurate measurement make sure that the milk glas bulb is lit without any
shadows cast by hand, body or other unwanted objects.
It is very important to know that the artificial light sources reach full power of
operation after a period of time (see technical data for light sources) and should be
therefore switched on for this period of time before the measurements are taken.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Measurements
5.11 Testing PE terminal
In new or adapted installations it may occur that the PE conductor is reversed with the
phase conductor – this is a very dangerous situation! This is why it is important to test
for the presence of phase voltage at the PE protection terminal.
The test is performed before tests where mains supply voltage is applied to the
instrument circuitry or before installation is used.
For additional general information concerning PE terminal test, refer to the Metrel
handbook Measurements on electric installations in theory and practice.
How to test PE terminal
Step 1 Connect test cable to the instrument.
Step 2 Follow the connection diagrams shown in figures 5.57 and 5.58 to test PE
Reversed phase and
protection conductors!
Figure 5.58: Connection of plug cable to mains outlet with reversed L and PE
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Measurements
Reversed phase and
protection conductors!
Figure 5.59: Connection of 3-wire test lead to load connection terminals with reversed L
and PE conductors
Step 3 Touch the PE test probe (TEST key) for a few seconds. If PE terminal is
connected to phase voltage, warning message is displayed and instument
buzzer is activated.
If phase voltage is detected on tested PE terminal, stop all measurements
immediately and take care the fault is eliminated before proceeding with any
PE terminal can be tested in RCD, LOOP and LINE function selector switch
positions only!
For correct testing of PE terminal, the TEST key has to be touched for a few
Make sure to stand on non-isolated floor while carrying out the test, otherwise
test result may be wrong!
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Working with results (MI 3002 and MI 3102)
6 Working with results (MI 3002 and MI 3102)
After the measurement is completed, results can be stored to the flash memory of the
instrument, together with the sub-results and function parameters.
Electrical installations can be represented as a multi-level structure. Memory locations
of EurotestXE instrument are organized in three-level structure as follows:
Object (1st structure level, the highest level),
Block (2nd structure level),
Fuse (3th structure level, the lowest level).
Three-digit codes (000 ÷ 999) are used instead of object, block and fuse names.
¾ BLOCK 001
¾ FUSE 001
¾ FUSE 002
¾ FUSE 999
¾ BLOCK 002
¾ FUSE 001
¾ FUSE 002
¾ FUSE 999
¾ BLOCK 999
¾ FUSE 001
¾ FUSE 002
¾ FUSE 999
Figure 6.1: Instrument memory organization
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Working with results (MI 3002 and MI 3102)
6.1 Saving results
How to save measurement results
Step 1 When the measurement is finished, press the MEM key. The following menu
is displayed:
Figure 6.2: Save results menu
Step 2 The results can be saved into selected memory location as follows:
By using the ¿/À keys set cursor to Object line. Use the ½/¾ keys to select
apropriate object three-digit code.
By using the ¿/À keys set cursor to Block line. Use the ½/¾ keys to select
apropriate block three-digit code.
By using the ¿/À keys set cursor to Fuse line. Use the ½/¾ keys to select
apropriate fuse three-digit code.
Step 3 Press the MEM key to save the results. »Saved to memory« message is
displayed for a while. After saving the results the instrument returns to
measurement menu.
Each measurement result can be saved only once.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Working with results (MI 3002 and MI 3102)
6.2 Recalling results
In Memory menu the results can be:
Recalled from the memory,
Deleted from the memory.
To enter Memory menu press the MEM key.
Figure 6.3: Memory menu
How to search for and recall saved results
Step 1 Select Recall results from Memory menu by using the ¿ and À keys and
press the TEST key to confirm. The following menu is displayed.
Figure 6.4: Recall results menu
Step 2 When searching for saved results all three-digit codes can be used to narrow
the hits as follows:
By using the ¿/À keys set cursor to Object line. Use the ½/¾ keys to select
apropriate object three-digit code.
By using the ¿/À keys set cursor to Block line. Use the ½/¾ keys to select
apropriate block three-digit code.
By using the ¿/À keys set cursor to Fuse line. Use the ½/¾ keys to select
apropriate fuse three-digit code.
In No. line the number of stored results is displayed.
Step 3 Set cursor to the No. line by using the ¿/À keys.
Figure 6.5: Recall results menu
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Working with results (MI 3002 and MI 3102)
Use the ½/¾ keys to select function for which you want to view results. Press
the TEST key to confirm.
Figure 6.6: Examples of recall results menu
By using the ½/¾ keys other saved results can be viewed under the same object, block
and fuse items. Press the ¿ or À key to return to Recall results menu.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Working with results (MI 3002 and MI 3102)
6.3 Deleting results
When deleting results the following actions can be taken:
Individual results can be deleted,
Results under the same structure item can be deleted,
All saved results can be deleted.
To enter Memory menu press the MEM key.
How to delete individual saved results
Step 1 Select Delete results from Memory menu by using the ¿ and À keys and
press the TEST key to confirm. The following menu is displayed.
Figure 6.7: Delete results menu 1
Step 2 Select results you want to delete from the memory as follows:
By using the ¿/À keys set cursor to Object line. Use the ½/¾ keys to select
apropriate object three-digit code.
By using the ¿/À keys set cursor to Block line. Use the ½/¾ keys to select
apropriate block three-digit code.
By using the ¿/À keys set cursor to Fuse line. Use the ½/¾ keys to select
apropriate fuse three-digit code.
In No. line the number of stored results is displayed.
Step 3 Set cursor to the No. line using ¿/À keys.
Figure 6.8: Delete results menu 2
Use the ½/¾ keys to select function for which you want to delete results. Press
the TEST key. Press the TEST key again for confirmation or press any cursor
key (or MEM key) to return to Delete results menu without deleting selected
saved results.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Working with results (MI 3002 and MI 3102)
How to delete saved results under the same structure item
Step 1 Select Delete results from Memory menu by using the ¿ and À keys and
press the TEST key to confirm. The following menu is displayed.
Figure 6.9: Delete results menu 1
Step 2 Follow the instructions below to delete selected results.
Deleting results from the 3th structure level
By using the ¿/À keys set cursor to Fuse line. Use the ½/¾ keys to select
appropriate fuse three-digit code. In No. line the number of saved results is
Figure 6.10: Deleting results from the 3th level
Continue with instructions under Step 3.
Deleting results from the 2nd structure level
By using the ¿/À keys set cursor to Block line. Use the ½/¾ keys to select
appropriate block three-digit code. In No. line the number of stored results is
Figure 6.11: Deleting results from the 2nd level
Selected fuse item has no influence on deleted results.
Continue with instructions under Step 3.
Deleting results from the 1st structure level
By using the ¿/À keys set cursor to Object line. Use the ½/¾ keys to select
appropriate object three-digit code. In No. line the number of stored results is
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Working with results (MI 3002 and MI 3102)
Figure 6.12: Deleting results from the 1st level
Selected block and fuse items have no influence on deleting results.
Continue with instructions under Step 3.
Step 3 Press the TEST key. Press the TEST key again for confirmation or press any
cursor key (or MEM key) to return to Delete results menu without deleting
selected results.
How to delete all saved results
Step 1 Select Clear memory from Memory menu by using the ¿ and À keys and
press the TEST key to confirm. The following menu is displayed:
Figure 6.13: Clear memory menu
Step 2 Press the TEST key again for confirmation or press any cursor key (or MEM
key) to return to Memory menu without deleting all saved results.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 RS232 / USB communication (MI 3002 and MI 3102)
7 RS232 / USB communication (MI 3002 and MI
3102 only)
EurotestXE includes both RS232 and USB communication ports. Stored results can be
sent to PC for additional activities.
PS/2 - RS 232 cable
minimum connections: 1 to 2, 4 to 3, 3 to 5
for MI 3101
9 pin D female for PC
Figure 7.1: Interface connection for data transfer over PC COM port
7.1 EuroLink PRO PC software
EuroLink PRO allows the following acivities:
Data downloading,
Simple report creation,
Export of measured data to a spreadsheet.
The EuroLink PRO is a PC software running on Windows XP (32- and 64-bit version),
Windows Vista (32- and 64-bit version) and Windows 7 (32- and 64-bit version)
operating systems.
How to download saved results to PC
Step 1 Connect the EurotestXE instrument to PC using RS232 or USB cable. Make
sure that correct communication port is selected. Refer to chapter 4.5.4
Communication port selection.
Step 2 Run EuroLink PRO PC software.
