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User Guide
Manual Version 1.3
Table of Contents
Introduction................................................................................................................................. 9
Box Contents ......................................................................................................................... 9
Support .................................................................................................................................. 9
Quick Start .................................................................................................................................. 9
Pro Tools | First M-Audio Edition Setup .......................................................................... 10
Ableton Live Lite Setup ................................................................................................... 10
Connection Diagram ........................................................................................................ 11
Features .................................................................................................................................... 12
Code 25 ................................................................................................................................ 12
Top Panel ........................................................................................................................ 12
Rear Panel ....................................................................................................................... 16
Code 49 ................................................................................................................................ 17
Top Panel ........................................................................................................................ 17
Rear Panel ....................................................................................................................... 21
Code 61 ................................................................................................................................ 22
Top Panel ........................................................................................................................ 22
Rear Panel ....................................................................................................................... 26
Operation .................................................................................................................................. 27
Basic Concepts ................................................................................................................... 27
Presets ............................................................................................................................. 27
Control Modes ................................................................................................................. 28
Using the Bank Buttons .............................................................................................. 29
Edit Mode ........................................................................................................................ 30
Overview of Control Assignments ................................................................................ 30
Editing Controls ........................................................................................................... 30
Zones ............................................................................................................................... 32
Assigning Keys to a Zone ............................................................................................ 32
Zone Channel .............................................................................................................. 33
Zone Octave and Transposition ................................................................................... 34
Zone Program Change ................................................................................................ 35
Zone Bank Change ..................................................................................................... 36
Channels .......................................................................................................................... 37
Control Channel .......................................................................................................... 37
Zone Channel .............................................................................................................. 38
Global Channel ............................................................................................................ 38
Omni Channel ............................................................................................................. 39
Keyboard.............................................................................................................................. 39
Commands ...................................................................................................................... 39
Ctrl Assign ................................................................................................................... 39
Zone Chan .................................................................................................................. 40
Chan Assign ................................................................................................................ 40
Prog ............................................................................................................................ 40
Snap Shot ................................................................................................................... 41
Bank LSB / Bank MSB ................................................................................................ 41
Memory Dump ............................................................................................................ 41
Data 1 ......................................................................................................................... 41
Data 2 ......................................................................................................................... 41
Data 3 / +/– ................................................................................................................. 41
MIDI Out / Color .......................................................................................................... 42
Store ........................................................................................................................... 42
Curve / Mackie
.................................................................................................. 42
Numeric Keys (0–9) ..................................................................................................... 42
Enter ........................................................................................................................... 42
Editing Assignments ........................................................................................................ 43
Channel ....................................................................................................................... 43
Curve .......................................................................................................................... 43
Octaves and Transposition .............................................................................................. 44
Faders .................................................................................................................................. 45
Editing Assignments ........................................................................................................ 45
Channel ....................................................................................................................... 45
Messages.................................................................................................................... 46
MIDI CCs ................................................................................................................. 46
Relative Messages ................................................................................................... 47
Modes .............................................................................................................................. 48
MIDI Mode .................................................................................................................. 48
Mackie Control
Mode ........................................................................................ 48
Buttons ................................................................................................................................. 49
Editing Assignments ........................................................................................................ 49
Channel ....................................................................................................................... 49
Messages.................................................................................................................... 50
MIDI CCs ................................................................................................................. 50
MIDI CC Value Increment/Decrement ...................................................................... 51
MIDI CC Value Cycle................................................................................................ 52
Program, Bank LSB, and Bank MSB ....................................................................... 53
Program Increment/Decrement ................................................................................ 54
Program Cycle ......................................................................................................... 55
MIDI Notes .............................................................................................................. 56
MMC (MIDI Machine Control) ................................................................................... 57
Keystrokes ............................................................................................................... 58
Latching ...................................................................................................................... 59
Colors ......................................................................................................................... 60
Modes .............................................................................................................................. 61
MIDI Mode .................................................................................................................. 61
Mackie Control
Mode ........................................................................................ 61
HID Mode .................................................................................................................... 61
Encoders .............................................................................................................................. 62
Editing Assignments ........................................................................................................ 62
Channel ....................................................................................................................... 62
Messages.................................................................................................................... 63
MIDI CCs ................................................................................................................. 63
Relative Messages ................................................................................................... 64
Curve .......................................................................................................................... 65
Modes .............................................................................................................................. 66
MIDI Mode .................................................................................................................. 66
Mackie Control
Mode ........................................................................................ 66
X/Y Pad ................................................................................................................................ 67
Editing Assignments ........................................................................................................ 67
Channel ....................................................................................................................... 67
Messages.................................................................................................................... 68
MIDI CCs ................................................................................................................. 68
Relative Messages ................................................................................................... 69
MIDI Notes .............................................................................................................. 70
Curve .......................................................................................................................... 71
Modes .............................................................................................................................. 72
MIDI Mode .................................................................................................................. 72
MIDI Note Mode .......................................................................................................... 72
HID Mode .................................................................................................................... 72
Pads...................................................................................................................................... 73
Editing Assignments ........................................................................................................ 73
Channel ....................................................................................................................... 73
Messages.................................................................................................................... 74
MIDI Notes .............................................................................................................. 74
MIDI CCs ................................................................................................................. 75
MIDI CC Value Increment/Decrement ...................................................................... 76
MIDI CC Value Cycle................................................................................................ 77
Program, Bank LSB, and Bank MSB ....................................................................... 78
Program Increment/Decrement ................................................................................ 79
Program Cycle ......................................................................................................... 80
MMC (MIDI Machine Control) ................................................................................... 81
Latching ...................................................................................................................... 82
Curve .......................................................................................................................... 83
Colors ......................................................................................................................... 84
Octaves and Transposition .............................................................................................. 85
Wheels .................................................................................................................................. 86
Editing Assignments ........................................................................................................ 86
Channel ....................................................................................................................... 86
Messages.................................................................................................................... 87
MIDI CCs ................................................................................................................. 87
Sustain Pedal ....................................................................................................................... 88
Editing Assignments ........................................................................................................ 88
Channel ....................................................................................................................... 88
Messages.................................................................................................................... 89
MIDI CCs ................................................................................................................. 89
MIDI Notes .............................................................................................................. 90
MIDI CC Value Increment/Decrement ...................................................................... 91
Program, Bank LSB, and Bank MSB ....................................................................... 92
Program Increment/Decrement ................................................................................ 93
MMC (MIDI Machine Control) ................................................................................... 94
Latching ...................................................................................................................... 95
Volume Pedal ....................................................................................................................... 96
Editing Assignments ........................................................................................................ 96
Channel ....................................................................................................................... 96
Messages.................................................................................................................... 97
MIDI CCs ................................................................................................................. 97
Mackie Control
and HUI
.................................................................................................. 98
Using Mackie Control ...................................................................................................... 98
Using HUI ........................................................................................................................ 99
MIDI Out ............................................................................................................................. 100
MIDI Panic ......................................................................................................................... 100
Program Changes ............................................................................................................. 101
Zone Program Change .................................................................................................. 101
Bank Changes ................................................................................................................... 102
Zone Bank Change ........................................................................................................ 102
Presets and Memory ......................................................................................................... 103
Selecting Presets ........................................................................................................... 103
Storing Presets .............................................................................................................. 103
Sending and Restoring SysEx Memory ......................................................................... 104
Restoring Default Settings ............................................................................................. 104
Appendix ................................................................................................................................. 105
Parameter Numbers ......................................................................................................... 105
Faders, Encoders, X/Y Pad, Wheels, and Volume Pedal .............................................. 105
Registered Parameter Numbers (RPNs) (000–127) .................................................... 105
Non-Registered Parameter Numbers (NRPNs) (128–144) .......................................... 106
Buttons, Pads, and Sustain Pedal ................................................................................. 107
Registered Parameter Numbers (RPNs) (000–127) .................................................... 107
Non-Registered Parameter Numbers (NRPNs) (128–157) .......................................... 108
Presets ............................................................................................................................... 109
Colors ................................................................................................................................. 110
Buttons .......................................................................................................................... 110
Pads............................................................................................................................... 110
Velocity Curves ................................................................................................................. 111
Keyboard (VCrV) ............................................................................................................ 111
Pads (PCrV) ................................................................................................................... 111
Encoders (ECrV) ............................................................................................................ 112
X/Y Pad (TCrV) ............................................................................................................... 112
Technical Specifications .................................................................................................. 113
Code 25 ......................................................................................................................... 113
Code 49 ......................................................................................................................... 114
Code 61 ......................................................................................................................... 115
Trademarks and Licenses ................................................................................................ 116
Box Contents
Code Series Keyboard Quickstart Guide
USB Cable User Guide
Software Download Cards Safety & Warranty Manual
Important: Visit m-audio.com to download the Code Preset Editor. The Preset Editor gives
you a visual and intuitive way to edit the various messages that Code's controls send to your
computer without having to use the hardware interface.
For the latest information about this product (system requirements, compatibility information,
etc.) and product registration, visit m-audio.com.
For additional product support, visit m-audio.com/support.
Quick Start
Software: We've included Pro Tools | First M-Audio Edition and Ableton Live Lite with your
Code Series Keyboard so you can get started making music with professional software right
out of the box. For Pro Tools | First M-Audio Edition, register your Code Series Keyboard on
m-audio.com, and follow the install instructions in your User Account. For installing Ableton
Live Lite, follow the instructions on the included Ableton Live Lite software download card.
Also, visit ableton.com to check for any available software updates.
Virtual Instruments: Follow the instructions on the software download card for installing the
included virtual instrument plugins. After installation, most DAWs will not load virtual
instrument plugins automatically. In order to access the virtual instrument plugins with Pro
Tools | First M-Audio Edition and Ableton Live Lite, you will need to choose the plugin folder
for the software to scan:
Pro Tools | First M-Audio Edition (AAX) plugin folders:
Windows (32-bit): C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins
Windows (64-bit): C:\Program Files\Common Files\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins
macOS: Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins
Ableton (VST) Plugins:
Windows (32-bit): C:\Program Files (x86)\VSTplugins
Windows (64-bit): C:\Program Files\VSTplugins
macOS: Macintosh HD\Library\Audio\Plugins\VST
To set your plugin folder in Ableton Live Lite:
1. Go to the Preferences menu.
2. Select the File Folder tab. Under Plug-In Sources click Browse and select the
appropriate plugin folder.
3. After making your selection, the Use VST Custom Plug-In Folder button
should be ON. If it is not, click the button to turn it on.
4. Exit the Preferences menu.
Pro Tools | First M-Audio Edition Setup
1. Connect your Code Series Keyboard to an available USB port on your computer using
the supplied USB cable, and launch Pro Tools | First M-Audio Edition.
2. Open or Create a Project.
3. Select the Setup pulldown menu and open MIDI Input Devices. Enable MIDI Input from
your Code Series Keyboard by clicking the box next to Code 25, Code 49, or Code 61.
4. Select the Setup pulldown menu and open Playback Engine. Choose your audio device
from the Playback Engine pulldown menu.
5. To create a new Instrument track, select the Track pulldown menu and select New.
6. In the New pulldown menu, select Stereo, and then Instrument Track.
7. In the newly created track, add an Insert to your track by clicking in your track's Inserts
A-E and selecting Multichannel Plugin > Instrument and select the instrument you
would like to use, such as Xpand!2 (Stereo). The plugin can now be triggered with your
Code Series Keyboard.
Note: Windows users will need either an external soundcard (such as the M-Track 2X2) or a
low-latency ASIO driver.
Ableton Live Lite Setup
1. Connect your Code Series Keyboard to an available USB port on your computer using
the supplied USB cable, and launch Ableton Live Lite.
2. Next, open the Ableton Live Lite Preferences window. Choose your Audio Device in
the Audio tab. This will be dependent upon the audio interface that you are using.
Windows: Select Options > Preferences
macOS: Select Live > Preferences
3. Select the MIDI / Sync tab. Within the MIDI Ports section, adjust the settings as seen
Next to Input: Code 25, Code 49, or Code 61, toggle the On button in the Track
and Remote columns.
Next to Output: Code 25, Code 49, or Code 61, toggle the On button in the Track
and Remote columns.
4. Close the Preferences window.
5. To add an instrument or plugin to Ableton Live Lite in order to generate sound, in the
Categories column, choose Instruments or Plug-Ins.
6. In the Name column, just to the right of the Categories column, locate the Instrument or
Plug-in of your choice. Click-and-drag the instrument to a MIDI track in Ableton Live Lite
to load the instrument. The Instrument can now be triggered with your Code Series
Connection Diagram
Remember to select Code 25, Code 49, or Code 61 as the controller in the Setup,
Preferences, or Options of your digital audio workstation (DAW).
Items not listed in Introduction > Box Contents are sold separately.
External MIDI Sound Module
Sustain Pedal
Expression Pedal
External MIDI Sequencer
Code 25
Top Panel
Important: For more complete explanations of how to use all of these controls, please see the
Operation chapter.
1. Keyboard: This 25-note keyboard is velocity-sensitive with aftertouch and, in conjunction
with the Key Octave –/+ buttons, can access the full range of 127 available MIDI notes (10
2. Pitch-Bend Wheel: Move this wheel to send MIDI pitch bend information.
You can also change this wheel’s MIDI assignment. See Operation > Wheels > Editing
Assigments to learn how to do this.
3. Modulation Wheel: Move this wheel to send continuous controller data—MIDI CC #01
(modulation), by default.
You can also change this wheel’s MIDI assignment. See Operation > Wheels > Editing
Assigments to learn how to do this.
4. Key Octave –/+: Press one of these buttons to move the keyboard up or down an octave.
Press and hold Transpose and press one of the buttons to move the keyboard down or
up a semitone.
5. Pads: Use these pads to trigger drum hits or other samples in your software or external MIDI
sound module. The pads are velocity-sensitive, which makes them very responsive and
intuitive to play.
You can also change these pads’ MIDI and Color assignments. See Operation > Pads >
Editing Assigments to learn how to do this.
6. Pad Octave –/+: Press one of these buttons to move the pads up or down an octave.
Press and hold Transpose and press one of the buttons to move the pads down or up a
7. Faders (F1F5): Use these faders to send MIDI CC or Mackie Control
messages to your
software or external MIDI device. Use the Fader Mode button to change their current mode.
You can also change these faders’ MIDI assignments. See Operation > Faders > Editing
Assigments to learn how to do this.
8. Fader Mode: Press this button to switch the Faders (F1F5) between their two modes,
distinguishable by this button’s color:
Red: MIDI Mode (the default)
Green: Mackie Control/HUI Mode
Learn more about these modes in Operation > Faders > Modes.
9. Buttons (B1B5): Use these buttons to send MIDI CC, Mackie Control/HUI, or HID
messages to your software or external MIDI device. They can function as momentary or
toggle (latching) buttons. Use the Button Mode button to change their current mode.
You can also change these buttons’ MIDI, HID, and Color assignments. See Operation >
Buttons > Editing Assigments to learn how to do this.
10. Button Mode: Press this button to cycle the Buttons (B1B5) through their three modes,
distinguishable by this button’s color:
Red: MIDI Mode (the default)
Green: Mackie Control/HUI Mode
Yellow: HID Mode
Learn more about these modes in Operation > Buttons > Modes.
11. Bank Right/Left: Press one of these buttons to move to the next or previous bank of
assignable controls (Faders, Buttons, and Encoders). This will affect only the assignable
controls that are in the same mode as the Bank Right/Left buttons, distinguishable by this
button’s color:
Red: MIDI Mode
Green: Mackie Control/HUI Mode
Yellow: HID Mode
White: Global (the default; this affects all assignable controls regardless of their current
Learn more about these modes in Operation > Basic Concepts > Control Modes >
Using the Bank Buttons.
12. Encoders (E1E4):
Use these 360º knobs to send MIDI CC or Mackie Control/HUI
messages to your software or external MIDI device. You can also change these encoders’
MIDI assignments.
You can also change these encoders’ MIDI assignments. See Operation > Encoders >
Editing Assigments to learn how to do this.
13. Encoder Mode: Press this button to switch the Encoders (E1E4) between their two
modes, distinguishable by this button’s color:
Red: MIDI Mode (the default)
Green: Mackie Control/HUI Mode
Learn more about these modes in Operation > Encoders > Modes.
17 18 19
14. Transport Controls: These six buttons are dedicated buttons for sending conventional
Mackie Control
transport control commands: Rewind (), Fast-Forward (), Stop
(), Play (), and Record ().
15. Display: Use this screen to view parameter values, settings, and messages relevant to
Code 25s current operation. The various messages shown here are described throughout
this User Guide.
16. Preset Down/Up (): Use these buttons to move to the previous or next preset.
You can also use these buttons to cycle through the editable parameters shown in the
display, set the global MIDI channel, or set the MIDI channel of a zone of the keyboard.
Press and hold Shift and press these buttons to move to the previous or next program.
17. Shift: Press and hold this button to access the secondary functions of certain buttons and
keys. Press this button in Zone Edit Mode to access additional zone editing functions.
18. Channel: Press this button to enter or exit Channel Mode. In Channel Mode, use the
Preset Down/Up () buttons to change Code 25’s global MIDI channel. See Operation
> Basic Concepts > Channels > Global Channel to learn more about this mode.
Press and hold Shift and press this button to send a MIDI Snap Shot. This sends the
assigned MIDI message and current position/value of all controls.
19. Edit: Press this button to enter or exit Edit Mode. In Edit Mode:
Use the Preset Down/Up () buttons to change the value or setting of the
parameter shown in the display.
Use the keyboard’s keys to access additional functions or commands.
Learn more about this mode in Operation > Basic Concepts > Edit Mode.
20. Zone, 14: Pr
ess the Zone button to enter Zone Mode, which lets you use 4 different
overlapping or non-overlapping ranges of keys on different MIDI channels. This is useful
for sending notes to 4 virtual instruments or 4 external synthesizers from the same
keyboard, for example.
Press any of the 14 buttons simultaneously or separately (when the Zone Button is
active/lit) to activate or deactivate those zones of the keyboard. When a zone is active, its
corresponding button will be lit.
Press and hold the Zone Button for 1 second to enter or exit Zone Edit Mode. You can
press any of the flashing 14 buttons to edit that zone.
Learn more about zones in Operation > Basic Concepts > Zones.
21. Transpose: Press and hold this button and press one of the Pad Octave –/+ or Key
Octave –/+ buttons to move the pads or keys (respectively) down or up a semitone.
Press and hold Shift and press this button to send a “MIDI Panic” message. This means
all MIDI notes will stop and all controls will stop sending their messages.
22. X/Y Pad: This touch-sensitive pad lets you control two parameters simultaneously in a
two-dimensional way (rather than a traditional one-dimensional modulation wheel or
encoder). You can assign the parameter and range of each axis, X (horizontal) and Y
(vertical). This pad can be in one of three modes as determined by the X-Mode and Y-
Mode buttons.
You can also change each axis’s MIDI and Note assignment. See Operation > X/Y Pad >
Editing Assigments to learn how to do this.
23. X/Y Buttons: Press one of these buttons to send the minimum value for the parameter
assigned to that axis.
Press and hold Shift and press one of these buttons to send the middle value for the
parameter assigned to that axis (e.g., a MIDI value of 64—halfway between 0 and 127).
In Edit Mode, press one of these buttons when assigning a parameter to assign it to that
axis: X (horizontal) or Y (vertical).
