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A Division of Cisco Systems, Inc.
Model No.
with 4-Port Switch
ADSL2 Gateway
User Guide
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
Copyright and Trademarks
Specifications are subject to change without notice. Linksys is a registered trademark or trademark of Cisco
Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and certain other countries. Copyright © 2004 Cisco Systems, Inc. All
rights reserved. Other brands and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
How to Use this Guide
Your Guide to the ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch has been designed to make understanding networking with
the Gateway easier than ever. Look for the following items when reading this User Guide:
In addition to these symbols, there are definitions for technical terms that are presented like this:
Also, each figure (diagram, screenshot, or other image) is provided with a figure number and description, like
Figure numbers and descriptions can also be found in the “List of Figures” section in the “Table of Contents”.
This exclamation point means there is a Caution or
Warning and is something that could damage your
property or the Gateway.
word: definition.
This checkmark means there is a Note of interest and
is something you should pay special attention to while
using the Gateway.
This question mark provides you with a reminder about
something you might need to do while using the Gateway.
Figure 0-1: Sample Figure Description
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Pot Switch
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
Welcome 1
What’s in this Guide? 2
Chapter 2: Planning Your Network 4
The Gateway’s Functions 4
IP Addresses 4
What is a VPN? 5
Why do I need a VPN? 6
Chapter 3: Getting to Know the ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch 8
The Back Panel 8
The Front Panel 9
Chapter 4: Connecting the ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch 10
Overview 10
Wired Connection to a Computer 11
Chapter 5: Configuring the Gateway 13
Overview 13
How to Access the Web-based Utility 15
The Setup Tab 15
The Security Tab 22
The Access Restrictions Tab 27
The Applications and Gaming Tab 29
The Administration Tab 32
The Status Tab 37
Common Problems and Solutions 39
Frequently Asked Questions 47
Introduction 53
Environment 53
How to Establish a Secure IPSec Tunnel 54
Windows 98 or Me Instructions 64
Windows 2000 or XP Instructions 65
10/100 8-Port VPN Router
List of Figures
Figure 2-1: Network 4
Figure 2-2: Computer-to-VPN Gateway 6
Figure 2-3: VPN Gateway-to-VPN Gateway 7
Figure 3-1: Back Panel 8
Figure 3-2: Front Panel 9
Figure 4-1: Ethernet Connection 11
Figure 4-2: ADSL Connection 11
Figure 4-3: Power Connection 11
Figure 5-1: Password Screen 15
Figure 5-2: Basic Setup Tab 15
Figure 5-3: Dynamic IP 16
Figure 5-4: Static IP 16
Figure 5-5: IPoA 17
Figure 5-6: RFC 2516 PPPoE 17
Figure 5-7: RFC 2364 PPPoA 18
Figure 5-8: Bridged Mode Only 18
Figure 5-9: Optional Settings 19
Figure 5-10: DynDNS.org 20
Figure 5-11: TZO.com 20
Figure 5-12: Advanced Routing 21
Figure 5-13: Routing Table List 22
Figure 5-14: Firewall 23
Figure 5-15: VPN 24
Figure 5-16: VPN Settings Summary 24
Figure 5-17: Manual Key Management 25
Figure 5-18: System Log 25
Figure 5-19: Advanced VPN Tunnel Setup 26
Figure 5-20: Internet Access 27
10/100 8-Port VPN Router
Figure 5-21: Internet Policy Summary 27
Figure 5-22: List of PCs 28
Figure 5-23: Port Services 28
Figure 5-24: Single Port Forwarding 29
Figure 5-25: Port Range Forwarding 29
Figure 5-26: Port Triggering 30
Figure 5-27: DMZ 30
Figure 5-28: QOS 31
Figure 5-29: Management 32
Figure 5-30: Reporting 33
Figure 5-31: System Log 33
Figure 5-32: Ping Test 34
Figure 5-33: Backup&Restore 34
Figure 5-34: Factory Defaults 35
Figure 5-35: Firmware Upgrade 35
Figure 5-36: Reboot 36
Figure 5-37: Status 37
Figure 5-38: Local Network 37
Figure 5-39: DHCP Clients Table 37
Figure 5-40: DSL Connection 38
Figure B-1: Local Security Screen 54
Figure B-2: Rules Tab 54
Figure B-3: IP Filter List Tab 54
Figure B-4: IP Filter LIst 55
Figure B-5: Filters Properties 55
Figure B-6: New Rule Properties 55
Figure B-7: IP Filter List 56
Figure B-8: Filters Properties 56
Figure B-9: New Rule Properties 56
Figure B-10: IP Filter List Tab 57
10/100 8-Port VPN Router
Figure B-11: Filter Acton Tab 57
Figure B-12: Security Methods Tab 57
Figure B-13: Authentication Methods 58
Figure B-14: Preshared Key 58
Figure B-15: New Preshared Key 58
Figure B-16: Tunnel Setting Tab 59
Figure B-17: Connection Type Tab 59
Figure B-18: Properties Screen 59
Figure B-19: IP Filter List Tab 60
Figure B-20: Filter Action Tab 60
Figure B-21: Authentication Methods Tab 60
Figure B-22: Preshared Key 61
Figure B-23: New Preshared Key 61
Figure B-24: Tunnel Setting Tab 61
Figure B-25: Connection Type 62
Figure B-26: Rules 62
Figure B-27: Local Computer 62
Figure B-28: VPN Tab 63
Figure C-1: IP Configuration Screen 64
Figure C-2: MAC Address/Adapter Address 64
Figure C-3: MAC Address/Physical Address 65
Figure D-1: Upgrade Firmware 66
Chapter 1: Introduction
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
Chapter 1: Introduction
The Linksys ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch is the all-in-one solution for Internet connectivity in your home.
The ADSL Modem function gives you a blazing fast connection to the Internet, far faster than a dial-up, and
without tying up your phone line.
Connect your computers to the Gateway via the built-in 4-port 10/100 Ethernet Switch to jump start your home
network. You can share files, printers, hard drive space and other resources, or play head-to-head computer
games. Attach four computers directly, or connect more hubs and switches to create as big a network as you
need. The Gateway ties it all together and lets your whole network share that high-speed Internet connection.
To protect your data and privacy, the ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch features an advanced firewall to keep
Internet intruders and attackers out.
Safeguard your family with Parental Control features like Internet Access Time Limits and Key Word Blocking.
Configuration is a snap with any web browser.
With the Linksys ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch at the heart of your home network, you're connected to the
Chapter 1: Introduction
What’s in this Guide?
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
What’s in this Guide?
This user guide covers the steps for setting up and using the ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch.
Chapter 1: Introduction
This chapter describes the ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
applications and this User Guide.
Chapter 2: Planning Your Network
This chapter describes the basics of networking.
Chapter 3: Getting to Know the ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
This chapter describes the physical features of the Gateway.
Chapter 4: Connecting the ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
This chapter instructs you on how to connect the Gateway to your network.
Chapter 5: Configuring the Gateway
This chapter explains how to use the Web-Based Utility to configure the settings on the Gateway.
Appendix A: Troubleshooting
This appendix describes some problems and solutions, as well as frequently asked questions, regarding
installation and use of the ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch.
Appendix B: Configuring IPSec between a Windows 2000 Computer and the Gateway
This appendix instructs you on how to establish a secure IPSec tunnel using preshared keys to join a private
network inside the VPN Gateway and a Windows 2000 or XP computer.
Appendix C: Upgrading Firmware
This appendix instructs you on how to upgrade the firmware on your Gateway if you should need to do so.
Appendix D: Finding the MAC Address and IP Address for your Ethernet Adapter.
This appendix describes how to find the MAC address for your computer’s Ethernet adapter so you can use
the MAC filtering and/or MAC address cloning feature of the Gateway.
Appendix E: Glossary
This appendix gives a brief glossary of terms frequently used in networking.
Appendix F: Specifications
This appendix provides the technical specifications for the Gateway.
Chapter 1: Introduction
What’s in this Guide?
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
Appendix G: Warranty Information
This appendix supplies the warranty information for the Gateway.
Appendix H: Regulatory Information
This appendix supplies the regulatory information regarding the Gateway.
Appendix I: Contact Information
This appendix provides contact information for a variety of Linksys resources, including Technical Support.
Chapter 2: Planning Your Network
The Gateway’s Functions
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
Chapter 2: Planning Your Network
The Gateway’s Functions
A Gateway is a network device that connects two networks together.
In this instance, the Gateway connects your Local Area Network (LAN), or the group of computers in your home or
office, to the Internet. The Gateway processes and regulates the data that travels between these two networks.
The Gateway’s NAT feature protects your network of computers so users on the public, Internet side cannot “see”
your computers. This is how your network remains private. The Gateway protects your network by inspecting
every packet coming in through the Internet port before delivery to the appropriate computer on your network.
The Gateway inspects Internet port services like the web server, ftp server, or other Internet applications, and, if
allowed, it will forward the packet to the appropriate computer on the LAN side.
Remember that the Gateway’s ports connect to two sides. The LAN ports connect to the LAN, and the ADSL port
connects to the Internet. The LAN ports transmit data at 10/100Mbps.
IP Addresses
What’s an IP Address?
IP stands for Internet Protocol. Every device on an IP-based network, including computers, print servers, and
Gateways, requires an IP address to identify its “location,” or address, on the network. This applies to both the
Internet and LAN connections. There are two ways of assigning an IP address to your network devices. You can
assign static IP addresses or use the Gateway to assign IP addresses dynamically.
Static IP Addresses
A static IP address is a fixed IP address that you assign manually to a computer or other device on the network.
Since a static IP address remains valid until you disable it, static IP addressing ensures that the device assigned
it will always have that same IP address until you change it. Static IP addresses must be unique and are
commonly used with network devices such as server computers or print servers.
LAN: the computers and networking products that
make up your local network
NOTE: Since the Gateway is a device that connects two
networks, it needs two IP addresses—one for the LAN,
and one for the Internet. In this User Guide, you’ll see
references to the “Internet IP address” and the “LAN IP
Since the Gateway uses NAT technology, the only IP
address that can be seen from the Internet for your
network is the Gateway’s Internet IP address. However,
even this Internet IP address can be blocked, so that the
Gateway and network seem invisible to the Internet—
see the Block WAN Requests description under Security
in “Chapter 5: Configuring the Gateway.
Figure 2-1: Network
Chapter 2: Planning Your Network
What is a VPN?
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
Since you use the Gateway to share your DSL Internet connection, contact your ISP to find out if they have
assigned a static IP address to your account. If so, you will need that static IP address when configuring the
Gateway. You can get that information from your ISP.
Dynamic IP Addresses
A dynamic IP address is automatically assigned to a device on the network, such as computers and print servers.
These IP addresses are called “dynamic” because they are only temporarily assigned to the computer or device.
After a certain time period, they expire and may change. If a computer logs onto the network (or the Internet) and
its dynamic IP address has expired, the DHCP server will automatically assign it a new dynamic IP address.
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) Servers
Computers and other network devices using dynamic IP addressing are assigned a new IP address by a DHCP
server. The computer or network device obtaining an IP address is called the DHCP client. DHCP frees you from
having to assign IP addresses manually every time a new user is added to your network.
A DHCP server can either be a designated computer on the network or another network device, such as the
Gateway. By default, the Gateway’s DHCP Server function is enabled.
If you already have a DHCP server running on your network, you must disable one of the two DHCP servers. If you
run more than one DHCP server on your network, you will experience network errors, such as conflicting IP
addresses. To disable DHCP on the Gateway, see the DHCP section in “Chapter 5: Configuring the Gateway.
What is a VPN?
A VPN, or Virtual Private Network, is a connection between two endpoints - a VPN Gateway, for instance - in
different networks that allows private data to be sent securely over a shared or public network, such as the
Internet. This establishes a private network that can send data securely between these two locations or
This is done by creating a “tunnel”. A VPN tunnel connects the two computers or networks and allows data to be
transmitted over the Internet as if it were still within those networks. Not a literal tunnel, it is a connection
secured by encrypting the data sent between the two networks.
