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3.19 Phone
Touch the phone icon on the main menu or the home screen to dial save contacts
• Make Calls
Once phone has successfully attached to a network, touch the phone icon appears
on the standby screen (Home Screen), you can make calls or answer calls. Indicator
on the upper right part show the signal of strength
Quality of connection will be greatly influenced by obstructions. So movement of a
small range can effectively improve the quality of connection.
• Make Domestic Calls
Use virtual keyboard to enter phone numbers and then press Dial icon to make call.
If you need to change the phone number then press the backspace key for deletes.
When the call is answered, the screen will show the connection status.
• Phone Call Extension
Some of the extension phones can't be directly connect. Use of virtual keyboard
dial phone number click option menu and select " Add 2-sec pause", and then dial
the extension number.
Type in as follows to call extension phone:
Zone description > phone number >option> Add 2-sec pause > extension number >
• Make International Calls
For international call press long on 0 key from virtual keyboard until there appears
the sign "+" for international call code, which helps you call from any country
even if you don't know the ISD code of that country. You can make an international
call according to the following typing order: + › country code › complete phone
number › dialing icon (type in the prefix code, and then continue to enter the
country code and complete phone number). Country code usually follows
conventional practice: German is 49, Britain 44, Sweden 46 and so on.
When making international phone calls, the "0" in the city code should be emitted.