Creating Routes 14
This function is available whether a route is active or whether you are travelling without a
selected destination. Please note that if you are travelling with an active destination,
selecting a POI this way will cancel the route and create a new one. You will then need to
redo the route, using Previous Destinations in the address book, to complete the original
Note: When a route is active a POI near Exit button is also available from the Main menu.
Creating a route to go home
Setting the home address
1. From the Main Menu, press on Home.
2. If you have not entered a home address previously, select Yes to enter your home
3. Select Search By Town, Search by Postcode or Previous Towns.
4. Input the information as requested depending upon your selection in step 3.
If using Search By Town: Spell the town name and select the town from the list,
spell the name of the street and select from the available street list, then enter the
address number for the street (it must fall within the street number range
displayed at the top of the screen).
If using Search by Postcode: Enter the postcode for the address and select the
town from the list of available towns. Spell the name of the street and select from
the available street list, then enter the address number for the street (it must fall
within the street number range displayed at the top of the screen).
If using Previous Towns: Select a town from the list of previously used towns. Spell
the name of the street and select from the available street list, then enter the
address number for the street (it must fall within the street number range
displayed at the top of the screen).
5. Select Save to store the home address.