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LD2103 V3.1 Page 34 of 34 LD2103 V3.1 Page 1 of 34
AIS 3000 RT
Marine Automatic Identification System
User Manual
User Manual
Lorenz AIS 3000 RT
Table of contents
Table of contents ............................................................................................................................................................................2
General Warnings .....................................................................................................................................................................4
FCC Compliance .......................................................................................................................................................................4
RF Emissions Notice ................................................................................................................................................................4
Product Specification ..................................................................................................................................................................6
Standards ...................................................................................................................................................................................6
Declaration of Conformity ...........................................................................................................................................................7
Introduction .....................................................................................................................................................................................8
How AIS Works...........................................................................................................................................................................8
AIS Classes ................................................................................................................................................................................8
Position Information Source........................................................................................................................................................9
Installing the AIS 3000 RT unit .....................................................................................................................................................10
Electrical connections ...............................................................................................................................................................10
Physical Mounting.....................................................................................................................................................................11
Programming the transponder ......................................................................................................................................................12
Programming the transponder ......................................................................................................................................................12
Programming software..............................................................................................................................................................12
Configuration ............................................................................................................................................................................12
Using the transponder ..................................................................................................................................................................13
Switching on .................................................................................................................................................................................13
Switch functions............................................................................................................................................................................13
Warning and fault states ...............................................................................................................................................................13
Data port messages..................................................................................................................................................................13
Information Transmitted and Received .....................................................................................................................................14
Built In Test...............................................................................................................................................................................14
LED Indicators ..........................................................................................................................................................................15
Maintenance .............................................................................................................................................................................16
Serial Data Interface .....................................................................................................................................................................17
Power Connection / Data Connection.......................................................................................................................................17
Serial Port Input/Output ............................................................................................................................................................17
Power up messages .................................................................................................................................................................18
VHF data link messages (NMEA 0183 VDM) ...........................................................................................................................18
VHF data link own vessel messages (NMEA 0183 VDO) .........................................................................................................19
User Manual
Lorenz AIS 3000 RT
Regional Assignment Channel Assignment Message (NMEA 0183 ACA)................................................................................19
Channel management information source messages (NMEA 0183 ACS) ................................................................................20
AIS Alarm Messages (NMEA 0183 ALR, Text).........................................................................................................................20
ACK messages .........................................................................................................................................................................21
Antenna connections ....................................................................................................................................................................22
GPS Antenna............................................................................................................................................................................22
VHF Antenna ............................................................................................................................................................................22
Antenna types and mounting ....................................................................................................................................................22
Packing list................................................................................................................................................................................23
Appendix A ...................................................................................................................................................................................32
Antennas and Antenna Mounting..................................................................................................................................................32
GPS Antenna............................................................................................................................................................................32
VHF antenna for AIS use..........................................................................................................................................................32
User Manual
Lorenz AIS 3000 RT
General Warnings
All marine Automatic Identification System (AIS) units utilise a satellite based system such as the Global Positioning Satellite
(GPS) network or the Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS) network to determine position.
The accuracy of these networks is variable and is affected by factors such as the antenna positioning, how many satellites are
used to determine a position and how long satellite information has been received for.
It is desirable wherever possible therefore to verify both your vessels AIS derived position data and other vessels AIS derived
position data with visual or radar based observations.
The compass safe distance of this unit is 0.5m or greater for 0.3° deviation.
In accordance with a policy of continual development and product improvement the AIS 3000 RT hardware and software may
be upgraded from time to time and future versions of the AIS 3000 RT may therefore not correspond exactly with this manual.
When necessary upgrades to the product will be accompanied by updates or addenda to this manual.
Please take time to read this manual carefully and to understand its contents fully so that you can install and operate your AIS
system correctly.
Information contained in this manual is liable to change without notice.
Lorenz Electronics snc disclaims any liability for consequences arising from omissions or inaccuracies in this manual and any
other documentation provided with this product.
© 2008 Lorenz Electronics snc.
FCC Compliance
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the
FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not
occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be
determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the
following measures:
x Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
x Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
x Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
x Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
The AIS 3000 RT does not contain any user serviceable parts. Repairs should only be made by an authorized Lorenz
Electronics service agent. Unauthorised repairs or modifications could result in permanent damage to the equipment and void
your warranty and you’re authority to operate this equipment under Part 15 regulations.
RF Emissions Notice
Caution: The AIS 3000 RT Class B AIS transponder generates and radiates radio frequency electromagnetic energy.
This equipment must be installed and operated according to the instructions contained in this handbook. Failure to do
so can result in personal injury and / or product malfunction.
User Manual
Lorenz AIS 3000 RT
VHF Antenna Connection
Connecting a badly mismatched VHF antenna, leaving the VHF antenna port disconnected, or shorting the VHF antenna port
will activate the VSWR alarm, cause the unit to stop sending position reports or cause damage to the transponder.
Radio Frequency Exposure
To meet the requirements for Radio Frequency Exposure it is necessary to install the VHF antenna correctly and operate the
AIS equipment according to the instructions.
