24 Manual for installation and operation, Comfort 870 GB (#81125)
6. Installation
6.4 Mounting the reference point
• Drive the gate to the CLOSED position.
• Determine the position for the reference point
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The operator system determines the gate positions and
the extent of travel electronically.
For this it requires a reference point on the gate or on
the toothed rack. A special reference point magnet is
used as the reference point.
The reference point magnet is mounted differently
according to the type of toothed rack used.
To ensure correct operation, any
existing magnets must be removed
(e.g. in the case of retrofit measures
with an existing toothed rack).
To avoid injury, the gate must have a
mechanical end stop in both directions;
otherwise it could spring out of line.
The reference point magnet has different
coloured sides.
The reference point magnet must
always be installed with the green side
facing the motor unit.
To avoid faults occurring, the following
dimensions must be adhered to
without fail:
- The clear distance between the
reference point magnet (A) and the
motor unit (B) must be 7 to 9 mm.
- The distance between the centre of
the magnet (A) and the centre of the
spur gear (C) must be 70 mm.
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