Step 3 Select Receive results icon or Instrument / Receive results option from
menu. EuroLink PRO starts to download results saved in the instrument. After
results are downloaded the following memory structure is displayed.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 RS232 / USB communication (MI 3002 and MI 3102)
Figure 7.2: Example of downloaded results
Step 4 Edit downloaded structure for documentation purposes.
The USB drivers should be installed on PC before using the USB interface. See
accompanying CD for further instructions about USB installation.
For more information about the operation of the software application, please see
the help files available from the HELP option in the EuroLink PRO software.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Maintenance
8 Maintenance
8.1 Replacing fuses
There are three fuses under back cover of the Eurotest instrument.
M 0.315 A / 250 V, 20×5 mm
This fuse protects internal circuitry of low-value resistance function if test probes
are connected to the mains supply voltage by mistake.
F2, F3
F 4 A / 500 V, 32×6.3 mm
General input protection fuses of test terminals L/L1 and N/L2.
Disconnect any measuring accessory and power off the instrument before
opening battery/fuse compartment cover, hazardous voltage inside!
Replace blown fuse with original type only, otherwise the instrument may be
damaged and/or operator’s safety impaired!
Position of fuses can be seen in figure 3.4 in chapter 3.3 Back panel.
8.2 Cleaning
No special maintenance is required for the housing. To clean the surface of the
instrument use a soft cloth slightly moistened with soapy water or alcohol. Then leave
the instrument to dry totally before use.
Do not use liquids based on petrol or hydrocarbons!
Do not spill cleaning liquid over the instrument!
8.3 Periodic calibration
It is essential that the test instrument is regularly calibrated in order technical
specification listed in this manual can be guaranteed. We recommend an annual
calibration. The calibration should be done by an authorised technical person only.
Please contact your dealer for further information.
8.4 Service
For repairs under warranty, or at any other time, please contact your distributor.
Unauthorised person is not allowed to open the Eurotest instrument. There are no user
replaceable components inside the instrument, except three fuses, refer to chapter 8.1
Replacing fuses.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Technical specifications
9 Technical specifications
9.1 Insulation resistance
Insulation resistance (nominal voltages 100 VDC and 250 VDC)
Measuring range according to EN61557-2 is 0.017 MΩ ÷ 199.9 MΩ.
Measuring range (MΩ) Resolution (MΩ) Accuracy
0.000 ÷ 1.999 0.001
2.00 ÷ 99.99 0.01
100.0 ÷ 199.9 0.1
±(5 % of reading + 3 digits)
Insulation resistance (nominal voltages 500 VDC and 1000 VDC)
Measuring range according to EN61557-2 is 0.015 MΩ ÷ 999 MΩ.
Measuring range (MΩ) Resolution (MΩ) Accuracy
0.000 ÷ 1.999 0.001
2.00 ÷ 99.99 0.01
100.0 ÷ 199.9 0.1
±(2 % of reading + 3 digits)
200 ÷ 999 1 ±(10 % of reading)
Measuring range (V) Resolution (V) Accuracy
0 ÷ 1200 1 ±(3 % of reading + 3 digits)
Nominal voltages .............................. 100 VDC, 250 VDC, 500 VDC, 1000 VDC
Open circuit voltage .......................... -0 % / +20 % of nominal voltage
Measuring current............................. min. 1 mA at RN=UN×1 kΩ/V
Short circuit current........................... max. 3 mA
Specified accuracy is valid if 3-wire test lead is used, while it is valid up to 200 MΩ if tip
commander is used.
The number of possible tests
with a new set of batteries ................ up to 1800
Auto discharge after test.
In case the instrument gets moistened the results could be impaired. In such case it is
recommended to dry the instrument and accessories for at least 24 hours.
9.2 Continuity resistance
9.2.1 LowΩ resistance
Measuring range according to EN61557-4 is 0.16 Ω ÷ 1999 Ω.
Measuring range (Ω) Resolution (Ω) Accuracy
0.00 ÷ 19.99 0.01 ±(3 % of reading + 3 digits)
20.0 ÷ 99.9 0.1
100 ÷ 1999 1 ±(5 % of reading)
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Technical specifications
Open-circuit voltage.......................... 6.5 VDC ÷ 9 VDC
Measuring current............................. min. 200 mA into load resistance of 2 Ω
Test lead compensation.................... up to 5 Ω
The number of possible tests
with a new set of batteries ................ up to 5500
Automatic polarity reversal of the test voltage.
9.2.2 Continuity
Measuring range (Ω) Resolution (Ω) Accuracy
0.0 ÷ 99.9 0.1
100 ÷ 1999 1 ±(5 % of reading + 3 digits)
Open-circuit voltage.......................... 6.5 VDC ÷ 9 VDC
Short-circuit current .......................... max. 8.5 mA
Test lead compensation.................... up to 5 Ω
9.3 RCD testing
9.3.1 General data
Nominal residual current................... 10 mA, 30 mA, 100 mA, 300 mA, 500 mA,
1000 mA
Nominal residual current accuracy.... -0 / +0.1IΔ; IΔ = IΔN, 2×IΔN, 5×IΔN
-0.1IΔ / +0; IΔ = ½×IΔN
Test current shape............................ Sine-wave (AC), pulsed (A)
RCD type .......................................... general (G, non-delayed), selective (S, time-
Test current starting polarity ............. 00 or 1800
Voltage range ................................... 100 V ÷ 264 V (45 Hz ÷ 65 Hz)
RCD test current selection (r.m.s. value calculated to 20 ms) according to IEC 61009:
10 5 3,5 10 20 20 40 50 100
9 9
30 15 10,5 30 42 60 84 150 212
9 9
100 50 35 100 141 200 282 500 707 9 9
300 150 105 300 424 600 848 1500 *) 9 9
500 250 175 500 707 1000 1410 2500 *) 9 9
1000 500 350 1000 1410 2000
*) *) *)
9 9
*) not available
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Technical specifications
9.3.2 Contact voltage
Measuring range according to EN61557-6 is 3.0 V ÷ 49.0 V for limit contact voltage 25
Measuring range according to EN61557-6 is 3.0 V ÷ 99.0 V for limit contact voltage 50
V. Measuring range (V) Resolution (V) Accuracy
0.0 ÷ 9.9 0.1 (-0 % / +10 %) of reading + 2
10.0 ÷ 99.9 0.1 (-0 % / +10 %) of reading
Accuracy applies for 1 year in reference conditions. Temperature coeficient ouside
these limits is +1 digit.
Test current ...................................... max. 0.5×IΔN
Limit contact voltage ......................... 25 V, 50 V
Fault loop resistance at contact voltage is calculated as
9.3.3 Trip-out time
Complete measurement range corresponds to EN61557-6 requirements. Specified
accuracies are valid for complete operating range.
General (non-delayed) RCDs
Measuring range (ms) Resolution (ms) Accuracy
0 ÷ 300 (½×IΔN, IΔN) 1
0 ÷ 150 (2×IΔN) 1
0 ÷ 40 (5×IΔN) 1
±3 ms
Selective (time-delayed) RCDs
Measuring range (ms) Resolution (ms) Accuracy
0 ÷ 500 (½×IΔN, IΔN) 1
0 ÷ 200 (2×IΔN) 1
0 ÷ 150 (5×IΔN) 1
±3 ms
Test current ...................................... ½×IΔN, IΔN, 2×IΔN, 5×IΔN
Multiplier 5 is not available if IΔN=1000 mA (AC type RCDs) or IΔN 300 mA (A type
Multiplier 2 is not available if IΔN=1000 mA (A type RCDs).
9.3.4 Trip-out current
Trip-out current (IΔN=10 mA)
Measurement range corresponds to EN61557-6 requirements. Specified accuracies are
valid for complete operating range.
Measuring range IΔ Resolution IΔ Accuracy
0.2×IΔN ÷ 1.1×IΔN (AC type) 0.05×IΔN ±0.1×IΔN
0.2×IΔN ÷ 2.2×IΔN (A type) 0.05×IΔN ±0.1×IΔN
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Technical specifications
Trip-out current (IΔN30 mA)
Measurement range corresponds to EN61557-6 requirements. Specified accuracies are
valid for complete operating range.
Measuring range IΔ Resolution IΔ Accuracy
0.2×IΔN ÷ 1.1×IΔN (AC type) 0.05×IΔN ±0.1×IΔN
0.2×IΔN ÷ 1.5×IΔN (A type) 0.05×IΔN ±0.1×IΔN
Trip-out time
Measuring range (ms) Resolution (ms) Accuracy
0 ÷ 300 1 ±3 ms
Contact voltage
Measuring range (V) Resolution (V) Accuracy
0.0 ÷ 9.9 0.1 (-0 % / +10 %) of reading +
2 digits
10.0 ÷ 99.9 0.1 (-0 % / +10 %) of reading
9.4 Fault loop impedance and prospective fault current
Z LOOP (Zs in the UK version) sub-function
Measuring range according to EN61557-3 is 0.25 Ω ÷ 1999 Ω.
