Disney’s TRON: Legacy is the sequel to the 1982 cult classic sci-fi movie,
TRON. It follows the adventures of Sam Flynn, a brave but reckless
young man who finds himself digitized into a computer world of living
programs and futuristic vehicles. Equipped with an identity disc and
forced to compete in the dangerous Games, he must battle and race if
he hopes to survive.
But Sam won’t be alone. Quorra, a mysterious woman who works with
Sam’s long-lost father, Kevin Flynn, rescues him. Years ago, Kevin tried
to create the perfect computer system, but he was betrayed by a
program called Clu. Now it is up to Sam and Quorra to prevent Clu and
his warrior program Rinzler from succeeding in their plan to escape and
conquer the real world.
Released in 2010, Joseph Kosinski directed TRON: Legacy for Walt
Disney Pictures. It stars Garrett Hedlund as Sam Flynn, Olivia Wilde as
Quorra, and Jeff Bridges as Kevin Flynn and Clu.