In this Operator's Manual, you will nd thefollow-
ing symbols:
&DDANANGERGER Danger due to not observing the
warning notices
Warning notices draw your attention to haz-
ards that may endanger your health or life, or
the health or life of others.
#Observe thewarning notices.
damage due to failure to observe environ-
mental notes
Environmental notes include information on
environmentally responsible behavior or envi-
ronmentally responsible disposal.
#Observe environmental notes.
NOOTETE Damage to property due to failure
to observe notes on material damage
Notes on material damage inform you of risks
which may lead to your vehicle being dam-
#Observe notes on material damage.
%These symbols indicate useful instructions or
further information that could be helpful to
(/page) Further information on a topic
Display Display eld in the Instrument Dis-
play/media display
4Highest menu level, which is to be
selected in the multimedia system
5Relevant submenus, which are to be
selected in the multimedia system
*Indicates a cause
Symbols 55