In HID Mode, use the X or Y button as a left-click or right-click mouse command
24. X-Mode / Y-Mode: Press one of these buttons to cycle through the available modes for
that axis of the X/Y Pad, distinguishable by the button’s color:
Red: MIDI CC Mode (the axis is assigned to a MIDI CC number)
Pink: In MIDI Note Mode (the axis is assigned a range, scale, or group of MIDI notes)
Yellow: HID Mode (the axis lets you use the X/Y Pad as a mouse/track pad)
Learn more about these modes in Operation > X/Y Pad > Modes.
Rear Panel
1. Power Input: If you do not want to use a computer in your setup (i.e., if you are using
Code 25 to control an external MIDI module), connect Code 25s power input to a power
outlet using an optional power adapter (9 VDC, 1 A, center-positive, sold separately).
Alternatively, you can connect Code 25s USB Port to a power outlet using a standard
USB charger (sold separately).
2. Power Switch: Press this button to power Code 25 on. Press and hold this button for 1
second and then release it to power Code 25 off.
3. USB Port: Use a standard USB cable to connect this USB port to your computer. The
computers USB port provides ample power to Code 25. This connection is also used to
send and receive MIDI data to and from your computer.
This connection is also relevant to Code 25’s MIDI Out and MIDI In:
If an external device is connected to the MIDI Out, your computer can send MIDI
messages out along this path: computer Code 25 external device.
If an external device is connected to the MIDI In, the external device sends MIDI
messages in along this path: external device Code 25 computer. MIDI
messages can then be sent to an external device via the MIDI Out, but it must pass
through the computer first.
4. Sustain In: Connect an optional 1/4” (6.35 mm) TS sustain pedal to this input.
You can also change this input’s MIDI assignment. See Operation > Sustain Pedal >
Editing Assigments to learn how to do this.
5. Volume In: Connect an optional 1/4” (6.35 mm) TRS expression pedal to this input.
You can also change this input’s MIDI assignment. See Operation > Volume Pedal >
Editing Assigments to learn how to do this.
6. MIDI In: Use a standard five-pin MIDI cable to connect this MIDI In to the MIDI Out of an
external MIDI device (e.g., another MIDI controller). The MIDI messages sent to this MIDI In
will be sent to your computer via the USB port.
7. MIDI Out: Use a standard five-pin MIDI cable to connect this MIDI Out to the MIDI In of an
external MIDI device (e.g., a synthesizer, sequencer, drum machine, etc.).
8. Kensington
Lock Slot: You can use this slot to secure your Code 25 to a table or other
Code 49
Top Panel
F6 F7 F8 F9
Important: For more complete explanations of how to use all of these controls, please see the
Operation chapter.
1. Keyboard: This 49-note keyboard is velocity-sensitive with aftertouch and, in conjunction
with the Key Octave –/+ buttons, can access the full range of 127 available MIDI notes (10
2. Pitch-Bend Wheel: Move this wheel to send MIDI pitch bend information.
You can also change this wheel’s MIDI assignment. See Operation > Wheels > Editing
Assigments to learn how to do this.
3. Modulation Wheel: Move this wheel to send continuous controller data—MIDI CC 01
(modulation), by default.
You can also change this wheel’s MIDI assignment. See Operation > Wheels > Editing
Assigments to learn how to do this.
4. Key Octave –/+: Press one of these buttons to move the keyboard up or down an octave.
Press and hold Transpose and press one of the buttons to move the keyboard down or
up a semitone.
5. Pads: Use these pads to trigger drum hits or other samples in your software or external
MIDI sound module. The pads are velocity-sensitive, which makes them very responsive
and intuitive to play.
You can also change these pads’ MIDI and Color assignments. See Operation > Pads >
Editing Assigments to learn how to do this.
6. Pad Octave –/+: Press one of these buttons to move the pads up or down an octave.
Press and hold Transpose and press one of the buttons to move the pads down or up a
F6 F7 F8 F9
7. Faders (F1F9): Use these faders to send MIDI CC or Mackie Control
messages to your
software or external MIDI device. Use the Fader Mode button to change their current mode.
You can also change these faders’ MIDI assignments. See Operation > Faders > Editing
Assigments to learn how to do this.
8. Fader Mode: Press this button to switch the Faders (F1F9) between their two modes,
distinguishable by this button’s color:
Red: MIDI Mode (the default)
Green: Mackie Control/HUI Mode.
Learn more about these modes in Operation > Faders > Modes.
9. Buttons (B1B9): Use these buttons to send MIDI CC, Mackie Control/HUI, or HID
messages to your software or external MIDI device. They can function as momentary or
toggle (latching) buttons. Use the Button Mode button to change their current mode.
You can also change these buttons’ MIDI, HID, and Color assignments. Please see
Operation > Buttons > Editing Assigments to learn how to do this.
10. Button Mode: Press this button to cycle the Buttons (B1B9) through their three modes,
distinguishable by this button’s color:
Red: MIDI Mode (the default)
Green: Mackie Control/HUI Mode
Yellow: HID Mode
Learn more about these modes in Operation > Buttons > Modes.
11. Bank Right/Left (): Press one of these buttons to move to the next or previous bank of
assignable controls (Faders, Buttons, and Encoders). This will affect only the assignable
controls that are in the same mode as the Bank Right/Left () buttons, distinguishable
by this button’s color:
Red: MIDI Mode
Green: Mackie Control/HUI Mode
Yellow: HID Mode
White: Global (the default; this affects all assignable controls regardless of their current
Learn more about these modes in Operation > Basic Concepts > Control Modes >
Using the Bank Buttons.
12. Enco
ders (E1E8): Use these 360º knobs to send MIDI CC or Mackie Control/HUI
messages to your software or external MIDI device. You can also change these encoders’
MIDI assignments. Please see Operation > Encoders > Editing Assigments to learn how
to do this.
13. Encoder Mode: Press this button to switch the Encoders (E1E8) between their two
modes, distinguishable by this button’s color:
Red: MIDI Mode (the default)
Green: Mackie Control/HUI Mode
Learn more about these modes in Operation > Encoders > Modes.
17 18 19
14. Transport Controls: These six buttons are dedicated buttons for sending conventional
Mackie Control/HUI transport control commands: Rewind (), Fast-Forward (), Stop
(), Play (), and Record ().
15. Display: Use this screen to view parameter values, settings, and messages relevant to
Code 49s current operation. The various messages shown here are described throughout
this User Guide.
16. Preset Down/Up (): Use these buttons to move to the previous or next preset.
You can also use these buttons to cycle through the editable parameters shown in the
display, set the global MIDI channel, or set the MIDI channel of a zone of the keyboard.
Press and hold Shift and press these buttons to move to the previous or next program.
17. Shift: Press and hold this button to access the secondary functions of certain buttons and
keys. Press this button in Zone Edit Mode to access additional zone editing functions.
18. Channel: Press this button to enter or exit Channel Mode. In Channel Mode, use the
Preset Down/Up () buttons to change Code 49’s global MIDI channel. See Operation
> Basic Concepts > Channels > Global Channel to learn more about this mode.
Press and hold Shift and press this button to send a MIDI Snap Shot. This sends the
assigned MIDI message and current position/value of all controls.
19. Edit: Press this button to enter or exit Edit Mode. In Edit Mode:
Use the Preset Down/Up () buttons to change the value or setting of the
parameter shown in the display.
Use the keyboard’s keys to access additional functions or commands.
Learn more about this
mode in Operation > Basic Concepts > Edit Mode.
20. Zone, 14: Press the Zone button to enter Zone Mode, which lets you use 4 different
overlapping or non-overlapping ranges of keys on different MIDI channels. This is useful
for sending notes to 4 virtual instruments or 4 external synthesizers from the same
keyboard, for example.
Press any of the 14 buttons simultaneously or separately (when the Zone Button is
active/lit) to activate or deactivate those zones of the keyboard. When a zone is active, its
corresponding button will be lit.
Press and hold the Zone Button for 1 second to enter or exit Zone Edit Mode. You can
press any of the flashing 14 buttons to edit that zone.
Learn more about zones in Operation > Basic Concepts > Zones.
21. Transpose: Press and hold this button and press one of the Pad Octave –/+ or Key
Octave –/+ buttons to move the pads or keys (respectively) down or up a semitone.
Press and hold Shift and press this button to send a “MIDI Panic” message. This means
all MIDI notes will stop and all controls will stop sending their messages.
22. X/Y Pad: This touch-sensitive pad lets you control two parameters simultaneously in a
two-dimensional way (rather than a traditional one-dimensional modulation wheel or
encoder). You can assign the parameter and range of each axis, X (horizontal) and Y
(vertical). This pad can be in one of three modes as determined by the X-Mode and Y-
Mode buttons.
You can also change each axis’s MIDI and Note assignment. See Operation > X/Y Pad >
Editing Assigments to learn how to do this.
23. X/Y Buttons: Press one of these buttons to send the minimum value for the parameter
assigned to that axis.
Press and hold Shift and press one of these buttons to send the middle value for the
parameter assigned to that axis (e.g., a MIDI value of 64—halfway between 0 and 127).
In Edit Mode, press one of these buttons when assigning a parameter to assign it to that
axis: X (horizontal) or Y (vertical).
In HID Mode, use the X or Y button as a left-click or right-click mouse command
24. X-Mode / Y-Mode: Press one of these buttons to cycle through the available modes for
that axis of the X/Y pad, distinguishable by the button’s color:
Red: MIDI CC Mode (the axis is assigned to a MIDI CC number)
Pink: In MIDI Note Mode (the axis is assigned a range, scale, or group of MIDI notes)
Yellow: HID Mode (the axis lets you use the X/Y pad as a mouse/trackpad)
Learn more about these modes in Operation > X/Y Pad > Modes.
Rear Panel
1. Power Input: If you do not want to use a computer in your setup (i.e., if you are using
Code 49 to control an external MIDI module), connect Code 49s power input to a power
outlet using an optional power adapter (9 VDC, 1 A, center-positive, sold separately).
Alternatively, you can connect Code 49s USB Port to a power outlet using a standard
USB charger (sold separately).
2. Power Switch: Press this button to power Code 49 on. Press and hold this button for 1
second and then release it to power Code 49 off.
3. USB Port: Use a standard USB cable to connect this USB port to your computer. The
computers USB port provides ample power to Code 49. This connection is also used to
send and receive MIDI data to and from your computer.
This connection is also relevant to Code 49’s MIDI Out and MIDI In:
If an external device is connected to the MIDI Out, your computer can send MIDI
messages out along this path: computer Code 49 external device.
If an external device is connected to the MIDI In, the external device sends MIDI
messages in along this path: external device Code 49 computer. MIDI
messages can then be sent to an external device via the MIDI Out, but it must pass
through the computer first.
4. Sustain In: Connect an optional 1/4” (6.35 mm) TS sustain pedal to this input.
You can also change this input’s MIDI assignment. See Operation > Sustain Pedal >
Editing Assigments to learn how to do this.
5. Volume In: Connect an optional 1/4” (6.35 mm) TRS expression pedal to this input.
You can also change this input’s MIDI assignment. See Operation > Volume Pedal >
Editing Assigments to learn how to do this.
6. MIDI In: Use a standard five-pin MIDI cable to connect this MIDI In to the MIDI Out of an
external MIDI device (e.g., another MIDI controller). The MIDI messages sent to this MIDI In
will be sent to your computer via the USB port.
7. MIDI Out: Use a standard five-pin MIDI cable to connect this MIDI Out to the MIDI In of an
external MIDI device (e.g., a synthesizer, sequencer, drum machine, etc.).
8. Kensington
Lock Slot: You can use this slot to secure your Code 49 to a table or other
Code 61
Top Panel
F6 F7 F8 F9
Important: For more complete explanations of how to use all of these controls, please see the
Operation chapter.
1. Keyboard: This 61-note keyboard is velocity-sensitive with aftertouch and, in conjunction
with the Key Octave/+ buttons, can access the full range of 127 available MIDI notes (10
2. Pitch-Bend Wheel: Move this wheel to send MIDI pitch bend information.
You can also change this wheel’s MIDI assignment. See Operation > Wheels > Editing
Assigments to learn how to do this.
3. Modulation Wheel: Move this wheel to send continuous controller data—MIDI CC 01
(modulation), by default.
You can also change this wheel’s MIDI assignment. See Operation > Wheels > Editing
Assigments to learn how to do this.
4. Key Octave –/+: Press one of these buttons to move the keyboard up or down an octave.
Press and hold Transpose and press one of the buttons to move the keyboard down or
up a semitone.
5. Pads: Use these pads to trigger drum hits or other samples in your software or external
MIDI sound module. The pads are velocity-sensitive, which makes them very responsive
and intuitive to play.
You can also change these pads’ MIDI and Color assignments. See Operation > Pads >
Editing Assigments to learn how to do this.
6. Pad Octave –/+: Press one of these buttons to move the pads up or down an octave.
Press and hold Transpose and press one of the buttons to move the pads down or up a
F6 F7 F8 F9
7. Faders (F1F9): Use these faders to send MIDI CC or Mackie Control
messages to your
software or external MIDI device. Use the Fader Mode button to change their current mode.
You can also change these faders’ MIDI assignments. See Operation > Faders > Editing
Assigments to learn how to do this.
8. Fader Mode: Press this button to switch the Faders (F1F9) between their two modes,
distinguishable by this button’s color:
Red: MIDI Mode (the default)
Green: Mackie Control/HUI Mode.
Learn more about these modes in Operation > Faders > Modes.
9. Buttons (B1B9): Use these buttons to send MIDI CC, Mackie Control/HUI, or HID
messages to your software or external MIDI device. They can function as momentary or
toggle (latching) buttons. Use the Button Mode button to change their current mode.
You can also change these buttons’ MIDI, HID, and Color assignments. Please see
Operation > Buttons > Editing Assigments to learn how to do this.
10. Button Mode: Press this button to cycle the Buttons (B1B9) through their three modes,
distinguishable by this button’s color:
Red: MIDI Mode (the default)
Green: Mackie Control/HUI Mode
Yellow: HID Mode
Learn more about these modes in Operation > Buttons > Modes.
11. Bank Right/Left (): Press one of these buttons to move to the next or previous bank of
assignable controls (Faders, Buttons, and Encoders). This will affect only the assignable
controls that are in the same mode as the Bank Right/Left () buttons, distinguishable
by this button’s color:
Red: MIDI Mode
Green: Mackie Control/HUI Mode
Yellow: HID Mode
White: Global (the default; this affects all assignable controls regardless of their current
Learn more about these modes in Operation > Basic Concepts > Control Modes >
Using the Bank Buttons.
12. Enco
ders (E1E8): Use these 360º knobs to send MIDI CC or Mackie Control/HUI
messages to your software or external MIDI device. You can also change these encoders’
MIDI assignments. Please see Operation > Encoders > Editing Assigments to learn how
to do this.
13. Encoder Mode: Press this button to switch the Encoders (E1E8) between their two
modes, distinguishable by this button’s color:
Red: MIDI Mode (the default)
Green: Mackie Control/HUI Mode
Learn more about these modes in Operation > Encoders > Modes.
17 18 19
14. Transport Controls: These six buttons are dedicated buttons for sending conventional
Mackie Control/HUI transport control commands: Rewind (), Fast-Forward (), Stop
(), Play (), and Record ().
15. Display: Use this screen to view parameter values, settings, and messages relevant to
Code 61s current operation. The various messages shown here are described throughout
this User Guide.
16. Preset Down/Up (): Use these buttons to move to the previous or next preset.
You can also use these buttons to cycle through the editable parameters shown in the
display, set the global MIDI channel, or set the MIDI channel of a zone of the keyboard.
Press and hold Shift and press these buttons to move to the previous or next program.
17. Shift: Press and hold this button to access the secondary functions of certain buttons and
keys. Press this button in Zone Edit Mode to access additional zone editing functions.
18. Channel: Press this button to enter or exit Channel Mode. In Channel Mode, use the
Preset Down/Up () buttons to change Code 61’s global MIDI channel. See Operation
> Basic Concepts > Channels > Global Channel to learn more about this mode.
Press and hold Shift and press this button to send a MIDI Snap Shot. This sends the
assigned MIDI message and current position/value of all controls.
19. Edit: Press this button to enter or exit Edit Mode. In Edit Mode:
Use the Preset Down/Up () buttons to change the value or setting of the
parameter shown in the display.
Use the keyboard’s keys to access additional functions or commands.
Learn more about this
mode in Operation > Basic Concepts > Edit Mode.
20. Zone, 14: Press the Zone button to enter Zone Mode, which lets you use 4 different
overlapping or non-overlapping ranges of keys on different MIDI channels. This is useful
for sending notes to 4 virtual instruments 4 external synthesizers from the same keyboard,
for example.
Press any of the 14 buttons simultaneously or separately (when the Zone Button is
active/lit) to activate or deactivate those zones of the keyboard. When a zone is active, its
corresponding button will be lit.
Press and hold the Zone Button for 1 second to enter or exit Zone Edit Mode. You can
press any of the flashing 14 buttons to edit that zone.
Learn more about zones in Operation > Basic Concepts > Zones.
21. Transpose: Press and hold this button and press one of the Pad Octave –/+ or Key
Octave –/+ buttons to move the pads or keys (respectively) down or up a semitone.
Press and hold Shift and press this button to send a “MIDI Panic” message. This means
all MIDI notes will stop and all controls will stop sending their messages.
22. X/Y Pad: This touch-sensitive pad lets you control two parameters simultaneously in a
two-dimensional way (rather than a traditional one-dimensional modulation wheel or
encoder). You can assign the parameter and range of each axis, X (horizontal) and Y
(vertical). This pad can be in one of three modes as determined by the X-Mode and Y-
Mode buttons.
You can also change each axis’s MIDI and Note assignment. See Operation > X/Y Pad >
Editing Assigments to learn how to do this.
23. X/Y Buttons: Press one of these buttons to send the minimum value for the parameter
assigned to that axis.
Press and hold Shift and press one of these buttons to send the middle value for the
parameter assigned to that axis (e.g., a MIDI value of 64—halfway between 0 and 127).
In Edit Mode, press one of these buttons when assigning a parameter to assign it to that
axis: X (horizontal) or Y (vertical).
In HID Mode, use the X or Y button as a left-click or right-click mouse command
24. X-Mode / Y-Mode: Press one of these buttons to cycle through the available modes for
that axis of the X/Y pad, distinguishable by the button’s color:
Red: MIDI CC Mode (the axis is assigned to a MIDI CC number)
Pink: In MIDI Note Mode (the axis is assigned a range, scale, or group of MIDI notes)
Yellow: HID Mode (the axis lets you use the X/Y pad as a mouse/trackpad)
Learn more about these modes in Operation > X/Y Pad > Modes.
Rear Panel
1. Power Input: If you do not want to use a computer in your setup (i.e., if you are using
Code 61 to control an external MIDI module), connect Code 61s power input to a power
outlet using an optional power adapter (9 VDC, 1 A, center-positive, sold separately).
Alternatively, you can connect Code 61s USB Port to a power outlet using a standard
USB charger (sold separately).
2. Power Switch: Press this button to power Code 61 on. Press and hold this button for 1
second and then release it to power Code 61 off.
3. USB Port: Use a standard USB cable to connect this USB port to your computer. The
computers USB port provides ample power to Code 61. This connection is also used to
send and receive MIDI data to and from your computer.
This connection is also relevant to Code 61’s MIDI Out and MIDI In:
If an external device is connected to the MIDI Out, your computer can send MIDI
messages out along this path: computer Code 61 external device.