User Manual
Lorenz AIS 3000 RT
Appendix A
Antennas and Antenna Mounting
GPS Antenna
The GPS antenna used must be of the active type (i.e. it should incorporate an LNA) and must be suitable for marine shipboard
applications (index of protection, ruggedness, means of mounting, etc.). An antenna should be selected with a gain (in dB)
depending on the length of cable between the antenna and the AIS unit; after subtraction of cable and connector losses a
minimum total gain of 25 dB should be available at the AIS 3000 RT unit GPS antenna connector.
The GPS antenna to be used for AIS use must be a dedicated antenna, i.e. not shared with any other GPS receiver.
Installation of the GPS antenna is critical for the performance of the built in GPS receiver which is used for timing of the
transmitted time slots and for the supply of navigational information should the main navigational GPS fail. We strongly
recommend that:
x The GPS antenna is mounted in an elevated position and free of shadow effect from the ship’s superstructure
x The GPS antenna has a free view through 360 degrees with a vertical angle of 5 to 90 degrees above the horizon.
x As the received GPS signal is very sensitive to noise and interference generated by other onboard transmitters, ensure
that the GNSS antenna is placed as far away as possible from radar, Inmarsat and Iridium transmitters and ensure the
GPS antenna is free from direct view of the radar and the Inmarsat beam.
x It is also important that the MF/HF and other VHF transmitter antennas are kept as far away as possible from the
GNSS antenna. It is good practice never to install a GNSS antenna within a radius of 5 meters from these antennas.
VHF antenna for AIS use
The VHF antenna employed for AIS use:
x Must be a dedicated antenna, i.e. not shared with any other VHF transmitter/receiver.
x Must be suitable for marine shipboard applications (index of protection, ruggedness, means of mounting, etc.)
x Should be omni-directional and vertically polarised with maximum gain of 3dBi and bandwidth sufficient to maintain
VSWR <1.5 over the frequency range 156 – 163 MHz. As a minimum the 3dB bandwidth must cover the two AIS
channels and the DSC Channel.
x Should be mounted with at least a two metre vertical separation distance from any other VHF antenna used for speech
or DCS communication but see also the section “Radio Frequency Exposure Warning” below.
User Manual
Lorenz AIS 3000 RT
Caution: Never operate the transponder unless it is connected to a VHF antenna.
To maximise performance and minimise human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic energy you must make sure that
the antenna is mounted at least 1.5 meters away from the transponder and is connected to the transponder before power is
The system has a Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) radius of 1.5m. This has been determined assuming the maximum
power of the transponder and using antennas with a maximum gain of 3dBi.
x The antenna should be mounted 3.5m above the deck in order to meet RF exposure requirements.
x Higher gain antennas will require a greater MPE radius.
x Do not operate the unit when anyone is within the MPE radius of the antenna (unless they are shielded from the
antenna field by a grounded metallic barrier).
x The antenna should not be collocated of operated in conjunction with any other transmitting antenna.
This device has been designed to operate with standard marine VHF antennas having a maximum gain of 3dBi. Antennas not
included in this list or having a gain greater than 3dBi are strictly prohibited for use with this device. The required antenna
impedance is 50 ohms.
Licensing and Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI)
IMPORTANT: In most countries the operation of an AIS unit is included under the vessel's marine VHF licence provisions. The
vessel on to which the AIS unit is to installed must therefore possess a current VHF radiotelephone licence which lists the AIS
system and the vessel Call Sign and MMSI number.
An MMSI number is required in order for the AIS 3000 RT transponder to operate.
Please contact the relevant authority in your country for more information.
User Manual
Lorenz AIS 3000 RT
Product Specification
Parameter Value
Dimensions 190 x 135 x 83 mm (L x W x H)
Weight 1450g
Power DC (10.8 - 15.6V)
Average power consumption 4W
Peak current rating 2A
GPS Receiver (AIS Internal) IEC 61108-1 compliant
Electrical Interfaces RS232 38.4kBaud bi-directional
RS422 NMEA 38.4kBaud bi-directional
Connectors VHF antenna connector
GPS antenna connector
VHF Transceiver Transmitter x 1
Receiver x 2 (One receiver time shared between AIS and DSC)
Frequency: 156.025 to 162.025 MHz in 25 kHz steps
Output Power 33dBm ± 1.5 dB
Channel Bandwidth 25kHz
Channel Step 25kHz
Modulation Modes 25kHz GMSK (AIS, TX and RX)
25kHz AFSK (DSC, RX only)
Bit rate 9600 b/s ± 50 ppm (GMSK)
1200 b/s ± 30 ppm (FSK)
RX Sensitivity Sensitivity - 107dBm 25kHz (Message Error Rate 20%)
Co-channel 10dB
Adjacent channel 70dB
IMD 65dB
Blocking 84dB
Environmental IEC 60945
Operating temperature: -25ºC to +55ºC
IEC 60945 'Protected' category
Indicators Power, TX timeout, status, pre-set SRM sent.
