312 Setup for Sample PHP Site
2. Locate the cafe_townsend folder in the Dreamweaver application folder
on your hard disk.
If you installed Dreamweaver to its default location, the path to the
folder is as follows:
■ In Windows: C:\Program Files\Macromedia\Dreamweaver
■ On the Macintosh: Macintosh HD/Applications/Macromedia
Dreamweaver 8/Tutorial_assets/cafe_townsend.
3. Copy the cafe_townsend folder into the local_sites folder.
The cafe_townsend folder is the folder that you will use as the root
folder (main folder) for your Dreamweaver site.
After copying the cafe_townsend folder, define the folder as a
Dreamweaver local folder.
Defining a local folder
After copying the cafe_townsend folder, define the folder containing the
PHP sample files as a Dreamweaver local folder.
To define the Dreamweaver local folder:
1. In Dreamweaver, select Site > Manage Sites. In the Manage Sites dialog
box, click the New button, and then select Site.
The Site Definition dialog box appears.
2. If the Basic tab is showing, click the Advanced tab.
3. In the Site Name text box, enter Cafe Townsend PHP.
The name identifies your site within Dreamweaver.
4. Click the folder icon next to the Local Root Folder text box and browse
to the following folder, which contains the PHP sample files:
■ C:\Documents and Setting\your_user_name\My
Documents\local_sites\cafe_townsend\contact\php (Windows)
■ /Users/your_user_name/Documents/local_sites/cafe_townsend/
contact/php (Macintosh)
5. Click Select to finish defining the Dreamweaver local folder.
Leave the Site Definition dialog box open. Next, define a web server folder
as a Dreamweaver remote folder.