If an external device is connected to the MIDI In, the external device sends MIDI
messages in along this path: external device Code 61 computer. MIDI
messages can then be sent to an external device via the MIDI Out, but it must pass
through the computer first.
4. Sustain In: Connect an optional 1/4” (6.35 mm) TS sustain pedal to this input.
You can also change this input’s MIDI assignment. See Operation > Sustain Pedal >
Editing Assigments to learn how to do this.
5. Volume In: Connect an optional 1/4” (6.35 mm) TRS expression pedal to this input.
You can also change this input’s MIDI assignment. See Operation > Volume Pedal >
Editing Assigments to learn how to do this.
6. MIDI In: Use a standard five-pin MIDI cable to connect this MIDI In to the MIDI Out of an
external MIDI device (e.g., another MIDI controller). The MIDI messages sent to this MIDI In
will be sent to your computer via the USB port.
7. MIDI Out: Use a standard five-pin MIDI cable to connect this MIDI Out to the MIDI In of an
external MIDI device (e.g., a synthesizer, sequencer, drum machine, etc.).
8. Kensington
Lock Slot: You can use this slot to secure your Code 61 to a table or other
This chapter describes the features of your Code Series keyboard.
Basic Concepts
This chapter gives an overview of some fundamental concepts that will help you understand
and use your Code Series keyboard:
Presets Zones
Control Modes Channels
Edit Mode
Each section contains links to other relevant sections of this guide, which we recommend
reading, as well.
A preset is a saved collection of assignments for Code’s controls, channel settings, keyboard
zone settings, etc. You can store up to 12 presets in Code’s internal memory, enabling you to
use a dedicated preset for each digital audio workstation (DAW), virtual instrument, or
project/session, for example.
We recommend visiting m-audio.com and downloading the Code Preset Editor, which gives
you a visual and intuitive way to edit the various messages that Code's controls send to your
computer without having to use the hardware interface.
Learn more about managing presets in the Presets and Memory chapter.
To select a preset, use the Preset Down/Up () buttons. The current preset number will
appear in the display.
The available default presets are described in Appendix > Presets.
Important: If you power off your Code Series keyboard without saving/storing your preset,
you will lose any assignments or changes you have made.
To store a preset:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The button will light up.
2. Press the keyboard’s Store key. The display will show TO and the number of the last-
selected preset.
3. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter the desired preset
number (0012).
4. Press the Enter key. The current settings will be stored as a preset. This will overwrite that
Control Modes
Fader Modes: The faders are always in one of two modes. Press Fader Mode to switch
between them, distinguishable by the Fader Mode button’s color:
MIDI Mode (red): Moving the faders will send MIDI CC messages.
Mackie Control
Mode (green): Moving the faders will send messages using the
Mackie Control/HUI protocol.
See Faders > Modes to learn more about these modes.
Button Modes: The buttons are always in one of three modes. Press Button Mode button to
cycle through them, distinguishable by the Button Mode button’s color:
MIDI Mode (red): Pressing the buttons will send MIDI CC messages.
Mackie Control/HUI Mode (green): Pressing the buttons will send messages using the
Mackie Control/HUI protocol.
HID Mode (yellow): Pressing the buttons will send ASCII character messages.
See Buttons > Modes to learn more about these modes.
Encoder Modes: The encoders are always in one of two modes. Press Encoder Mode to
switch between them, distinguishable by the Encoder Mode button’s color:
MIDI Mode (red): Moving the encoders will send MIDI CC messages.
Mackie Control/HUI Mode (green): Moving the encoders will send messages using the
Mackie Control/HUI protocol.
See Encoders > Modes to learn more about these modes.
X-Modes / Y-Modes: The X/Y pad is always in one of three modes. Press X-Mode or Y-
Mode to cycle through them, distinguishable by the X-Mode or Y-Mode button’s color
MIDI Mode (red): The axis is assigned to a MIDI CC number.
MIDI Note Mode (magenta): The axis is assigned to a range, scale, or group of MIDI
D Mode (yellow): The axis lets you use the X/Y pad as a mouse/trackpad. You can also
use the X button as a left-click button and the Y button as a right-click button.
See X/Y Pad > Modes to learn more about these modes.
Using the Bank Buttons
The faders, buttons, and encoders all have multiple banks. You can use the Bank Right/Left
() buttons to move to the next or previous bank. You can set these buttons to change the
bank for all controls or for controls in a specific mode only.
The mode of the Bank Right/Left () buttons determines which controls it affects. Only the
controls that are in that same mode will change banks.
To change the Bank Right/Left () buttons’ mode, press and hold Shift, and then press
one of the Bank Right/Left () buttons. Their current mode is distinguishable by their color
and the message shown in the display.
All Mode (white, ALL)
Pressing the Bank Right/Left () buttons will change the bank for all controls
regardless of their modes.
When you press the Bank Right/Left () buttons, the current bank will appear in
the display as A1, A2, A3, or A4.
MIDI Mode (red, MIDI)
the Bank Right/Left () buttons will change the bank for all controls in
MIDI Mode.
When you press the Bank Right/Left () buttons, the current bank will appear in
the display as MIDI1, MIDI2, MIDI3, or MIDI4.
Mackie Control
Mode (green, MACHUI)
Pressing the Bank Right/Left () buttons will change the bank for all controls in
Mackie Control/HUI Mode.
When you press the Bank Right/Left () buttons, only M/H will appear in the
display, but you will still be moving to the next or previous bank (of 4 total).
HID Mode (yellow, HID)
Pressing the Bank Right/Left () buttons will change the bank for all controls in
HID Mode.
When you press the Bank Right/Left () buttons, the current bank will appear in
the display as H1, H2, H3, or H4.
Note: If you change the mode of the faders, buttons, or encoders, they will automatically be
in the bank that you most recently selected in that mode. For example, if the faders are in MIDI
Mode Bank 3 and the buttons are in HID Mode Bank 2, the buttons will automatically be in
Bank 3 if you change them to MIDI Mode.
Edit Mode
Edit Mode lets you set various functions on Code. For instance, you can assign MIDI
parameters, set MIDI value ranges, change the colors of buttons, or assign MIDI channels.
To enter or exit Edit Mode, press Edit. The button will light up while in Edit Mode.
Overview of Control Assignments
When you select a control to edit, you can set any of the following:
MIDI assignment (Ctrl Assign): This number determines what type of MIDI message the
control sends (a MIDI CC number, for example).
Data 1 (if applicable): This number determines how the control functions (whether a
button acts as a momentary or toggle button, for example). This applies only to a button,
a pad, or the sustain pedal when its MIDI message (described above) is a non-registered
parameter number (NRPN, a parameter number higher than 127).
Data 2: This number determines the control’s minimum value, its “released” message, etc.
Data 3: This number determines the control’s maximum value, its “pressed” message, etc.
All of these numbers and their corresponding parameters are listed in Appendix > Parameter
Numbers. Some numbers correspond to their conventional MIDI parameters, but others may
be less familiar to you, particularly NRPNs.
Editing Controls
This section is a brief overview of how to edit the basic control assignments described above
as well as other settings. Please note, though, that different controls have different available
parameters, settings, values, etc., so refer to the chapters listed below for more in-depth
Faders > Editing Assignments Pads > Editing Assignments
Buttons > Editing Assignments Wheels > Editing Assignments
Encoders > Editing Assignments Sustain Pedal > Editing Assignments
X/Y Pad > Editing Assignments Volume Pedal > Editing Assignments
In Edit Mode, moving or pressing any control will cause it to send its MIDI message. In
other words, Edit Mode does not prevent/disable controls from sending their normal data.
Keep this in mind while selecting controls to edit them. The exceptions are the keyboard’s
lowest 25 keys, which you can use to access additional functions or commands (see the
diagram on the next page).
After making your changes in Edit Mode, you must press the keyboard’s Enter key to save
them. To cancel your changes at any time, press Edit to exit Edit Mode.
To assign or edit a control:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The button will light up.
2. Select the control you want to assign or edit by moving or pressing it. Its name (and
number, if available) will appear in the display.
3. Set any of the four control settings below. You can do more than one and in any order:
Control Assign:
i. Press the keyboard’s Ctrl Assign key.
ii. Use the keyboard’s numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to
enter the number that corresponds to the desired MIDI message as specified in
Appendix > Parameter Numbers.
Data 1 (if applicable): This applies only to a button, a pad, or the sustain pedal when
its MIDI message is a non-registered parameter number (NRPN, a parameter number
higher than 127).
i. Press the keyboard’s Data 1 key.
ii. Use the keyboard’s numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to
enter the Data 1 value, which will appear in the display. This number corresponds
to a specific MIDI parameter specified in Appendix > Parameter Numbers.
Data 2:
i. Press the keyboard’s Data 2 key.
ii. Use the keyboard’s numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to
nter the Data 2 value, which will appear in the display. This number corresponds
to, usually, the minimum value set on a control.
Data 3:
i. Press the keyboard’s Data 3 key.
ii. Use the keyboard’s numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to
enter the Data 3 value, which will appear in the display. This number corresponds
to, usually, the maximum value set on a control.
4. To save your changes, press the keyboard’s Enter key. Your changes will be saved and
you will automatically exit Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Important: If you power off your Code Series keyboard without saving/storing your preset,
you will lose any assignments or changes you have made. See Presets and Memory >
Storing Presets to learn more.
Ctrl Assign
Numeric Keys (09)
The keyboard can be divided into 1–4 “zones.” When zones are active (when the Zone button
and one or more Zone 14 buttons are lit), each zone can send its controls’ MIDI messages
over its own MIDI channel.
Tip: This feature is great for dividing your Code keyboard between different virtual instruments
or synthesizers. For example, you can create two zones, each using a different MIDI channel,
and play and control two virtual instruments simultaneously—one with each half of the keys.
By default, the zones are set to specific channels. Learn how to change each zone’s channel
in the following Zone Channels section.
For the keyboard, you can shift the range of notes they play within that zone. See the
following Zone Octave and Transposition section to learn about this.
Each zone can also send Zone Program Change or Zone Bank Change (LSB and MSB)
messages when you activate it, ensuring that the zone always uses the same program. See
the following Zone Program and Zone LSB and MSB sections to learn about this.
Assigning Keys to a Zone
To assign a section of the keyboard to a zone, you need to define the range of notes. By
default, all zones will contain all notes.
To assign a range of keys to a zone:
1. Press and hold Zone for 1 second to enter Zone Edit Mode. The active Zone Buttons 14
will flash.
2. Press one of Zone Buttons 14 to edit that zone. Alternatively, you can press multiple
Zone Buttons 14 to edit those zones simultaneously. The display will show the zone’s
current lowest and highest keys (e.g., C 1.C 5 or Bb2.Eb4).
3. Press the lowest key you want to assign to the zone, and then press the highest key you
want to assign to the zone (or press the highest key, then the lowest). The display will
show the note values as you enter them. You can also redo this step, if necessary.
To assign a range of keys for another zone, repeat Steps 2–3.
Important: The zone is defined by the keys, not the notes they play. If you change the
keyboard’s octave or transposition (using the Key Octave –/+ buttons), the zone will
remain unchanged, but its keys will play different notes.
4. Press Zone to exit Zone Edit Mode.
Zone Channel
You can set each zone to a different MIDI channel. Each zone (controls and keys) can then control
a different virtual instrument or synthesizer (set to receive MIDI messages on those channels).
By default, all zone channels are set to Channel “00,” which is the global channel (see
Channels > Global Channel to learn about this). If you want each zone to control only a
specific virtual instrument or synthesizer, you should set each zone to a different channel, and
then set each virtual instrument or synthesizer to receive messages on those channels.
Note: Preset 12 has some keyboard zones and controls set to different channels as it controls
both Hybrid and Loom virtual instruments simultaneously.
To set the MIDI channel for a zone:
1. Press and hold Zone for 1 second to enter Zone Edit Mode. The active Zone Buttons 14
will flash.
2. Press one of Zone Buttons 14 to edit that zone. Alternatively, you can press multiple
Zone Buttons 14 to edit those zones simultaneously.
3. Press and hold Shift and then press the Zone Chan key. The display will show CHN and
the zone’s current MIDI channel.
4. Enter the desired MIDI channel by doing one of the following:
While holding Shift, use the numeric keys (09) to enter a channel (00 or 0116).
Use the Preset Down/Up () buttons to select a channel (00 or 0116).
5. While holding Shift, press the Enter key.
6. To set the MIDI channel for another zone, repeat Steps 2–5.
To exit Zone Edit Mode, press Zone.
You can also assign other controls to the same MIDI channel as a keyboard zone. This does
not mean the control is assigned to that zone—just that it will use the same channel.
To assign a control to a zone channel:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Press or move the desired key or control. The control’s number will appear in the display.
3. Press the Chan Assign ke
y. The display will show CHN and then show the button’s
number and current MIDI channel or zone channel.
4. Use the numeric keys (09) or the Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter the desired
zone (1720 or z1z4).
Note: This process is the same as assigning a control to a channel. Values 00 and 0116
correspond to Code’s global channel and the 16 available MIDI channels. Values 1720
correspond to channels used by Zones 14 (z1z4).
5. Press the Enter key. The button will be assigned to that channel, and you will exit Edit
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
Zone Octave and Transposition
You can set each zone to a different octave or transposition. The keys of each zone can then
send different notes to a different virtual instrument or synthesizer (set to receive MIDI
messages on those channels).
The zone octave and transposition are independent from the keyboard’s overall octave and
transposition; all of these affect the note a key sends out. For example, if a zone’s octave shift
is set to +1, and the entire keyboard’s octave shift is set to +1, the notes played by the zone’s
keys will be 2 octaves higher than normal. Similarly, if a zone’s octave shift is set to +1, and
the entire keyboard’s transposition is set to -2 (semitones), the notes played by the zone’s
keys will be 10 semitones higher than normal.
To set the zone octave and/or transposition for the keys:
1. Press and hold Zone for 1 second to enter Zone Edit Mode. The active Zone Buttons 14
will flash.
2. Press one of Zone Buttons 14 to edit that zone. Alternatively, you can press multiple
Zone Buttons 14 to edit those zones simultaneously. The display will show the zone’s
current lowest and highest keys (e.g., C 1.C 5 or Bb2.Eb4).
3. To change the octave, use the Key Octave –/+ buttons to lower or raise the octave (-5 to
5). The display will show OCT and the number of octaves.
To change the transposition, press and hold Transpose, and then use the Key Octave
/+ buttons to lower or raise the transposition. The display will show TRN and the number
of semitones (-12 to 12).
To change the octave and/or transposition for another zone, repeat Steps 2–3.
4. Press Zone to exit Zone Edit Mode.
Zone Program Change
Each zone can send Zone Program Change messages when you activate it, ensuring that the
zone always uses the same program.
To set the zone program change:
1. Press and hold Zone for 1 second to enter Zone Edit Mode. The active Zone Buttons 14
will flash.
2. Press one of Zone Buttons 14 to edit that zone. Alternatively, you can press multiple
Zone Buttons 14 to edit those zones simultaneously.
3. Press and hold Shift, and then press the Prog key. The display will show PRO and the
program change number.
4. Enter the desired program change number by doing one of the following:
While holding Shift, use the numeric keys (09) to enter a program change number
Use the Preset Down/Up () buttons to select a program change number (000127).
5. While holding Shift, press the Enter key. (This will also send the program change
6. To set the program change for another zone, repeat Steps 2–5.
To exit Zone Edit Mode, press Zone.
Zone Bank Change
Zone Bank Change messages are sent on the channel(s) of active zones, thus accessing
additional banks of instrument sound presets (if available) for each zone. Each bank change
consists of an LSB number (Least Signficant Byte) and an MSB number (Most Significant
Byte). These bank change messages are stored in each preset, ensuring that each zone
selects the correct instrument whenever you load a preset.
To set the zone bank change:
1. Press and hold Zone for 1 second to enter Zone Edit Mode. The active Zone Buttons 14
will flash.
2. Press one of Zone Buttons 14 to edit that zone. Alternatively, you can press multiple
Zone Buttons 14 to edit those zones simultaneously.
3. Press and hold Shift, and then press the Bank LSB key. The display will show LSB and
the LSB number.
4. Enter the desired LSB number by doing one of the following:
While holding Shift, use the numeric keys (09) to enter an LSB number (000127).
Use the Preset Down/Up () buttons to select an LSB number (000127).
5. While holding Shift, press the Enter key.
6. While holding Shift, press the Bank MSB key. The display will show MSB and the MSB
7. Enter the desired MSB number by doing one of the following:
While holding Shift, use the numeric keys (09) to enter an MSB number (000127).
Use the Preset Down/Up () buttons to select an MSB number (000127).
8. While holding Shift, press the Enter key.
9. To set the program change for another zone, repeat Steps 2–8.
To exit Zone Edit Mode, press Zone.
Your Code Series keyboard uses four different types of MIDI channels, each described in this
Control Channel (the channel used by a specific control, which you can assign)
Zone Channel (the channel used by a zone, which can contain multiple controls and a
section of the keyboard)
Global Channel (the channel used by the keyboard if it is not being used by an active zone)
Omni Channel (all channels used at once)
Control Channel
Each control can send its MIDI messages over a specified MIDI channel.
Tip: This feature is most often used to control multiple virtual instruments within a single
preset. For example, you can set the two halves of your encoders to different MIDI channels
and use each half to adjust the parameters of a separate virtual instrument (each one receiving
messages on its respective channel).
To set the MIDI channel for a control:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Move the desired fader. The fader’s number will appear in the display.
3. Press the Chan Assign key. The display will show CHN and then show the fader’s number
and current MIDI channel or zone channel.
4. Use the numeric keys (09) or the Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter the desired
channel (0116).
Note: This process is the same as assigning a control to a zone. Values 00 and 0116
correspond to Code’s global channel and the 16 available MIDI channels. Values 1720
correspond to channels used by Zones 14 (z1z4). To assign the control to a zone
channel, select the desired zone (1720 or z1z4).
5. Press the Enter key. The fader will be assigned to that channel, and you will exit Edit
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Important: To save your changes in the preset, store your preset. See Presets and
Memory > Storing Presets to learn more.
Zone Channel
Like individual controls, a zone can send its MIDI messages over a specified MIDI channel.
By default, all zone channels are set to Channel “00” which is the global channel (see the
following Global Channel section). If you want each zone to control only a specific virtual
instrument or synthesizer, you should set each zone to a different channel, and then set each
virtual instrument or synthesizer to receive messages on those channels.
Note: Preset 12 has some keyboard zones and controls set to different channels as it controls
both Hybrid and Loom virtual instruments simultaneously.
Tip: This feature is useful if you frequently need to switch groups of controls between different
virtual instruments (each one receiving messages on a different channel). Instead of having to set
a new channel of each control one at a time, you can assign those controls to a zone and then
change the zone’s channel. All controls in that zone will instantly be set to the new channel.
To set the MIDI channel for a zone:
1. Press and hold Zone for 1 second to enter Zone Edit Mode. The active Zone Buttons 14
will flash.
2. Press one of Zone Buttons 14 to edit that zone. Alternatively, you can press multiple
Zone Buttons 14 to edit those zones simultaneously.
3. Press and hold Shift and then press the Zone Chan key. The display will show CHN and
the zone’s current MIDI channel.
4. Enter the desired MIDI channel by doing one of the following:
While holding Shift, use the numeric keys (09) to enter a channel (0116).
