ber cloths. Do nonottremove the cover when
RAvehicle occupant is very large. Clothing
being worn (gloves, hat, scarf, color of cloth-
ing) or objects carried on a person, forexam-
ple a watch with a large face, are aecting the
camera view. Or the detection range of the
camera is restricted.
The Interior Assistant availability for the
driver is limited, see Operator's Manual mes-
sage appears.
Keep the camera's eld of vision clear.
Objects in the detection range of the camera
can restrict the camera view. Please make
sure, that no objects hang on the inside rear-
view mirror, forexample.
RThe MBUX Interior Assistant is faulty.
The Interior Assistant Not Available. Please
contact your Mercedes-Benz dealer. message
Consult an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.
AnticipatAnticipatorory ey exit wxit wararning (Sning (SAFETAFETY/rY/reactiveactive)e)
RThe vehicle is equipped with Active Blind Spot
Assist with exit warning.
RActive Blind Spot Assist is activated
(/page 255).
RThe vehicle is equipped with active ambient
lighting or ambient lighting.
%Observe the information on the system limits
of Active Blind Spot Assist with exit warning
(/page 252).
The function can warn vehicle occupants about a
possible collision with an approaching vehicle or
bicycle when they exit thevehicle.
As soon as the driver or front passenger moves
their hand towardsthe door handle, depending on
thevehicle equipment, thefollowing warnings are
RThe active ambient lighting or ambient lighting
ashes red.
RThe warning lamp in the outside mirror also
ashes redfor one of the front doors.
RWhen the door is opened, a warning tone
%The visual warning is thus already given
befbeforeore the door is opened.
%Further information on Active Blind Spot
Assist with exit warning (/page 252) and on
ambient lighting (/page 155).
SwitcSwitching thing the rhe reading light and searceading light and search light andh light and
on oron or oo
RFFor tor the rhe reading lighteading light::the driver's and front
passenger's hand movement takes place
under the inside rearview mirror.
RFFor tor the searche search lighth light::the function is available in
thevehicle when it is dark.
RThe front passenger seat is not occupied or a
child is sitting in a child restraint system.
RThe hand movement is made by the driver in
the interaction area above the front passenger
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