Place the treadmill on a level and stable surface away from direct sunlight. The intense UV light can cause discoloration on the
plastics. Locate your treadmill in an area with cool temperatures and low humidity. Please leave a clear zone behind the treadmill
that is at least the width of the treadmill and at least 79 (2000 mm) long. This zone must be clear of any obstruction and provide
the user a clear exit path from the machine. For ease of access, there should be an accessible space on both sides of the treadmill
of at least 24 (600 mm) to allow a user access to the treadmill from either side. Do not place the treadmill in any area that will
block any vent or air openings. The treadmill should not be located in a garage, covered patio, near water or outdoors.
Our treadmills are heavy. To avoid injury and damage, use care and additional help if necessary when moving.
After placing the treadmill in the position it will be used, the belt must be checked for
hours of use. Temperature, humidity, and use cause the belt to stretch at different rates.
If the belt starts to slip when a user is on it, be sure to follow the directions below.
1. Locate the two hex head bolts on the rear of the treadmill. The bolts are located at each
end of the frame at the back of the treadmill. These bolts adjust the rear belt roller.
Do not adjust until the treadmill is on. This will prevent over tightening of one side.
2. The belt should have equal distance on either side between the frame. If the belt
is touching one side, do not start the treadmill. Turn the bolts counter clockwise
approximately one full turn on each side. Manually center the belt by pushing the belt
from side to side until it is parallel with the side rails. Tighten the bolts the same amount as
when the user loosened them, approximately one full turn. Inspect the belt for damage.
3. While walking on the treadmill at 3 mph (~4.8 kph), observe the belt position. If it is moving
to the right, tighten the right bolt by turning it clockwise ¼ turn, and loosen the left bolt
¼ turn. If it is moving to the left, tighten the left bolt by turning it clockwise ¼ turn and
loosen the right ¼ turn. Repeat Step 3 until the belt remains centered for several minutes.
4. Check the tension of the belt. The belt should be very snug. When a person
walks or runs on the belt, it should not hesitate or slip. If this occurs, tighten
the belt by turning both bolts clockwise ¼ turn. Repeat if necessary.
necessary to adjust the belt until the edge of the belt is parallel to the cover.
Do not run faster than 3 mph (~4.8 kph) while centering. Keep
fingers, hair and clothing away from belt at all times.