VPN was created as a cost-effective alternative to using a private, dedicated, leased line for a private network.
Using industry standard encryption and authentication techniques - IPSec, short for IP Security - the VPN creates
a secure connection that, in effect, operates as if you were directly connected to your local network. Virtual
Private Networking can be used to create secure networks linking a central office with branch offices,
Chapter 2: Planning Your Network
Why do I need a VPN?
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
telecommuters, and/or professionals on the road (travelers can connect to a VPN Gateway using any computer
with VPN client software that supports IPSec, such as SSH Sentinel.)
There are two basic ways to create a VPN connection:
VPN Gateway to VPN Gateway
Computer (using VPN client software that supports IPSec) to VPN Gateway
The VPN Gateway creates a “tunnel” or channel between two endpoints, so that data transmissions between
them are secure. A computer with VPN client software that supports IPSec can be one of the two endpoints. Any
computer with the built-in IPSec Security Manager (Microsoft 2000 and XP) allows the VPN Gateway to create a
VPN tunnel using IPSec (refer to “Appendix C: Configuring IPSec between a Windows 2000 or XP computer and
the VPN Gateway”). Other versions of Microsoft operating systems require additional, third-party VPN client
software applications that support IPSec to be installed.
Computer (using VPN client software that supports IPSec) to VPN Gateway
The following is an example of a computer-to-VPN Gateway VPN. (See Figure 2-2.) In her hotel room, a traveling
businesswoman dials up her ISP. Her notebook computer has VPN client software that is configured with her
office's VPN settings. She accesses the VPN client software that supports IPSec and connects to the VPN Gate-
way at the central office. As VPNs utilize the Internet, distance is not a factor. Using the VPN, the businesswoman
now has a secure connection to the central office's network, as if she were physically connected.
VPN Gateway to VPN Gateway
An example of a VPN Gateway-to-VPN Gateway VPN would be as follows. (See Figure 2-3.) At home, a
telecommuter uses his VPN Gateway for his always-on Internet connection. His Gateway is configured with his
office's VPN settings. When he connects to his office's Gateway, the two Gateways create a VPN tunnel,
encrypting and decrypting data. As VPNs utilize the Internet, distance is not a factor. Using the VPN, the
telecommuter now has a secure connection to the central office's network, as if he were physically connected.
For additional information and instructions about creating your own VPN, please visit Linksys’s international
website at www.linksys.com/international or refer to “Appendix C: Configuring IPSec between a Windows 2000 or
XP computer and the VPN Gateway.
Why do I need a VPN?
Computer networking provides a flexibility not available when using a paper-based system. With this flexibility,
however, comes an increased risk in security. This is why firewalls were first introduced. Firewalls help to
IMPORTANT: You must have at least one VPN
Gateway on one end of the VPN tunnel. At the
other end of the VPN tunnel, you must have a
second VPN Gateway or a computer with VPN
client software that supports IPSec.
Figure 2-2: Computer-to-VPN Gateway
Chapter 2: Planning Your Network
Why do I need a VPN?
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
protect data inside of a local network. But what do you do once information is sent outside of your local network,
when emails are sent to their destination, or when you have to connect to your company's network when you are
out on the road? How is your data protected?
That is when a VPN can help. VPNs secure data moving outside of your network as if it were still within that
When data is sent out across the Internet from your computer, it is always open to attacks. You may already have
a firewall, which will help protect data moving around or held within your network from being corrupted or
intercepted by entities outside of your network, but once data moves outside of your network - when you send
data to someone via email or communicate with an individual over the Internet - the firewall will no longer protect
that data.
At this point, your data becomes open to hackers using a variety of methods to steal not only the data you are
transmitting but also your network login and security data. Some of the most common methods are as follows:
1) MAC Address Spoofing
Packets transmitted over a network, either your local network or the Internet, are preceded by a packet header.
These packet headers contain both the source and destination information for that packet to transmit efficiently.
A hacker can use this information to spoof (or fake) a MAC address allowed on the network. With this spoofed
MAC address, the hacker can also intercept information meant for another user.
2) Data Sniffing
Data “sniffing” is a method used by hackers to obtain network data as it travels through unsecured networks,
such as the Internet. Tools for just this kind of activity, such as protocol analyzers and network diagnostic tools,
are often built into operating systems and allow the data to be viewed in clear text.
3) Man in the Middle Attacks
Once the hacker has either sniffed or spoofed enough information, he can now perform a “man in the middle”
attack. This attack is performed, when data is being transmitted from one network to another, by rerouting the
data to a new destination. Even though the data is not received by its intended recipient, it appears that way to
the person sending the data.
These are only a few of the methods hackers use and they are always developing more. Without the security of
your VPN, your data is constantly open to such attacks as it travels over the Internet. Data travelling over the
Internet will often pass through many different servers around the world before reaching its final destination.
That's a long way to go for unsecured data and this is when a VPN serves its purpose.
Figure 2-3: VPN Gateway-to-VPN Gateway
Chapter 3: Getting to Know the ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
The Back Panel
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
Chapter 3: Getting to Know the ADSL2 Gateway with 4-
Port Switch
The Back Panel
The Gateway’s ports, where a network cable is connected, are located on the back panel. The Gateway’s buttons
are also located on the back panel.
LINE The LINE port connects to the ADSL line.
Ethernet (1-4) The Ethernet ports connect to your computer and other network devices.
Reset Button There are two ways to Reset the Gateway's factory defaults. Either press the Reset Button, for
approximately ten seconds, or restore the defaults from the Factory Defaults screen of the
Administration tab in the Gateway’s Web-Based Utility.
Power The Power port is where you will connect the power adapter.
On/Off Switch This switch is used to turn the Gateway on or off.
With these, and many other, Linksys products, your networking options are limitless. Go to the Linksys
international website at www.linksys.com/international for more information about products that work with the
Important: Resetting the Gateway to factory
defaults will erase all of your settings
and replace them with the factory defaults. Do
not reset the Gateway if you want to retain
these settings.
Figure 3-1: Back Panel
Chapter 3: Getting to Know the ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
The Front Panel
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
The Front Panel
The Gateway's LEDs, where information about network activity is displayed, are located on the front panel.
Power Green. The Power LED lights up when the Gateway is powered on.
Ethernet (1-4) Green. The LAN LED serves two purposes. If the LED is continuously lit, the Gateway is
successfully connected to a device through the LAN port. If the LED is blinking, it is an
indication of any network activity.
DSL Green. The DSL LED lights up whenever there is a successful DSL connection. The LED blinks
while establishing the ADSL connection.
Internet Green. The Internet LED lights up green when an Internet connection to the Internet Service
Provider (ISP) session is established. The Internet LED lights up red when the connection to
the ISP fails.
Figure 3-2: Front Panel
Chapter 4: Connecting the ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
Chapter 4: Connecting the ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port
The Gateway’s setup consists of more than simply plugging hardware together. You will have to configure your
networked computers to accept the IP addresses that the Gateway assigns them (if applicable), and you will also
have to configure the Gateway with setting(s) provided by your Internet Service Provider (ISP).
The installation technician from your ISP should have left the setup information for your modem with you after
installing your broadband connection. If not, you can call your ISP to request that data.
After you have the setup information you need for your specific type of Internet connection, you can begin
installation and setup of the Gateway.
Connection to a Computer
1. Before you begin, make sure that all of your network’s hardware is powered off, including the Gateway and
all computers.
2. Connect one end of an Ethernet network cable to one of the Ethernet ports (labeled 1-4) on the back of the
Gateway (see Figure 4-1), and the other end to an Ethernet port on a computer.
3. Repeat this step to connect more computers, a switch, or other network devices to the Gateway.
Figure 4-1: Ethernet Connection
A small device called a microfilter (not included) may be necessary between each
phone and wall jack to prevent interference. Contact your ISP if you have any questions.
Chapter 4: Connecting the ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
Connection to a Computer
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
4. Connect a phone cable from the Line port on the Gateway’s back panel (see Figure 4-2) to the wall jack of
the ADSL line. A small device called a microfilter may be necessary between each phone and wall jack to
prevent interference. Contact your ISP if you have any questions.
5. Connect the power adapter to the Gateway’s Power port (see Figure 4-3), and then plug the power adapter
into a power outlet. Turn the On/Off switch to On.
The Power LED on the front panel will light up green as soon as the power adapter is connected properly
and the switch is turned on. The Power LED will flash for a few seconds, then it will light up steady when
the self-test is complete. If the LED flashes for one minute or longer, see “Appendix A: Troubleshooting.
6. Power on one of your computers that is connected to the Gateway.
The Gateway’s hardware installation is now complete.
Go to “Chapter 5: Configuring the Gateway.
Figure 4-2: ADSL Connection
Figure 4-3: Power Connection
NOTE: You should always plug the Gateway’s power
adapter into a power strip with surge protection.
NOTE: You should always change the SSID from its
default, linksys, and enable WEP encryption.
IMPORTANT: For countries that have phone jacks with RJ-11 connectors, make sure to
only place the microfilters between the phone and the wall jack and not between the
Modem and the wall jack or your ADSL will not connect.
For countries that do not have phone jacks with RJ-11 connectors (e.g. France, Sweden,
Switzerland, United Kingdom, etc.), except for ISDN users, the microfilter has to be used
between the modem and the wall jack, because the microfilter will have the RJ-11
Annex B users (E1 and DE versions of the Gateway) must use the included special cable to
connect the gateway to the wall jack (RJ-45 to RJ-12). If you require splitters or special
jacks, please contact your service provider.
Chapter 5: Configuring the Gateway
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
Chapter 5: Configuring the Gateway
Follow the steps in this chapter and use the Gateway’s web-based utility to configure the Gateway. This chapter
will describe each web page in the Utility and each page’s key functions. The utility can be accessed via your web
browser through use of a computer connected to the Gateway. For a basic network setup, most users only have to
use the following screens of the Utility:
Basic Setup. On the Basic Setup screen, enter the settings provided by your ISP.
Management. Click the Administration tab and then the Management tab. The Gateway’s default username
and password is admin. To secure the Gateway, change the Password from its default.
There are six main tabs: Setup, Security, Access Restrictions, Applications & Gaming, Administration, and Status.
Additional tabs will be available after you click one of the main tabs.
Basic Setup. Enter the Internet connection and network settings on this screen.
DDNS. To enable the Gateway’s Dynamic Domain Name System (DDNS) feature, complete the fields on this
Advanced Routing. On this screen, you can alter Dynamic Routing, and Static Routing configurations.
Firewall. This screen contains Filters and Block WAN Requests. Filters block specific internal users from
accessing the Internet and block anonymous Internet requests.
VPN. To enable or disable IPSec and/or PPTP Pass-through, and set up VPN tunnels, use this screen.
Access Restrictions
Internet Access. This screen allows you to prevent or permit only certain users from attaching to your
Note: For added security, you should change
the password through the Administration tab.
Have You: Enabled TCP/IP on your computers?
computers communicate over the network with
this protocol. Refer to Windows Help for more
information on TCP/IP.
Chapter 5: Configuring the Gateway
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
Applications & Gaming
Single Port Forwarding. Use this screen to set up common services or applications on your network.
Port Range Forwarding. To set up public services or other specialized Internet applications on your network,
click this tab.
Port Triggering. To set up triggered ranges and forwarded ranges for Internet applications, click this tab.
DMZ. To allow one local user to be exposed to the Internet for use of special-purpose services, use this
QoS. QoS ensures better service to high-priority types of network traffic, which may involve demanding, real-
time applications, such as Internet phone calls or videoconferencing.
Management. On this screen, alter Gateway access privileges, SNMP, UPnP, and WT-82 settings.
Reporting. If you want to view or save activity logs, click this tab.
Diagnostics. Use this screen to do a Ping Test.
Backup&Restore. The Backup&Restore tab allows you to back up and restore the Gateway’s configuration file.
