Switching on/off (control panel) ......... 137
System settings
Activating/deactivating PIN protec‐
tion ...................................................... 272
Reset function (multimedia system) ..... 276
Setting the distance unit ...................... 271
Setting the time and date automati‐
cally ..................................................... 266
Setting the time zone .......................... 266
Setting the time/date format .............. 267
Switching transmission of the vehicle
position on/off .................................... 267
System settings
see Bluetooth
see Data import/export
see Language
see Software update
see Wi-Fi
Tailpipes (Care) ........................................ 368
Tank content
Fuel ..................................................... 432
Reserve (fuel) ...................................... 432
Technical data
Information .......................................... 426
Vehicle identification plate .................. 428
Telephone ........................................ 238, 306
Activating functions during a call ......... 311
Call and ringtone volume .....................311
Calls with several participants .............311
Connecting a mobile phone (Near
Field Communication (NFC)) ................ 310
Connecting a mobile phone (Pass‐
key) .....................................................307
Connecting a mobile phone (Secure
Simple Pairing) .................................... 307
De-authorizing a mobile phone ............ 309
Disconnecting a mobile phone ............ 309
Importing contacts .............................. 313
Importing contacts (overview) .............313
Incoming call during an existing call .... 312
Information .......................................... 307
Interchanging mobile phones .............. 308
Menu (on-board computer) .................. 238
Mobile phone voice recognition ........... 311
Notes .................................................. 304
Operating modes ................................. 307
Reception and transmission volume .... 310
Switching mobile phones (Near Field
Communication (NFC)) ........................ 310
Telephone menu overview ...................306
Telephone operation ............................ 311
Using Near Field Communication
(NFC) ................................................... 310
Voice commands (Voice Control Sys‐
tem) ..................................................... 249
Wireless charging (mobile phone) ........ 120
Telephone number
Dialing (on-board computer) ................ 238
Telephony operating modes
Telephony .......................... 307
Telephony operating modes
see Second telephone
Temperature ............................................ 134
Temperature grade .................................. 407
Text messages ......................................... 315
Calling a message sender .................... 316
Changing folders .................................. 316
Composing ...........................................315
Configuring the displayed text mes‐
sages ................................................... 315
Deleting ...............................................316