108 / Displays
2.1.18 Shutter speed
(appears immediately with manual setting, i.e. with expo-
sure modes T/M, after tapping the shutter release button
with automatic setting, i.e. with exposure modes P/A, red
after pressing the shutter release button to the pressure
point when the setting range is exceeded with exposure
modes P/T/A, otherwise white)
2.1.19 Indication for setting the slowest shutter
speeds with the central setting dial
(only when setting the shutter speed dial to the
2.1.20 Aperture value
(appears immediately with manual setting, i.e. with expo-
sure modes A/M, after tapping the shutter release button
with automatic setting, i.e. with exposure modes P/T, red
after pressing the shutter release button to pressure point
when the setting range is exceeded with exposure modes
P/T/A, otherwise white)
2.1.21 Indication of program shift option
(appears only with exposure mode P)
2.1.22 Indication of shifted pair of values
(appears only with exposure mode P and after shifting)
2.1.23 Exposure compensation set, including
compensation value
(not with exposure mode M and video recording)
alternatively to 2.1.18–2.1.23:
2.1.24 Time and date
(appears only briefly after turning on the camera and/or
after setting the data)
2.1.25 Light balance
(appears only with exposure mode M)
2.1.26 Automatic exposure bracketing activated
(crossed out and flashing in red when shutter release but-
ton is pressed to pressure point with flash unit attached,
or switched on and activated [function combination not
possible], otherwise white, not with video recording)
2.1.27 Exposure metering method
Center-weighted exposure metering
Multi-field metering
Spot metering
2.1.28 Synchronization to the end of the exposure
(not in conjunction with flash modes with
pre-flash 2.1.2 b/d/f)
2.1.29 Indication that spot exposure metering is
switched on
2.1.30 Spot autofocus metering field
(not with video recording)
2.1.31 Normal autofocus metering field
(not with video recording)
alternatively to 2.1.29–2.1.31:
Self-timer switched on/running
(flashing in blue during delay, otherwise white)
2 seconds delay
10 seconds delay
alternatively to 2.1.29–2.1.31:
Sound recording in progress
(appears only during recording, microphone flashes in
blue, triangles alternate from black to red in a
1 s-rhythm)