Factory Defaults. If you want to restore the Gateway’s factory defaults, use this screen.
Firmware Upgrade. Click this tab if you want to upgrade the Gateway’s firmware.
Reboot. This tab allows you to do a soft or hard reboot of your Gateway.
Gateway. This screen provides status information about the Gateway.
Local Network. This provides status information about the local network.
DSL Connection. This screen provides status information about the DSL connection.
Chapter 5: Configuring the Gateway
How to Access the Web-based Utility
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
How to Access the Web-based Utility
To access the web-based utility, launch Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator, and enter the Gateway’s default
IP address,, in the Address field. Then press Enter.
A password request page, shown in Figure 5-1 will appear. (non-Windows XP users will see a similar screen.)
Enter admin (the default user name) in the User Name field, and enter admin (the default password) in the
Password field. Then click the OK button.
The Setup Tab
The Basic Setup Tab
The first screen that appears is the Basic Setup tab. This tab allows you to change the Gateway's general
settings. Change these settings as described here and click the Save Settings button to save your changes or
Cancel Changes to cancel your changes.
Internet Setup
PVC Connection. Select a PVC connection number from the drop-down menu. Then, select the Enable Now to
enable the connection.
VC Settings. Virtual Circuits (VPI and VCI): These fields consist of two items: VPI (Virtual Path Identifier) and VCI
(Virtual Channel Identifier). Your ISP will provide the correct settings for these fields.
Multiplexing: Select LLC or VC , depending on your ISP.
QOS Type: Select from the drop-down menu: CBR, Continuous Bit Rate to specify fixed bandwidth for
voice or data traffic; UBR, Unspecific Bit Rate for application that are none-time sensitive, such as email;
or VBR, Variable Bite Rate for Bursty traffic and bandwidth sharing with other application.
Pcr Rate: Peak Cell Rate, divide the DSL line rate by 424 to find the PCR to get the maximum rate the
sender can send cells. Enter the rate in the field (if required by your service provider).
Scr Rate: Sustain Cell Rate, sets the average cell rate that can be transmitted. SCR normally less than
PCR. Enter the rate in the field (if required by your service provider).
Autodetect: Select Enable to have the settings automatically entered or Disable to enter the values
Virtual Circuit: Enter the VPI and VCi ranges in the fields.
Figure 5-2: Basic Setup Tab
Figure 5-1: Password Screen
Chapter 5: Configuring the Gateway
The Setup Tab
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
Internet Connection Type. The Gateway supports five Encapsulations: RFC 1483 Bridged, RFC 1483 Routed,
RFC 2516 PPPoE, RFC 2364 PPPoA, and Bridged Mode Only. Each Basic Setup screen and available features
will differ depending on what type of encapsulation you select.
RFC 1483 Bridged
Dynamic IP
IP Settings. Select Obtain an IP Address Automatically if your ISP says you are connecting through a
dynamic IP address.
Static IP
If you are required to use a permanent (static) IP address to connect to the Internet, then select Use the
following IP Address.
Internet IP Address. This is the Gateway’s IP address, when seen from the WAN, or the Internet. Your ISP
will provide you with the IP Address you need to specify here.
Subnet Mask. This is the Gateway’s Subnet Mask. Your ISP will provide you with the Subnet Mask.
Gateway. Your ISP will provide you with the default Gateway Address, which is the ISP servers IP address.
Primary DNS. (Required) and Secondary DNS (Optional). Your ISP will provide you with at least one DNS
(Domain Name System) Server IP Address.
When finished making your changes on this tab, click the Save Settings button to save these changes, or
click the Cancel Changes button to undo your changes.
Figure 5-3: Dynamic IP
Figure 5-4: Static IP
Chapter 5: Configuring the Gateway
The Setup Tab
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
If you are required to use RFC 1577 IPoA (Classical IP over ATM), then select IPoA.
IP Address. This is the Gateway’s IP address, when seen from the WAN, or the Internet. Your ISP will
provide you with the IP Address you need to specify here.
Subnet Mask. This is the Gateway’s Subnet Mask. Your ISP will provide you with the Subnet Mask.
Default Gateway. Your ISP will provide you with the Default Gateway Address, which is the ISP server’s IP
Primary DNS. (Required) and Secondary DNS (Optional). Your ISP will provide you with at least one DNS
(Domain Name System) Server IP Address.
RFC 2516 PPPoE
Some DSL-based ISPs use PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet) to establish Internet connections. If
you are connected to the Internet through a DSL line, check with your ISP to see if they use PPPoE. If they
do, you will have to enable PPPoE.
Service Name. Enter the name of your PPPoE service in the field.
User Name and Password. Enter the User Name and Password provided by your ISP.
Connect on Demand: Max Idle Time. You can configure the Gateway to disconnect the Internet
connection after it has been inactive for a specified period of time (Max Idle Time). If your Internet
connection has been terminated due to inactivity, Connect on Demand enables the Gateway to
automatically re-establish your connection as soon as you attempt to access the Internet again. If you
wish to activate Connect on Demand, click the radio button. In the Max Idle Time field, enter the
number of minutes you want to have elapsed before your Internet connection terminates.
Keep Alive: Redial Period. If you select this option, the Gateway will periodically check your Internet
connection. If you are disconnected, then the Gateway will automatically re-establish your connection.
To use this option, click the radio button next to Keep Alive. In the Redial Period field, you specify how
often you want the Gateway to check the Internet connection. The default Redial Period is 30 seconds.
When finished making your changes on this tab, click the Save Settings button to save these changes, or
click the Cancel Changes button to undo your changes.
Figure 5-5: IPoA
Figure 5-6: RFC 2516 PPPoE
Chapter 5: Configuring the Gateway
The Setup Tab
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
RFC 2364 PPPoA
Some DSL-based ISPs use PPPoA (Point-to-Point Protocol over ATM) to establish Internet connections. If you
are connected to the Internet through a DSL line, check with your ISP to see if they use PPPoA. If they do, you
will have to enable PPPoA.
User Name and Password. Enter the User Name and Password provided by your ISP.
Connect on Demand: Max Idle Time. You can configure the Gateway to cut the Internet connection after it
has been inactive for a specified period of time (Max Idle Time). If your Internet connection has been
terminated due to inactivity, Connect on Demand enables the Gateway to automatically re-establish your
connection as soon as you attempt to access the Internet again. If you wish to activate Connect on
Demand, click the radio button. In the Max Idle Time field, enter the number of minutes you want to have
elapsed before your Internet connection terminates.
Keep Alive Option: Redial Period. If you select this option, the Gateway will periodically check your
Internet connection. If you are disconnected, then the Gateway will automatically re-establish your
connection. To use this option, click the radio button next to Keep Alive. In the Redial Period field, you
specify how often you want the Gateway to check the Internet connection. The default Redial Period is 30
When finished making your changes on this tab, click the Save Settings button to save these changes, or
click the Cancel Changes button to undo your changes.
Bridged Mode Only
If you are using your Gateway as a bridge, which makes the Gateway act like a standalone modem, select
Bridged Mode Only. All NAT and routing is disabled in this mode.
When finished making your changes on this tab, click the Save Settings button to save these changes, or
click the Cancel Changes button to undo your changes.
Figure 5-7: RFC 2364 PPPoA
Figure 5-8: Bridged Mode Only
Chapter 5: Configuring the Gateway
The Setup Tab
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
Optional Settings (Required by some ISPs)
Host Name and Domain Name. These fields allow you to supply a host and domain name for the Gateway.
Some ISPs require these names as identification. You may have to check with your ISP to see if your
broadband Internet service has been configured with a host and domain name. In most cases, leaving these
fields blank will work.
MTU. The MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) setting specifies the largest packet size permitted for network
transmission. Select Manual and enter the value desired in the Size field. It is recommended that you leave
this value in the 1200 to 1500 range. By default, MTU is configured automatically.
Network Setup
Router IP. The values for the Gateway’s Local IP Address and Subnet Mask are shown here. In most cases,
keeping the default values will work.
Local IP Address. The default value is
Subnet Mask. The default value is
Network Address Server Settings (DHCP). A Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server automatically
assigns an IP address to each computer on your network for you. Unless you already have one, it is highly
recommended that you leave the Gateway enabled as a DHCP server.
DHCP Relay Server. If you enable the Local DHCP Server or DHCP Relay for the Local DHCP server, enter
the IP address for the DHCP server in the fields.
AutoDetect LAN DHCP Server.
Starting IP Address. Enter a value for the DHCP server to start with when issuing IP addresses. This value
must be 192.168.1. 2 or greater, because the default IP address for the Gateway is
Maximum Number of DHCP Users. Enter the maximum number of users/clients that can obtain an IP
address. The number will vary depending on the starting IP address entered.
Client Lease Time. The Client Lease Time is the amount of time a network user will be allowed connection
to the Gateway with their current dynamic IP address. Enter the amount of time, in minutes, that the user
will be “leased” this dynamic IP address.
Static DNS 1-3. The Domain Name System (DNS) is how the Internet translates domain or website names
into Internet addresses or URLs. Your ISP will provide you with at least one DNS Server IP Address. You
Figure 5-9: Optional Settings
Chapter 5: Configuring the Gateway
The Setup Tab
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
can enter up to three DNS Server IP Addresses here. The Router will use these for quicker access to
functioning DNS servers.
WINS. The Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) converts NetBIOS names to IP addresses. If you use a
WINS server, enter that server’s IP address here. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
Time Setting. This is where you set the time zone for your Gateway. Select your time zone from the drop-
down menu. If desired, check the Automatically adjust clock for daylight saving changes.
When finished making your changes on this tab, click the Save Settings button to save these changes, or click
the Cancel Changes button to undo your changes.
The DDNS Tab
The Gateway offers a Dynamic Domain Name System (DDNS) feature. DDNS lets you assign a fixed host and
domain name to a dynamic Internet IP address. It is useful when you are hosting your own website, FTP server, or
other server behind the Gateway.
Before you can use this feature, you need to sign up for DDNS service at DynDNS.org.
DDNS Service. If your DDNS service is provided by DynDNS.org, then select DynDNS.org in the drop-down menu.
(See Figure 5-10.) To disable DDNS Service, select Disabled.
User Name, Password, and Host Name. Enter the User Name, Password, and Host Name of the account you
set up with DynDNS.org.
Internet IP Address. The Gateway’s current Internet IP Address is displayed here. Because it is dynamic, it will
Status. The status of the DDNS service connection is displayed here.
Email Address, Password, and Domain Name. Enter the Email Address, TZO Password Key, and Domain Name
of the service you set up with TZO.
Figure 5-10: DynDNS.org
Figure 5-11: TZO.com
Chapter 5: Configuring the Gateway
The Setup Tab
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
Internet IP Address. The Router’s current Internet IP Address is displayed here. Because it is dynamic, this will
Status. The status of the DDNS service connection is displayed here.
When finished making your changes on this tab, click the Save Settings button to save these changes, or click
the Cancel Changes button to undo your changes.
Advanced Routing Tab
The Advanced Routing screen allows you to configure the dynamic routing and static routing settings.
Advanced Routing
Operating Mode. NAT is a security feature that is enabled by default. It enables the Gateway to translate IP
addresses of your local area network to a different IP address for the Internet. To disable NAT, click the
Disabled radio button.
Dynamic Routing. With Dynamic Routing you can enable the Gateway to automatically adjust to physical
changes in the network’s layout. The Gateway, using the RIP protocol, determines the network packets’ route
based on the fewest number of hops between the source and the destination. The RIP protocol regularly
broadcasts routing information to other Gateways on the network. To enable RIP, click Enabled. To disable
RIP, click Disabled.
Transmit RIP Version. To transmit RIP messages, select the protocol you want: RIP1, RIP1-Compatible,
or RIP2.
Receive RIP Version. To receive RIP messages, select the protocol you want: RIP1 or RIP2.
