Mirror pre-release
To eliminate the remaining minimal effects of
mirror movement and closing of the lens dia-
phragm, the LEICA R9 offers the possibility of
mirror pre-release. To use it, the mirror pre-release
selector (1.6) is moved outwards. Then, the first
time the shutter release button (1.17) is pressed,
only the mirror is flipped up and the diaphragm
closes to the value set. The shutter is released,
and the actual photograph taken, by pressing the
shutter release button a second time. After the
exposure, the mirror moves back down into place
and the diaphragm opens again in the normal
way. If you prefer to take the next photograph
without mirror pre-release, the selector must be
reset, i.e. moved back inwards.
The mirror pre-release can also be combined
with the self-timer. In this case, pressing the
shutter release pre-releases the mirror and as
soon as the shutter release is let go, the count-
down begins. After the countdown is complete,
the photograph is taken and the mirror returns to
its normal position. This combination is recom-
mended where taking blur-free photographs is
difficult, for example when using long focal
lengths on a tripod.
When using an automatic mode
, the
exposure metering occurs when the shutter
release is pressed for the first time, i.e. shortly
before the mirror pre-release. The value is stored
and the photograph is taken with this exposure.
In mode
, the shutter speed/aperture combina-
tion is selected manually.