to tread quality, tire traction and temperature
characteristics. The quality grading assessment is
made by the manufacturer following specications
from theU.S. government. The quality grade of a
tire is imprinted on the side wall of the tire.
RRecommended tirecommended tire pre pressuressure:e: therecommended
tire pressure is the tire pressure specied forthe
tires mounted to thevehicle at thefactory.
The tire and information table contains therecom-
mended tire pressures for cold tires, the maxi-
mum permissible load and the maximum permissi-
ble vehicle speed.
The tire pressure table contains therecommen-
ded tire pressures for cold tires under various
operating conditions, i.e. loading and/or speed of
Increased veased vehicle wehicle weight due teight due to opo optional eqtional equip-uip-
ment:ment: the combined weight of all standard and
optional equipment available forthevehicle,
regardless of whether it is actually installed on the
vehicle or not.
Rim:Rim: the part of the wheel on which the tire is
GGAAWR (GrWR (Gross Axle Woss Axle Weight Reight Rating):ating): theGAWR is
the maximum permissible axle load. The actual
load on an axle must neverexceed thegross axle
weight rating. The gross axle weight rating can be
found on thevehicle identication plate on the
B‑pillar on the driver's side.
Speed rSpeed rating:ating: the speed rating is part of the tire
identication. It species the speed range for
which a tire is approved.
GVW (GrVW (Gross Voss Vehicle Wehicle Weight):eight): thegross vehicle
weight comprises theweight of thevehicle includ-
ing fuel, tools, the spare wheel, accessories instal-
led, occupants, luggage and the trailer drawbar
noseweight, if applicable. The gross vehicle weight
must not exceed thegross vehicle weight rating
GVWR as specied on thevehicle identication
plate on the B‑pillar on the driver's side.
GGVWR (GrVWR (Gross Voss Vehicle Wehicle Weight Reight Rating):ating): theGVWR is
the maximum permitted gross weight of the fully
laden vehicle (weight of thevehicle including all
accessories, occupants, fuel, luggage and the
trailer drawbar noseweight if applicable). The
gross vehicle weight rating is specied on the
vehicle identication plate on the B‑pillar on the
driver's side.
Maximum wMaximum weight of teight of the laden vhe laden vehicle:ehicle: the maxi-
mum weight is the sum of the curb weight of the
vehicle, theweight of the accessories, the maxi-
mum load and theweight of optional equipment
installed at thefactory.
Kilopascal (kPKilopascal (kPa):a): metric unit for tire pressure.
6.9 kPa corresponds to 1 psi. Another unit for tire
pressure is bar. 100 kilopascal (kPa) equals 1 bar.
Load inde
Load index:x: in addition to the load-bearing index,
the load index may also be imprinted on the side
wall of the tire. This species the load-bearing
capacity of the tire more precisely.
Curb wCurb weight:eight: theweight of a vehicle with standard
equipment including the maximum capacity of
fuel, oil and coolant. It also includes the air condi-
tioning system and optional equipment if these
are installed on thevehicle, but does not include
passengers or luggage.
Maximum tir
Maximum tire load:e load: the maximum tire load is the
maximum permissible weight in kilograms or lbs
for which a tire is approved.
Maximum perMaximum permissible tirmissible tire pre pressuressure:e: maximum
permissible tire pressure for one tire.
398398 Wheels and tires