Static Routing. If the Gateway is connected to more than one network, it may be necessary to set up a static
route between them. A static route is a pre-determined pathway that network information must travel to
reach a specific host or network. To create a static route, change the following settings:
Select set number. Select the number of the static route from the drop-down menu. The Gateway
supports up to 20 static route entries. If you need to delete a route, after selecting the entry, click the
Delete This Entry button.
Destination IP Address. The Destination IP Address is the address of the remote network or host to which
you want to assign a static route. Enter the IP address of the host for which you wish to create a static
route. If you are building a route to an entire network, be sure that the network portion of the IP address is
set to 0.
Chapter 5: Configuring the Gateway
The Security Tab
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
Subnet Mask. The Subnet Mask (also known as the Network Mask) determines which portion of an IP
address is the network portion, and which portion is the host portion.
Gateway. This IP address should be the IP address of the gateway device that allows for contact between
the Gateway and the remote network or host.
Hop Count. Hop Count is the number of hops to each node until the destination is reached (16 hops
maximum). Enter the Hop Count in the field.
Show Routing Table. Click the Show Routing Table button to open a screen displaying how data is routed
through your LAN. For each route, the Destination IP address, Subnet Mask, Gateway, and Interface are
displayed. Click the Refresh button to update the information. Click the Close button to return to the previous
When finished making your changes on this tab, click the Save Settings button to save these changes, or click
the Cancel Changes button to undo your changes.
The Security Tab
When you click the Security tab, you will see the Firewall screen. This screen contains Filters and the option to
Block WAN Requests. Filters block specific Internet data types and block anonymous Internet requests. To add
Firewall Protection, click Enable. If you do not want Firewall Protection, click Disable.
Additional Filters
Filter Proxy. Use of WAN proxy servers may compromise the Gateway's security. Denying Filter Proxy will
disable access to any WAN proxy servers. To enable proxy filtering, click Enabled.
Filter Cookies. A cookie is data stored on your computer and used by Internet sites when you interact with
them. To enable cookie filtering, click Enabled.
Filter Java Applets. Java is a programming language for websites. If you deny Java Applets, you run the risk
of not having access to Internet sites created using this programming language. To enable Java Applet
filtering, click Enabled.
Filter ActiveX. ActiveX is a programming language for websites. If you deny ActiveX, you run the risk of not
having access to Internet sites created using this programming language. To enable ActiveX filtering, click
Figure 5-13: Routing Table List
Chapter 5: Configuring the Gateway
The Security Tab
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
Block WAN requests
Block Anonymous Internet Requests. This keeps your network from being “pinged” or detected and
reinforces your network security by hiding your network ports, so it is more difficult for intruders to discover
your network. Select Block Anonymous Internet Requests to block anonymous Internet requests or de-
select it to allow anonymous Internet requests.
When finished making your changes on this tab, click the Save Settings button to save these changes, or click
the Cancel Changes button to undo your changes.
Virtual Private Networking (VPN) is a security measure that basically creates a secure connection between two
remote locations. The VPN screen allows you to configure your VPN settings to make your network more secure.
VPN Passthrough
IPSec Passthrough. Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) is a suite of protocols used to implement secure
exchange of packets at the IP layer. To allow IPSec Passthrough, click the Enable button. To disable IPSec
Passthrough, click the Disable button.
PPTP Passthrough. Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol Passthrough is the method used to enable VPN sessions
to a Windows NT 4.0 or 2000 server. To allow PPTP Passthrough, click the Enable button. To disable PPTP
Passthrough, click the Disable button.
L2TP Passthrough. Layering 2 Tunneling Protocol Passthrough is an extension of the Point-to-Point Tunneling
Protocol (PPTP) used to enable the operation of a VPN over the Internet.To allow L2TP Passthrough, click the
Enable button. To disable L2TP Passthrough, click the Disable button.
IPSec VPN Tunnel
The VPN Gateway creates a tunnel or channel between two endpoints, so that the data or information between
these endpoints is secure.
To establish this tunnel, select the tunnel you wish to create in the Select Tunnel Entry drop-down box. It is
possible to create up to five simultaneous tunnels. Then click Enabled to enable the IPSec VPN tunnel. Once
the tunnel is enabled, enter the name of the tunnel in the Tunnel Name field. This is to allow you to identify
Figure 5-14: Firewall
Chapter 5: Configuring the Gateway
The Security Tab
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
multiple tunnels and does not have to match the name used at the other end of the tunnel. To delete a tunnel
entry, select the tunnel, then click Delete. To view a summary of the settings, click Summary.
Local Secure Group and Remote Secure Group. The Local Secure Group is the computer(s) on your LAN that
can access the tunnel. The Remote Secure Group is the computer(s) on the remote end of the tunnel that can
access the tunnel. These computers can be specified by a Subnet, specific IP address, or range.
Local Security Gateway.
Remote Security Gateway. The Remote Security Gateway is the VPN device, such as a second VPN Gateway,
on the remote end of the VPN tunnel. Enter the IP Address or Domain of the VPN device at the other end of the
tunnel. The remote VPN device can be another VPN Gateway, a VPN Server, or a computer with VPN client
software that supports IPSec. The IP Address may either be static (permanent) or dynamic (changing),
depending on the settings of the remote VPN device. Make sure that you have entered the IP Address
correctly, or the connection cannot be made. Remember, this is NOT the IP Address of the local VPN Gateway,
but the IP Address of the remote VPN Gateway or device with which you wish to communicate. If you enter an
IP address, only the specific IP Address will be able to acess the tunnel. If you select Any, any IP Address can
access the tunnel.
Encryption. Using Encryption also helps make your connection more secure. There are two different types of
encryption: DES or 3DES (3DES is recommended because it is more secure). You may choose either of these,
but it must be the same type of encryption that is being used by the VPN device at the other end of the tunnel.
Or, you may choose not to encrypt by selecting Disable. In Figure 5-19, DES (which is the default) has been
Authentication. Authentication acts as another level of security. There are two types of authentication: MD5
and SHA (SHA is recommended because it is more secure). As with encryption, either of these may be
selected, if the VPN device at the other end of the tunnel is using the same type of authentication. Or, both
ends of the tunnel may choose to Disable authentication. In the Manual Key Management screen, MD5 (the
default) has been selected.
Key Management. Select Auto (IKE) or Manual from the drop-down menu. The two methods are described
Auto (IKE)
Select Auto (IKE) and enter a series of numbers or letters in the Pre-shared Key field. Based on this word,
which MUST be entered at both ends of the tunnel if this method is used, a key is generated to scramble
(encrypt) the data being transmitted over the tunnel, where it is unscrambled (decrypted). You may use any
combination of up to 24 numbers or letters in this field. No special characters or spaces are allowed. In the
Key Lifetime field, you may select to have the key expire at the end of a time period. Enter the number of
seconds you’d like the key to be useful, or leave it blank for the key to last indefinitely. Check the box next to
PFS (Perfect Forward Secrecy) to ensure that the initial key exchange and IKE proposals are secure.
Figure 5-15: VPN
Figure 5-16: VPN Settings Summary
Chapter 5: Configuring the Gateway
The Security Tab
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
Select Manual, then select the Encryption Algorithm from the drop-down menu. Enter the Encryption Key in
the field (if you chose DES for your Encryption Algorithm, enter 16 hexadecimal characters, if you chose 3DES,
enter 48 hexadecimal characters). Select the Authentication Algorithm from the drop-down menu. Enter the
Authentication Key in the field (if you chose MD5 for your Authentication Algorithm, enter 32 hexadecimal
characters, if you chose SHA1, enter 40 hexadecimal characters). Enter the Inbound and Outbound SPIs in the
respective fields.
Status. The status of the connection is shown.
Click the Connect button to connect your VPN tunnel. Click View Logs to view system, UPnP, VPN, firewall,
access, or all logs.Click the Advanced Settings button and the Advanced IPSec VPN Tunnel Setup screen will
When finished making your changes on this tab, click the Save Settings button to save these changes, or click
the Cancel Changes button to undo your changes.
Advanced VPN Tunnel Setup
From the Advanced IPSec VPN Tunnel Setup screen you can adjust the settings for specific VPN tunnels.
Phase 1
Phase 1 is used to create a security association (SA), often called the IKE SA. After Phase 1 is completed,
Phase 2 is used to create one or more IPSec SAs, which are then used to key IPSec sessions.
Operation Mode. There are two modes: Main and Aggressive, and they exchange the same IKE payloads in
different sequences. Main mode is more common; however, some people prefer Aggressive mode because it
is faster. Main mode is for normal usage and includes more authentication requirements than Aggressive
mode. Main mode is recommended because it is more secure. No matter which mode is selected, the VPN
Gateway will accept both Main and Aggressive requests from the remote VPN device.
Encryption. Select the length of the key used to encrypt/decrypt ESP packets. There are two choices: DES and
3DES. 3DES is recommended because it is more secure.
Authentication. Select the method used to authenticate ESP packets. There are two choices: MD5 and SHA.
SHA is recommended because it is more secure.
Group. There are two Diffie-Hellman Groups to choose from: 768-bit and 1024-bit. Diffie-Hellman refers to a
cryptographic technique that uses public and private keys for encryption and decryption.
Figure 5-17: Manual Key Management
Figure 5-18: System Log
Chapter 5: Configuring the Gateway
The Security Tab
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
Key Life Time. In the Key Lifetime field, you may optionally select to have the key expire at the end of a time
period of your choosing. Enter the number of seconds you’d like the key to be used until a re-key negotiation
between each endpoint is completed.
Phase 2
Encryption. The encryption method selected in Phase 1 will be displayed.
Authentication. The authentication method selected in Phase 1 will be displayed.
PFS. The status of PFS will be displayed.
Group. There are two Diffie-Hellman Groups to choose from: 768-bit and 1024-bit. Diffie-Hellman refers to a
cryptographic technique that uses public and private keys for encryption and decryption.
Key Life Time. In the Key Lifetime field, you may select to have the key expire at the end of a time period of
your choosing. Enter the number of seconds you’d like the key to be used until a re-key negotiation between
each endpoint is completed.
Other Setting
NetBIOS broadcast. Check the box next to NetBIOS broadcast to enable NetBIOS traffic to pass through the
VPN tunnel.
Anti-replay. Check the box next to Anti-replay to enable the Anti-replay protection. This feature keeps track of
sequence numbers as packets arrive, ensuring security at the IP packet-level.
Keep-Alive. If you select this option, the Gateway will periodically check your Internet connection. If you are
disconnected, then the Gateway will automatically re-establish your connection.
Check this box to block unauthorized IP addresses. Enter in the field to specify how many times IKE must fail
before blocking that unauthorized IP address. Enter the length of time that you specify (in seconds) in the
When finished making your changes on this tab, click the Save Settings button to save these changes, or click
the Cancel Changes button to undo your changes. For further help on this tab, click the Help button.
Figure 5-19: Advanced VPN Tunnel Setup
Chapter 5: Configuring the Gateway
The Access Restrictions Tab
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
The Access Restrictions Tab
Internet Access
The Access Restrictions tab allows you to block or allow specific kinds of Internet usage. You can set up Internet
access policies for specific computers and set up filters by using network port numbers.
Internet Access Policy. Multiple Filters can be saved as Internet Access Policies. When you wish to edit one,
select the number of the Policy from the drop-down menu. The tab will change to reflect the settings of this
Policy. If you wish to delete this Policy, click the Delete button. To see a summary of all Policies, click the
Summary button.
The summaries are listed on this screen with their name and settings. To return to the Filters tab, click the
Close button.
Enter Policy Name. Policies are created from the fields presented here.
To create an Internet Access policy:
1. Enter a Policy Name in the field provided. Select Internet Access as the Policy Type.
2. Click the Edit List of PCs button. This will open the List of PCs screen. From this screen, you can enter the IP
address or MAC address of any computer to which this policy will apply. You can even enter ranges of
computers by IP address. Click the Save Settings button to save your settings, the Cancel Changes button
to undo any changes and return to the Filters tab.