Use the Preset Down/Up () buttons to select a channel (0116).
5. While holding Shift, press the Enter key.
6. To set the MIDI channel for another zone, repeat Steps 2–5.
To exit Zone Edit Mode, press Zone.
Global Channel
When setting the MIDI channel of an individual control or an entire zone, you can select a
standard MIDI channel (116), but you can alternatively select 00, which is the “global”
channel. You can then set the global channel to a standard MIDI channel (116). This is useful
if you want to to change the MIDI channel used by several controls all at once, saving you the
time of having to change the channel assignment of each control individually.
Any sections of the keyboard that are not in an active zone will use the global channel.
By default, the global channel is set to Channel 1.
To change the global MIDI channel:
1. Press Channel. The display will show CHN and the current global MIDI channel.
2. Use the Preset Down/Up () buttons to select a channel (0116).
3. Press Channel. The display will return to its previous state.
Omni Channel
When setting the MIDI channel of an individual control, you can select a standard MIDI
channel (116), but you can alternatively select OM, which is the “omni” channel. This is useful
if you want to to have a control affect multiple channels or Zones at once, enabling you to
control parameters of 2 or more different Virtual Instruments at the same time with one control.
See the Chan Assign section of this User Guide for instructions on how to assign a control to
the omni channel.
Note: When a control is set to the omni channel, it will not send data to the MIDI Din port.
The keyboard is velocity-sensitive with aftertouch and can access the full range of 127
available MIDI notes across 10 octaves.
This chapter explains how to use the keyboard to perform different commands while
configuring the assignable controls. See the Commands section to learn how to do this.
You can also set the keyboard’s channel (which is the “global” channel) and its response
curve. See the Editing Assignments section to learn how to do this.
You can also shift the range of the keys by octave or semitones. See the Octaves and
Transposition section to learn about this.
The lowest 25 keys of the keyboard (or all keys of the Code 25) have additional functions or
commands. When you are in Edit Mode (i.e., when the Edit button is lit), press these keys to
execute their functions. The keys will not send out their usual MIDI note messages.
(Click a key below to jump to that part of this section.)
Ctrl Assign
Press this key to enter the Control Assign number (using the numeric keys [09]). This number
determines what type of MIDI message the control sends (a MIDI CC number, for example).
The available numbers and their corresponding functions are listed in Appendix > Parameter
Zone Chan
While in Zone Edit Mode, press and hold Shift and then press this key to enter the MIDI
channel over which a zone will send its MIDI note messages. You can set up to four zones,
and each one can send its messages over a different channel.
Tip: This feature is great for dividing the keyboard and/or controls between different virtual
instruments or synthesizers. For example, you can create two zones (each using a different MIDI
channel), and use each zone to play a different virtual instrument without having to change
presets. Similarly, you could assign each half of the encoders to a different virtual instrument.
Learn more about keyboard zones in the Zones chapter or MIDI channels in the Channels
Chan Assign
Press this key to view or enter the MIDI channel (using the numeric keys [09]) for the currently
selected control. The control will send its MIDI messages over this MIDI channel.
When assigning the MIDI channel for a control, you can select one of the standard MIDI
channels (0016); Code’s global MIDI channel (00); one of Values 1720, which correspond to
channels used by Zones 14 (z1z4); or Value 21, which corresponds to the omni MIDI
channel (OM). Instead of selecting a specific channel, you can assign the control to a zone
channel or the omni channel.
To learn how to set the MIDI channel for a specific control, see one of the sections below:
Faders > Editing Assignments > Channel
Buttons > Editing Assignments > Channel
Encoders > Editing Assignments > Channel
X/Y Pad > Editing Assignments > Channel
Pads > Editing Assignments > Channel
Wheels > Editing Assignments > Channel
Sustain Pedal > Editing Assignments > Channel
Volume Pedal > Editing Assignments > Channel
To learn how to set the MIDI channel for an entire zone, see Channels > Zone Channel.
Press this key to enter a program change number (using the numeric keys [09]) and send it
over the global MIDI channel.
Alternatively, press and hold Shift and then press one of the Preset Down/Up () buttons.
To learn how to send program change messages, see the Program Changes chapter.
Snap Shot
Press this key to send out the assigned MIDI message and current position/value of all
controls. This ensures that your software or other MIDI device matches the current
positions/values of all controls on your Code Series keyboard.
Tip: Alternatively, press Shift and Channel simultaneously.
Bank LSB / Bank MSB
Use these keys to send bank change messages (Bank LSB and Bank MSB) over the current
MIDI channel. These messages are used to access additional banks of presets on virtual
instruments, MIDI sound modules, etc. (if available).
To learn how to send bank change messages, see the Bank Changes chapter.
Note: A Bank LSB or Bank MSB number may not have any effect until you send a program
change message after it. See Program Changes to learn how to do this.
Memory Dump
Press this key to send a “System Exclusive” (SysEx) memory dump for all 12 presets. You can
later send the SysEx file back to your Code Series keyboard to restore your presets.
See Presets and Memory > Sending and Restoring SysEx Memory to learn more.
Data 1
Press this key to enter the Data 1 number (using the numeric keys [09]). This number
determines how the control functions (whether a button acts as a momentary or toggle button,
for example). The available numbers and their corresponding functions are listed in Appendix
> Parameter Numbers.
This applies only to a button, a pad, or the sustain pedal when its Control Assign number is
a non-registered parameter number (NRPN, a parameter number higher than 127).
Data 2
Press this key to enter the Data 2 number (using the numeric keys [09] or the Preset
Down/Up () buttons). This number determines the control’s minimum value, its “released”
message, etc.
Data 3 / +/
Press this key to enter the Data 3 number (using the numeric keys [09] or the Preset
Down/Up () buttons). This number determines the control’s maximum value, its “pressed”
message, etc.
MIDI Out / Color
Press this key to enable or disable the MIDI Out port. By default, this port is disabled, but you
can enable it to send out MIDI messages from your Code Series keyboard. It will not send out
incoming MIDI messages from your DAW or the MIDI In port. See MIDI Out to learn more
about this.
Press and hold Shift and then press this key to set the color of the pads or buttons. See
Pads > Editing Assignments > Colors and Buttons > Editing Assignments > Colors to
learn more about this.
Press this key to save the current assignments to one of 12 presets. This will overwrite the
preset currently stored there. See Presets and Memory > Storing Presets to learn more
about this.
Curve / Mackie
Press this key to set the velocity curve of the keyboard, pads, encoders, or X/Y pad (when
set to Note Mode). To learn how to set the velocity curve for each control, see one of the
sections below:
Keyboard > Editing Assignments > Curve
Pads > Editing Assignments > Curve
Encoders > Editing Assignments > Curve
X/Y Pad > Editing Assignments > Curve
Press and hold Shift and then press this key to switch the current preset between Mackie
Control Mode and HUI Mode. While in each mode, any control that is set to that mode will
send out send messages using that protocol. See Mackie Control and HUI to learn more
about this.
Numeric Keys (09)
Use the keyboard’s numeric keys (09) to enter values, which will appear in the display.
Press this key to confirm a command or selection (not every command or selection requires
you to press this key, though).
Editing Assignments
You can set the keyboard’s channel (which is the “global” channel). See Channel to learn how
to do this.
To learn how to set the keyboard’s response curve, see the Curve section.
Any sections of the keyboard that are not in an active zone (described in Zones > Assigning
Keys to a Zone) will use the “global” channel, which is set to a standard MIDI channel (0116).
By default, the global channel is set to Channel 1.
To change the global MIDI channel:
1. Press Channel. The display will show CHN and the current global MIDI channel.
2. Use the Preset Down/Up () buttons to select a channel (0116).
3. Press Channel. The display will return to its previous state.
The curve setting for the keyboard determines its velocity sensitivity—the amount of force
required to generate a note with a specific velocity.
To set the keyboard curve:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Press the Curve key once. The display will show VCrV and the current curve setting:
Display Curve
01 This is a low-sensitivity setting, useful for playing notes with mostly
low velocities.
02 This is a medium-sensitivity setting (the default), useful for playing
with an average amount of force.
03 This is a high-sensitivity setting, useful for playing notes with mostly
high velocities.
04 This is a linear curve. The velocity of the note will be proportional to
the amount of force.
All notes will have a fixed velocity of 64.
All notes will have a fixed velocity of 100.
All notes will have a fixed velocity of 127.
3. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter the desired curve
number (17).
4. Press the Enter key. The keyboard will now use that curve, and you will exit Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Octaves and Transposition
By using the Key Octave –/+ buttons, the keyboard can access the full range of 127 available
MIDI notes (10 octaves). Additionally, you can transpose the keyboard up to 12 semitones (1
octave) in either direction.
To change the octave of the keyboard, use the Key Octave –/+ buttons to lower or raise the
octave, respectively. The display will temporarily show OCT and the current octave shift.
Code 25’s keyboard can be shifted 4 octaves down or 5 octaves up.
Code 49’s keyboard can be shifted 3 octaves down or 4 octaves up.
Code 61’s keyboard can be shifted 3 octaves down or 3 octaves up.
To change the transposition of the keyboard, press and hold Transpose, and then use the
Key Octave –/+ buttons to lower or raise the octave, respectively. The display will temporarily
show TRN and the current transposition (-12 to 12).
Important: The keyboard’s overall octave and transposition are independent from zone
octaves and transposition; all of these affect the note a key sends out. For example, if a zone’s
octave shift is set to +1, and the keyboard’s octave shift is set to +1, the notes played by the
zone’s keys will be 2 octaves higher than normal. Similarly, if a zone’s octave shift is set to +1,
and the entire keyboard’s transposition is set to -2 (semitones), the notes played by the zone’s
keys will be 10 semitones higher than normal.
To learn more about setting a zone’s octave or transposition, please see Basic Concepts >
Zones > Zone Octave and Transposition.
This chapter explains how to assign the faders to different commands. See the Editing
Assignments section to learn how to do this.
The faders’ functions also depend on their current mode. See the Modes section to learn
about their modes.
Editing Assignments
You can set the channel of each fader. See Channel to learn how to do this.
To learn how to assign different types of messages to a fader, see the Messages section.
To set the MIDI channel for a fader:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Move the desired fader. The fader’s number will appear in the display.
3. Press the Chan Assign key. The display will show CHN for 1 second and then show the
fader’s number and current MIDI channel or zone channel.
4. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter the desired MIDI
channel (00 or 0116), zone channel (1720), or omni channel (21).
Note: Values 00 and 0116 correspond to Code’s global channel and the 16 available MIDI
channels. Values 1720 correspond to channels used by Zones 14 (z1z4). Value 21
corresponds to the omni channel.
5. Press the Enter key. The fader will be assigned to that channel, and you will exit Edit
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
You can assign the faders to send MIDI CC messages with values within a specified range.
To assign a MIDI CC to a fader:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Move the desired fader. The fader’s number will appear in the display.
3. Press the Ctrl Assign key. The display will show ASGN for 1 second and then show the
fader’s number (F__) and a number for the type of message it sends.
4. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a MIDI CC number
5. Press the Data 2 key. The display will show DATA2 for 1 second and then show the
fader’s number (F__) and the value at its minimum position.
6. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a value (000127).
7. Press the Data 3 key. The display will show DATA3 for 1 second and then show the
fader’s number (F__) and the value at its maximum position.
8. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a value (000127).
9. Press the Enter key. The fader is now set to send the assigned MIDI CC, and you will exit
Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
Tip: You can reverse the direction (polarity) of the fader so that its lowest position sends
its maximum value and vice versa. To do this, enter the desired maximum value in Step 5
and the desired minimum value in Step 7.
Relative Messages
Most software controls receive “absolute” messages by scanning the position of a fader or
encoder and using that position’s value. Some other software controls, however, receive
“relative” messages, which simply increment/decrement the value (as opposed to sending a
precise value to designate a position).
To set a fader to send relative messages:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Move the desired fader. The fader’s number will appear in the display.
3. Press the Ctrl Assign key. The display will show ASGN for 1 second and then show the
fader’s number (F__) and a number for the type of message it sends.
4. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter the desired MIDI
CC number (000127).
5. Press the Data 2 key. The display will show DATA2 for 1 second and then show the
fader’s number (F__) and the value at its minimum position.
6. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter one of the following
values for the desired relative operation:
128 or 130: Moving the fader up increments the value. Moving it down decrements the
Note: If using the 128 setting does not work with your software, use the 130 setting
instead; not all software applications respond to the same type of relative message.
129 or 131: Moving the fader up decrements the value. Moving it down increments the
Note: If using the 129 setting does not work with your software, use the 131 setting
instead; not all software applications respond to the same type of relative message.
7. Press the Enter key. The fader is now set to send relative messages for the assigned MIDI
CC, and you will exit Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
The faders are always in one of two modes. Press Fader Mode to switch between them,
distinguishable by the Fader Mode button’s color.
In this mode, the Fader Mode button will be lit red.
Moving the faders will send MIDI CC messages, which you can assign (described earlier in
Editing Assignments > Message).
Mackie Control
In this mode, the Fader Mode button will be lit green.
If your Code Series keyboard is set to use the Mackie Control protocol, moving the faders
will adjust the volume of each track.
If your Code Series keyboard is set to use the HUI protocol, moving the faders will adjust the
volume of each track except for the master fader (F1), which will be in MIDI Mode.
Use the Bank Right/Left () buttons to move to another bank of tracks.
To select the Mackie Control or HUI protocol, see Mackie Control and HUI.
Important note if you are using Code 25: In your DAW, it may look like you are controlling 8
tracks, but you can control only 4 tracks at a time. When you press one of the Bank
Right/Left () buttons, you will control only the next/previous 4 tracks.
This chapter explains how to assign the buttons to different commands. See the Editing
Assignments section to learn how to do this.
The buttons’ functions also depend on their current mode. See the Modes section to learn
about their modes.
Editing Assignments
You can set the channel of each button. See Channel to learn how to do this.
To learn how to assign different types of messages to a button, see the Messages section.
You can also set whether a button is “momentary” (the default) or “latching” (also known as
“toggle”). See the Latching section to learn about this.
While in MIDI Mode or HID Mode, you can customize the color of each button. See Colors to
learn how to do this.
To set the MIDI channel for a button:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Press the desired button. The button’s number will appear in the display.
3. Press the Chan Assign key. The display will show CHN for 1 second and then show the
button’s number and current MIDI channel or zone channel.
4. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter the desired MIDI
channel (00 or 0116), zone channel (1720), or omni channel (21).
Note: Values 00 and 0116 correspond to Code’s global channel and the 16 available MIDI
channels. Values 1720 correspond to channels used by Zones 14 (z1z4). Value 21
corresponds to the omni channel.
5. Press the Enter key. The button will be assigned to that channel, and you will exit Edit
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
You can assign the buttons to send MIDI CC messages with a “pressed” value and a
“released” value.
The buttons must be in MIDI Mode to do this (see Modes > MIDI Mode).
To assign a MIDI CC to a button:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Press the desired button. The button’s number will appear in the display.
3. Press the Ctrl Assign key. The display will show ASGN for 1 second and then show the
button’s number (B__) and a number for the type of message it sends.
4. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a MIDI CC number
5. Press the Data 2 key. The display will show DATA2 for 1 second and then show the
button’s number (B__) and the value it will send when released.
6. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a value (000127).
7. Press the Data 3 key. The display will show DATA3 for 1 second and then show the
button’s number (B__) and the value it will send when pressed.
8. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () button
s to enter a value (000127).
9. Press the Enter key. The button is now set to send the assigned MIDI CC, and you will exit
Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
MIDI CC Value Increment/Decrement
You can set a button to increment/decrement a MIDI CC value by 1 each time you press it.
After it reaches its highest or lowest value, it will “wrap around” and start again at its lowest or
highest value, respectively. In other words, pressing the button causes the value to cycle
through its entire range by increments of 1.
The buttons must be in MIDI Mode to do this (see Modes > MIDI Mode).
Important: Each button with this type of assignment is independent of the others. If you set
one button to increment a value and another button to decrement the same value, they will
each be sending different values, not resuming where the other button left off.
For example, pressing an “increment” button would cause a MIDI CC value to become 1, 2, 3,
etc., but pressing a “decrement” button for the same MIDI CC would cause it to become 127,
126, 125, etc.
To assign a button to increment/decrement a MIDI CC value:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Press the desired button. The button’s number will appear in the display.
3. Press the Ctrl Assign key. The display will show ASGN for 1 second and then show the
button’s number (B__) and a number for the type of message it sends.
4. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter 154 (to increment a
MIDI CC value) or 153 (to decrement a MIDI CC value).
5. Press the Data 1 key. The display will show DATA1 for 1 second and then show the
button’s number (B__) and the MIDI CC value it will increment/decrement.
6. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a value (000127).
7. Press the Data 2 key. The display will show DATA2 for 1 second and then show the
button’s number (B__) and the lowest value it will send.
8. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a value (000127).
9. Press the Data 3 key. The display will show DATA3 for 1 second and then show the
button’s number (B__) and the highest value it will send.
10. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a value (000127).
11. Press the Enter key. The button is now set to increment/decrement the assigned MIDI CC
value, and you will exit Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
MIDI CC Value Cycle
You can set a button to cycle through or switch between 2, 3, or 4 MIDI CC values each time
you press it.
To assign a button to cycle through or switch between 2, 3, or 4 MIDI CC values:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Press the desired button. The button’s number will appear in the display.
3. Press the Ctrl Assign key. The display will show ASGN for 1 second and then show the
button’s number (B__) and a number for the type of message it sends.
4. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter 146.
5. Press the Data 1 key. The display will show DATA1 for 1 second and then show the
button’s number (B__) and the desired MIDI CC.
6. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a value (000127).
7. Press the Data 2 key. The display will show DATA2 for 1 second and then show the
button’s number (B__) and the lowest value it will send.
8. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a value (000127).
9. Press the Data 3 key. The display will show DATA3 for 1 second and then show the
button’s number (B__) and the highest value it will send.
10. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a value (000127).
11. Press and hold Shift, and then press the Data 3 / +/- key. The display will show DATA+1
for 1 second and then show the button’s number (B__) an additional value it will send.
12. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a value between
the lowest and highest values (000127).
13. Optional: To set one more value the button will send, repeat Steps 11–12 once more, but
press the Data 3 / +/- key twice. The display will show DATA+2 for 1 second and then
show the button’s number (B__) an additional value it will send.
14. Press the Enter key. The button is now set to cycle through the 3 or 4 assigned MIDI CC
values, and you will exit Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
Program, Bank LSB, and Bank MSB
You can set a button to send a combined program number, Bank LSB, and Bank MSB
number. This can be useful for selecting a preset from a specific bank of a virtual instrument or
synthesizer (the instrument or synthesizer must support these messages).
The buttons must be in MIDI Mode to do this (see Modes > MIDI Mode).
To assign a button to send a combined program, Bank LSB, and Bank MSB number:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Press the desired button. The button’s number will appear in the display.
3. Press the Ctrl Assign key. The display will show ASGN for 1 second and then show the
button’s number (B__) and a number for the type of message it sends.
4. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter 145.
5. Press the Data 1 key. The display will show DATA1 for 1 second and then show the
button’s number (B__) and the program number it will send.
6. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter the desired
program number.
7. Press the Data 2 key. The display will show DATA2 for 1 second and then show the
button’s number (B__) and the Bank LSB number it will send.
8. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter the desired Bank
LSB nu
9. Press the Data 3 key. The display will show DATA3 for 1 second and then show the
button’s number (B__) and the Bank MSB number it will send.
10. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter the desired Bank
MSB number.
11. Press the Enter key. The button is now set to send the program number, Bank LSB
number, and Bank MSB number, and you will exit Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
Program Increment/Decrement
You can set a button to increment/decrement the program number by 1 each time you press
it. After it reaches its highest or lowest program, it will “wrap around” and start again at its
lowest or highest program, respectively. In other words, pressing the button causes the value
to cycle through its entire range by increments of 1.
Important: Each button with this type of assignment is independent of the others. If you set
one button to increment the program number and another button to decrement it, they will
each be sending different values, not resuming where the other button left off.
For example, pressing an “increment” button would change the program to 1, 2, 3, etc., but
pressing the “decrement” button would change it to 127, 126, 125, etc.
To assign a button to increment/decrement the program number:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Press the desired button. The button’s number will appear in the display.
3. Press the Ctrl Assign key. The display will show ASGN for 1 second and then show the
button’s number (B__) and a number for the type of message it sends.
4. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter 156 (to increment
the program number) or 155 (to decrement the program number).
5. Press the Data 2 key. The display will show DATA2 for 1 second and then show the
button’s number (B__) and the lowest program number it will send.
6. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a value (000127).
7. Press the Data 3 key. The display will show DATA3 for 1 second and then show the
button’s number (B__) and the highest program number it will send.
8. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a value (00
9. Press the Enter key. The button is now set to increment/decrement the program number,
and you will exit Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
Program Cycle
You can also set a button to cycle through 2, 3, or 4 program numbers by each time you press it.
To assign a button to cycle through 2, 3, or 4 program numbers:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Press the desired button. The button’s number will appear in the display.
3. Press the Ctrl Assign key. The display will show ASGN for 1 second and then show the
button’s number (B__) and a number for the type of message it sends.
4. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter 157 to toggle
between 2, 3, or 4 program changes.
5. Press the Data 2 key. The display will show DATA2 for 1 second and then show the
button’s number (B__) and the lowest program number it will send.
6. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a value (000127).
7. Press the Data 3 key. The display will show DATA3 for 1 second and then show the
button’s number (B__) and the highest program number it will send.
8. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a value (000127).
9. Press and hold Shift, and then press the Data 3 / /+ key. The display will show DATA+1
for 1 second and then show the button’s number (B__) an additional program number it
will send.
10. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a program number
between the lowest and highest values (000127).
11. Optional: To set one more program number the button will send, repeat Steps 9–10 once
12. Press the Enter key. The button is now set to cycle through the assigned 3 or 4 program
numbers, and you will exit Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
Tip: You can reverse the order of the program messages sent so that the highest set
message sends first. To do this, enter the desired maximum value in Step 5 and the
desired minimum value in Step 7.
MIDI Notes
You can assign the buttons to send MIDI note numbers.
The buttons must be in MIDI Mode to do this (see Modes > MIDI Mode).
To assign a MIDI note to a button:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Press the desired button. The button’s number will appear in the display.
3. Press the Ctrl Assign key. The display will show ASGN for 1 second and then show the
button’s number (B__) and a number for the type of message it sends.
4. Use the numeric keys (09) to enter 147 (if the display does not already show it). This sets
the button to send MIDI note messages.
5. Press the Data 1 key. The display will show DATA1 for 1 second and then show the
button’s number (B__) and a number for the MIDI note.
6. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter the desired note
number (000127).
7. Repeat Steps 5–6 but using the Data 2 key. This will determine the Note Off velocity.
8. Repeat Steps 5–6 but using the Data 3 key. This will determine the Note On velocity.
9. Press the Enter key. The button is now set to send the assigned note, and you will exit
Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
Tip: You can assign a button to send a Note On message when it is pressed once and send a
Note Off message when it is pressed a second time. To do this, follow the steps above, but
enter 148 (instead of 147) in Step 4.
MMC (MIDI Machine Control)
Some recording hardware and DAWs can be controlled remotely via MMC (MIDI Machine
Control) messages. MMC is a transport control protocol.
The buttons must be in MIDI Mode to do this (see Modes > MIDI Mode).
To assign a MMC message to a button:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Press the desired button. The button’s number will appear in the display.
3. Press the Ctrl Assign key. The display will show ASGN for 1 second and then show the
button’s number (B__) and a number for the type of message it sends.
4. Use the numeric keys (09) to enter 149 (if the display does not already show it). This sets
the button to send MMC messages.
5. Press the Chan Assign key. The display will show DEV ID for 1 second and then show
the button’s number (B__) and the current MIDI channel it uses.
6. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter 127.
7. Press the Data 2 key. The display will show DATA2 for 1 second and then show the
button’s number (B__) and the number for its MMC message (if any):
Record Pause
Deferred Play
MMC Reset
Record Strobe (Punch In)
Record Exit (Punch Out)
8. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter the number of the
desired MMC message.
9. Press the Enter key. The button is now set to send the assigned MMC message, and you
will exit Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
The HID (human interface device) protocol lets devices send standard computer keyboard
keystrokes. USB game controllers are an example of this, acting as an alternative to your
computer’s keyboard. Your Code Series keyboard’s assignable buttons can also use the HID
protocol, letting you configure certain buttons to send your most-often used keystrokes to
your software (for example, Control + C to copy).
The buttons must be in HID Mode to do this (see Modes > HID Mode).
To assign a computer keystroke to a button:
1. Use the Button Mode button to select HID Mode. HID will appear in the display.
2. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
3. Press the desired button. The button’s number will appear in the display.
4. Press the Data 1 key. The display will show KEY1 for 1 second and then show the
character it will send:
Off Up
Page Up
09 Down
AZ Left
Space Right
Page Down
F1F12 Tab
(BKSP) , (COMMA) `
5. Use the Preset Down/Up () buttons to select the desired keystroke.
6. Press the Data 2 key. The display will show KEY2 for 1 second and then show the
modifier it will send:
Windows Modifiers
macOS Modifiers
(W CTRL) Control (M CTRL)
(W ALT) Option (M OPT)
(W S+C) Shift+Control (M S+C)
(W S+W) Shift+Option (M S+O)
(W S+A) Shift+ (M S+D)
(W C+W) Control+ (M C+D)
(W C+A) Control+Option (M C+O)
(W W+A) +Option (M D+O)
(WS+C+W) Shift+Control+ (MS+C+D)
(WS+C+A) Shift+Control+Option (MS+C+O)
(WS+W+A) Shift+Option+ (MS+O+D)
(C+W+A) Control++Option (MC+D+O)
7. Use the Preset Down/Up () buttons to select the desired modifier.
8. Press the Enter key. The button is now set to send the assigned keystroke, and you will
exit Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
By default, the buttons are set to send one value when pressed and one value when released.
This is often called “momentary” behavior. You can change this so that a button sends one
value when pressed and a different value when pressed a second time, alternating between
the two values with each press. This is often called “latching” or “toggle” behavior.
The buttons must be in MIDI Mode to do this (see Modes > MIDI Mode).
To set a button to latching behavior:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Press the desired button. The pad’s number will appear in the display.
3. Press the Ctrl Assign key. The display will show ASGN for 1 second and then show the
button’s number (B__) and a number for the type of message it sends.
4. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter 146 (if the display
does not already show it). This sets the button to use latching behavior.
5. Press the Data 1 key. The display will show DATA1 for 1 second and then show the
button’s number (B__) and a number for the MIDI CC.
6. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter the desired MIDI
CC number (000127).
7. Press the Data 2 key. The display will show DATA2 for 1 second and then show the
button’s number (B__) and the value it will send when pressed the second time.
8. Use the numeric keys (09) or Pr
eset Down/Up () buttons to enter the desired value
9. Press the Data 3 key. The display will show DATA3 for 1 second and then show the
button’s number (B__) and the value it will send when pressed the first time.
10. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter the desired value
11. Press the Enter key. The button is now set to latching, and you will exit Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
Tip: You can assign a button to send a latching Program message when it is pressed. To do
this, follow the steps above, but enter 157 (instead of 146) in Step 4.
To return the button to its default “momentary” behavior, set it to send a MIDI note, send a
MIDI CC, or increment the program number as described in the earlier Message section.
Each button can have a set of colors assigned to it, making it easier to distinguish between their
different functions, notes, etc. Each button can use up to 4 colors, depending on its function.
To set the color(s) of a button:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Press the desired button. The button’s number will appear in the display.
3. Press and hold Shift and then press the MIDI Out / Color key the same number of times
as the number of the color:
1 press: The display will show COLOR1 for 1 second and then show the button’s
“off” color number.
2 presses: The display will show COLOR2 for 1 second and then show the button’s
“first press” color number.
3 presses: The display will show COLOR3 for 1 second and then show the button’s
“second press” color number.
4 presses: The display will show COLOR4 for 1 second and then show the button’s
“fourth press” color number.
4. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter the desired color
0 Off 4 Magenta
1 Green 5 Red
2 Cyan 6 Yellow
3 Blue 7 White
5. Press the Enter key. The button is now set to use those colors, and you will exit Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
The buttons are always in one of three modes. Press Button Mode to switch between them,
distinguishable by the Button Mode button’s color.
In this mode, the Button Mode button will be lit red.
Pressing the buttons will send MIDI CC messages, which you can assign (described earlier in
Editing Assignments > Message).
Mackie Control
In this mode, the Button Mode button will be lit green.
If your Code Series keyboard is set to use the Mackie Control protocol, pressing the buttons will
perform one of the following functions for each track, depending on its color: Track Select (green,
the default), Record-Arm (red), Solo (yellow), or Mute (blue).
The first button (B1, under the master fader) does not have a track-specific function.
Use the Bank Right/Left () buttons to move to another bank of tracks.
Important note if you are using Code 25: In your DAW, it may look like you are controlling 8
tracks, but you can control only 4 tracks at a time. When you press one of the Bank
Right/Left () buttons, you will control only the next/previous 4 tracks.
To set the function of all buttons, press and hold Shift, and then press the first button (B1,
under the master fader) to cycle through the four functions. The display will show the current
function: TRACK (track select), RECORD (record-arm), SOLO, or MUTE. This will set all
buttons to the same function regardless of their current functions.
To set the function of one button only, press and hold Shift, and then press the desired
button to cycle that button only through the four functions. The display will show the current
function: TRACK (track select), RECORD (record-arm), SOLO, or MUTE.
HID Mode
In this mode, the Button Mode button will be lit yellow.
Pressing the buttons will send computer keystrokes as messages using the HID (human
interface device) protocol. You can assign each button’s color while in HID Mode, but each
button uses only one color.
Tip: The HID (human interface device) protocol lets devices send typical computer keyboard
keystrokes. USB game controllers are an example of this, acting as an alternative to your
computer’s keyboard. Your Code Series keyboard’s assignable buttons can also use the HID
protocol, letting you configure certain buttons to send your most-often used keystrokes to
your software (for example, Control + C to copy).
Please see Editing Assignments > Message > Keystrokes to learn how to assign keystrokes
to the buttons.
This chapter explains how to assign the encoders to different commands. See the Editing
Assignments section to learn how to do this.
The encoders’ functions also depend on their current mode. See the Modes section to learn
about their modes.
Editing Assignments
You can set the channel of each encoder. See Channel to learn how to do this.
To learn how to assign different types of messages to an encoder, see the Messages section.
To learn how to set the encoders’ response curve, see the Curve section.
To set the MIDI channel for an encoder:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Move the desired encoder. The encoder’s number will appear in the display.
3. Press the Chan Assign key. The display will show CHN for 1 second and then show the
encoder’s number and current MIDI channel or zone channel.
4. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter the desired MIDI
channel (00 or 0116), zone channel (1720), or omni channel (21).
Note: Values 00 and 0116 correspond to Code’s global channel and the 16 available MIDI
channels. Values 1720 correspond to channels used by Zones 14 (z1z4). Value 21
corresponds to the omni channel.
5. Press the Enter key. The encoder will be assigned to that channel, and you will exit Edit
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
You can assign the encoders to send MIDI CC messages when you turn them.
The encoders must be in MIDI Mode to do this (see Modes > MIDI Mode).
To assign a MIDI CC to an encoder:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Move the desired encoder. The encoder’s number will appear in the display.
3. Press the Ctrl Assign key. The display will show ASGN for 1 second and then show the
encoder’s number (E__) and a number for the type of message it sends.
4. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a MIDI CC number
5. Press the Data 2 key. The display will show DATA2 for 1 second and then show the
encoder’s number (E__) and the minimum value it will send.
6. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a value (000127).
7. Press the Data 3 key. The display will show DATA3 for 1 second and then show the
encoder’s number (E__) and the maximum value it will send.
8. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () button
s to enter a value (000127).
9. Press the Enter key. The encoder is now set to send the assigned MIDI CC, and you will
exit Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
Tip: You can reverse the direction (polarity) of the encoder so that turning it clockwise
decreases the value and turning it counterclockwise increases it. To do this, enter the
desired maximum value in Step 5 and the desired minimum value in Step 7.
Relative Messages
Most software controls receive “absolute” messages by scanning the position of a fader or
encoder and using that position’s value. Some other software controls, however, receive
“relative” messages, which simply increment/decrement the value (as opposed to sending a
precise value to designate a position).
The encoders must be in MIDI Mode to do this (see Modes > MIDI Mode).
To set an encoder to send relative messages:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Turn the desired encoder. The encoder’s number will appear in the display.
3. Press the Ctrl Assign key. The display will show ASGN for 1 second and then show the
encoder’s number (E__) and a number for the type of message it sends.
4. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter the desired MIDI
CC number (000127).
5. Press the Data 2 key. The display will show DATA2 for 1 second and then show the
encoder’s number (E__) and the value at its minimum position.
6. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter one of the following
values for the desired relative operation:
128 or 130: Turning the encoder clockwise increments the value. Turning it
counterclockwise decrements the value.
Note: If using the 128 setting does not work with your software, use the 130 setting
instead; not all software applications respond to the same type of relative message.
129 or 131: Turning the encoder clockwise decrements the value. Turning it
counterclockwise increments the value.
Note: If using the 129 setting does not work with your software, use the 131 setting
instead; not all software applications respond to the same type of relative message.
7. Press the Enter key. The encoder is now set to send relative messages for the assigned
MIDI CC, and you will exit Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
The curve setting for an encoder determines its rate of acceleration as you turn it.
To set the encoder curve:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Press the Curve key four times. The display will show ECrV and the current curve setting:
Display Curve
00 Turning the encoder will always send a value change of one step
in either direction regardless of how quickly/slowly you turn it.
01 This is a slow acceleration curve, useful for making fine
02 This is a medium acceleration curve (the default).
03 This is a quick acceleration curve, useful for making coarse
adjustments with broad “sweeps.”
3. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter the desired curve
number (03).
4. Press the Enter key. The encoder will now use that curve, and you will exit Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
The encoders are always in one of two modes. Press Encoder Mode to switch between
them, distinguishable by the Encoder Mode button’s color.
In this mode, the Encoder Mode button will be lit red.
Turning the encoders will send MIDI CC messages, which you can assign (described earlier in
Editing Assignments > Message).
Mackie Control
In this mode, the Encoder Mode button will be lit green.
If your Code Series keyboard is set to use the Mackie Control protocol, turning the encoders
will adjust the panning of each track.
If your Code Series keyboard is set to use the HUI protocol, turning the encoders will adjust
the panning of each track. In Avid
Pro Tools
, stereo channels have two panning controls: left
and right. Press the Shift button to switch the encoders between the left channel and right
Use the Bank Right/Left () buttons to move to another bank of tracks.
To select the Mackie Control or HUI protocol, see Mackie Control and HUI.
Important note if you are using Code 25: In your DAW, it may look like you are controlling 8
tracks, but you can control only 4 tracks at a time. When you press one of the Bank
Right/Left () buttons, you will control only the next/previous 4 tracks.
X/Y Pad
This chapter explains how to assign the axes of the X/Y pad to different commands. See the
Editing Assignments section to learn how to do this.
The axes’ functions also depend on their current modes. See the Modes section to learn
about their modes.
Editing Assignments
You can set the channel of each axis of the X/Y pad. See Channel to learn how to do this.
To learn how to assign different types of messages to each axis of the X/Y pad, see the
Messages section.
To learn how to set the X/Y pad’s response curve, see the Curve section.
To set the MIDI channel for an axis of the X/Y pad:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Press the X button or Y button to select the desired axis. The axis letter will appear in the
3. Press the Chan Assign key. The display will show CHN for 1 second and then show the
axis’s number and current MIDI channel or zone channel.
4. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter the desired MIDI
channel (00 or 0116), zone channel (1720), or omni channel (21).
Note: Values 00 and 0116 correspond to Code’s global channel and the 16 available MIDI
channels. Values 1720 correspond to channels used by Zones 14 (z1z4). Value 21
corresponds to the omni channel.
5. Press the Enter key. The axis will be assigned to that channel, and you will exit Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
You can assign an axis of the X/Y pad to send a MIDI CC message when you move your finger
along it.
The X/Y pad must be in MIDI Mode to do this (see Modes > MIDI Mode).
To assign a MIDI CC to an axis of the X/Y pad:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Press the X or Y button. X or Y will appear in the display.
3. Press the Ctrl Assign key. The display will show ASGN for 1 second and then show X or
Y and a number for the type of message it sends.
4. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a MIDI CC number
5. Press the Data 2 key. The display will show DATA2 for 1 second and then show X or Y
and the value it will send at its minimum position.
6. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a value (000127).
7. Press the Data 3 key. The display will show DATA3 for 1 second and then show X or Y
nd the value it will send at its maximum position.
8. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a value (000127).
9. Press the Enter key. The axis is now set to send the assigned MIDI CC, and you will exit
Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
Tip: You can reverse the direction (polarity) of the axis so that moving your finger in the
positive direction decreases the value and moving it in the negative direction increases it.
To do this, enter the desired maximum value in Step 5 and the desired minimum value in
Step 7.
Relative Messages
Most software controls receive “absolute” messages by scanning the position of a fader or
encoder and using that position’s value. Some other software controls, however, receive
“relative” messages, which simply increment/decrement the value (as opposed to sending a
precise value to designate a position).
To set an axis of the X/Y pad to send relative messages:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Press the X or Y button. X or Y will appear in the display.
3. Press the Ctrl Assign key. The display will show ASGN for 1 second and then show X or
Y and a number for the type of message it sends.
4. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter the desired MIDI
CC number (000127).
5. Press the Data 2 key. The display will show DATA2 for 1 second and then show X or Y
and the value at its minimum position.
6. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter one of the following
values for the desired relative operation:
128 or 130: Moving your finger in the positive direction increments the value. Moving
your finger in the negative direction decrements the value.
Note: If using the 128 setting does not work with your software, use the 130 setting
instead; not all software applications respond to the same type of relative message.
129 or 131: Moving your finger in the positive direction decrements the value. Moving
your finger in the negative direction increments the value.
Note: If using the 129 setting does not work with your software, use the 131 setting
instead; not all software applications respond to the same type of relative message.
7. Press the Enter key. The axis is now set to send relative messages for the assigned MIDI
CC, and you will exit Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
MIDI Notes
When an axis of the X/Y pad is in MIDI Note Mode, you can move your finger along it to send a
range, set, or scale of MIDI notes.
The X/Y pad must be in MIDI Note Mode to do this (see Modes > MIDI Note Mode).