Measuring range (Ω) Resolution (Ω) Accuracy
0.00 ÷ 19.99 0.01
20.0 ÷ 99.9 0.1
100 ÷ 1999 1
±(5 % of reading + 5 digits)
Prospective fault current (calculated value)
Measuring range (A) Resolution (A) Accuracy
0.00 ÷ 19.99 0.01
20.0 ÷ 99.9 0.1
100 ÷ 999 1
1.00k ÷ 9.99k 10
10.0 ÷ 24.4k 100
Consider accuracy of fault
loop resistance
Test current (at 230 V)...................... 7.5 A (10 ms tLOAD 15 ms)
Nominal voltage range...................... 100 V ÷ 264 V (45 Hz ÷ 65 Hz)
Zs(rcd) trip-lock sub-function
Measuring range according to EN61557 is 0.46 Ω ÷ 1999 Ω.
Measuring range (Ω) Resolution (Ω) Accuracy *)
0.00 ÷ 19.99 0.01 ±(5 % of reading + 10 digits)
20.0 ÷ 99.9 0.1 ± 10 % of reading
100 ÷ 1999 1 ± 10 % of reading
*) Acccuracy may be impaired in case of heavy noise on mains voltage.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Technical specifications
Prospective fault current (calculated value)
Measuring range (A) Resolution (A) Accuracy
0.00 ÷ 19.99 0.01
20.0 ÷ 99.9 0.1
100 ÷ 999 1
1.00k ÷ 9.99k 10
10.0 ÷ 24.4k 100
Consider accuracy of fault
loop resistance
No trip out of RCD.
9.5 Line impedance and prospective short-circuit current
Line impedance
Measuring range according to EN61557-3 is 0.25 Ω ÷ 1999 Ω.
Measuring range (Ω) Resolution (Ω) Accuracy
0.00 ÷ 19.99 0.01
20.0 ÷ 99.9 0.1
100 ÷ 1999 1
±(5 % of reading + 5 digits)
Prospective short-circuit current (calculated value)
Measuring range (A) Resolution (A) Accuracy
0.00 ÷ 19.99 0.01
20.0 ÷ 99.9 0.1
100 ÷ 999 1
1.00k ÷ 9.99k 10
10.0 ÷ 24.4k 100
Consider accuracy of line
resistance measurement
Test current (at 230 V)...................... 7.5 A (10 ms tLOAD 15 ms)
Nominal voltage range 100 V ÷ 440 V (45 Hz ÷ 65 Hz)
9.6 Resistance to earth (MI 3102 only)
Measuring range according to EN61557-5 is 2.00 Ω ÷ 1999 Ω.
Measuring range (Ω) Resolution (Ω) Accuracy
0.00 ÷ 19.99 0.01
20.0 ÷ 99.9 0.1
100 ÷ 1999 1
±(2 % of reading + 3 digits)
Max. auxiliary earth electrode
resistance RC............................................ 100×RE or 50 kΩ (whichever is lower)
Max. probe resistance RP......................... 100×RE or 50 kΩ (whichever is lower)
Additional probe resistance error
at RCmax or RPmax. ...................................... ±(10 % of reading + 10 digits)
Additional error
at 3 V voltage noise (50 Hz) ..................... ±(5 % of reading + 10 digits)
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Technical specifications
Open circuit voltage .................................. < 45 VAC
Short circuit voltage .................................. < 20 mA
Test voltage frequency ............................. 125 Hz
Test voltage shape ................................... rectangular
Noise voltage indication threshold ............ 1 V (< 50 Ω, worst case)
Automatic measurement of auxiliary electrode resistance and probe resistance.
Automatic measurement of voltage noise.
9.7 TRMS current (MI 3102 only)
TRMS current or TRMS leakage current
Measuring range (A) Resolution (A) Accuracy
0.0 ÷ 99.9 mA 0.1 mA ±(5 % of reading + 3 digits)
100 ÷ 999 mA 1 mA
1.00 ÷ 19.99 A 0.01 A ±(5 % of reading)
Input resistance .........................................100 Ω
Maximal continuous input current ............. 30 mA (=30 A @ current clamp with ratio
Measurement principle ..............................current clamp, ratio 1000:1
Nominal frequency.....................................45 Hz ÷ 65 Hz
Additional clamp error has to be considered.
9.8 Illumination (MI 3102 only)
9.8.1 Illumination (LUXmeter type B)
Specified accuracy is valid for complete operating range.
Measuring range (lux) Resolution (lux) Accuracy
0.01 ÷ 19.99 0.01 ±(5 % of reading + 2 digits)
0.1 ÷ 199.9 0.1
200 ÷ 1999 1
2.00 ÷ 19.99 k 10
±(5 % of reading)
Measurement principle ............................. silicon photodiode with V(λ) filter
Spectral response error ............................ < 3.8 % according to CIE curve
Cosine error.............................................. < 2.5 % up to an incident angle of ± 85O
Overall accuracy ....................................... matched to DIN 5032 class B standard
9.8.2 Illumination (LUXmeter type C)
Specified accuracy is valid for complete operating range.
Measuring range (lux) Resolution (lux) Accuracy
0.01 ÷ 19.99 0.01 ±(10 % of reading +
3 digits)
0.1 ÷ 199.9 0.1
200 ÷ 1999 1
2.00 ÷ 19.99 k 10
±(10 % of reading)
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Technical specifications
Measurement principle ............................. silicon photodiode
Cosine error.............................................. < 2.5 % up to an incident angle of ± 85O
Overall accuracy ....................................... matched to DIN 5032 class C standard
9.9 Phase rotation
Nominal mains voltage range ........... 100 VAC ÷ 440 VAC
Nominal frequency range.................. 45 Hz ÷ 65 Hz
Result displayed ............................... 1.2.3 or 2.1.3
9.10 Voltage and frequency
Measuring range (V) Resolution (V) Accuracy
0 ÷ 500 1 ±(2 % of reading + 2 digits)
Nominal frequency range.................. 0 Hz, 45 Hz ÷ 65 Hz
Measuring range (Hz) Resolution (Hz) Accuracy
45.0 ÷ 65.0 0.1 ± 2 digits
Nominal voltage range...................... 10 V ÷ 500 V
9.11 Online voltage monitor
Measuring range (V) Resolution (V) Accuracy
0 ÷ 500 1 ±(2 % of reading + 2 digits)
Nominal frequency range.................. 0 Hz, 45 Hz ÷ 65 Hz
If voltage greater than 500 V is applied to the test terminals, online voltage monitor is
used as voltage indicator only.