Figure 5-20: Internet Access
Figure 5-21: Internet Policy Summary
Chapter 5: Configuring the Gateway
The Access Restrictions Tab
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
3. If you wish to Deny or Allow Internet access for those computers you listed on the List of PCs screen, click the
4. You can filter access to various services accessed over the Internet, such as FTP or Telnet, by selecting a
service from the drop-down menus next to Blocked Services. If a service isn’t listed, you can click the Add/
Edit Service button to open the Port Services screen and add a service to the list. You will need to enter a
Service name, as well as the Protocol and Port Range used by the service.
5. By selecting the appropriate setting next to Days and Time, choose when Internet access will be filtered.
6. Click the Save Settings button to activate the policy.
Internet Access can also be filtered by URL Address, the address entered to access Internet sites, by entering the
address in one of the Website Blocking by URL Address fields. If you do not know the URL Address, filtering can
be done by Keyword by entering a keyword in one of the Website Blocking by Keyword fields.
When finished making your changes on this tab, click the Save Settings button to save these changes, or click
the Cancel Changes button to undo your changes.
Figure 5-22: List of PCs
Figure 5-23: Port Services
Chapter 5: Configuring the Gateway
The Applications and Gaming Tab
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
The Applications and Gaming Tab
Single Port Forwarding
The Single Port Forwarding screen provides options for customization of port services for common applications.
When users send this type of request to your network via the Internet, the Gateway will forward those requests to
the appropriate computer. Any computer whose port is being forwarded should have its DHCP client function
disabled and should have a new static IP address assigned to it because its IP address may change when using
the DHCP function.
Choose or enter the Application in the field. Then, enter the External and Internal Port numbers in the fields.
Select the type of protocol you wish to use for each application: TCP or UDP. Enter the IP Address in the field.
Click Enabled to enable Forwarding for the chosen application.
When finished making your changes on this tab, click the Save Settings button to save these changes, or click
the Cancel Changes button to undo your changes.
Port Range Forwarding
The Port Forwarding screen sets up public services on your network, such as web servers, ftp servers, e-mail
servers, or other specialized Internet applications. (Specialized Internet applications are any applications that use
Internet access to perform functions such as videoconferencing or online gaming. Some Internet applications
may not require any forwarding.)
When users send this type of request to your network via the Internet, the Gateway will forward those requests to
the appropriate computer. Any computer whose port is being forwarded should have its DHCP client function
disabled and should have a new static IP address assigned to it because its IP address may change when using
the DHCP function.
Application. Enter the name you wish to give each application.
Start and End. Enter the starting and ending numbers of the port you wish to forward.
TCP UDP. Select the type of protocol you wish to use for each application: TCP, UDP, or Both.
IP Address. Enter the IP Address and Click Enabled.
When finished making your changes on this tab, click the Save Settings button to save these changes, or click
the Cancel Changes button to undo your changes.
Figure 5-24: Single Port Forwarding
Figure 5-25: Port Range Forwarding
Chapter 5: Configuring the Gateway
The Applications and Gaming Tab
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
Port Triggering
Port Triggering is used for special applications that can request a port to be opened on demand. For this feature,
the Gateway will watch outgoing data for specific port numbers. The Gateway will remember the IP address of the
computer that sends a transmission requesting data, so that when the requested data returns through the
Gateway, the data is pulled back to the proper computer by way of IP address and port mapping rules.
Application. Enter the name you wish to give each application.
Start Port and End Port. Enter the starting and ending Triggered Range numbers and the Incoming Forwarded
Range numbers of the port you wish to forward.
When finished making your changes on this tab, click the Save Settings button to save these changes, or click
the Cancel Changes button to undo your changes.
The DMZ screen allows one local user to be exposed to the Internet for use of a special-purpose service such as
Internet gaming and videoconferencing through DMZ Hosting. DMZ hosting forwards all the ports for one
computer at the same time, which differs from Port Range Forwarding, which can only forward a maximum of 10
ranges of ports.
DMZ Hosting. This feature allows one local user to be exposed to the Internet for use of a special-purpose
service such as Internet gaming and videoconferencing. To use this feature, select Enabled. To disable DMZ ,
select Disabled.
DMZ Host IP Address. To expose one computer, enter the computer’s IP address. To get the IP address of a
computer, refer to “Appendix D: Finding the MAC Address and IP Address for Your Ethernet Adapter.
When finished making your changes on this tab, click the Save Settings button to save these changes, or click
the Cancel Changes button to undo your changes.
Figure 5-26: Port Triggering
Figure 5-27: DMZ
Chapter 5: Configuring the Gateway
The Applications and Gaming Tab
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
Quality of Service (QoS) ensures better service to high-priority types of network traffic, which may involve demanding, real-
time applications, such as Internet phone calls or videoconferencing.
Application-based QoS
Application-based QoS manages information as it is transmitted and received. Depending on the settings of the QoS screen,
this feature will assign information a high or low priority for the five preset applications and three additional applications that
you specify.
Enable/Disable. To use application-based QoS, select Enable. Otherwise, keep the default, Disable.
High priority/Medium priority/Low priority. For each application, select High priority (traffic on this queue shares 60% of
the total bandwidth), Medium priority (traffic on this queue shares 18% of the total bandwidth), or Low priority (traffic on
this queue shares 1% of the total bandwidth).
FTP (File Transfer Protocol). A protocol used to transfer files over a TCP/IP network (Internet, UNIX, etc.). For example, after
developing the HTML pages for a website on a local machine, they are typically uploaded to the web server using FTP.
HTTP (HyperText Transport Protocol). The communications protocol used to connect to servers on the World Wide Web. Its
primary function is to establish a connection with a web server and transmit HTML pages to the client web browser.
Telnet. A terminal emulation protocol commonly used on Internet and TCP/IP-based networks. It allows a user at a terminal or
computer to log onto a remote device and run a program.
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol). The standard e-mail protocol on the Internet. It is a TCP/IP protocol that defines the
message format and the message transfer agent (MTA), which stores and forwards the mail.
POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3). A standard mail server commonly used on the Internet. It provides a message store that holds
incoming e-mail until users log on and download it. POP3 is a simple system with little selectivity. All pending messages and
attachments are downloaded at the same time. POP3 uses the SMTP messaging protocol.
Specific Port#. You can add three additional applications by entering their respective port numbers in the Specific Port#
Advanced QoS
This setting allows you to specify traffic queue priority.
Fragment packet’s size of AF and BE traffic to be equal to the size of EF traffic. Select this option to
fragmentize the packet sizes for AF (Assured Forwarding) and BE (Best Effort) queues so that it will increase the
efficiency for transporting EF (expedited forwarding) queues. Enter a range between 68~1492 bytes.
Figure 5-28: QOS
Chapter 5: Configuring the Gateway
The Administration Tab
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
Enable 802.1p P bits scheduling. VLAN’s VID. Select this option to enable 802.1p P bits classification
scheduling in the appropriate VLAN based on IEEE 802.1Q VLAN identification. Enter the VLAN VID (VLAN
Identifier) number in the field.
When you have finished making changes to this screen, click the Save Settings button to save the changes, or click the
Cancel Changes button to undo your changes.
The Administration Tab
The Management screen allows you to change the Gateway’s access settings as well as configure the SNMP
(Simple Network Management Protocol) and UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) features.
Gateway Access
Local Gateway Access. To ensure the Gateway’s security, you will be asked for your password when you access
the Gateway’s Web-based Utility. The default username and password is admin.
Gateway Username. Enter the default admin. It is recommended that you change the default username to
one of your choice.
Gateway Password. It is recommended that you change the default password to one of your choice.
Re-enter to confirm. Re-enter the Gateway’s new Password to confirm it.
Remote Gateway Access. This feature allows you to access the Gateway from a remote location, via the
Remote Administration. This feature allows you to manage the Gateway from a remote location via the
Internet. To enable Remote Administration, click Enabled.
Administration Port. Enter the port number you will use to remotely access the Gateway.
SNMP is a popular network monitoring and management protocol.
Figure 5-29: Management
IMPORTANT: Enabling remote Administration allows anyone with access to your
password to configure the Gateway from somewhere else on the Internet.
Chapter 5: Configuring the Gateway
The Administration Tab
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
Figure 5-30: Reporting
Identification. To enable SNMP, click Enabled. To disable SNMP, click Disabled.
UPnP allows Windows XP to automatically configure the Gateway for various Internet applications, such as
gaming and videoconferencing.
UPnp. To enable UPnP, click Enabled.
Please select a pvc connection to bind. Select a number from the drop-down menu.__________________
When finished making your changes on this tab, click the Save Settings button to save these changes, or click
the Cancel Changes button to undo your changes.
The Reporting tab provides you with a log of all incoming and outgoing URLs or IP addresses for your Internet
connection. It also provides logs for VPN and firewall events.
Log. To enable log reporting, click Enabled.
Logviewer IP Address. Enter the IP Address that will receive logs into the field.
Email Alerts
E-Mail Alerts. To enable E-Mail Alerts, click Enabled.
Denial of Service Thresholds. Enter the thresholds of events you want to receive.
SMTP Mail Server. Enter the IP Address of the SMTP server in the field.
E-Mail Address for Alert Logs. Enter the e-mail address for alert logs in the field.
Return E-Mail address. Enter the address for the return e-mail.
To view the logs, click the View Logs button.
When finished making your changes on this tab, click the Save Settings button to save these changes, or click
the Cancel Changes button to undo your changes.
Figure 5-31: System Log
Chapter 5: Configuring the Gateway
The Administration Tab
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
Ping Test
Ping Test Parameters
Ping Target IP. Enter the IP Address that you want to ping in the field. This can be either a local (LAN) IP or an
Internet (WAN) IP address.
Ping Size. Enter the size of the ping packets.
Number of Pings. Enter the number of times that you want to ping.
Ping Interval. Enter the ping interval in milliseconds.
Ping Timeout. Enter the time in milliseconds.
Ping Result. The results of the ping test will be shown here.
Click the Start Test button to start the Ping Test.
The Backup&Restore tab allows you to back up and restore the Gateway’s configuration file.
To back up the Router’s configuration file, click the Backup button. Then follow the on-screen instructions.
To restore the Router’s configuration file, click the Browse button to locate the file, and follow the on-screen
instructions. After you have selected the file, click the Restore button.
Figure 5-32: Ping Test
Figure 5-33: Backup&Restore
Chapter 5: Configuring the Gateway
The Administration Tab
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
Factory Defaults
Restore Factory Defaults. If you wish to restore the Gateway to its factory default settings and lose all your
settings, click Yes.
To begin the restore process, click the Save Settings button to save these changes, or click the Cancel
Changes button to undo your changes.
Firmware Upgrade
The ADSL Gateway allows you to upgrade firmware for the LAN (network) side of the Gateway.
Upgrade from LAN
To upgrade the Gateway’s firmware from the LAN:
1. Click the Browse button to find the firmware upgrade file that you downloaded from the Linksys website and
then extracted.
2. Double-click the firmware file you downloaded and extracted. Click the Upgrade button, and follow the
instructions there.
Figure 5-34: Factory Defaults
Figure 5-35: Firmware Upgrade
Chapter 5: Configuring the Gateway
The Administration Tab
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
This tab allows you to do a soft or hard reboot of your Gateway.
Reboot Mode. To reboot your Gateway, select Hard or Soft. Choose hard to power cycle the Gateway or soft to
restart it without a power cycle.
To begin the reboot process, click the Save Settings button. When a screen appears asking you if you really
want to reboot the device. Click OK.
Click the Cancel Changes button if you want to undo your changes.
Figure 5-36: Reboot
Chapter 5: Configuring the Gateway
The Status Tab
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
The Status Tab
This screen displays information about your Gateway and its WAN (Internet) Connections.
Gateway Information
Gateway Information displays the Software Version, MAC Address, and Current Time.
