#Hide thekeyboard with a.
#Select the destination in the list.
The route is calculated.
%Observe the notes on the MBUX multimedia
system (/page 294).
Calculating a rCalculating a routoute wite with Electrh Electric Intic Intelligelligence andence and
using seusing settings fttings for ror routoute guidancee guidance
RThe destination has been entered.
RThe destination address is shown.
RFFor naor navigvigation witation with Electrh Electric Intic Intelligelligence:ence:
-Mercedes me connect is available.
-You have a Mercedes me connect user
account and thevehicle is connected with
the account.
-The "Navigation with Electric Intelligence"
service is available and activated in the
Mercedes me Portal.
The services "Navigation with Electric Intel-
ligence", "Display of charging points" and
"Mercedes me Charge" are required for
optimal function.
-The Plan Charging Stops route option is
switched on.
Example: detailed display
1Saves as favorite (Plan Charging Stops is
switched on)
Calls up alternative routes (Plan Charging
Stops is switched o)
2Calculates theroute and starts route guid-
3Selects a point of interest in the vicinity of the
4Destination information, online content (e.g.
weather information), 3-word address from
what3words, saves destination as favorite,
shares destination
Aer selecting a destination, Electric Intelligence
automatically and intelligently calculates theroute
to the destination. This is updated during route
guidance. The route with Electric Intelligence con-
tains therequired charging stations as intermedi-
ate destinations. The charging stations are deter-
mined taking account of the driving distance and
the estimated charging times.
%When thePlan Charging Stops route option is
switched o, a route without charging stations
is calculated.
#Select one of the options.
MBUX multimedia system 325325