To assign an axis of the X/Y pad to send a range of MIDI notes:
1. Use the X-Mode or Y-Mode button to select MIDI Note Mode. NOTE will appear in the
2. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
3. Press the X or Y button. X or Y will appear in the display.
4. Press the Data 2 key. The display will show MIN for 1 second and then show X or Y and
the MIDI note it will send at its minimum position.
5. Enter the desired MIDI note number by doing one of the following:
Use the numeric keys (09) to enter the desired MIDI note number (000127).
Use the Preset Down/Up () buttons to select a MIDI note (C-1G9).
6. Repeat Steps 5–6 but using the Data 3 key. This will determine the MIDI note it will send at
its maximum position (MAX).
7. Optional: To set more values the axis will send, press and hold Shift and press the Data 3
/ +/- key again. The display will show DATA+1 for 1 second and then show X or Y and th
MIDI note it will send. Repeat this step to add up to a total of 8 notes per axis.
8. Press the Enter key. The axis is now set to send the assigned MIDI note range, and you
will exit Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
Tip: You can reverse the direction (polarity) of the axis so that moving your finger in the
positive direction decreases the value and moving it in the negative direction increases it.
To do this, enter the desired maximum value in Step 5 and the desired minimum value in
Step 6.
The curve setting for the X/Y pad determines the velocities of the notes it sends out as you
move your finger across it. The curve setting affects the X/Y pad in MIDI Note Mode only.
To set the X/Y pad curve:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Press the Curve key three times. The display will show TCrV and the current curve setting:
Display Curve
All notes will have a fixed velocity of 64 (the default).
All notes will have a fixed velocity of 100.
All notes will have a fixed velocity of 127.
The velocities of the notes will alternate between 64 and 127.
Every third note will have a velocity of 127. All other notes will
have a velocity of 64.
The velocities of the notes will alternate between 100 and 127.
Every third note will have a velocity of 127. All other notes will
have a velocity of 100.
Each axis represents the range of velocities from 64 to 127. A
note generated at the axis’s minimum point will have a velocity
of 64. A note generated at the axis’s maximum point will have a
velocity of 127.
Each axis represents the range of velocities from 100 to 127. A
note generated at the axis’s minimum point will have a velocity
of 100. A no
te generated at the axis’s maximum point will have a
velocity of 127.
Each axis represents the range of velocities from 1 to 127. A
note generated at the axis’s minimum point will have a velocity
of 1. A note generated at the axis’s maximum point will have a
velocity of 127.
3. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter the desired curve
number (110).
4. Press the Enter key. The encoder will now use that curve, and you will exit Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
Each axis of the X/Y pad is always in one of three modes. Press X-Mode or Y-Mode to cycle
through them, distinguishable by the X-Mode or Y-Mode button’s color.
In this mode, the X-Mode or Y-Mode button will be lit red.
Moving your finger along the axis will send a MIDI CC message, which you can assign
(described earlier in Editing Assignments > Message).
MIDI Note Mode
In this mode, the X-Mode or Y-Mode button will be lit pink.
Moving your finger along the axis will send a range of MIDI note messages, which you can
assign (described earlier in Editing Assignments > Message > MIDI Notes).
HID Mode
In this mode, the X-Mode or Y-Mode button will be lit yellow.
Moving your finger along the axis will move the cursor on your computer (similar to a laptop
computer trackpad).
The X button functions as a left-click. The Y button functions as a right-click.
This chapter explains how to assign the pads to different commands. See the Editing
Assignments section to learn how to do this.
You can also shift the range of the pads by octave or semitones. See the Octaves and
Transposition section to learn about this.
Editing Assignments
You can set the channel of each pad. See Channel to learn how to do this.
To learn how to assign different types of messages to a pad, see the Messages section.
You can also set whether a pad is “momentary” (the default) or “latching” (also known as
“toggle”). See the Latching section to learn about this.
To learn how to set the pads’ response curve, see the Curve section.
While in MIDI Mode, you can customize the color of each pad. See Colors to learn how to do this.
By default, the pads are set to send MIDI notes on Channel 10, which is commonly reserved
for drums and percussion in the General MIDI (GM) specification. You can change this setting
if you want, though.
To set the MIDI channel for a pad:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Press the desired pad. The pad’s number will appear in the display.
3. Press the Chan Assign key. The display will show CHN for 1 second and then show the
pad’s number and current MIDI channel or zone channel.
4. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter the desired MIDI
channel (00 or 0116), zone channel (1720), or omni channel (21).
Note: Values 00 and 0116 correspond to Code’s global channel and the 16 available MIDI
channels. Values 1720 correspond to channels used by Zones 14 (z1z4). Value 21
corresponds to the omni channel.
5. Press the Enter key. The pad will be assigned to that channel, and you will exit Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
By default, the pads are set to send MIDI notes on Channel 10, which is commonly reserved
for drums and percussion in the General MIDI (GM) specification. You can change this setting
if you want, though.
MIDI Notes
You can assign the pads to send MIDI note numbers.
To assign a MIDI note to a pad:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Press the desired pad. The pad’s number will appear in the display.
3. Press the Ctrl Assign key. The display will show ASGN for 1 second and then show the
pad’s number (P__) and a number for the type of message it sends.
4. Use the numeric keys (09) to enter 147 (if the display does not already show it). This sets
the pad to send MIDI note messages.
5. Press the Data 1 key. The display will show DATA1 for 1 second and then show the pad’s
number (P__) and a number for the MIDI note.
6. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter the desired note
number (000127).
7. Press the Enter key. The pad is now set to send the assigned MIDI note, and you will exit
Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
Tip: You can assign a button to send a Note On message when it is pressed one and send a
Note Off message when it is pressed a second time. To do this, follow the steps above, but
enter 148 (instead of 147) in Step 4.
Pad Drum MIDI Note Pad Drum MIDI Note
P1 Kick Drum 36 (C2) P9 Pedal Hi-Hat 44 (Ab2)
P2 Side-Stick 37 (Db2) P10 Low Tom 45 (A2)
P3 Snare Drum 38 (D2) P11 Open Hi-Hat 46 (Bb2)
P4 Hand-Clap 39 (Eb2) P12 Low Mid Tom 47 (B2)
P5 Electric Snare Drum 40 (E2) P13 Hi Mid Tom 48 (C3)
P6 Low Floor Tom 41 (F2) P14 Crash Cymbal 1 49 (Db3)
P7 Hi-Hat (closed) 42 (Gb2) P15 High Tom 50 (D3)
P8 High Floor Tom 43 (G2) P16 Ride Cymbal 1 51 (Eb3)
You can assign the pads to send MIDI CC messages with a “pressed” value and a “released”
To assign a MIDI CC to a pad:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Press the desired pad. The pad’s number will appear in the display.
3. Press the Ctrl Assign key. The display will show ASGN for 1 second and then show the
pad’s number (P__) and a number for the type of message it sends.
4. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a MIDI CC number
5. Press the Data 2 key. The display will show DATA2 for 1 second and then show the pad’s
number (P__) and the value the pad will send when released.
6. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a value (000127).
7. Press the Data 3 key. The display will show DATA3 for 1 second and then show the pad’s
number (P__) and the value the pad will send when pressed.
8. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a value (000127).
9. Press the Enter key. The pad is now set to send the assigned MIDI CC, and you will exit
Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
MIDI CC Value Increment/Decrement
You can set a pad to increment/decrement a MIDI CC value by 1 each time you press it. After
it reaches its highest or lowest value, it will “wrap around” and start again at its lowest or
highest value, respectively. In other words, pressing the pad causes the value to cycle through
its entire range by increments of 1.
Important: Each pad with this type of assignment is independent of the others. If you set one
pad to increment a value and another pad to decrement the same value, they will each be
sending different values, not resuming where the other pad left off.
For example, pressing an “increment” pad would cause a MIDI CC value to become 1, 2, 3,
etc., but pressing a “decrement” pad for the same MIDI CC would cause it to become 127,
126, 125, etc.
To assign a pad to increment/decrement a MIDI CC value:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Press the desired pad. The pad’s number will appear in the display.
3. Press the Ctrl Assign key. The display will show ASGN for 1 second and then show the
pad’s number (P__) and a number for the type of message it sends.
4. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter 154 (to increment a
MIDI CC value) or 153 (to decrement a MIDI CC value).
5. Press the Data 1 key. The display will show DATA1 for 1 second and then show the pad’s
number (P__) and the MIDI CC value it will increment/decrement.
6. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a value (000127).
7. Press the Data 2 key. The display will show DATA2 for 1 second and then show the pad’s
number (P__) and the lowest value it will send.
8. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a value (000127).
9. Press the Data 3 key. The display will show DATA3 for 1 second and then show the pad’s
number (P__) and the highest value it will send.
10. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a value (000127).
11. Press the Enter key. The pad is now set to increment/decrement the assigned MIDI CC
value, and you will exit Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
MIDI CC Value Cycle
You can also set a pad to cycle through 3 or 4 MIDI CC values by each time you press it.
To assign a pad to cycle through 3 or 4 MIDI CC values:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Press the desired pad. The pad’s number will appear in the display.
3. Press the Ctrl Assign key. The display will show ASGN for 1 second and then show the
pad’s number (P__) and a number for the type of message it sends.
4. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter 146.
5. Press the Data 1 key. The display will show DATA1 for 1 second and then show the pad’s
number (P__) and the MIDI CC value it will increment/decrement.
6. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a value (000127).
7. Press the Data 2 key. The display will show DATA2 for 1 second and then show the pad’s
number (P__) and the lowest value it will send.
8. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a value (000127).
9. Pre
ss the Data 3 key. The display will show DATA3 for 1 second and then show the pad’s
number (P__) and the highest value it will send.
10. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a value (000127).
11. Press and hold Shift, and then press the Data 3 / /+ key. The display will show DATA+1
for 1 second and then show the pad’s number (P1P16) an additional value it will send.
12. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a value between
the lowest and highest values (000127).
13. Optional: To set one more value the pad will send, repeat Steps 11–12 once more.
14. Press the Enter key. The pad is now set to cycle through the 3 or 4 assigned MIDI CC
values, and you will exit Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
Tip: You can reverse the order of the MIDI CC messages sent so that the highest value sends
first. To do this, enter the desired maximum value in Step 7 and the desired minimum value in
Step 9.
Program, Bank LSB, and Bank MSB
You can set a pad to send a combined program number, Bank LSB, and Bank MSB number.
This can be useful for selecting a preset from a specific bank of a virtual instrument or
synthesizer (the instrument or synthesizer must support these messages).
To assign a pad to send a combined program, Bank LSB, and Bank MSB number:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Press the desired pad. The button’s number will appear in the display.
3. Press the Ctrl Assign key. The display will show ASGN for 1 second and then show the
pad’s number (P__) and a number for the type of message it sends.
4. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter 145.
5. Press the Data 1 key. The display will show DATA1 for 1 second and then show the pad’s
number (P__) and the program number it will send.
6. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter the desired
program number.
7. Press the Data 2 key. The display will show DATA2 for 1 second and then show the pad’s
number (P__) and the Bank LSB number it will send.
8. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter the desired Bank
LSB number.
9. Press the Data 3 key. The di
splay will show DATA3 for 1 second and then show the pad’s
number (P__) and the Bank MSB number it will send.
10. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter the desired Bank
MSB number.
11. Press the Enter key. The pad is now set to send the combined program, Bank LSB, and
Bank MSB number, and you will exit Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
Program Increment/Decrement
You can set a pad to increment/decrement the program number by 1 each time you press it.
After it reaches its highest or lowest program, it will “wrap around” and start again at its lowest
or highest program, respectively. In other words, pressing the pad causes the value to cycle
through its entire range by increments of 1.
Important: Each pad with this type of assignment is independent of the others. If you set one
pad to increment the program number and another pad to decrement it, they will each be
sending different values, not resuming where the other pad left off.
For example, pressing an “increment” pad would change the program to 1, 2, 3, etc., but
pressing the “decrement” pad would change it to 127, 126, 125, etc.
To assign a pad to increment/decrement the program number:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Press the desired pad. The pad’s number will appear in the display.
3. Press the Ctrl Assign key. The display will show ASGN for 1 second and then show the
pad’s number (P__) and a number for the type of message it sends.
4. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter 156 (to increment
the program number) or 155 (to decrement the program number).
5. Press the Data 2 key. The display will show DATA2 for 1 second and then show the pad’s
number (P__) and the lowest program number it will send.
6. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a value (000127).
7. Press the Data 3 key. The display will show DATA3 for 1 second and then show the pad’s
number (P__) and the highest program number it will send.
8. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a value (000127).
9. Press the Enter key. The pad is now set to increment/decrement the program number,
and you will exit Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
Program Cycle
You can also set a pad to cycle through 3 or 4 program numbers by each time you press it.
To assign a pad to cycle through 3 or 4 program numbers:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Press the desired pad. The pad’s number will appear in the display.
3. Press the Ctrl Assign key. The display will show ASGN for 1 second and then show the
pad’s number (P__) and a number for the type of message it sends.
4. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter 156 (to increment
the program number) or 155 (to decrement the program number).
5. Press the Data 2 key. The display will show DATA2 for 1 second and then show the pad’s
number (P__) and the lowest program number it will send.
6. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a value (000127).
7. Press the Data 3 key. The display will show DATA3 for 1 second and then show the pad’s
number (P__) and the highest program number it will send.
8. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a value (000127).
9. Press and hold Shift, and then press the Data 3 / /+ key. The display will show DATA+1
for 1 second and then show the pad’s number (P1P16) an additional program number it
will send.
10. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a program number
between the lowest and highest values (000127).
11. Optional: To set one more program number the pad will send, repeat Steps 9–10 once
12. Press the Enter key. The pad is now set to cycle through the assigned 3 or 4 program
numbers, and you will exit Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
MMC (MIDI Machine Control)
Some recording hardware and DAWs can be controlled remotely via MMC (MIDI Machine
Control) messages. MMC is a transport control protocol.
To assign a MMC message to a pad:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Press the desired pad. The pad’s number will appear in the display.
3. Press the Ctrl Assign key. The display will show ASGN for 1 second and then show the
pad’s number (P__) and a number for the type of message it sends.
4. Use the numeric keys (09) to enter 149 (if the display does not already show it). This sets
the pad to send MMC messages.
5. Press the Chan Assign key. The display will show DEV ID for 1 second and then show
the pad’s number (P__) and the current MIDI channel it uses.
6. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter 127.
7. Press the Data 2 key. The display will show DATA2 for 1 second and then show the pad’s
number (P__) and the number for its MMC message (if any):
Record Pause
Deferred Play
MMC Reset
Record Strob
e (Punch In)
Record Exit (Punch Out)
8. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter the number of the
desired MMC message.
9. Press the Enter key. The pad is now set to send the assigned MMC message, and you will
exit Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
By default, the pads are set to send one value when pressed and one value when released.
This is often called “momentary” behavior. You can change this so that a pad sends one value
when pressed and a different value when pressed a second time, alternating between the two
values with each press. This is often called “latching” or “toggle” behavior.
To set a pad to latching behavior:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Press the desired pad. The pad’s number will appear in the display.
3. Press the Ctrl Assign key. The display will show ASGN for 1 second and then show the
pad’s number (P__) and a number for the type of message it sends.
4. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter 146 (if the display
does not already show it). This sets the pad to use latching behavior.
5. Press the Data 1 key. The display will show DATA1 for 1 second and then show the pad’s
number (P__) and a number for the MIDI CC.
6. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter the desired MIDI
CC number (000127).
7. Press the Data 2 key. The display will show DATA2 for 1 second and then show the pad’s
number (P__) and the value it will send when pressed the first time.
8. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () butt
ons to enter the desired value
9. Press the Data 3 key. The display will show DATA3 for 1 second and then show the pad’s
number (P__) and the value it will send when pressed the second time.
10. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter the desired value
11. Press the Enter key. The pad is now set to latching, and you will exit Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
Tip: You can assign a pad to send a latching Program message when it is pressed. To do this,
follow the steps above, but enter 157 (instead of 146) in Step 4.
To return the pad to its default “momentary” behavior, set it to send a MIDI note, send a MIDI
CC, or increment the program number. Please see the earlier Message section to learn how to
do this.
The curve setting for the pads determines their velocity sensitivity—the amount of force
required to generate a note with a specific velocity.
To set the pad curve:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Press the Curve key twice. The display will show PCrV and the current curve setting:
Display Curve
01 This is a low-sensitivity setting, useful for playing notes with mostly
low velocities.
02 This is a medium-sensitivity setting (the default), useful for playing
with an average amount of force.
03 This is a high-sensitivity setting, useful for playing notes with
mostly high velocities.
04 This is a linear curve. The velocity of the note will be proportional
to the amount of force.
All notes will have a fixed velocity of 64.
All notes will have a fixed velocity of 100.
All notes will have a fixed velocity of 127.
All notes will have a velocity of 64 or 127, depending on the
amount of force.
All notes will have a velocity of 64, 100, or 127, depending on the
amount of force.
All notes will have a velocity of 32, 64, 100, or 127, depending on the
amount of force.
3. Use the numeric keys (09) o
r Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter the desired curve
number (110).
4. Press the Enter key. The pads will now use that curve, and you will exit Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
Each pad can have a set of colors assigned to it, making it easier to distinguish between their
different functions, notes, etc. Each pad can use up to 4 colors, depending on its function (in
other words, you can assign all 4 colors to a pad, but it may use only some of them).
To set the color(s) of a pad:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit pad will light up.
2. Press the desired pad. The pad’s number will appear in the display.
3. Press and hold Shift and then press the MIDI Out / Color key the same number of times
as the number of the color:
1 press: The display will show COLOR1 for 1 second and then show the pad’s “off”
color number.
2 presses: The display will show COLOR2 for 1 second and then show the pad’s
“first press” color number.
3 presses: The display will show COLOR3 for 1 second and then show the pad’s
“second press” color number.
4 presses: The display will show COLOR4 for 1 second and then show the pad’s
“fourth press” color number.
4. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter the desired color
0 Off 7 Violet
1 Chartreuse 8 Magenta
2 Green 9 Rose
3 Aquamarine 10 Red
4 Cyan 11 Orange
5 Azure 12 Yellow
6 Blue 13 White
5. Press the Enter key. The pad is now set to use those colors, and you will exit Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
Octaves and Transposition
By using the Pad Octave –/+ buttons, the pads can access the full range of 127 available MIDI
notes (10 octaves). Additionally, you can transpose the pads up to 12 semitones (1 octave) in
either direction.
To change the octave of the pads, use the Pad Octave /+ buttons to lower or raise the
octave, respectively. The display will temporarily show OCT and the current octave shift (-5 to 5).
To change the transposition of the pads, press and hold Transpose, and then use the Pad
Octave –/+ buttons to lower or raise the octave, respectively. The display will temporarily
show TRN and the current transposition (-12 to 12).
Editing Assignments
You can set the channel of each wheel. See Channel to learn how to do this.
To learn how to assign a MIDI CC message to a wheel, see the Messages section.
To set the MIDI channel for a wheel:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Move the desired wheel. PW (pitch-bend wheel) or MW (modulation wheel) will appear in
the display.
3. Press the Chan Assign key. The display will show CHN for 1 second and then show PW
or MW and current MIDI channel or zone channel.
4. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter the desired MIDI
channel (00 or 0116), zone channel (1720), or omni channel (21).