9.12 General data
Power supply voltage........................ 9 VDC (6×1.5 V battery cells, size AA)
Power supply adapter ....................... 12 V ÷ 15 V / 400 mA
Battery charging current ................... < 250 mA (internally regulated)
Operation.......................................... typical 15 h
Overvoltage category........................ CAT III / 600 V; CAT IV / 300 V
Plug commander (optional)
overvoltage category ........................ CAT III / 300 V
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Technical specifications
Protection classification .................... double insulation
Pollution degree................................ 2
Protection degree ............................. IP 42
Display ............................................ 128×64 dots matrix display with backlight
Dimensions (w × h × d) ..................... 23 cm × 10.3 cm × 11.5 cm
Weight (without battery).................... 1.31 kg
Reference conditions
Reference temperature range ........ 10 OC ÷ 30 OC
Reference humidity range .............. 40 %RH ÷ 70 %RH
Operating conditions
Working temperature range ........... 0 OC ÷ 40 OC
Maximum relative humidity............. 95 %RH (0 OC ÷ 40 OC), non-condensing
Storage conditions
Temperature range ........................ -10 OC ÷ +70 OC
Maximum relative humidity............. 90 %RH (-10 OC ÷ +40 OC)
80 %RH (40 OC ÷ 60 OC)
The error in operating conditions could be at most the error for reference conditions
(specified in the manual for each function) + 1 % of measured value + 1 digit unless
otherwise specified.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Fuse base tables
A Fuse base tables
A.1 Fuse base table
rating Low IPSC
value (A)
NV 35 ms 2 A 32.5
NV 35 ms 4 A 65.6
NV 35 ms 6 A 102.8
NV 35 ms 10 A 165.8
NV 35 ms 16 A 206.9
NV 35 ms 20 A 276.8
NV 35 ms 25 A 361.3
NV 35 ms 35 A 618.1
NV 35 ms 50 A 919.2
NV 35 ms 63 A 1.22 k
NV 35 ms 80 A 1.57 k
NV 35 ms 100 A 2.08 k
NV 35 ms 125 A 2.83 k
NV 35 ms 160 A 3.54 k
NV 35 ms 200 A 4.56 k
NV 35 ms 250 A 6.03 k
NV 35 ms 315 A 7.77 k
NV 35 ms 400 A 10.6 k
NV 35 ms 500 A 13.6 k
NV 35 ms 630 A 19.6 k
NV 35 ms 710 A 19.7 k
NV 35 ms 800 A 25.3 k
NV 35 ms 1000 A 34.4 k
NV 35 ms 1250 A 45.6 k
NV 0.1 s 2 A 22.3
NV 0.1 s 4 A 46.4
NV 0.1 s 6 A 70.0
NV 0.1 s 10 A 115.3
NV 0.1 s 16 A 150.8
NV 0.1 s 20 A 204.2
NV 0.1 s 25 A 257.5
NV 0.1 s 35 A 453.2
NV 0.1 s 50 A 640.0
NV 0.1 s 63 A 821.7
NV 0.1 s 80 A 1.13 k
NV 0.1 s 100 A 1.43 k
NV 0.1 s 125 A 2.01 k
NV 0.1 s 160 A 2.49 k
NV 0.1 s 200 A 3.49 k
NV 0.1 s 250 A 4.40 k
NV 0.1 s 315 A 6.07 k
NV 0.1 s 400 A 7.93 k
NV 0.1 s 500 A 10.9 k
rating Low IPSC
value (A)
NV 0.1 s 630 A 14.0 k
NV 0.1 s 710 A 17.8 k
NV 0.1 s 800 A 20.1 k
NV 0.1 s 1000 A 23.6 k
NV 0.1 s 1250 A 36.2 k
NV 0.2 s 2 A 18.7
NV 0.2 s 4 A 38.8
NV 0.2 s 6 A 56.5
NV 0.2 s 10 A 96.5
NV 0.2 s 16 A 126.1
NV 0.2 s 20 A 170.8
NV 0.2 s 25 A 215.4
NV 0.2 s 35 A 374.0
NV 0.2 s 50 A 545.0
NV 0.2 s 63 A 663.3
NV 0.2 s 80 A 964.9
NV 0.2 s 100 A 1.20 k
NV 0.2 s 125 A 1.71 k
NV 0.2 s 160 A 2.04 k
NV 0.2 s 200 A 2.97 k
NV 0.2 s 250 A 3.62 k
NV 0.2 s 315 A 4.99 k
NV 0.2 s 400 A 6.63 k
NV 0.2 s 500 A 8.83 k
NV 0.2 s 630 A 11.5 k
NV 0.2 s 710 A 14.3 k
NV 0.2 s 800 A 16.2 k
NV 0.2 s 1000 A 19.4 k
NV 0.2 s 1250 A 29.2 k
NV 0.4 s 2 A 15.9
NV 0.4 s 4 A 31.9
NV 0.4 s 6 A 46.4
NV 0.4 s 10 A 80.7
NV 0.4 s 16 A 107.4
NV 0.4 s 20 A 145.5
NV 0.4 s 25 A 180.2
NV 0.4 s 35 A 308.7
NV 0.4 s 50 A 464.2
NV 0.4 s 63 A 545.0
NV 0.4 s 80 A 836.5
NV 0.4 s 100 A 1.02 k
NV 0.4 s 125 A 1.45 k
NV 0.4 s 160 A 1.68 k
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Fuse base tables
rating Low IPSC
value (A)
NV 0.4 s 200 A 2.53 k
NV 0.4 s 250 A 2.92 k
NV 0.4 s 315 A 4.10 k
NV 0.4 s 400 A 5.45 k
NV 0.4 s 500 A 7.52 k
NV 0.4 s 630 A 9.31 k
NV 0.4 s 710 A 12.0 k
NV 0.4 s 800 A 13.5 k
NV 0.4 s 1000 A 16.2 k
NV 0.4 s 1250 A 24.4 k
NV 5 s 2 A 9.1
NV 5 s 4 A 18.7
NV 5 s 6 A 26.7
NV 5 s 10 A 46.4
NV 5 s 16 A 66.3
NV 5 s 20 A 86.7
NV 5 s 25 A 109.3
NV 5 s 35 A 169.5
NV 5 s 50 A 266.9
NV 5 s 63 A 319.1
NV 5 s 80 A 447.9
NV 5 s 100 A 585.4
NV 5 s 125 A 765.1
NV 5 s 160 A 947.9
NV 5 s 200 A 1.35 k
NV 5 s 250 A 1.59 k
NV 5 s 315 A 2.27 k
NV 5 s 400 A 2.77 k
NV 5 s 500 A 3.95 k
NV 5 s 630 A 4.99 k
NV 5 s 710 A 6.42 k
NV 5 s 800 A 7.25 k
NV 5 s 1000 A 9.15 k
NV 5 s 1250 A 13.1 k
gG 35 ms 2 A 32.5
gG 35 ms 4 A 65.6
gG 35 ms 6 A 102.8
gG 35 ms 10 A 165.8
gG 35 ms 13 A 193.1
gG 35 ms 16 A 206.9
gG 35 ms 20 A 276.8
gG 35 ms 25 A 361.3
gG 35 ms 32 A 539.1
gG 35 ms 35 A 618.1
gG 35 ms 40 A 694.2
gG 35 ms 50 A 919.2
gG 35 ms 63 A 1.22 k
rating Low IPSC
value (A)
gG 35 ms 80 A 1.57 k
gG 35 ms 100 A 2.08 k
gG 0.1 s 2 A 22.3
gG 0.1 s 4 A 46.4
gG 0.1 s 6 A 70.0
gG 0.1 s 10 A 115.3
gG 0.1 s 13 A 144.8
gG 0.1 s 16 A 150.8
gG 0.1 s 20 A 204.2
gG 0.1 s 25 A 257.5
gG 0.1 s 32 A 361.5
gG 0.1 s 35 A 453.2
gG 0.1 s 40 A 464.2
gG 0.1 s 50 A 640.0
gG 0.1 s 63 A 821.7
gG 0.1 s 80 A 1.13 k
gG 0.1 s 100 A 1.43 k
gG 0.2 s 2 A 18.7
gG 0.2 s 4 A 38.8
gG 0.2 s 6 A 56.5
gG 0.2 s 10 A 96.5
gG 0.2 s 13 A 117.9
gG 0.2 s 16 A 126.1
gG 0.2 s 20 A 170.8
gG 0.2 s 25 A 215.4
gG 0.2 s 32 A 307.9
gG 0.2 s 35 A 374.0
gG 0.2 s 40 A 381.4
gG 0.2 s 50 A 545.0
gG 0.2 s 63 A 663.3
gG 0.2 s 80 A 964.9
gG 0.2 s 100 A 1.20 k
gG 0.4 s 2 A 15.9
gG 0.4 s 4 A 31.9
gG 0.4 s 6 A 46.4
gG 0.4 s 10 A 80.7
gG 0.4 s 13 A 100.0
gG 0.4 s 16 A 107.4
gG 0.4 s 20 A 145.5
gG 0.4 s 25 A 180.2
gG 0.4 s 32 A 271.7
gG 0.4 s 35 A 308.7
gG 0.4 s 40 A 319.1
gG 0.4 s 50 A 464.2
gG 0.4 s 63 A 545.0
gG 0.4 s 80 A 836.5
gG 0.4 s 100 A 1.02 k
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Fuse base tables
rating Low IPSC
value (A)
gG 5 s 2 A 9.1
gG 5 s 4 A 18.7
gG 5 s 6 A 26.7
gG 5 s 10 A 46.4
gG 5 s 13 A 56.2
gG 5 s 16 A 66.3
gG 5 s 20 A 86.7
gG 5 s 25 A 109.3
gG 5 s 32 A 159.1
gG 5 s 35 A 169.5
gG 5 s 40 A 190.1
gG 5 s 50 A 266.9
gG 5 s 63 A 319.1
gG 5 s 80 A 447.9
gG 5 s 100 A 585.4
B 35 ms 6 A 30.0
B 35 ms 10 A 50.0
B 35 ms 13 A 65.0
B 35 ms 16 A 80.0
B 35 ms 20 A 100.0
B 35 ms 25 A 125.0
B 35 ms 32 A 160.0
B 35 ms 40 A 200.0
B 35 ms 50 A 250.0
B 35 ms 63 A 315.0
