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6.1 Tables of scheduled maintenance and checks
The main periodic checks and maintenance operations are
shown in the following tables. These operations are necessary
to keep the motorcycle safe and in perfect running order.
Some of the operations can be carried out by the user, provid-
ing he or she possesses the requisite skills. If unskilled, have
the operations performed by an authorized service centre.
Failure to perform the recommended operations makes the
warranty null and void.
As a rule maintenance operations must be performed while
the motorcycle is on the rear stand after switching off the
engine and setting the start switch to OFF. This does not apply
to the verification of the fluid levels.
When necessary, top up or renew the lubricants and the fluids
using the prescribed products (see § 6.3).
After the first 36,000 km (22,400 mi) the operations must be
performed at the same intervals shown in the tables.