NNaavigvigation module (eation module (expanded viexpanded view)w)
Example: navigation module with active route
1Arrival time at charging stop, type of charging
2Charging stop shows thecharging time rec-
ommended by the navigation with Electric
Intelligence as well as charge levels on arrival
and onward journey for an optimal travel time
3Distance from current vehicle position and
remaining driving time
4Searches for an additional charging station
#Tap on the EQ module (/page 296).
#Select Route in the lower menu bar.
OperOperating a menu in tating a menu in the lowhe lower displaer display ary area (exea (exam-am-
ple: activple: active massage massage pre progrogram)am)
1Selects a massage program
2Starts/stops a massage programforthe
3Starts/stops a massage programforthe front
4Sets the massage program intensity forthe
driver or front passenger
#Tap on the application.
The expanded view of the application is dis-
#TTo close to close the menu:he menu: select G.
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