Internet Connections
The Internet Connections will be displayed after selecting the Internet connection number from the drop-down
menu. They are the Login Type, interface, IP Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, and DNS 1, 2, and 3 servers.
DHCP Renew. Click the DHCP Renew button to replace your Gateway’s current IP address with a new IP address.
DHCP Release. Click the DHCP Release button to delete your Gateway’s current IP address.
Click the Refresh button if you want to Refresh your screen.
Local Network
The Local Network information that is displayed is the local Mac Address, IP Address, Subnet Mask, and DHCP
Server, Start IP Address, and End IP Address. To view the DHCP Clients Table, click the DHCP Clients Table
DHCP Clients Table. Click the DHCP Clients Table button to show the current DHCP Client data. You will see the
MAC address, computer name, and IP address of the network clients using the DHCP server. (This data is stored
in temporary memory and changes periodically.) To delete a client from the DHCP server, select the client, then
click the Delete button.
Click the Refresh button if you want to Refresh your screen. Click the Close button to close the screen.
Figure 5-39: DHCP Clients Table
Figure 5-38: Local Network
Figure 5-37: Status
Chapter 5: Configuring the Gateway
The Status Tab
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
DSL Connection
The DSL Connection information that is displayed is the Status, Downstream Rate, and Upstream Rate.
The PVC Connection information that is displayed is Encapsulation, Multiplexing, QoS, Pcr Rate, Scr Rate,
Autodetect, VPI, VCI, and PVC Status.
Click the Refresh button if you want to Refresh your screen.
Figure 5-40: DSL Connection
Appendix A: Troubleshooting
Common Problems and Solutions
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
Appendix A: Troubleshooting
This appendix consists of two parts: “Common Problems and Solutions” and “Frequently Asked Questions.
Provided are possible solutions to problems that may occur during the installation and operation of the Gateway.
Read the descriptions below to help you solve your problems. If you can’t find an answer here, check the Linksys
international website at www.linksys.com/international.
Common Problems and Solutions
1. I need to set a static IP address on a computer.
You can assign a static IP address to a computer by performing the following steps:
For Windows 98 and Me:
1. Click Start, Settings, and Control Panel. Double-click Network.
2. In The following network components are installed box, select the TCP/IP-> associated with your
Ethernet adapter. If you only have one Ethernet adapter installed, you will only see one TCP/IP line
with no association to an Ethernet adapter. Highlight it and click the Properties button.
3. In the TCP/IP properties window, select the IP address tab, and select Specify an IP address. Enter a
unique IP address that is not used by any other computer on the network connected to the Gateway.
Make sure that each IP address is unique for each computer or network device.
4. Click the Gateway tab, and in the New Gateway prompt, enter, which is the default IP
address of the Gateway. Click the Add button to accept the entry.
5. Click the DNS tab, and make sure the DNS Enabled option is selected. Enter the Host and Domain
names (e.g., John for Host and home for Domain). Enter the DNS entry provided by your ISP. If your
ISP has not provided the DNS IP address, contact your ISP to get that information or go to its website
for the information.
6. Click the OK button in the TCP/IP properties window, and click Close or the OK button for the Network
7. Restart the computer when asked.
For Windows 2000:
1. Click Start, Settings, and Control Panel. Double-click Network and Dial-Up Connections.
2. Right-click the Local Area Connection that is associated with the Ethernet adapter you are using, and
select the Properties option.
3. In the Components checked are used by this connection box, highlight Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), and
click the Properties button. Select Use the following IP address option.
4. Enter a unique IP address that is not used by any other computer on the network connected to the
5. Enter the Subnet Mask,
6. Enter the Default Gateway, (Gateway’s default IP address).
Appendix A: Troubleshooting
Common Problems and Solutions
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
7. Toward the bottom of the window, select Use the following DNS server addresses, and enter the
Preferred DNS server and Alternative DNS server (provided by your ISP). Contact your ISP or go on its
website to find the information.
8. Click the OK button in the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window, and click the OK button in the
Local Area Connection Properties window.
9. Restart the computer if asked.
For Windows XP:
The following instructions assume you are running Windows XP with the default interface. If you are using
the Classic interface (where the icons and menus look like previous Windows versions), please follow the
instructions for Windows 2000.
1. Click Start and Control Panel.
2. Click the Network and Internet Connections icon and then the Network Connections icon.
3. Right-click the Local Area Connection that is associated with the Ethernet adapter you are using,
and select the Properties option.
4. In the This connection uses the following items box, highlight Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). Click
the Properties button.
5. Enter a unique IP address that is not used by any other computer on the network connected to the
6. Enter the Subnet Mask,
7. Enter the Default Gateway, (Gateway’s default IP address).
8. Toward the bottom of the window, select Use the following DNS server addresses, and enter the
Preferred DNS server and Alternative DNS server (provided by your ISP). Contact your ISP or go on its
website to find the information.
9. Click the OK button in the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window. Click the OK button in the
Local Area Connection Properties window.
2. I want to test my Internet connection.
A. Check your TCP/IP settings.
For Windows 98, Me, 2000, and XP:
Refer to Windows Help for details. Make sure Obtain IP address automatically is selected in the settings.
For Windows NT 4.0:
Click Start, Settings, and Control Panel. Double-click the Network icon.
Click the Protocol tab, and double-click on TCP/IP Protocol.
When the window appears, make sure you have selected the correct Adapter for your Ethernet adapter
and set it for Obtain an IP address from a DHCP server.
Click the OK button in the TCP/IP Protocol Properties window, and click the Close button in the Network
Restart the computer if asked.
B. Open a command prompt.
Appendix A: Troubleshooting
Common Problems and Solutions
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
For Windows 98 and Me:
Click Start and Run. In the Open field, type in command. Press the Enter key or click the OK button.
For Windows NT, 2000, and XP:
Click Start and Run. In the Open field, type cmd. Press the Enter key or click the OK button. In the
command prompt, type ping and press the Enter key.
If you get a reply, the computer is communicating with the Gateway.
If you do NOT get a reply, please check the cable, and make sure Obtain an IP address automatically is
selected in the TCP/IP settings for your Ethernet adapter.
C. In the command prompt, type ping followed by your Internet or WAN IP address and press the Enter key.
The Internet or WAN IP Address can be found on the Status screen of the Gateway’s web-based utility. For
example, if your Internet or WAN IP address is, you would enter ping and press the Enter
If you get a reply, the computer is connected to the Gateway.
If you do NOT get a reply, try the ping command from a different computer to verify that your original
computer is not the cause of the problem.
D. In the command prompt, type ping www.yahoo.com and press the Enter key.
If you get a reply, the computer is connected to the Internet. If you cannot open a webpage, try the ping
command from a different computer to verify that your original computer is not the cause of the problem.
If you do NOT get a reply, there may be a problem with the connection. Try the ping command from a
different computer to verify that your original computer is not the cause of the problem.
3. I am not getting an IP address on the Internet with my Internet connection.
Refer to “Problem #2, I want to test my Internet connection” to verify that you have connectivity.
1. Make sure you are using the right Internet connection settings. Contact your ISP to see if your Internet
connection type is RFC 1483 Bridged, RFC 1483 Routed, RFC 2516 PPPoE, or RFC 2364 PPPoA. Please
refer to the Setup section of “Chapter 5: Configuring the Gateway” for details on Internet connection
2. Make sure you have the right cable. Check to see if the Gateway column has a solidly lit ADSL LED.
3. Make sure the cable connecting from your Gateway’s ADSL port is connected to the wall jack of the
ADSL service line. Verify that the Status page of the Gateway’s web-based utility shows a valid IP
address from your ISP.
4. Turn off the computer and Gateway. Wait 30 seconds, and then turn on the Gateway, and computer.
Check the Status tab of the Gateway’s web-based utility to see if you get an IP address.
4. I am not able to access the Setup page of the Gateway’s web-based utility.
Refer to “Problem #2, I want to test my Internet connection” to verify that your computer is properly
connected to the Gateway.
1. Refer to “Appendix D: Finding the MAC Address and IP address for Your Ethernet Adapter” to verify
that your computer has an IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway, and DNS.
2. Set a static IP address on your system; refer to “Problem #1: I need to set a static IP address.
Appendix A: Troubleshooting
Common Problems and Solutions
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
3. Refer to “Problem #10: I need to remove the proxy settings or the dial-up pop-up window (for PPPoE
5. I can’t get my Virtual Private Network (VPN) working through the Gateway.
Access the Gateway’s web interface by going to or the IP address of the Gateway, and go
to the Security tab. Make sure you have IPsec passthrough and/or PPTP pass-through enabled.
VPNs that use IPSec with the ESP (Encapsulation Security Payload known as protocol 50) authentication
will work fine. At least one IPSec session will work through the Gateway; however, simultaneous IPSec
sessions may be possible, depending on the specifics of your VPNs.
VPNs that use IPSec and AH (Authentication Header known as protocol 51) are incompatible with the
Gateway. AH has limitations due to occasional incompatibility with the NAT standard.
Change the IP address for the Gateway to another subnet to avoid a conflict between the VPN IP address
and your local IP address. For example, if your VPN server assigns an IP address 192.168.1.X (X is a
number from 1 to 254) and your local LAN IP address is 192.168.1.X (X is the same number used in the
VPN IP address), the Gateway will have difficulties routing information to the right location. If you change
the Gateway’s IP address to, that should solve the problem. Change the Gateway’s IP address
through the Setup tab of the web interface.
If you assigned a static IP address to any computer or network device on the network, you need to change
its IP address accordingly to 192.168.2.Y (Y being any number from 1 to 254). Note that each IP address
must be unique within the network.
Your VPN may require port 500/UDP packets to be passed to the computer that is connecting to the IPSec
server. Refer to “Problem #7, I need to set up online game hosting or use other Internet applications” for
Check the Linksys international website for more information at www.linksys.com/international.
6. I need to set up a server behind my Gateway and make it available to the public.
To use a server like a web, ftp, or mail server, you need to know the respective port numbers they are using.
For example, port 80 (HTTP) is used for web; port 21 (FTP) is used for FTP, and port 25 (SMTP outgoing) and
port 110 (POP3 incoming) are used for the mail server. You can get more information by viewing the
documentation provided with the server you installed.
Follow these steps to set up port forwarding through the Gateway’s web-based utility. We will be setting
up web, ftp, and mail servers.
1. Access the Gateway’s web-based utility by going to or the IP address of the
Gateway. Go to the Applications and Gaming => Port Range Forwarding tab.
2. Enter any name you want to use for the Customized Application.
3. Enter the External Port range of the service you are using. For example, if you have a web server, you
would enter the range 80 to 80.
4. Check the protocol you will be using, TCP and/or UDP.
5. Enter the IP address of the computer or network device that you want the port server to go to. For
example, if the web server’s Ethernet adapter IP address is, you would enter 100 in the
Appendix A: Troubleshooting
Common Problems and Solutions
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
field provided. Check “Appendix D: Finding the MAC Address and IP Address for Your Ethernet
Adapter” for details on getting an IP address.
6. Check the Enable option for the port services you want to use. Consider the example below:
Customized Application External Port TCP UDP IP Address Enable
Web server 80 to 80 X X
FTP server 21 to 21 X X
SMTP (outgoing) 25 to 25 X X
POP3 (incoming) 110 to 110 X X
When you have completed the configuration, click the Save Settings button.
7. I need to set up online game hosting or use other Internet applications.
If you want to play online games or use Internet applications, most will work without doing any port
forwarding or DMZ hosting. There may be cases when you want to host an online game or Internet
application. This would require you to set up the Gateway to deliver incoming packets or data to a specific
computer. This also applies to the Internet applications you are using. The best way to get the information on
what port services to use is to go to the website of the online game or application you want to use. Follow
these steps to set up online game hosting or use a certain Internet application:
1. Access the Gateway’s web interface by going to or the IP address of the Gateway.
Go to the Applications and Gaming => Port Range Forwarding tab.