B 0.1 s 6 A 30.0
B 0.1 s 10 A 50.0
B 0.1 s 13 A 65.0
B 0.1 s 16 A 80.0
B 0.1 s 20 A 100.0
B 0.1 s 25 A 125.0
B 0.1 s 32 A 160.0
B 0.1 s 40 A 200.0
B 0.1 s 50 A 250.0
B 0.1 s 63 A 315.0
B 0.2 s 6 A 30.0
B 0.2 s 10 A 50.0
B 0.2 s 13 A 65.0
B 0.2 s 16 A 80.0
B 0.2 s 20 A 100.0
B 0.2 s 25 A 125.0
B 0.2 s 32 A 160.0
B 0.2 s 40 A 200.0
B 0.2 s 50 A 250.0
B 0.2 s 63 A 315.0
B 0.4 s 6 A 30.0
B 0.4 s 10 A 50.0
rating Low IPSC
value (A)
B 0.4 s 13 A 65.0
B 0.4 s 16 A 80.0
B 0.4 s 20 A 100.0
B 0.4 s 25 A 125.0
B 0.4 s 32 A 160.0
B 0.4 s 40 A 200.0
B 0.4 s 50 A 250.0
B 0.4 s 63 A 315.0
B 5 s 6 A 30.0
B 5 s 10 A 50.0
B 5 s 13 A 65.0
B 5 s 16 A 80.0
B 5 s 20 A 100.0
B 5 s 25 A 125.0
B 5 s 32 A 160.0
B 5 s 40 A 200.0
B 5 s 50 A 250.0
B 5 s 63 A 315.0
C 35 ms 0.5 A 5.0
C 35 ms 1.0 A 10.0
C 35 ms 1.6 A 16.0
C 35 ms 2 A 20.0
C 35 ms 4 A 40.0
C 35 ms 6 A 60.0
C 35 ms 10 A 100.0
C 35 ms 13 A 130.0
C 35 ms 16 A 160.0
C 35 ms 20 A 200.0
C 35 ms 25 A 250.0
C 35 ms 32 A 320.0
C 35 ms 40 A 400.0
C 35 ms 50 A 500.0
C 35 ms 63 A 630.0
C 0.1 s 0.5 A 5.0
C 0.1 s 1.0 A 10.0
C 0.1 s 1.6 A 16.0
C 0.1 s 2 A 20.0
C 0.1 s 4 A 40.0
C 0.1 s 6 A 60.0
C 0.1 s 10 A 100.0
C 0.1 s 13 A 130.0
C 0.1 s 16 A 160.0
C 0.1 s 20 A 200.0
C 0.1 s 25 A 250.0
C 0.1 s 32 A 320.0
C 0.1 s 40 A 400.0
C 0.1 s 50 A 500.0
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Fuse base tables
rating Low IPSC
value (A)
C 0.1 s 63 A 630.0
C 0.2 s 0.5 A 5.0
C 0.2 s 1.0 A 10.0
C 0.2 s 1.6 A 16.0
C 0.2 s 2 A 20.0
C 0.2 s 4 A 40.0
C 0.2 s 6 A 60.0
C 0.2 s 10 A 100.0
C 0.2 s 13 A 130.0
C 0.2 s 16 A 160.0
C 0.2 s 20 A 200.0
C 0.2 s 25 A 250.0
C 0.2 s 32 A 320.0
C 0.2 s 40 A 400.0
C 0.2 s 50 A 500.0
C 0.2 s 63 A 630.0
C 0.4 s 0.5 A 5.0
C 0.4 s 1.0 A 10.0
C 0.4 s 1.6 A 16.0
C 0.4 s 2 A 20.0
C 0.4 s 4 A 40.0
C 0.4 s 6 A 60.0
C 0.4 s 10 A 100.0
C 0.4 s 13 A 130.0
C 0.4 s 16 A 160.0
C 0.4 s 20 A 200.0
C 0.4 s 25 A 250.0
C 0.4 s 32 A 320.0
C 0.4 s 40 A 400.0
C 0.4 s 50 A 500.0
C 0.4 s 63 A 630.0
C 5 s 0.5 A 2.7
C 5 s 1.0 A 5.4
C 5 s 1.6 A 8.6
C 5 s 2 A 10.8
C 5 s 4 A 21.6
C 5 s 6 A 32.4
C 5 s 10 A 54.0
C 5 s 13 A 70.2
C 5 s 16 A 86.4
C 5 s 20 A 108.0
C 5 s 25 A 135.0
C 5 s 32 A 172.8
C 5 s 40 A 216.0
C 5 s 50 A 270.0
C 5 s 63 A 340.2
K 35 ms 0.5 A 7.5
rating Low IPSC
value (A)
K 35 ms 1.0 A 15.0
K 35 ms 1.6 A 24.0
K 35 ms 2 A 30.0
K 35 ms 4 A 60.0
K 35 ms 6 A 90.0
K 35 ms 10 A 150.0
K 35 ms 13 A 195.0
K 35 ms 16 A 240.0
K 35 ms 20 A 300.0
K 35 ms 25 A 375.0
K 35 ms 32 A 480.0
K 0.1 s 0.5 A 7.5
K 0.1 s 1.0 A 15.0
K 0.1 s 1.6 A 24.0
K 0.1 s 2 A 30.0
K 0.1 s 4 A 60.0
K 0.1 s 6 A 90.0
K 0.1 s 10 A 150.0
K 0.1 s 13 A 195.0
K 0.1 s 16 A 240.0
K 0.1 s 20 A 300.0
K 0.1 s 25 A 375.0
K 0.1 s 32 A 480.0
K 0.2 s 0.5 A 7.5
K 0.2 s 1.0 A 15.0
K 0.2 s 1.6 A 24.0
K 0.2 s 2 A 30.0
K 0.2 s 4 A 60.0
K 0.2 s 6 A 90.0
K 0.2 s 10 A 150.0
K 0.2 s 13 A 195.0
K 0.2 s 16 A 240.0
K 0.2 s 20 A 300.0
K 0.2 s 25 A 375.0
K 0.2 s 32 A 480.0
K 0.4 s 0.5 A 7.5
K 0.4 s 1.0 A 15.0
K 0.4 s 1.6 A 24.0
K 0.4 s 2 A 30.0
K 0.4 s 4 A 60.0
K 0.4 s 6 A 90.0
K 0.4 s 10 A 150.0
K 0.4 s 13 A 195.0
K 0.4 s 16 A 240.0
K 0.4 s 20 A 300.0
K 0.4 s 25 A 375.0
K 0.4 s 32 A 480.0
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Fuse base tables
rating Low IPSC
value (A)
D 35 ms 0.5 A 10.0
D 35 ms 1.0 A 20.0
D 35 ms 1.6 A 32.0
D 35 ms 2 A 40.0
D 35 ms 4 A 80.0
D 35 ms 6 A 120.0
D 35 ms 10 A 200.0
D 35 ms 13 A 260.0
D 35 ms 16 A 320.0
D 35 ms 20 A 400.0
D 35 ms 25 A 500.0
D 35 ms 32 A 640.0
D 0.1 s 0.5 A 10.0
D 0.1 s 1.0 A 20.0
D 0.1 s 1.6 A 32.0
D 0.1 s 2 A 40.0
D 0.1 s 4 A 80.0
D 0.1 s 6 A 120.0
D 0.1 s 10 A 200.0
D 0.1 s 13 A 260.0
D 0.1 s 16 A 320.0
D 0.1 s 20 A 400.0
D 0.1 s 25 A 500.0
D 0.1 s 32 A 640.0
D 0.2 s 0.5 A 10.0
D 0.2 s 1.0 A 20.0
D 0.2 s 1.6 A 32.0
D 0.2 s 2 A 40.0
D 0.2 s 4 A 80.0
D 0.2 s 6 A 120.0
D 0.2 s 10 A 200.0
D 0.2 s 13 A 260.0
D 0.2 s 16 A 320.0
D 0.2 s 20 A 400.0
D 0.2 s 25 A 500.0
D 0.2 s 32 A 640.0
D 0.4 s 0.5 A 10.0
D 0.4 s 1.0 A 20.0
D 0.4 s 1.6 A 32.0
D 0.4 s 2 A 40.0
D 0.4 s 4 A 80.0
D 0.4 s 6 A 120.0
D 0.4 s 10 A 200.0
D 0.4 s 13 A 260.0
D 0.4 s 16 A 320.0
D 0.4 s 20 A 400.0
D 0.4 s 25 A 500.0
rating Low IPSC
value (A)
D 0.4 s 32 A 640.0
D 5 s 0.5 A 2.7
D 5 s 1.0 A 5.4
D 5 s 1.6 A 8.6
D 5 s 2 A 10.8
D 5 s 4 A 21.6
D 5 s 6 A 32.4
D 5 s 10 A 54.0
D 5 s 13 A 70.2
D 5 s 16 A 86.4
D 5 s 20 A 108.0
D 5 s 25 A 135.0
D 5 s 32 A 172.8
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Fuse base tables
A.2 Fuse base table (UK version only)
Fuse type B Fuse type C
Disconnection time [s] Disconnection time [s]
0.4 5 0.4 5
(A) Max. loop impedance (Ω)
(A) Max. loop impedance (Ω)
12,264 12,264
6,136 6,136 6
3,064 3,064
3,68 3,68 10
1,84 1,84
2,296 2,296 16
1,152 1,152
1,84 1,84 20
0,92 0,92
1,472 1,472 25
0,736 0,736
1,152 1,152 32
0,576 0,576
0,92 0,92 40
0,456 0,456
0,736 0,736 50
0,368 0,368
0,584 0,584 63
0,288 0,288
0,456 0,456 80
0,232 0,232
0,368 0,368 100
0,184 0,184
0,296 0,296 125
0,144 0,144
Fuse type D Fuse type BS 1361
Disconnection time [s] Disconnection time [s]
0.4 5 0.4 5
(A) Max. loop impedance (Ω)
(A) Max. loop impedance (Ω)
1,536 1,536 5
8,36 13,12
0,92 0,92
2,624 4
0,576 0,576
1,36 2,24
0,456 0,456
0,92 1,472
0,368 0,368
0,288 0,288
0,232 0,232
0,184 0,184
0,144 0,144
0,112 0,112
0,088 0,088
0,072 0,072
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Fuse base tables
Fuse type BS 88 Fuse type BS 1362
Disconnection time [s] Disconnection time [s]
0.4 5 0.4 5
(A) Max. loop impedance (Ω)
(A) Max. loop impedance (Ω)
6,816 10,8 3
13,12 18,56
4,088 5,936
1,936 3,064
2,16 3,344
1,416 2,328
Fuse type BS 3036
1,152 1,84 Disconnection time [s]
0,832 1,472 0.4 5
(A) Max. loop impedance (Ω)
0,832 5
7,664 14,16
0,656 15
2,04 4,28
0,456 20
1,416 3,064
0,336 30
0,872 2,112
0,264 45
0,2 60
0,152 100
All impedances are scaled with factor 0.8.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 IT supply systems
B IT supply systems
In order for operator to be familiar enough with measurements in and their typical
applications in IT supply system it is advisable to read Metrel handbook Measurements
on IT power supply systems.
