#Wash thevehicle with lukewarm water using a
so car sponge. When doing so, do not
expose thevehicle to direct sunlight.
#Carefully hose thevehicle o with water and
dry using a chamois.
%Observe the notes on the care of vehicle
parts (/page 359).
NNoottes on paintwes on paintworork/mattk/matteenishnish paintwpaintworork carek care
To avoid damaging the paintwork and interfering
with the driving assistance systems, please
observe thefollowing notes:
RInsect remains: soak with insect remover and
rinse o the treated areas aerwards.
RBird droppings: soak with water and rinse o
RTree resin, oils, fuels and greases: remove by
rubbing gently with a cloth soaked in petro-
leum ether or lighter uid.
RCoolant and brake uid: remove with a damp
cloth and clean water.
RTar stains: use tarremover.
RWax: use silicone remover.
RDo not attach stickers, lms or similar materi-
als. Only have lm attached to the bumper at
a qualied specialist workshop.
RRemove dirt immediately, where possible.
ROnly use care products approved for
RDo not attach stickers, lms or similar materi-
als. Only have lm attached to the bumper at
aqualied specialist workshop.
RDo not polish thevehicle and alloy wheels.
ROnly use car washes that correspond to the
latest engineering standards.
RDo not use car wash program with a nal hot
wax treatment.
RDo not use paint cleaners, bung or polishing
products, gloss preservers, e.g. wax.
In theevent of paintwork damage:
RAlways have paintwork repairs carried out at a
qualied specialist workshop.
RMake sure theradar sensors function
(/page 217).
NNoottes on cleaning decores on cleaning decorativative fe foilsoils
Observe the notes on matte nish care in the
chapter "Notes on paintwork/matte nish paint-
work care" (/page 358). They also apply to
matte decorative foils.
Observe the notes on cleaning decorative foils to
avoid vehicle damage.
RFor cleaning, use plenty of water and a mild
cleaning agent without additives or abrasive
substances, e.g. a car shampoo approvedfor
RRemove dirt immediately, where possible,
whilst avoiding rubbing too hard. There is oth-
erwise a risk of damaging the decorative foil
RIf there is dirt on the nish or if the decorative
foil is dull: Use thePaint Cleaner recommen-
ded and approvedfor Mercedes-Benz.
358358 Maintenance and care