2. Enter any name you want to use for the Customized Application.
3. Enter the External Port range of the service you are using. For example, if you want to host Unreal
Tournament (UT), you would enter the range 7777 to 27900.
4. Check the protocol you will be using, TCP and/or UDP.
5. Enter the IP address of the computer or network device that you want the port server to go to. For
example, if the web server’s Ethernet adapter IP address is, you would enter 100 in the
field provided. Check “Appendix D: Finding the MAC Address and IP Address for Your Ethernet
Adapter” for details on getting an IP address.
6. Check the Enable option for the port services you want to use. Consider the example below:
Customized Application External Port TCP UDP IP Address Enable
UT 7777 to 27900 X X X
Halflife 27015 to 27015 X X X
PC Anywhere 5631 to 5631 X X
VPN IPSEC 500 to 500 X X
When you have completed the configuration, click the Save Settings button.
Appendix A: Troubleshooting
Common Problems and Solutions
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
8. I can’t get the Internet game, server, or application to work.
If you are having difficulties getting any Internet game, server, or application to function properly, consider
exposing one computer to the Internet using DeMilitarized Zone (DMZ) hosting. This option is available when
an application requires too many ports or when you are not sure which port services to use. Make sure you
disable all the forwarding entries if you want to successfully use DMZ hosting, since forwarding has priority
over DMZ hosting. (In other words, data that enters the Gateway will be checked first by the forwarding
settings. If the port number that the data enters from does not have port forwarding, then the Gateway will
send the data to whichever computer or network device you set for DMZ hosting.)
Follow these steps to set DMZ hosting:
1. Access the Gateway’s web-based utility by going to or the IP address of the
Gateway. Go to the Applications and Gaming => DMZ tab. Click Enabled and enter the IP of the
2. Check the Port Forwarding pages and disable or remove the entries you have entered for forwarding.
Keep this information in case you want to use it at a later time.
Once completed with the configuration, click the Save Settings button.
9. I forgot my password, or the password prompt always appears when I am saving settings to the
Reset the Gateway to factory default by pressing the Reset button for 10 seconds and then releasing it. If
you are still getting prompted for a password when saving settings, then perform the following steps:
1. Access the Gateway’s web-based utility by going to or the IP address of the
Gateway. Enter the default username and password admin, and click the Administrations =>
Management tab.
2. Enter a different password in the Gateway Password field, and enter the same password in the
second field to confirm the password.
3. Click the Save Settings button.
10. I am a PPPoE user, and I need to remove the proxy settings or the dial-up pop-up window.
If you have proxy settings, you need to disable these on your computer. Because the Gateway is the gateway
for the Internet connection, the computer does not need any proxy settings to gain access. Please follow
these directions to verify that you do not have any proxy settings and that the browser you use is set to
connect directly to the LAN.
For Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher:
1. Click Start, Settings, and Control Panel. Double-click Internet Options.
2. Click the Connections tab.
3. Click the LAN settings button and remove anything that is checked.
4. Click the OK button to go back to the previous screen.
5. Click the option Never dial a connection. This will remove any dial-up pop-ups for PPPoE users.
Appendix A: Troubleshooting
Common Problems and Solutions
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
For Netscape 4.7 or higher:
1. Start Netscape Navigator, and click Edit, Preferences, Advanced, and Proxies.
2. Make sure you have Direct connection to the Internet selected on this screen.
3. Close all the windows to finish.
11. To start over, I need to set the Gateway to factory default.
Hold the Reset button for 10 seconds and then release it. This will return the Internet settings, password,
forwarding, and other settings on the Gateway to the factory default settings. In other words, the Gateway will
revert to its original factory configuration.
12. I need to upgrade the firmware.
In order to upgrade the firmware with the latest features, you need to go to the Linksys international website
and download the latest firmware at www.linksys.com/international.
Follow these steps:
1. Go to the Linksys international website at http://www.linksys.com/international and select your
region or country.
2. Click the Products tab and select the Gateway.
3. On the Gateway’s webpage, click Firmware, and then download the latest firmware for the Gateway.
4. To upgrade the firmware, follow the steps in the Administration section found in “Chapter 5:
Configuring the Gateway.
13. The firmware upgrade failed, and/or the Power LED is flashing.
The upgrade could have failed for a number of reasons. Follow these steps to upgrade the firmware and/or
make the Power LED stop flashing:
If the firmware upgrade failed, use the TFTP program (it was downloaded along with the firmware). Open
the pdf that was downloaded along with the firmware and TFTP program, and follow the pdfs
Set a static IP address on the computer; refer to “Problem #1, I need to set a static IP address.” Use the
following IP address settings for the computer you are using:
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Perform the upgrade using the TFTP program or the Gateway’s web-based utility through its
Administration tab.
14. My DSL service’s PPPoE is always disconnecting.
PPPoE is not actually a dedicated or always-on connection. The DSL ISP can disconnect the service after a
period of inactivity, just like a normal phone dial-up connection to the Internet.
There is a setup option to “keep alive” the connection. This may not always work, so you may need to re-
establish connection periodically.
Appendix A: Troubleshooting
Common Problems and Solutions
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
1. To connect to the Gateway, go to the web browser, and enter or the IP address of
the Gateway.
2. Enter the username and password, if asked. (The default username and password is admin.)
3. On the Setup screen, select the option Keep Alive, and set the Redial Period option at 20 (seconds).
4. Click the Save Settings button. Click the Status tab, and click the Connect button.
5. You may see the login status display as Connecting. Press the F5 key to refresh the screen, until you
see the login status display as Connected.
6. Click the Save Settings button to continue.
If the connection is lost again, follow steps 1- 6 to re-establish connection.
15. I can’t access my e-mail, web, or VPN, or I am getting corrupted data from the Internet.
The Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) setting may need to be adjusted. By default, the MTU is set
If you are having some difficulties, perform the following steps:
1. To connect to the Gateway, go to the web browser, and enter or the IP address of
the Gateway.
2. Enter the username and password, if asked. (The default username and password is admin.)
3. Look for the MTU option, and select Manual. In the Size field, enter 1492.
4. Click the Save Settings button to continue.
If your difficulties continue, change the Size to different values. Try this list of values, one value at a time,
in this order, until your problem is solved:
16. The Power LED flashes continuously.
The Power LED lights up when the device is first powered up. In the meantime, the system will boot up itself
and check for proper operation. After finishing the checking procedure, the LED remains steady to show that
the system is working fine. If the LED continues to flash after this time, the device is not working properly. Try
to flash the firmware by assigning a static IP address to the computer, and then upgrade the firmware. Try
using the following settings, IP Address: and Subnet Mask:
17. When I enter a URL or IP address, I get a time-out error or am prompted to retry.
Check if other computers work. If they do, ensure that your computer’s IP settings are correct (IP Address,
Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, and DNS). Restart the computer that is having a problem.
If the computers are configured correctly, but still not working, check the Gateway. Ensure that it is
connected and powered on. Connect to it and check its settings. (If you cannot connect to it, check the
LAN and power connections.)
Appendix A: Troubleshooting
Frequently Asked Questions
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
If the Gateway is configured correctly, check your Internet connection (DSL/cable modem, etc.) to see if it
is working correctly. You can remove the Gateway to verify a direct connection.
Manually configure the TCP/IP settings with a DNS address provided by your ISP.
Make sure that your browser is set to connect directly and that any dial-up is disabled. For Internet
Explorer, click Tools, Internet Options, and then the Connection tab. Make sure that Internet Explorer is
set to Never dial a connection. For Netscape Navigator, click Edit, Preferences, Advanced, and Proxy.
Make sure that Netscape Navigator is set to Direct connection to the Internet.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the maximum number of IP addresses that the Gateway will support?
The Gateway will support up to 253 IP addresses.
Is IPSec Passthrough supported by the Gateway?
Yes, it is a built-in feature that is enabled by default.
Where is the Gateway installed on the network?
In a typical environment, the Gateway is installed between the ADSL wall jack and the LAN.
Does the Gateway support IPX or AppleTalk?
No. TCP/IP is the only protocol standard for the Internet and has become the global standard for communications.
IPX, a NetWare communications protocol used only to route messages from one node to another, and AppleTalk,
a communications protocol used on Apple and Macintosh networks, can be used for LAN to LAN connections, but
those protocols cannot connect from the Internet to a LAN.
Does the LAN connection of the Gateway support 100Mbps Ethernet?
The Gateway supports 100Mbps over the auto-sensing Fast Ethernet 10/100 switch on the LAN side of the
What is Network Address Translation and what is it used for?
Network Address Translation (NAT) translates multiple IP addresses on the private LAN to one public address that
is sent out to the Internet. This adds a level of security since the address of a computer connected to the private
LAN is never transmitted on the Internet. Furthermore, NAT allows the Gateway to be used with low cost Internet
accounts when only one TCP/IP address is provided by the ISP. The user may have many private addresses
behind this single address provided by the ISP.
Does the Gateway support any operating system other than Windows 98SE, Windows Millennium,
Windows 2000, or Windows XP?
Yes, but Linksys does not, at this time, provide technical support for setup, configuration or troubleshooting of
any non-Windows operating systems.
Appendix A: Troubleshooting
Frequently Asked Questions
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
Does the Gateway support ICQ send file?
Yes, with the following fix: click ICQ menu -> preference -> connections tab->, and check I am behind a firewall
or proxy. Then set the firewall time-out to 80 seconds in the firewall setting. The Internet user can then send a file
to a user behind the Gateway.
I set up an Unreal Tournament Server, but others on the LAN cannot join. What do I need to do?
If you have a dedicated Unreal Tournament server running, you need to create a static IP for each of the LAN
computers and forward ports 7777, 7778, 7779, 7780, 7781, and 27900 to the IP address of the server. You can
also use a port forwarding range of 7777 ~ 27900. If you want to use the UT Server Admin, forward another port.
(Port 8080 usually works well but is used for remote admin. You may have to disable this.) Then in the
[UWeb.WebServer] section of the server.ini file, set the ListenPort to 8080 (to match the mapped port above) and
ServerName to the IP assigned to the Gateway from your ISP.
Can multiple gamers on the LAN get on one game server and play simultaneously with just one public IP
It depends on which network game or what kind of game server you are using. For example, Unreal Tournament
supports multi-login with one public IP.
How do I get Half-Life: Team Fortress to work with the Gateway?
The default client port for Half-Life is 27005. The computers on your LAN need to have “+clientport 2700x”
added to the HL shortcut command line; the x would be 6, 7, 8, and on up. This lets multiple computers connect
to the same server. One problem: Version won’t let multiple computers with the same CD key connect at
the same time, even if on the same LAN (not a problem with As far as hosting games, the HL server does
not need to be in the DMZ. Just forward port 27015 to the local IP address of the server computer.
The web page hangs; downloads are corrupt, or nothing but junk characters are being displayed on the
screen. What do I need to do?
Force your Ethernet adapter to 10Mbps or half duplex mode, and turn off the “Auto-negotiate” feature of your
Ethernet adapter as a temporary measure. (Please look at the Network Control Panel in your Ethernet adapter’s
Advanced Properties tab.) Make sure that your proxy setting is disabled in the browser. Check our website at
www.linksys.com/international for more information.
If all else fails in the installation, what can I do?
Reset the Gateway by holding down the reset button until the Power LED fully turns on and off. Reset your DSL
modem by powering the unit off and then on. Obtain and flash the latest firmware release that is readily available
on the Linksys international website, www.linksys.com/international.
How will I be notified of new Gateway firmware upgrades?
All Linksys firmware upgrades are posted on the Linksys international website at www.linksys.com/international,
where they can be downloaded for free. To upgrade the Gateway’s firmware, use the Administration tab of the
Appendix A: Troubleshooting
Frequently Asked Questions
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
Gateway’s web-based utility. If the Gateway’s Internet connection is working well, there is no need to download a
newer firmware version, unless that version contains new features that you would like to use.
Will the Gateway function in a Macintosh environment?
Yes, but the Gateway’s setup pages are accessible only through Internet Explorer 4.0 or Netscape Navigator 4.0
or higher for Macintosh.