B.1 Standard references
EN 60364-4-41, EN 60364-6, EN 60364-7-710, BS 7671
B.2 Fundamentals
IT supply system is mains supply system that is insulated from ground (PE) – it is
ungrounded supplying system. The system is without direct connection to the ground or
the connection is provided through relatively high impedance. It is applied mostly in
areas where additional protection to electric shock is required. Typical places are
medical surgery rooms.
IT supply system also omits any grounding currents except leakages, and in this way
there aren’t problems with step voltage, i.e. voltage drop in one step, neither high
energy sparking in Ex areas.
In normal cases the high impedance to the ground exists and is formed by capacitances
of supply wires to the ground plus capacitances between primary and secondary
windings of IT supply transformer. Minor part is formed by Y capacitors (EMC) in mains
section of connected equipment. Selecting appropriate transformer, installation cabling
and selection of optional high impedance connection to ground can control maximum
leakage current.
Depending on application area additional impedance to the ground can be applied as
presented in figure D.1 or through special loading equipment. Value of the impedance
should begin from 100 Ω.
IT system represents additional level of protection to electric shock. In the case of a
failure of any line insulation to the PE through equipment failure, wrong application or
procedure, this system is still safe but converted to TN / TT type. However, additional
failure is hazardous, which means that the insulation has to be continuously checked
and repaired immediately after detected failure.
Supplementary to other protection devices the IT system normally contains insulation
monitoring device (IMD) or system that alarms when insulation resistance or impedance
is below set threshold. Threshold value depends on environment. Typical value for
medical installations is 55 kΩ.
In some countries it is not enough to trace insulation resistance of IT supply system to
the ground, they require tracing of system capacitance, too.
IEC 60364-4-41 (©IEC): In IT systems live parts shall be insulated from earth or
connected to earth through sufficiently high impedance. This connection may be made
either at the neutral point or at midpoint of the system or at an artificial neutral point.
The latter may be connected directly to earth if the resulting impedance to earth is
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 IT supply systems
sufficiently high at the system frequency. Where no neutral point or mid-point exists a
line conductor may be connected to earth through high impedance.
133 V
133 V
230 V
133 V
230 V
230 V
Figure B.1: General IT supply system
Three phase star connection, optional delta connection.
Optional neutral line.
Single-phase connection is also possible.
Various system voltages – not only three phase 230 V as indicated above.
One faulty connection of any line to PE is treated as first fault and is regular but it
has to be repaired as soon as possible.
IEC 60364-4-41: In IT systems the following monitoring devices and protective
devices may be used:
- Insulation monitoring devices (IMDs),
- Residual current monitoring devices (RCMs),
- Insulation fault location systems,
- Overcurrent protective devices,
- Residual current protective devices (RCDs).
Where a residual current operating device (RCD) is used, tripping of the RCD in
the event of a first fault cannot be excluded due to capacitive leakage currents.
Testing of IT supply system is slightly different to standard tests in TN / TT system.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 IT supply systems
B.3 Measurement guides
The user has to select the IT supply system in the instrument before testing it. The
procedure for selecting the IT supply system is defined in chapter 4.5.1 Supply system
setup. Once the IT system is selected the instrument can be used immediately. The
instrument keeps selected IT system when it is turned off.
The table below contains functions of the MI 3102 instrument including compatibility
notes related to IT system.
IT system functions Notes
Contunuity functions
Continuity Independent of selected supply system.
Insulation Independent of selected supply system.
Line impedance
Line impedance Impedance ZL1-L2.
Prospective short circuit
IPSC for rated UL1-L2.
Fault loop impedance Not applicable.
Fault loop impedance
Prospective fault current
Voltage, frequency Symbols modified for IT system.
Phase rotation Three-phase system automatic detected.
RCD functions Partially applicable.
Contact voltage UC Not applicable.
Trip-out time
Trip-out current
Automatic test
Bypassing principle shown in figure B.3.
Earth resistance Independent of selected supply system.
PE test probe Active, but does not inhibit selected test if voltage is
B.3.1 Voltage
Figure B.2: Example of voltage and frequency measurements
Displayed results for single phase system:
L1-L2......Voltage between line conductors,
L1-pe......Voltage between line 1 and protective conductor,
L2-pe......Voltage between line 2 and protective conductor.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 IT supply systems
B.3.2 Line impedance
See chapter 5.6 Line impedance and prospective short-circuit current, the measurement
is the same; only terminal voltage monitor indication corresponds to IT system.
B.3.3 RCD testing
RCD testing is performed in the same way as in TN/TT system (See chapter 5.4 Testing
RCDs), with the following exception:
Contact voltage measurement is not relevant.
Test circuit with bypassing principle should correspond to that in figure B.3.
Figure B.3: RCD testing in IT system
B.3.4 First fault leakage current (ISFL) (MI 3102 only)
First fault leakage current measurement is performed in order to verify the maximum
current that could leak into PE from observed line. This current flows through the
insulation resistance and reactance (capacitance) between the other lines and PE.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 IT supply systems
How to perform first fault current measurement
Step 1 Select Insulation function with the function selector switch first. Use the ¿/À
keys to select ISFL (first fault current) function. The following menu is
Figure B.4: First fault current measurement menu
Connect test cable to the EurotestXE instrument.
Step 2 Set the following limit value:
First fault current high limit value.
Step 3 Connect test cable to the item under test. Follow the connection diagram
shown in figure B.5 to perform first fault current measurement. Use the Help
function if necessary.
Figure B.5: Connection with plug commander and 3-wire test lead
Step 4 Check the displayed warnings and online voltage/terminal monitor before
starting measurement. If OK, press the TEST key. After performing the
measurement results appear on the display together with the PASS/FAIL
indication (if applicable).
Figure B.6: Example of first fault current measurement results
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 IT supply systems
Displayed results:
ISC1 ..........First fault current between L1-PE,
ISC2 ..........First fault current between L2-PE.
Save displayed results for documentation purposes. Refer to chapter 6.1.
Saving results.
