&WWARNINGARNING Risk of an accident due to
vapor pockets forming in the brake system
The brake uid constantly absorbs moisture
from the air. This lowers the boiling point of
the brake uid. If the boiling point is too low,
vapor pockets may form in the brake system
when the brakes are applied hard.
This causes the braking eect to be impaired.
#Have the brake uid renewed at the
specied intervals.
Have the brake uid replaced regularly at a quali-
ed specialist workshop.
Only use a brake uid approvedby Mercedes-
Benz according to MB-Freigabe or MB-Approval
NNoottes on coolantes on coolant
Observe the notes on operating uids
(/page 414).
&WWARNINGARNING Risk of re‑ and injury from
If antifreeze comes into contact with hot com-
ponent parts in the engine compartment, it
may ignite.
#Allow the drive system to cool down
before you add antifreeze.
#Make sure that no antifreeze spills out
next to the ller opening.
#Thoroughly clean the antifreeze from
component parts before starting the
*NNOOTETE Damage caused by incorrect cool-
#Only use coolant that has been premixed
with therequired antifreeze protection.
Information on coolant is available at thefol-
lowing locations:
RIn the Mercedes-Benz Specication for
Operating Fluids 320.1
-At https://bevo.mercedes-benz.com
-In the Mercedes-Benz BeVo app
RAt aqualied specialist workshop
*NNOOTETE Overheating at high outside temper-
If an inappropriate coolant is used, the engine
cooling system is not suciently protected
against overheating and corrosion at high out-
side temperatures.
#Only use coolant approvedby Mercedes-
#Observe the instructions in the
Mercedes-Benz Specications for Oper-
ating Fluids 320.1.
Have the coolant regularlyreplaced at a qualied
specialist workshop.
Proportion of antifreeze concentrate in the engine
cooling system:
RA minimum of 50% (antifreeze protection down
to about -35°F (-37°C))
Technical data 415415