Operator Controls Optional pre-set safety related message (SRM) transmit button
This product complies to all the necessary standards under the European R&TTE directive for Article 3.1(a), 3.1(b), 3.2 and
3.3(e). The following standards have been followed in pursuance of this:
User Manual
Lorenz AIS 3000 RT
PI Presentation Interface
RF Radio Frequency
RTCM Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services Commission
RX Receive or Receiver
RFI Radio frequency interference
SAR Specific Absorption Rate
SMS Short Message System
SOG Speed over Ground
SRM Safety Related Message
TDMA Time-division Multiple Access
TNC Threaded type BNC connector
TX Transmit or transmitter
UTC Universal Time Co-ordinated
VDM (AIS) VHF Data Link Messages
VDO (AIS) VHF data link own vessel messages
VHF Very High Frequency
VSWR Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
User Manual
Lorenz AIS 3000 RT
ACA (AIS) Regional Assignment Channel Assignment Message
ACK Acknowledgement
ACS (AIS) Channel management information source messages
AFSK Audio frequency-shift keying
ALR (AIS) Alarm Message
A to N Aid to Navigation
AIS Automatic Identification System
BIIT Built In Integrity Testing
BNC Bayonet fitting type RF connector
CSTDMA Carrier Sense Time Division Multiple Access
COG Course over Ground
CR Carriage Return
CS Carrier Sense
CSTDMA Carrier Sense TDMA
DC Direct Current
DGNSS Differential Global Navigation Satellite System
DSC Digital Selective calling
GLONASS Global Navigation Satellite System
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System
GMSK Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying
GPS Global Positioning Satellite / System
HF High Frequency
IMO International Maritime Organization
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
LED Light Emitting Diode
LF Line Feed
LNA Low-noise amplifier
MF Medium Frequency
MKD Minimum Keypad and Display
MMSI Maritime Mobile Service Identity
MPE Maximum Permissible Exposure
NMEA National Marine Electronics Association
PC Personal Computer
User Manual
Lorenz AIS 3000 RT
x IEC62287-1: 2006-03 Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems – Class B shipborne
equipment of the automatic identification system (AIS) – Part 1: Carrier-sense time division multiple access (CSTDMA)
x IEC60945: 2002-08 Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems – General requirements –
Methods of testing and required test results
x IEC61162-1: Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems – Digital interfaces – Part 1: Single
talker and multiple listeners
x IEC61108-1: GLOBAL NAVIGATION SATELLITE SYSTEMS (GNSS) – Part 1: Global positioning system (GPS) -
Receiver equipment - Performance standards, methods of testing and required test results
x EN 301 843-1 v2.1: Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Electromagnetic Compatibility
(EMC) standard for marine radio equipment and services; Part 1: Common technical requirements
x EN 50383: 2002 Basic standard for calculation and measurement of electromagnetic field strength and SAR related to
human exposure from radio base stations and fixed terminal stations for wireless telecommunications system (110MHz
– 40GHz)
x EN60950-1:2002 Information technology equipment – Safety – Part 1: General requirements
Declaration of Conformity
Lorenz Electronics snc declares that this product is in compliance with the essential requirements and other provisions of the
R&TTE directive 1995/5/EC.
The product carries the CE mark, notified body number and alert symbol as required by the R&TTE directive.
The product is intended for sale in the following member states:
User Manual
Lorenz AIS 3000 RT
How AIS Works
The marine Automatic Identification System (AIS) is a location and vessel information reporting system. It allows vessels
equipped with AIS to automatically and dynamically share and regularly update their position, speed, course and other
information such as vessel identity with similarly equipped craft. Position is derived from a Global Navigation Satellite System
(GNSS) network and communication between vessels is by Very High Frequency (VHF) digital transmissions. A sophisticated
and automatic method of time sharing the radio channel is used to ensure that even where a large number of vessels are in one
location blocking of individual transmissions is minimised, any degradation of the expected position reporting interval is
indicated to the user and even if the unit suffers extreme channel overload conditions it will always recover to normal operation.
AIS Classes
There are two classes of AIS unit fitted to vessels, Class A and Class B. In addition AIS base stations may be employed by the
Coastguard, port authorities and other authorised bodies. AIS units acting as aids to navigation (A to Ns) can also be fitted to
User Manual
Lorenz AIS 3000 RT
User Manual
Lorenz AIS 3000 RT
User Manual
Lorenz AIS 3000 RT
fixed and floating navigation markers such as channel markers and buoys.
Class A units are a mandatory fit under the safety of life at sea (SOLAS) convention to vessels above 300 gross tons or which
carry more than 11 passengers in International waters. Many other commercial vessels and some leisure craft also fit Class A
Class B units are currently not a mandatory fit but authorities in several parts of the world are considering this. Class B units are
designed for fitting in vessels which do not fall into the mandatory Class A fit category.
The Lorenz AIS 3000 RT is a Class B unit
Position Information Source
As noted above the marine AIS system uses position information derived from networks such as the Global Positioning Satellite
(GPS) or the Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS) in order to determine the location of the AIS unit and thus the
vessel to which it is fitted.
The Lorenz AIS 3000 RT utilises the GPS satellite network.

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