Note: Values 00 and 0116 correspond to Code’s global channel and the 16 available MIDI
channels. Values 1720 correspond to channels used by Zones 14 (z1z4). Value 21
corresponds to the omni channel.
5. Press the Enter key. The wheel will be assigned to that channel, and you will exit Edit
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
You can assign the wheels to send MIDI CC messages when you move them.
To assign a MIDI CC to a wheel:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Move the desired wheel. PW (pitch-bend wheel) or MW (modulation wheel) will appear in
the display.
3. Press the Ctrl Assign key. The display will show ASGN for 1 second and then show PW
or MW and a number for the type of message it sends.
4. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a MIDI CC number
5. Press the Data 2 key. The display will show DATA2 for 1 second and then show PW or
MW and the value it will send at its minimum position.
6. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a value (000127).
7. Press the Data 3 key. The display will show DATA3 for 1 second and then show PW or
MW and the value it will send at its maximum position.
8. Use the numeric keys (09) or Pr
eset Down/Up () buttons to enter a value (000127).
9. Press the Enter key. The wheel is now set to send the assigned MIDI CC, and you will exit
Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
Tip: You can reverse the direction (polarity) of the wheel so that its lowest position sends
its maximum value and vice versa. To do this, enter the desired maximum value in Step 5
and the desired minimum value in Step 7.
Note: For the pitch-bend wheel, the minimum and maximum positions will determine its
entire range, not the range from its center position to its minimum or maximum positions.
Sustain Pedal
Editing Assignments
You can set the channel of the sustain pedal. See Channel to learn how to do this.
To learn how to assign different types of messages to the sustain pedal, see the Messages
You can also whether the sustain pedal is “momentary” (the default) or “latching” (also known
as “toggle”). See the Latching section to learn about this.
To set the MIDI channel for the sustain pedal:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Press the sustain pedal down and then release it. SUS will appear in the display.
3. Press the Chan Assign key. The display will show CHN for 1 second and then show SUS
and current MIDI channel or zone channel.
4. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter the desired MIDI
channel (00 or 0116), zone channel (1720), or omni channel (21).
Note: Values 00 and 0116 correspond to Code’s global channel and the 16 available MIDI
channels. Values 1720 correspond to channels used by Zones 14 (z1z4). Value 21
corresponds to the omni channel.
5. Press the Enter key. The sustain pedal will be assigned to that channel, and you will exit
Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
You can assign the sustain pedal to send a MIDI CC message when you press it.
To assign a MIDI CC to the sustain pedal:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Press the sustain pedal. SUS will appear in the display.
3. Press the Ctrl Assign key. The display will show ASGN for 1 second and then show SUS
and a number for the type of message it sends.
4. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a MIDI CC number
5. Press the Data 2 key. The display will show DATA2 for 1 second and then show SUS and
the value it will send when released.
6. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a value (000127).
7. Press the Data 3 key. The display will show DATA3 for 1 second and then show SUS and
the value it will send when pressed.
8. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a value (00
9. Press the Enter key. The sustain pedal is now set to send the assigned MIDI CC, and you
will exit Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
MIDI Notes
You can assign the sustain pedal to send a MIDI note number when you press it.
To assign a MIDI note to the sustain pedal:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Press the sustain pedal. SUS will appear in the display.
3. Press the Ctrl Assign key. The display will show ASGN for 1 second and then show SUS
and a number for the type of message it sends.
4. Use the numeric keys (09) to enter 147 (if the display does not already show it). This sets
the sustain pedal to send MIDI note messages.
5. Press the Data 1 key. The display will show DATA1 for 1 second and then show SUS and
a number for the MIDI note.
6. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter the desired note
number (000127).
7. Repeat Steps 5–6 but using the Data 2 key. This will determine the Note On velocity.
8. Repeat Steps 5–6 but using the Data 3 key. This will determine the Note Off velocity.
9. Press the Enter key. The sustain pedal is now set to send the assigned note, and you will
exit Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
Tip: You can assign a button to send a Note On message when it is pressed once and send a
Note Off message when it is pressed a second time. To do this, follow the steps above, but
enter 148 (instead of 147) in Step 4.
MIDI CC Value Increment/Decrement
You can set the sustain pedal to increment/decrement a MIDI CC value by 1 each time you
press it. After it reaches its highest or lowest value, it will “wrap around” and start again at its
lowest or highest value, respectively. In other words, pressing the sustain pedal causes the
value to cycle through its entire range by increments of 1.
To assign the sustain pedal to increment/decrement a MIDI CC value:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Press the sustain pedal. SUS will appear in the display.
3. Press the Ctrl Assign key. The display will show ASGN for 1 second and then show SUS
and a number for the type of message it sends.
4. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter 154 (to increment a
MIDI CC value) or 153 (to decrement a MIDI CC value).
5. Press the Data 1 key. The display will show DATA1 for 1 second and then show SUS and
the MIDI CC value it will increment/decrement.
6. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a value (000127).
7. Press the Data 2 key. The display will show DATA2 for 1 second and then show SUS and
the lowest value it will send.
8. Us
e the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a value (000127).
9. Press the Data 3 key. The display will show DATA3 for 1 second and then show SUS and
the highest value it will send.
10. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a value (000127).
11. Press the Enter key. The sustain pedal is now set to increment/decrement the MIDI CC
value, and you will exit Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
Program, Bank LSB, and Bank MSB
You can set the sustain pedal to send a combined program number, Bank LSB, and Bank
MSB number. This can be useful for selecting a preset from a specific bank of a virtual
instrument or synthesizer (the instrument or synthesizer must support these messages).
assign the sustain pedal to send a combined program, Bank LSB, and Bank MSB number:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Press the sustain pedal. SUS will appear in the display.
3. Press the Ctrl Assign key. The display will show ASGN for 1 second and then show SUS
and a number for the type of message it sends.
4. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter 145.
5. Press the Data 1 key. The display will show DATA1 for 1 second and then show SUS and
the program number it will send.
6. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter the desired
program number.
7. Press the Data 2 key. The display will show DATA2 for 1 second and then show SUS and
the Bank LSB number it will send.
8. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter the desired Bank
LSB number.
9. Press the Data 3 key. The display will show DATA3 for 1
second and then show SUS and
the Bank MSB number it will send.
10. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter the desired Bank
MSB number.
11. Press the Enter key. The sustain pedal is now set to send the combined program, Bank
LSB, and Bank MSB number, and you will exit Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
Program Increment/Decrement
You can set the sustain pedal to increment/decrement the program number by 1 each time
you press it. After it reaches its highest or lowest program, it will “wrap around” and start
again at its lowest or highest program, respectively. In other words, pressing the sustain pedal
causes the value to cycle through its entire range by increments of 1.
To assign the sustain pedal to increment/decrement the program number:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Press the sustain pedal. The button’s number will appear in the display.
3. Press the Ctrl Assign key. The display will show ASGN for 1 second and then show SUS
and a number for the type of message it sends.
4. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter 156 (to increment
the program number) or 155 (to decrement the program number).
5. Press the Data 2 key. The display will show DATA2 for 1 second and then show SUS and
the lowest program number it will send.
6. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a value (000127).
7. Press the Data 3 key. The display will show DATA3 for 1 second and then show SUS and
the highest program number it will send.
8. Use the numeric keys (09) or Pr
eset Down/Up () buttons to enter a value (000127).
9. Press the Enter key. The sustain pedal is now set to increment/decrement the program
number, and you will exit Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
MMC (MIDI Machine Control)
Some recording hardware and DAWs can be controlled remotely via MMC (MIDI Machine
Control) messages. MMC is a transport control protocol.
To assign a MMC message to the sustain pedal:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Press the sustain pedal. SUS will appear in the display.
3. Press the Ctrl Assign key. The display will show ASGN for 1 second and then show SUS
and a number for the type of message it sends.
4. Use the numeric keys (09) to enter 149 (if the display does not already show it). This sets
the sustain pedal to send MMC messages.
5. Press the Chan Assign key. The display will show DEV ID for 1 second and then show
SUS and the current MIDI channel it uses.
6. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter 127.
7. Press the Data 2 key. The display will show DATA2 for 1 second and then show SUS and
the number for its MMC message (if any):
Record Pause
Deferred Play
MMC Reset
Record Strobe (Punch In)
Record Exit (Punch Out)
8. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter the number of the
desired MMC message.
9. Press the Enter key. The sustain pedal is now set to send the assigned MMC message,
and you will exit Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
By default, the sustain pedal is set to send one value when pressed and one value when
released. This is often called “momentary” behavior. You can change this so that the sustain
pedal sends one value when pressed and a different value when pressed a second time,
alternating between the two values with each press. This is often called “latching” or “toggle”
To set the sustain pedal to latching behavior:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Press the sustain pedal. SUS will appear in the display.
3. Press the Ctrl Assign key. The display will show ASGN for 1 second and then show SUS
and a number for the type of message it sends.
4. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter 146 (if the display
does not already show it). This sets the sustain pedal to use latching behavior.
5. Press the Data 1 key. The display will show DATA1 for 1 second and then show SUS and
a number for the MIDI CC.
6. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter the desired MIDI
CC number (000127).
7. Press the Data 2 key. The display will show DATA2 for 1 second and then show SUS and
the value it will send when pressed the first time.
8. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () butt
ons to enter the desired value
9. Press the Data 3 key. The display will show DATA3 for 1 second and then show SUS and
the value it will send when pressed the second time.
10. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter the desired value
11. Press the Enter key. The sustain pedal is now set to latching, and you will exit Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
To return the sustain pedal to its default “momentary” behavior, assign it to a MIDI note or
MIDI CC as described in the earlier Message section.
Volume Pedal
Editing Assignments
You can set the channel of the volume pedal. See Channel to learn how to do this.
To learn how to assign MIDI CC messages to the volume pedal, see the Messages section.
To set the MIDI channel for the volume pedal:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Move the volume pedal. VOL will appear in the display.
3. Press the Chan Assign key. The display will show CHN for 1 second and then show VOL
and current MIDI channel or zone channel.
4. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter the desired MIDI
channel (00 or 0116), zone channel (1720), or omni channel (21).
Note: Values 00 and 0116 correspond to Code’s global channel and the 16 available MIDI
channels. Values 1720 correspond to channels used by Zones 14 (z1z4). Value 21
corresponds to the omni channel.
5. Press the Enter key. The volume pedal will be assigned to that channel, and you will exit
Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
You can assign the sustain pedal to send a MIDI CC message when you press it.
To assign a MIDI CC to the volume pedal:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Press the volume pedal. VOL will appear in the display.
3. Press the Ctrl Assign key. The display will show ASGN for 1 second and then show VOL
and a number for the type of message it sends.
4. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a MIDI CC number
5. Press the Data 2 key. The display will show DATA2 for 1 second and then show VOL and
the value it will send at its minimum position.
6. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a value (000127).
7. Press the Data 3 key. The display will show DATA3 for 1 second and then show VOL and
the value it will send at its maximum position.
8. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter a value (00
9. Press the Enter key. The volume pedal is now set to send the assigned MIDI CC, and you
will exit Edit Mode.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
Tip: You can reverse the direction (polarity) of the volume pedal so that its lowest position
sends its maximum value and vice versa. To do this, enter the desired maximum value in
Step 5 and the desired minimum value in Step 7.
Mackie Control
and HUI
Your Code Series keyboard can send messages using the Mackie Control or HUI (Human User
Interface) protocols rather than standard MIDI communication. You must first select which one
it will use.
Remember that the faders, buttons, and/or encoders you want to use with this protocol must
be set to Mackie Control/HUI Mode for this to work properly. See Basic Concepts > Control
Modes to learn about this.
Using either protocol does not affect the pads or keyboard.
To select the Mackie Control or HUI protocol:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Press and hold Shift, and then press the Curve / Mackie/HUI key. Each time you press it,
it will switch between the Mackie Control protocol or HUI protocol. The current mode will
appear in the display.
3. To confirm your selection, wait for 1 second. You will exit Edit Mode automatically.
Using Mackie Control
When your faders, buttons, and/or encoders are in Mackie Control/HUI Mode, their respective
Fader Mode, Button Mode, or Encoder Mode button will be lit green.
Use the Bank Right/Left () buttons to move to another bank of tracks.
Important note if you are using Code 25: In your DAW, it may look like you are controlling 8
tracks, but you can control only 4 tracks at a time. When you press one of the Bank
Right/Left () buttons, you will control only the next/previous 4 tracks.
When using the Mackie Control protocol, each of the controls will do the following:
Faders: Moving the faders will adjust the volume of each track.
Buttons: Pressing the buttons will perform one of the following functions for each track,
depending on its color:
o Track Select (green, the default)
o Record-Arm (red)
o Solo (yellow)
o Mute (blue)
The first button (B1, under the master fader) does not have a track-specific function.
To set the function of all buttons, press and hold Shift, and then press the first button
(B1, under the master fader) to cycle through the four functions. The display will show
the current function: TRACK (track select), RECORD (record-arm), SOLO, or MUTE. This
will set all buttons to the same function regardless of their current functions.
To set the function of one button only, press and hold Shift, and then press the desired
button to cycle that button only through the four functions. The display will show the
current function: TRACK (track select), RECORD (record-arm), SOLO, or MUTE.
Encoders: Turning the encoders will adjust the panning of each track.
Using HUI
When your faders, buttons, and/or encoders are in Mackie Control/HUI Mode, their respective
Fader Mode, Button Mode, or Encoder Mode button will be lit green.
Use the Bank Right/Left () buttons to move to another bank of tracks.
Important note if you are using Code 25: In your DAW, it may look like you are controlling 8
tracks, but you can control only 4 tracks at a time. When you press one of the Bank
Right/Left () buttons, you will control only the next/previous 4 tracks.
When using the HUI protocol, each of the controls will do the following:
Faders: Moving the faders will adjust the volume of each track except for the master
fader (F1), which will remain in MIDI Mode.
Buttons: Pressing the buttons will perform one of the following functions for each track,
depending on its color:
o Track Select (green, the default)
o Record-Arm (red)
o Solo (yellow)
o Mute (blue)
The first button (B1, under the master fader) does not have a track-specific function.
To set the function of all buttons, press and hold Shift, and then press the first button
(B1, under the master fader) to cycle through the four functions. The display will show
the current function: TRACK (track select), RECORD (record-arm), SOLO, or MUTE. This
will set all buttons to the same function regardless of their current functions.
To set the function of one button only, press and hold Shift, and then press the desired
button to cycle that button only through the four functions. The display will show the
current function: TRACK (track select), RECORD (record-arm), SOLO, or MUTE.
Encoders: Turning the encoders will adjust the panning of each track. In Avid
, stereo channels have two panning controls: left and right. Press the Shift button
to switch the encoders between the left channel and right channel.
The MIDI Out port sends out MIDI messages from your Code Series keyboard. You can
enable or disable this port. By default, it is disabled. It will not send out incoming MIDI
messages from your DAW or the MIDI In port.
To enable or disable the MIDI Out port:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Press the MIDI Out key to enable or disable the port. The display will show MID and
whether the port is ON or OFF.
To change it while the display still shows the state, press the MIDI Out key or a Preset
Down/Up () key to switch between ON or OFF.
To confirm your change, wait for 1 second. You will exit Edit Mode automatically.
MIDI Panic
If you are experiencing “stuck” notes (notes that will not stop playing), you can send a “MIDI
Panic” message. This means all MIDI notes will stop and all controls will stop sending their
Press and hold Shift and press Transpose to send a MIDI Panic message.
Program Changes
To send a program change message, do one of the following sets of steps:
To send a program change message in Edit Mode:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up. (You can cancel this procedure
at any time by pressing Edit to exit Edit Mode.)
2. Press the Prog key. The display will show PRO and the currently assigned program value.
3. Use the numeric keys (09) to enter the exact program number (000127).
Alternatively, use the Preset Down/Up () buttons to scroll through the program
numbers (000127) (please note that this will send a program change message for each
button press).
4. Press the Enter key.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Remember to store the preset if you want to save your changes in that preset.
To send a program change message in any mode:
1. Press and hold Shift.
2. Use the Preset Down/Up () buttons to move through the program change numbers.
The display will show PRO and the currently selected program value (please note that this
will send a program change message with each button press).
3. When the display shows the desired program change number, release Shift.
Zone Program Change
Zone Program Change messages are sent on the channel(s) of active zones, thus selecting the
instrument sound for each zone. These program change messages are stored in each preset,
ensuring that each zone selects the correct instrument whenever you load a preset.
To set the zone program change:
1. Press and hold Zone for 1 second to enter Zone Edit Mode. The active Zone Buttons 14
will flash.
2. Press one of Zone Buttons 14 to edit that zone. Alternatively, you can press multiple
Zone Buttons 14 to edit those zones simultaneously.
3. Press and hold Shift, and then press the Prog key. The display will show PRO and the
program change number.
4. Enter the desired program change number by doing one of the following:
While holding Shift, use the numeric keys (09) to enter a program change number
Use the Preset Down/Up () buttons to select a program change number (000127)
(please note that this will send a program change message with each button press).
5. While holding Shift, press the Enter key. (This will also send the program change message.)
6. To set the program change for another zone, repeat Steps 2–5.
To exit Zone Edit Mode, press Zone.
Bank Changes
Bank LSB and Bank MSB messages are used to access additional banks of presets on virtual
instruments, MIDI sound modules, etc. (if available).
Note: A Bank LSB or Bank MSB number may not have any effect until you send a program
change message after it. See Program Change to learn how to do this.
To set a Bank LSB or Bank MSB number:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
2. Press the Bank LSB or Bank MSB key. The display will show LSB or MSB and the LSB
or MSB number.
3. Use the numeric keys (09) to enter the exact LSB or MSB number (000127).
Alternatively, use the Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter the desired LSB or MSB
number (000127) (please note that this will send a Bank LSB or Bank MSB message with
each button press).
4. Press the Enter key.
To cancel your changes instead, press Edit. You will exit Edit Mode without saving anything.
Zone Bank Change
Zone Bank Change messages are sent on the channel(s) of active zones, thus accessing
additional banks of instrument sound presets (if available) for each zone. Each bank change
consists of an LSB number (Least Signficant Byte) and an MSB number (Most Significant
Byte). These bank change messages are stored in each preset, ensuring that each zone
selects the correct instrument whenever you load a preset.
Note: A Bank LSB or Bank MSB number may not have any effect until you send a program
change message after it. See Program Change to learn how to do this.
To set the zone bank change:
1. Press and hold Zone for 1 second to enter Zone Edit Mode. The active Zone Buttons 14
will flash.
2. Press one of Zone Buttons 14 to edit that zone. Alternatively, you can press multiple
Zone Buttons 14 to edit those zones simultaneously.
3. Press and hold Shift, and then press the Bank LSB or Bank MSB key. The display will
show LSB or MSB and the LSB or MSB number.
4. Enter the desired LSB or MSB number by doing one of the following:
While holding Shift, use the numeric keys (09) to enter an LSB or MSB number (000
Use the Preset Down/Up () buttons to select an LSB or MSB number (000127)
(please note that this will send a Bank LSB or Bank MSB message with each button
5. While holding Shift, press the Enter key.
6. To set the bank change for another zone, repeat Steps 2–5.
To exit Zone Edit Mode, press Zone.
Presets and Memory
A preset is a saved collection of MIDI assignments for your Code Series keyboard’s controls,
channel settings, keyboard zone settings, etc. You can store up to 12 presets in its internal
memory, enabling you to use a dedicated preset for each digital audio workstation (DAW),
virtual instrument, or project/session, for example.
