Call lists
Deleting an entry
E Select an entry.
E Select
A prompt appears, asking whether the
entry should be deleted.
E Select
If you select
, the entry is deleted
from the Audio 20 phone book.
Audio 20 uses separate lists to store calls di-
aled and received (including missed calls)
while the telephone was in operation.
+ The respective menu item can only be se-
lected if calls have been received or dialed
using Audio 20.
Calling up the missed calls in the Audio 20
display is not supported for every type of
cell phone.
+ A list of previously dialed numbers is dis-
played in the instrument cluster display.
The Audio 20 call lists are not synchronized
with the call lists on your cell phone. If you
make a call from your cell phone and only use
the audio system’s hands-free device, these
calls will not be listed.
E %Q
Call Lists
E Select
Calls Received
Calls Di-
The corresponding list appears.
+ If there is a symbol with a telephone re-
ceiver in front of the phone number or the
name, then you have missed this call (e.g.
in the highlighted line of the following fig-
E Press the 9 or : button until the
desired entry is highlighted.
E Initiating a call: Press the 6 or 9
E Closing the list: Press the % button.
+ Audio 20 retains the saved call lists even
when you use another cell phone with Au-
dio 20. For this reason, delete the call lists
before selling or transferring ownership of
your vehicle.
E %Q
Call Lists
E Select
Delete Call Lists
A query appears asking if all call lists are
to be deleted.
E Select
If you select
, both lists are deleted
from the Audio 20 phone book.
Rejecting or accepting a call
You will be notified of an incoming call by the
ringing tone and a message on the display.
Depending on the cell phone you are using,
the audio system’s ringing tone may differ
from the one you have set on your cell phone.
You may hear
O the ringing tone set on the cell phone
O the audio system’s preset ringing tone
O the audio system’s preset ringing tone
and the ringing tone set on the cell
Call lists
Calling up a list
Deleting call lists
Using the telephone
Incoming call