I am not able to get the web configuration screen for the Gateway. What can I do?
You may have to remove the proxy settings on your Internet browser, e.g., Netscape Navigator or Internet
Explorer. Check with your browser documentation, and make sure that your browser is set to connect directly
and that any dial-up is disabled. For Internet Explorer, click Tools, Internet Options, and then the Connection tab.
Make sure that Internet Explorer is set to Never dial a connection. For Netscape Navigator, click Edit,
Preferences, Advanced, and Proxy. Make sure that Netscape Navigator is set to Direct connection to the Internet.
What is DMZ Hosting?
Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) allows one IP address (computer) to be exposed to the Internet. Some applications
require multiple TCP/IP ports to be open. It is recommended that you set your computer with a static IP if you
want to use DMZ Hosting. To get the LAN IP address, see “Appendix D: Finding the MAC Address and IP Address
for Your Ethernet Adapter.
If DMZ Hosting is used, does the exposed user share the public IP with the Gateway?
Does the Gateway pass PPTP packets or actively route PPTP sessions?
The Gateway allows PPTP packets to pass through.
Is the Gateway cross-platform compatible?
Any platform that supports Ethernet and TCP/IP is compatible with the Gateway.
How many ports can be simultaneously forwarded?
Theoretically, the Gateway can establish 520 sessions at the same time, but you can only forward 10 ranges of
What are the advanced features of the Gateway?
The Gateways advanced features include Advanced Filters, Port Forwarding, Routing, and DDNS.
What is the maximum number of VPN sessions allowed by the Gateway?
The maximum number depends on many factors. At least one IPSec session will work through the Gateway;
however, simultaneous IPSec sessions may be possible, depending on the specifics of your VPNs.
Appendix A: Troubleshooting
Frequently Asked Questions
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
How can I check whether I have static or DHCP IP Addresses?
Consult your ISP to obtain this information.
How do I get mIRC to work with the Gateway?
Under the Port Forwarding tab, set port forwarding to 113 for the computer on which you are using mIRC.
Can the Gateway act as my DHCP server?
Yes. The Gateway has DHCP server software built-in.
What is a MAC Address?
The Media Access Control (MAC) address is a unique number assigned by the manufacturer to any Ethernet
networking device, such as a network adapter, that allows the network to identify it at the hardware level. For all
practical purposes, this number is usually permanent. Unlike IP addresses, which can change every time a
computer logs onto the network, the MAC address of a device stays the same, making it a valuable identifier for
the network.
How do I reset the Gateway?
Press the Reset button on the back panel for about ten seconds. This will reset the Gateway to its default settings.
How many channels/frequencies are available with the Gateway?
There are eleven available channels, ranging from 1 to 11 (in North America).
If your questions are not addressed here, refer to the Linksys international website,
Appendix B: Configuring IPSec between a Windows 2000 or XP Computer and the Gateway
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
Appendix B: Configuring IPSec between a Windows 2000
or XP Computer and the Gateway
This document demonstrates how to establish a secure IPSec tunnel using preshared keys to join a private
network inside the Gateway and a Windows 2000 or XP computer. You can find detailed information on
configuring the Windows 2000 server at the Microsoft website:
Microsoft KB Q252735 - How to Configure IPSec Tunneling in Windows 2000
Microsoft KB Q257225 - Basic IPSec Troubleshooting in Windows 2000
The IP addresses and other specifics mentioned in this appendix are for illustration purposes only.
Windows 2000 or Windows XP
IP Address: <= User ISP provides IP Address; this is only an example.
Subnet Mask:
WAN IP Address: <= User ISP provides IP Address; this is only an example.
Subnet Mask:
LAN IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
NOTE: Keep a record of any changes you make.
Those changes will be identical in the Windows
“secpol” application and the Router’s Web-Based
NOTE: This section’s instructions and figures
refer to the Router. Substitute “Gateway” for
“Router”. Also, the text on your screen may differ
from the text in your instructions for “OK or
Close”; click the appropriate button on your
Appendix B: Configuring IPSec between a Windows 2000 or XP Computer and the Gateway
How to Establish a Secure IPSec Tunnel
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
How to Establish a Secure IPSec Tunnel
Step 1: Create an IPSec Policy
1. Click the Start button, select Run, and type secpol.msc in the Open field. The Local Security Setting screen
will appear as shown in Figure C-1.
2. Right-click IP Security Policies on Local Computer (Win XP) or IP Security Policies on Local Machine
(Win 2000), and click Create IP Security Policy.
3. Click the Next button, and then enter a name for your policy (for example, to_Router). Then, click Next.
4. Deselect the Activate the default response rule check box, and then click the Next button.
5. Click the Finish button, making sure the Edit check box is checked.
Step 2: Build Filter Lists
Filter List 1: win->Router
1. In the new policy’s properties screen, verify that the Rules tab is selected, as shown in Figure C-2. Deselect
the Use Add Wizard check box, and click the Add button to create a new rule.
2. Make sure the IP Filter List tab is selected, and click the Add button. (See Figure C-3.)The IP Filter List
screen should appear, as shown in Figure C-4. Enter an appropriate name, such as win->Router, for the filter
list, and de-select the Use Add Wizard check box. Then, click the Add button.
NOTE: The references in this section to “win” are
references to Windows 2000 and XP. Substitute
the references to “Router” with “Gateway”. Also,
the text on your screen may differ from the text in
your instructions for “OK or Close”; click the
appropriate button on your screen.
Figure B-1: Local Security Screen
Figure B-2: Rules Tab
Figure B-3: IP Filter List Tab
Appendix B: Configuring IPSec between a Windows 2000 or XP Computer and the Gateway
How to Establish a Secure IPSec Tunnel
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
3. The Filters Properties screen will appear, as shown in Figure C-5. Select the Addressing tab. In the Source
address field, select My IP Address. In the Destination address field, select A specific IP Subnet, and fill in
the IP Address: and Subnet mask: (These are the Router’s default settings. If you
have changed these settings, enter your new values.)
4. If you want to enter a description for your filter, click the Description tab and enter the description there.
5. Click the OK button. Then, click the OK or Close button on the IP Filter List window.
Filter List 2: Router ->win
6. The New Rule Properties screen will appear, as shown in Figure C-6. Select the IP Filter List tab, and make
sure that win -> Router is highlighted. Then, click the Add button.
Figure B-4: IP Filter LIst
Figure B-5: Filters Properties
Figure B-6: New Rule Properties
Appendix B: Configuring IPSec between a Windows 2000 or XP Computer and the Gateway
How to Establish a Secure IPSec Tunnel
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
7. The IP Filter List screen should appear, as shown in Figure C-7. Enter an appropriate name, such as Router-
>win for the filter list, and de-select the Use Add Wizard check box. Click the Add button.
8. The Filters Properties screen will appear, as shown in Figure C-8. Select the Addressing tab. In the Source
address field, select A specific IP Subnet, and enter the IP Address: and Subnet mask: (Enter your new values if you have changed the default settings.) In the Destination address
field, select My IP Address.
9. If you want to enter a description for your filter, click the Description tab and enter the description there.
10. Click the OK or Close button and the New Rule Properties screen should appear with the IP Filer List tab
selected, as shown in Figure C-9. There should now be a listing for “Router -> win” and “win -> Router”.
Click the OK (for WinXP) or Close (for Win2000) button on the IP Filter List window.
Figure B-7: IP Filter List
Figure B-8: Filters Properties
Figure B-9: New Rule Properties
Appendix B: Configuring IPSec between a Windows 2000 or XP Computer and the Gateway
How to Establish a Secure IPSec Tunnel
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
Step 3: Configure Individual Tunnel Rules
Tunnel 1: win->Router
1. From the IP Filter List tab, shown in Figure C-10, click the filter list win->Router.
2. Click the Filter Action tab (as in Figure C-11), and click the filter action Require Security radio button. Then,
click the Edit button.
3. From the Security Methods tab, shown in Figure C-12, verify that the Negotiate security option is enabled,
and deselect the Accept unsecured communication, but always respond using IPSec check box. Select
Session key Perfect Forward Secrecy, and click the OK button.
Figure B-12: Security Methods Tab
Figure B-10: IP Filter List Tab
Figure B-11: Filter Acton Tab
Appendix B: Configuring IPSec between a Windows 2000 or XP Computer and the Gateway
How to Establish a Secure IPSec Tunnel
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
4. Select the Authentication Methods tab, shown in Figure C-13, and click the Edit button.
5. Change the authentication method to Use this string to protect the key exchange (preshared key), as
shown in Figure C-14, and enter the preshared key string, such as XYZ12345. Click the OK button.
6. This new Preshared key will be displayed in Figure C-15. Click the Apply button to continue, if it appears on
your screen, otherwise proceed to the next step.
Figure B-13: Authentication Methods
Figure B-14: Preshared Key
Figure B-15: New Preshared Key
Appendix B: Configuring IPSec between a Windows 2000 or XP Computer and the Gateway
How to Establish a Secure IPSec Tunnel
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
7. Select the Tunnel Setting tab, shown in Figure C-16, and click The tunnel endpoint is specified by this IP
Address radio button. Then, enter the Router’s WAN IP Address.
8. Select the Connection Type tab, as shown in Figure C-17, and click All network connections. Then, click
the OK or Close button to finish this rule.
Tunnel 2: Router->win
9. In the new policy’s properties screen, shown in Figure C-18, make sure that “win -> Router” is selected and
deselect the Use Add Wizard check box. Then, click the Add button to create the second IP filter.
Figure B-16: Tunnel Setting Tab
Figure B-17: Connection Type Tab
Figure B-18: Properties Screen
Appendix B: Configuring IPSec between a Windows 2000 or XP Computer and the Gateway
How to Establish a Secure IPSec Tunnel
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
10. Go to the IP Filter List tab, and click the filter list Router->win, as shown in Figure C-19.
11. Click the Filter Action tab, and select the filter action Require Security, as shown in Figure C-20. Then, click
the Edit button. From the Security Methods tab, shown previously in Figure C-12, verify that the Negotiate
security option is enabled, and deselect the Accept unsecured communication, but always respond
using IPSec check box. Select Session key Perfect Forward Secrecy, and click the OK button.
12. Click the Authentication Methods tab, and verify that the authentication method Kerberos is selected, as
shown in Figure C-21. Then, click the Edit button.
Figure B-19: IP Filter List Tab
Figure B-20: Filter Action Tab
Figure B-21: Authentication Methods Tab
Appendix B: Configuring IPSec between a Windows 2000 or XP Computer and the Gateway
How to Establish a Secure IPSec Tunnel
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
13. Change the authentication method to Use this string to protect the key exchange (preshared key), and
enter the preshared key string, such as XYZ12345, as shown in Figure C-22. (This is a sample key string.
Yours should be a key that is unique but easy to remember.) Then click the OK button.
14. This new Preshared key will be displayed in Figure C-23. Click the Apply button to continue, if it appears on
your screen, otherwise proceed to the next step.
15. Click the Tunnel Setting tab, shown in Figure C-24, click the radio button for The tunnel endpoint is
specified by this IP Address, and enter the Windows 2000/XP computer’s IP Address.
Figure B-22: Preshared Key
Figure B-23: New Preshared Key
Figure B-24: Tunnel Setting Tab
Appendix B: Configuring IPSec between a Windows 2000 or XP Computer and the Gateway
How to Establish a Secure IPSec Tunnel
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
16. Click the Connection Type tab, shown in Figure C-25, and select All network connections. Then click the
OK or Close button to finish.
17. From the Rules tab, shown in Figure C-26, click the OK or Close button to return to the secpol screen.
Step 4: Assign New IPSec Policy
In the IP Security Policies on Local Computer window, shown in Figure C-27, right-click the policy named
to_Router, and click Assign. A green arrow appears in the folder icon.
Figure B-25: Connection Type
Figure B-26: Rules
Figure B-27: Local Computer

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