Important: If you power off your Code Series keyboard without saving your preset, you will
lose any assignments or changes you have made.
We recommend visiting m-audio.com and downloading the Code Preset Editor to save and
load your custom presets to your computer. The Preset Editor gives you a visual and intuitive
way to edit the various messages that Code's controls send to your computer without having
to use the hardware interface.
Selecting Presets
To select a preset, use the Preset Down/Up () buttons. The current preset number will
appear in the display. You can start using that preset immediately.
Storing Presets
To store a preset:
1. Press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The button will light up.
2. Press the keyboard’s Store key. The display will show TO and the number of the last-
selected preset.
3. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to enter the desired preset
number (0012).
4. Press the Enter key. The current settings will be stored as a preset. This will overwrite that
Sending and Restoring SysEx Memory
A “System Exclusive” (SysEx) file contains the settings for all 12 of your presets. You can send
out a SysEx file, and then send it back to your Code Series keyboard later to restore those
To send a SysEx file from your Code Series keyboard to your DAW:
1. On your computer, set your SysEx librarian to record.
2. On your Code Series keyboard, press Edit to enter Edit Mode. The Edit button will light up.
3. On your computer, start recording with the SysEx librarian.
4. On your Code Series keyboard, press the Mem Dump key. It will ask you what preset you
woulud like to send TO. Use the numeric keys (09) or Preset Down/Up () buttons to
enter the desired preset number (0012), and then press Enter.
5. Your Code Series keyboard will send the SysEx file, and SYS will appear in the display.
To send a SysEx file to your Code Series keyboard from your DAW:
1. On your computer, open your SysEx librarian, and make sure your Code is selected as the
MIDI Out port.
2. Use your SysEx librarian to send a SysEx file.
3. SYS will appear in your Code Series keyboard’s display to indicate that it is receiving the
SysEx file. This will overwrite its current presets.
4. Do one of the following:
Press one of the Preset Down/Up () buttons to load a new preset.
Use your Code Series keyboard’s Power Button to power it off and then on again.
Restoring Default Settings
To return your Code Series keyboard to its default settings, press and hold both Pad
Octave –/+ buttons while powering it on. This will overwrite its current presets. The available
default presets are described in Appendix > Presets.
Parameter Numbers
Faders, Encoders, X/Y Pad, Wheels, and Volume Pedal
Registered Parameter Numbers (RPNs) (000127)
00 Bank Select 37 Portamento Time LSB
01 Modulation 38 Data Entry LSB
02 Breath Control 39 Channel Volume LSB
03 Controller 3 40 Balance LSB
04 Foot Control 41 Controller 41
05 Portamento Time 42 Pan LSB
06 Data Entry MSB 43 Expression LSB
07 Channel Volume 44 Controller 44
08 Balance 45 Controller 45
09 Controller 9 46 Controller 46
10 Pan 47 Controller 47
11 Expression 48 General Purpose 1 LSB
12 Effects Controller 1 49 General Purpose 2 LSB
13 Effects Controller 2 50 General Purpose 3 LSB
14 Controller 14 51 General Purpose 4 LSB
15 Controller 15 52 Controller 52
16 General Purpose 1 53 Controller 53
17 General Purpose 2 54 Controller 54
18 General Purpose 3 55 Controller 55
19 General Purpose 4 56 Controller 56
20 Controller 20 57 Controller 57
21 Controller 21 58 Controller 58
22 Controller 22 59 Controller 59
23 Controller 23 60 Controller 60
24 Controller 24 61 Controller 61
25 Controller 25 62 Controller 62
26 Controller 26 63 Controller 63
27 Controller 27 64 Sustain Pedal
28 Controller 28 65 Portamento
29 Controller 29 66 Sostenuto
30 Controller 30 67 Soft Pedal
31 Controller 31 68 Legato Pedal
32 Bank Select LSB 69 Hold 2
33 Modulation LSB 70 Sound Variation
34 Breath Control LSB 71 Resonance
35 Controller 35 72 Release Time
36 Foot Control LSB 73 Attack Time
Registered Parameter Numbers (RPNs) (000127, continued)
74 Cut-off Frequency 102 Controller 102
75 Controller 75 103 Controller 103
76 Controller 76 104 Controller 104
77 Controller 77 105 Controller 105
78 Controller 78 106 Controller 106
79 Controller 79 107 Controller 107
80 General Purpose 5 108 Controller 108
81 General Purpose 6 109 Controller 109
82 General Purpose 7 110 Controller 110
83 General Purpose 8 111 Controller 111
84 Portamento Control 112 Controller 112
85 Controller 85 113 Controller 113
86 Controller 86 114 Controller 114
87 Controller 87 115 Controller 115
88 High-Resolution Velocity Prefix 116 Controller 116
89 Controller 89 117 Controller 117
90 Controller 90 118 Controller 118
91 Effects 1 Depth 119 Controller 119
92 Effects 2 Depth
93 Effects 3 Depth Channel Mode Messages:
94 Effects 4 Depth 120 All Sound Off
95 Effects 5 Depth 121 Reset All Controllers
96 Data Increment 122 Local Control On/Off
97 Data Decrement 123 All Notes Off
98 NRPN LSB 124 Omni Mode Off (+ All Notes Off)
99 NRPN MSB 125 Omni Mode On (+ All Notes Off)
100 RPN LSB 126 Mono Mode On (+ Poly Off + All Notes Off)
101 RPN MSB 127 Poly Mode On (+ Mono Off + All Notes Off)
Non-Registered Parameter Numbers (NRPNs) (128144)
128 Pitch-Bend Sensitivity 137 Master Pan
129 Fine Tune 138 Coarse Tune
130 Coarse Tune 139 Fine Tune
131 Channel Pressure 140 Chorus Modulation Rate
132 RPN Coarse 141 Chorus Modulation Depth
133 RPN Fine 142 Feedback
134 NRPN Coarse 143 Send to Reverb
135 NRPN Fine 144 Pitch Bend
136 Master Volume
Buttons, Pads, and Sustain Pedal
Registered Parameter Numbers (RPNs) (000127)
00 Bank Select 41 Controller 41
01 Modulation 42 Pan LSB
02 Breath Control 43 Expression LSB
03 Controller 3 44 Controller 44
04 Foot Control 45 Controller 45
05 Portamento Time 46 Controller 46
06 Data Entry MSB 47 Controller 47
07 Channel Volume 48 General Purpose 1 LSB
08 Balance 49 General Purpose 2 LSB
09 Controller 9 50 General Purpose 3 LSB
10 Pan 51 General Purpose 4 LSB
11 Expression 52 Controller 52
12 Effects Controller 1 53 Controller 53
13 Effects Controller 2 54 Controller 54
14 Controller 14 55 Controller 55
15 Controller 15 56 Controller 56
16 General Purpose 1 57 Controller 57
17 General Purpose 2 58 Controller 58
18 General Purpose 3 59 Controller 59
19 General Purpose 4 60 Controller 60
20 Controller 20 61 Controller 61
21 Controller 21 62 Controller 62
22 Controller 22 63 Controller 63
23 Controller 23 64 Sustain Pedal
24 Controller 24 65 Portamento
25 Controller 25 66 Sostenuto
26 Controller 26 67 Soft Pedal
27 Controller 27 68 Legato Pedal
28 Controller 28 69 Hold 2
29 Controller 29 70 Sound Variation
30 Controller 30 71 Resonance
31 Controller 31 72 Release Time
32 Bank Select LSB 73 Attack Time
33 Modulation LSB 74 Cutoff Frequency
34 Breath Control LSB 75 Controller 75
35 Controller 35 76 Controller 76
36 Foot Control LSB 77 Controller 77
37 Portamento Time LSB 78 Controller 78
38 Data Entry LSB 79 Controller 79
39 Channel Volume LSB 80 General Purpose 5
40 Balance LSB 81 General Purpose 6
Registered Parameter Numbers (RPNs) (000127, continued)
82 General Purpose 7 106 Controller 108
83 General Purpose 8 107 Controller 107
84 Portamento Control 108 Controller 108
85 Controller 85 109 Controller 109
86 Controller 86 110 Controller 110
87 Controller 87 111 Controller 111
88 High-Resolution Velocity Prefix 112 Controller 112
89 Controller 89 113 Controller 113
90 Controller 90 114 Controller 114
91 Effects 1 Depth 115 Controller 115
92 Effects 2 Depth 116 Controller 116
93 Effects 3 Depth 117 Controller 117
94 Effects 4 Depth 118 Controller 118
95 Effects 5 Depth 119 Controller 119
96 Data Increment
97 Data Decrement Channel Mode Messages:
98 NRPN LSB 120 All Sound Off
99 NRPN MSB 121 Reset All Controllers
100 RPN LSB 122 Local Control On/Off
101 RPN MSB 123 All Notes Off
102 Controller 102 124 Omni Mode Off (+ All Notes Off)
103 Controller 103 125 Omni Mode On (+ All Notes Off)
104 Controller 104 126 Mono Mode On (+ Poly Off, + All Notes Off)
105 Controller 105 127 Poly Mode On (+ Mono Off, + All Notes Off)
Non-Registered Parameter Numbers (NRPNs) (128157)
128 Pitch-Bend Sensitivity 143 Send to Reverb
129 Fine Tune 144 Pitch Bend
130 Coarse Tune 145 Voice Recall
131 Channel Pressure 146 Toggle MIDI CC
132 RPN Coarse 147 MIDI Note
133 RPN Fine 148 Note On/Off Toggle
134 NRPN Coarse 149 MMC Command
135 NRPN Fine 150 Reverb Type, General MIDI
136 Master Volume 151 Reverb Time, General MIDI
137 Master Pan 152 Chorus Type, General MIDI
138 Coarse Tune 153 MIDI CC Value –
139 Fine Tune 154 MIDI CC Value +
140 Chorus Modulation Rate 155 Program –
141 Chorus Modulation Depth 156 Program +
142 Feedback 157 Toggle Program
Your Code Series keyboard includes 12 presets with pre-assigned controls for various plugins
and digital audio workstations (DAWs).
When using each of these presets:
The faders, buttons, encoders, and X/Y pad in MIDI Mode will control the
The buttons and X/Y pad in HID Mode will control the DAW.
Note: To use the transport controls with your DAW, make sure your DAW is set to receive
Mackie Control or HUI commands.
Preset DAW Plugin
Ableton™ Live AIR Music Technology
Ableton™ Live AIR Music Technology
Pro Tools
AIR Music Technology
Pro Tools
AIR Music Technology
Steinberg™ Cubase™ AIR Music Technology
Steinberg™ Cubase™ AIR Music Technology
Pro AIR Music Technology
Pro AIR Music Technology
Bitwig Studio
AIR Music Technology
Bitwig Studio
AIR Music Technology
Ableton™ Live AIR Music Technology
Hybrid & Loom
By default, the pads on each preset are set to send MIDI notes on Channel 10, which is
commonly reserved for drums and percussion in the General MIDI (GM) specification. You can
change this setting if you want, though (see Operation > Pads > Editing Assignments).
Pad Drum MIDI Note Pad Drum MIDI Note
P1 Kick Drum 36 (C2) P9 Pedal Hi-Hat 44 (Ab2)
P2 Side-Stick 37 (Db2) P10 Low Tom 45 (A2)
P3 Snare Drum 38 (D2) P11 Open Hi-Hat 46 (Bb2)
P4 Hand-Clap 39 (Eb2) P12 Low Mid Tom 47 (B2)
P5 Electric Snare Drum 40 (E2) P13 Hi Mid Tom 48 (C3)
P6 Low Floor Tom 41 (F2) P14 Crash Cymbal 1 49 (Db3)
P7 Hi-Hat (closed) 42 (Gb2) P15 High Tom 50 (D3)
P8 High Floor Tom 43 (G2) P16 Ride Cymbal 1 51 (Eb3)
Each button can use up to 4 colors, depending on its function. The display will show COLOR1,
0 Off 4 Magenta
1 Green 5 Red
2 Cyan 6 Yellow
3 Blue 7 White
Each pad can use up to 4 colors, depending on its function. The display will show COLOR1,
0 Off 7 Violet
1 Chartreuse 8 Magenta
2 Green 9 Rose
3 Aquamarine 10 Red
4 Cyan 11 Orange
5 Azure 12 Yellow
6 Blue 13 White
Velocity Curves
Keyboard (VCrV)
VCrV will appear in the display when you are selecting the keyboard velocity curve.
Display Curve
01 This is a low-sensitivity setting, useful for playing notes with mostly low
02 This is a medium-sensitivity setting (the default), useful for playing with
an average amount of force.
03 This is a high-sensitivity setting, useful for playing notes with mostly
high velocities.
04 This is a linear curve. The velocity of the note will be proportional to the
amount of force.
All notes will have a fixed velocity of 64.
All notes will have a fixed velocity of 100.
All notes will have a fixed velocity of 127.
Pads (PCrV)
PCrV will appear in the display when you are selecting the pads’ velocity curve.
Display Curve
01 This is a low-sensitivity setting, useful for playing notes with mostly low
02 This is a medium-sensitivity setting (the default), useful for playing with
an average amount of force.
03 This is a high-sensitivity setting, useful for playing notes with mostly
high velocities.
04 This is a linear curve. The velocity of the note will be proportional to the
amount of force.
All notes will have a fixed velocity of 64.
All notes will have a fixed velocity of 100.
All notes will have a fixed velocity of 127.
All notes will have a velocity of 64 or 127, depending on the amount of
All notes will have a velocity of 64, 100, or 127, depending on the amount
of force.
All notes will have a velocity of 32, 64, 100, or 127, depending on the
amount of force.
Encoders (ECrV)
ECrV will appear in the display when you are selecting the encoders’ velocity curve.
Display Curve
00 Turning the encoder will always send a value change of one step in
either direction regardless of how quickly/slowly you turn it.
01 This is a slow acceleration curve, useful for making fine adjustments.
02 This is a medium acceleration curve (the default).
03 This is a quick acceleration curve, useful for making coarse adjustments
with broad “sweeps.”
X/Y Pad (TCrV)
TCrV will appear in the display when you are selecting the X/Y pad’s velocity curve.
Display Curve
All notes will have a fixed velocity of 64 (the default).
All notes will have a fixed velocity of 100.
All notes will have a fixed velocity of 127.
The velocities of the notes will between 64 and 127.
Every third note will have a velocity of 127. All other notes will have a
velocity of 64.
The velocities of the notes will between 100 and 127.
Every third note will have a velocity of 127. All other notes will have a
velocity of 100.
Each axis represents the range of velocities from 64 to 127. A note
generated at the axis’s minimum point will have a velocity of 64. A note
generated at the axis’s maximum point will have a velocity of 127.
Each axis represents the range of velocities from 100 to 127. A note
generated at the axis’s minimum point will have a velocity of 100. A
note generated at the axis’s maximum point will have a velocity of 127.
Each axis represents the range of velocities from 1 to 127. A note
generated at the axis’s minimum point will have a velocity of 1. A note
generated at the axis’s maximum point will have a velocity of 127.
Technical Specifications
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Code 25
Keyboard 25 velocity- and pressure-sensitive keys (with aftertouch)
10-octave range available with Key Octave –/+ buttons
4 assignable zones
All 25 keys send secondary commands in Edit Mode
Pads 16 assignable velocity-sensitive pads, multicolor-backlit
Faders 5 30mm assignable faders
4 banks available with Bank / buttons
Buttons 5 assignable buttons, multicolor-backlit
4 banks available with Bank / buttons
Encoders 4 assignable 360° knobs
4 banks available with Bank / buttons
X/Y Pad
55mm x 55mm touch-sensitive pad
2 independently assignable axes: X (horizontal), Y (vertical)
85mm x 25mm LCD
Connections 1 USB port
1 1/4” (6.35mm) TS sustain pedal/footswitch input
1 1/4” (6.35mm) TRS volume/expression pedal input
1 5-pin MIDI input
1 5-pin MIDI output
1 power adapter input (power adapter not included)
1 Kensington lock slot
via USB bus power
via power adapter (9 VDC, 1A, center-positive, not included)
(width x depth x height)
20.9 x 10.0 x 2.8”
53.0 cm x 25.5 cm x 7.1 cm
6.2 lbs.
2.8 kg
Code 49
Keyboard 49 velocity- and pressure-sensitive keys (with aftertouch)
10-octave range available with Key Octave –/+ buttons
4 assignable zones
Lowest 25 keys send secondary commands in Edit Mode
Pads 16 assignable velocity-sensitive pads, multicolor-backlit
Faders 9 30mm assignable faders
4 banks available with Bank / buttons
Buttons 9 assignable buttons, multicolor-backlit
4 banks available with Bank / buttons
Encoders 8 assignable 360° knobs
4 banks available with Bank / buttons
X/Y Pad
55mm x 55mm touch-sensitive pad
2 independently assignable axes: X (horizontal), Y (vertical)
85mm x 25mm LCD
Connections 1 USB port
1 1/4” (6.35mm) TS sustain pedal/footswitch input
1 1/4” (6.35mm) TRS volume/expression pedal input
1 5-pin MIDI input
1 5-pin MIDI output
1 power adapter input (power adapter not included)
1 Kensington lock slot
via USB bus power
via power adapter (9 VDC, 1A, center-positive, not included)
(width x depth x height)
33.9 x 10.0 x 2.8”
86.0 cm x 25.5 cm x 7.1 cm
9.9 lbs.
4.5 kg
Code 61
Keyboard 61 velocity- and pressure-sensitive keys (with aftertouch)
10-octave range available with Key Octave –/+ buttons
4 assignable zones
Lowest 25 keys send secondary commands in Edit Mode
Pads 16 assignable velocity-sensitive pads, multicolor-backlit
Faders 9 30mm assignable faders
4 banks available with Bank / buttons
Buttons 9 assignable buttons, multicolor-backlit
4 banks available with Bank / buttons
Encoders 8 assignable 360° knobs
4 banks available with Bank / buttons
X/Y Pad
55mm x 55mm touch-sensitive pad
2 independently assignable axes: X (horizontal), Y (vertical)
85mm x 25mm LCD
Connections 1 USB port
1 1/4” (6.35mm) TS sustain pedal/footswitch input
1 1/4” (6.35mm) TRS volume/expression pedal input
1 5-pin MIDI input
1 5-pin MIDI output
1 power adapter input (power adapter not included)
1 Kensington lock slot
via USB bus power
via power adapter (9 VDC, 1A, center-positive, not included)
(width x depth x height)
40.4 x 10.0 x 2.8”
102.5 cm x 25.5 cm x 7.1 cm
11.5 lbs.
5.2 kg
Trademarks and Licenses
M-Audio and AIR Music Technology are trademarks of inMusic Brands, Inc., registered in the
U.S. and other countries.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other
Macintosh and macOS are trademarks or registered trademarks or service marks of Apple
Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Mackie Control and HUI are trademarks or registered trademarks of LOUD Technologies Inc.
Kensington and the K & Lock logo are registered trademarks of ACCO Brands.
Ableton is a trademark of Ableton AG.
AAX, Avid and Pro Tools are trademarks or registered trademarks of Avid Technology, Inc. in
the U.S. and other countries.
Cubase, Steinberg, ASIO, and VST are trademarks of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH.
Logic is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Bitwig Studio is a registered trademark of Bitwig GmbH, registered in the U.S. and other countries.
All other product or company names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective owners.
Manual Version 1.3

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