B.3.5 Insulation monitoring device testing (MI 3102 only)
How to check insulation monitoring device
Step 1 Select Insulation function with the function selector switch first. Use the ¿/À
keys to select IMD check function. The following menu is displayed:
Figure B.7: IMD check menu
Connect test cable to the EurotestXE instrument.
Step 2 Set the following limit value:
o Fault resistance (indicative)
o Calculated first fault current high limit value.
Step 3 Connect test cable to the item under test. Follow the connection diagram
shown in figure B.5 to check insulation monitor device. Use the Help function
if necessary.
Step 4 Check the displayed warnings and online voltage/terminal monitor before
starting the measurement. If OK, press the TEST key. Use the ½/¾ keys to
decrease indicative insulation resistance until insulation monitor device
alarms bad insulation. Indicative insulation resistance and calculated first fault
current between first live conductor (e.g. L1) and PE conductor are displayed.
After performing the measurement results with PASS/FAIL indication appear
on the display.
Figure B.8: First fault condition between L1 and PE
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 IT supply systems
Step 5 Use the À key to select second live line (e.g. L2). Use the ½/¾ keys to
decrease indicative insulation resistance until insulation monitor device
alarms bad insulation. Indicative insulation resistance and calculated first fault
current between second live conductor (e.g. L2) and PE conductor are
To complete measurement press the TEST key again.
After performing the measurement results with PASS/FAIL indication appear
on the display.
Figure B.8: First fault condition between L2 and PE
Displayed results:
R1...........Threshold indicative insulation resistance for L1,
I1 ............Calculated first fault leakage current at treshold insulation
resistance for L1,
R2...........Threshold indicative insulation resistance for L2,
I2 ............Calculated first fault leakage current at treshold indicative insulation
resistance for L2.
First fault leakage currents I1 and I2 are calculated as follows:
UL1-L2 .......Measured voltage between L1 and L2,
R1............Threshold insulation resistance for L1,
R2............Threshold insulation resistance for L2.
The calculated first fault current is the maximum current that would flow when
insulation resistance decreases to the same value as the applied test
resistance, and a first fault is assumed between opposite line and PE.
Save displayed results for documentation purposes. Refer to chapter 6.1.
Saving results.
It is recommended to disconnect all appliances from the tested supply net to
receive regular test results. Any connected appliance will influence the insulation
resistance threshold test.
The displayed resistances and currents are indicative only. Displayed resistance
can significantly differ from the actual resistance the Eurotest simulates. If IMD’s
with very low test currents (below 1mA) are checked the displayed resistance
value is typically lower (and current higher) than the actual simulated resistance.
The difference is lower for lower set resistances.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 IT supply systems
B.4 Technical specifications (MI 3102 only)
Only technical specifications that are different to the specifications from chapter 8 of this
document are listed below.
B.4.1 First fault leakage current (ISFL)
Measuring range (mA) Resolution (mA) Accuracy
0.0 ÷ 9.9 0.1 ±(5 % of reading + 3 digits)
10 ÷ 19 1 ±(5 % of reading)
Measuring resistance........................ approx. 1000 Ω
B.4.2 Calibrated resistances for IMD testing
Test resistance range..................................... 20 kΩ to 650 kΩ (indicative values), 64
Absolute maximum overload voltage............ 265 V
Calculated insulation leakage current
Measuring range (mA) Resolution (mA) Note
0.0÷ 19.9 0.1 calculated value
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Reduced low voltage supply systems
C Reduced low voltage supply systems
C.1 Standard reference
C.2 Fundamentals
Special supply systems are applied where inherent protection to electric shock is
required but no SELV used. Reduced low voltage supply with ground reference can be
used for this purpose.
There are two options with 110 V nominal voltage.
55 V
55 V
110 V
63 V
63 V
110 V
63 V
110 V
110 V
Single phase with center tap
connected to PE (i.e. 2 x 55 V).
No neutral line.
Three phase star connection, center
tap connected to PE (i.e. 3 x 63 V).
No neutral line.
Figure C.1: General reduced low voltage supply systems
C.3 Measurement guides
The user has to select the reduced low voltage supply system in the instrument before
testing it. The procedure for selecting the reduced low voltage supply system is defined
in chapter 4.5.1 Supply system setup. Once the reduced low voltage system is selected
the instrument can be used immediately. The instrument keeps selected reduced low
voltage system when it is turned off.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Reduced low voltage supply systems
The table below contains EurotestXE functions intended for test and measurement of
supply systems with compatibility notes related to the reduced low voltage system.
Reduced low voltage system
functions Notes
Contunuity functions
Continuity Independent of selected supply system.
Insulation Independent of selected supply system.
Line resistance
Line resistance Resistance RL1-L2.
Prospective short circuit
current IPSC for UL1-L2 = 110 V.
Fault loop resistance
Fault loop resistance Both fault loops, R1 (L1-PE) and R2 (L2-PE).
Prospective fault current ISC1 and ISC2 for both fault loops.
Voltage, frequency Symbols modified for reduced low voltage system.
Phase rotation Three-phase system automatic detected.
RCD functions
Contact voltage UC For both posibilities, U1 (L1-PE) and U2 (L2-PE).
Trip-out time
Trip-out current
Automatic test
Maximum nominal differential current limited to 1 A.
Earth resistance Independent of selected supply system.
PE test probe Disabled.
C.3.1 Voltage
Figure C.2: Example of voltage and frequency measurements
Displayed results for single phase system:
L1-L2......Voltage between line conductors,
L1-pe......Voltage between line 1 and protective conductors,
L2-pe......Voltage between line 2 and protective conductors.
C.3.2 RCD testing
Maximum regular RCD test current is 1 A r.m.s. (1.4 A peak) and can be achieved only
when fault loop resistance is lower than 1 Ω.
Tests are carried out for both combinations (L1-PE and L2-PE) automatically.
Each individual test result is accompanied with appropriate indication.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Reduced low voltage supply systems
Figure C.3: RCD contact voltage test
C.3.3 Line resistance and prospective short circuit current
Measured resistance represents Line-Line resistance (RL1-L2). Nominal system voltage
for calculation of IPSC is set to 110 V.
Nominal system voltage range for line resistance measurement is 90 V to 121 V. If input
voltage is out of range it is displayed on terminal voltage monitor, together with the
indicator of disabled test .
C.3.4 Fault loop resistance and prospective fault current
Definition of nominal system voltage for calculation of IPFC is changed to:
55 V for single-phase center-tap system selected,
63 V for three-phase system selected.
Tests can be carried out for both combination L1-PE and L2-PE. Each individual test
result is accompanied with appropriate indication.
Nominal input voltages are:
Nominal input voltage UN Voltage range
Single-phase 55 V system (44 V U < 61 V),
Three-phase 63 V system (56 V U 70 V),
If input voltage is out of range it is displayed on terminal voltage monitor, together with
the indicator of disabled test .
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Reduced low voltage supply systems
C.4 Technical specifications
Only those technical specifications are listed below that are different to specifications
from chapter 8 of this document.
C.4.1 RCD testing
General data
Nominal residual current................... 10 mA, 30 mA, 100 mA, 300 mA, 500 mA,
1000 mA
Nominal residual current accuracy.... -0 / +0.1IΔ; IΔ = IΔN, 2×IΔN, 5×IΔN
-0.1IΔ / +0; IΔ = ½×IΔN
Maximum nominal differential
current for declared accuracy ........... 1000 mA for IΔN
500 mA for 2×IΔN
100 mA for 5×IΔN
Maximum test current ....................... 1 A (for Z LOOP < 1 Ω)
Test current shape............................ Sine-wave (AC), pulsed (A)
DC offset for pulsed test current ....... 6 mA typical
RCD type .......................................... general (G, non-delayed), selective (S, time-
Test current starting polarity ............. 00 or 1800
Nominal input voltage ....................... 55 V / 63 V (45 Hz ÷ 65 Hz)
Contact voltage
Measuring range according to EN61557-6 is 3.0 V ÷ 32.6 V for limit contact voltage 25
Measuring range according to EN61557-6 is 3.0 V ÷ 66.0 V for limit contact voltage 50
V. Measuring range (V) Resolution (V) Accuracy
0.0 ÷ 9.9 0.1 (-0 % / +15 %) of reading +
2 digits
10.0 ÷ 99.9 0.1 (-0 % / +15 %) of reading
Accuracy applies for 1 year in reference conditions. Temperature coeficient ouside
these limits is +1 digit.
Test current ...................................... max. 0.5×IΔN
Limit contact voltage ......................... 25 V or 50 V
The contact voltage is calculated to.. IΔN (general type) or to 2×IΔN (selective type)
Fault loop resistance at contact voltage is calculated as
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Reduced low voltage supply systems
Trip-out time
Complete measurement range corresponds to EN61557-6 requirements. Specified
accuracies are valid for complete operating range.
General (non-delayed) RCDs
Measuring range (ms) Resolution (ms) Accuracy
0 ÷ 300 (½×IΔN, IΔN) 1
0 ÷ 150 (2×IΔN) 1
0 ÷ 40 (5×IΔN) 1
±3 ms
Selective (time-delayed) RCDs
Measuring range (ms) Resolution (ms) Accuracy
0 ÷ 500 (½×IΔN, IΔN) 1
0 ÷ 200 (2×IΔN) 1
0 ÷ 150 (5×IΔN) 1
±3 ms
Test current ...................................... ½×IΔN, IΔN, 2×IΔN, 5×IΔN
5×IΔN is not applicable for IΔN100 mA (RCD types AC,A)
2×IΔN is not applicable for IΔN500 mA (RCD type AC) or IΔN300 mA (RCD type A)
IΔN is not applicable for IΔN=1000 mA (RCD type AC) or IΔN500 mA (RCD type A)
Trip-out current
Trip-out current (IΔN=10 mA)
Measurement range corresponds to EN61557-6 requirements. Specified accuracies are
valid for complete operating range.
Measuring range IΔ Resolution IΔ Accuracy
0.2×IΔN ÷ 1.1×IΔN (AC type) 0.05×IΔN ±0.1×IΔN
0.2×IΔN ÷ 2.2×IΔN (A type) 0.05×IΔN ±0.1×IΔN
Trip-out current (IΔN30 mA)
Measurement range corresponds to EN61557-6 requirements. Specified accuracies are
valid for complete operating range.
Measuring range IΔ Resolution IΔ Accuracy
0.2×IΔN ÷ 1.1×IΔN (AC type) 0.05×IΔN ±0.1×IΔN
0.2×IΔN ÷ 1.5×IΔN (A type, IΔN
30 mA)
0.05×IΔN ±0.1×IΔN
Trip-out time
Measuring range (ms) Resolution (ms) Accuracy
0 ÷ 300 1 ±3 ms
Contact voltage
Measuring range (V) Resolution (V) Accuracy
0.0 ÷ 9.9 0.1 (-0 % / +15 %) of reading +
2 digits
10.0 ÷ 99.9 0.1 (-0 % / +15 %) of reading
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Reduced low voltage supply systems
C.4.2 Fault loop resistance and prospective fault current
R LOOP (Rs in the UK version) sub-function
Measuring range according to EN61557-3 is 0.32 Ω ÷ 1999 Ω.
Measuring range (Ω) Resolution (Ω) Accuracy*)
0.00 ÷ 19.99 0.01
20.0 ÷ 99.9 0.1
100 ÷ 1999 1
±(10 % of reading + 5 digits)
*)The accuracy is valid if mains voltage is stable during the measurement.
Prospective fault current (calculated value)
Measuring range (A) Resolution (A) Accuracy
0.00 ÷ 19.99 0.01
20.0 ÷ 99.9 0.1
100 ÷ 999 1
1.00k ÷ 9.99k 10
10.0 ÷ 24.4k 100
Consider accuracy of fault
loop resistance
IPFC calculation................................ IPFC=UN × kSC / ZL-PE
N = 55 V, (44 V U < 61 V) for selected 55 V single-phase system
N = 63 V, (56 V U < 70 V) for selected 63 V three-phase system
Test current ...................................... 1.9 A (10 ms)
Nominal input voltage ....................... 55 V / 63 V (45 Hz ÷ 65 Hz)
Test posibilities ................................. L1-PE and L2-PE
Rs(rcd) trip-lock sub-function
Measuring range according to EN61557 is 0.85 Ω ÷ 1999 Ω.
Measuring range (Ω) Resolution (Ω) Accuracy *)
0.00 ÷ 19.99 0.01 ±(10 % of reading + 15 digits)
20.0 ÷ 99.9 0.1 ±10 % of reading
100 ÷ 1999 1 ±10 % of reading
*) Acccuracy may be impaired in case of heavy noise on mains voltage.
Prospective fault current (calculated value)
Measuring range (A) Resolution (A) Accuracy
0.00 ÷ 19.99 0.01
20.0 ÷ 99.9 0.1
100 ÷ 999 1
1.00k ÷ 9.99k 10
10.0 ÷ 24.4k 100
Consider accuracy of fault
loop resistance
IPFC calculation................................ IPFC=UN × kSC / ZL-PE
N = 55 V, (44 V U < 61 V) for selected 55 V single-phase system
N = 63 V, (56 V U < 70 V) for selected 63 V three-phase system
Nominal input voltage ....................... 55 V / 63 V (45 Hz ÷ 65 Hz)
Test posibilities ................................. L1-PE and L2-PE
No trip out of RCD.
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Reduced low voltage supply systems
C.4.3 Line resistance and prospective short-circuit current
Line resistance
Measuring range according to EN61557-3 is 0.25 Ω ÷ 1999 Ω.
Measuring range (Ω) Resolution (Ω) Accuracy*)
0.00 ÷ 19.99 0.01
20.0 ÷ 99.9 0.1
100 ÷ 1999 1
±(5 % of reading + 5 digits)
*)The accuracy is valid if mains voltage is stable during the measurement.
Prospective short-circuit current (calculated value)
Measuring range (A) Resolution (A) Accuracy
0.00 ÷ 19.99 0.01
20.0 ÷ 99.9 0.1
100 ÷ 999 1
1.00k ÷ 9.99k 10
10.0 ÷ 24.4k 100
Consider accuracy of line
resistance measurement
IPFC calculation................................ IPSC=UN × kSC / ZL-N
N = 110 V, (90 V U < 121 V)
Test current ...................................... 3.1 A (10 ms)
Nominal input voltage ....................... 110 V (45 Hz ÷ 65 Hz)
MI3002 MI3100 MI3102 Accessories required for specific measurement
D Accessories required for specific
The table below presents standard and optional accessories required for specific
measurement. The accessories marked as optional may also be standard ones in some
set configurations. Please see attached list of standard accessories for your set
configuration or contact your distributor for further information.
Function Suitable accessories
Insulation Test lead, 3 x 1.5 m (A1011)
Tip commander MI 3100, MI 3002 (A1175)
Tip commander MI 3102 (A1176)
Continuity Test lead, 3 x 1.5 m (A1011)
Tip commander MI 3100, MI 3002 (A1175)
Tip commander MI 3102 (A1176)
Probe test lead 4m (A1154)
Continuity 7mA Test lead, 3 x 1.5 m (A1011)
Tip commander MI 3100, MI 3002 (A1175)
Tip commander MI 3102 (A1176)
Line impedance Test lead, 3 x 1.5 m (A1011)
Plug commander MI 3100, MI 3002 (A1168)
Plug commander MI 3102 (A1170)
Plug cable (schuko) (A1053)
Plug cable (UK) (A1054)
Fault loop impedance
Zs (rcd)
Test lead, 3 x 1.5 m (A1011)
Plug commander MI 3100, MI 3002 (A1168)
Plug commander MI 3102 (A1170)
Plug cable (schuko) (A1053)
Plug cable (UK) (A1054)
RCD testing
Contact voltage
Trip-out time
Trip-out current
Test lead, 3 x 1.5 m (A1011)
Plug commander MI 3100, MI 3002 (A1168)
Plug commander MI 3102 (A1170)
Plug cable (schuko) (A1053)
Plug cable (UK) (A1054)
Phase sequence Test lead, 3 x 1.5 m (A1011)
Three-phase cable (A 1110)
Three-phase adapter (A 1111)
Voltage, frequency Test lead, 3 x 1.5 m (A1011)
Plug commander MI 3100, MI 3002 (A1168)
Plug commander MI 3102 (A1170)
Plug cable (schuko) (A1053)
Plug cable (UK) (A1054)
Tip commander MI 3100, MI 3002 (A1175)
Tip commander MI 3102 (A1176)
Resistance to earth (MI 3102 only) Earth test set – 20 m:
Test lead, black 20 m (A1025)
Test lead, green, 20 m (A1177)
Test lead, blue, 4.5 m (A1178)
Earth test rod (A1022)
Sensor (MI 3102 only) LUXmeter probe, type B (A1172)
LUXmeter probe, type C (A1173)
TRMS current (MI 3102 only) Current clamp, 0.5 mA ÷ 20 A (A1018)
Current clamp, 0.2 A ÷ 20 A (A1019)
Mini current clamp, 0.2 A ÷ 20 A (A1074) and
connection leads for mini current clamp (S 2025)

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