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User Manual
iris atom
User Manual
User Manual
All rights are reserved. No part of this document
may be reproduced without permission.
While all efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of
all the contents in this manual, we assume no liability for
errors or omissions or statements of any kind in this
manual, whether such errors or omissions or statements
resulting from negligence, accidents, or any other cause.
The contents of this manual are subject to change
without notice.
Protect our environment! We strive to produce products in
compliance with global environmental standards. Please
consult your local authorities for proper disposal.
Note: User Manual is just to guide the user about the
functionality of the phone. It is not a certificate of
technology. Some functions may vary due to modifications
and upgrade of software, or due to printing mistake.
User Manual
iris atom
1- Welcome
1.1. Exciting Features
2- Phone Layout.......................................................................6
2.1. Keys and Parts
2.2. Icons and Indicators
3- Getting Started.....................................................................7
3.1. Insert SIM card
3.2. Insert Memory card
3.3. Unlock the Phone.............................................................8
3.4. Using the Touch scree n
3.5. Using the Phone’s Buttons
3.6. Context Menus............................................................... 10
3.7. Options menus
3.8. Menu Icons
4-Placing and Receiving Calls.............................................11
4.1. Make a Call
4.2. Disable Phone Calls (Airplane mode)
4.3. Disable SIM card............................................................12
5-The Home Screen
5.1. Open and Close the Launcher
5.2. Switch to Recently Used Application..........................13
5.3. Customize Home Screen
6-Connect to the Internet
6.1. To configure you’re Internet :........................................15
6.2. Access Internet via W i-Fi
7-Managing Notifications
7.1. Ope n the Notifications Pane l.......................................16
7.2. Respon d to Notif ications
7.3. Clos e N ot ifications Pan e l
8.1. Message environment & Settings
User Manual
iris atom
8.2. Using the Onscreen Keyb oard
8.3. Create and Send Multimedia Message
8.4. Operation on a message:............................................. 19
8.5. Lock a Message
9-Multimedi a
9.1. Camer a............................................................................ 20
9.2. Gallery
9.3. Share an Album
9.4. Music................................................................................ 22
9.5. FM Radio
9.6. Record Sounds
9.7. Make Screenshot........................................................... 22
10-Connect to Networks and Devices
10.1. Connec t to PC
10.2. C onnect to Interne t......................................................24
10.3. Connec t to Wi-Fi Networks
10.4. Pair With Bluetooth Devices
10.5. C onnect to Internet via your Phone......................... 24
10.6. I nsta ll Secure Certificate from SD Card
11-Download Applications
12-Pho ne Se ttings................................................................. 26
2713-Health and Safety Information.......................................
Lava warranty certificate...................................................... 37
User Manual
iris atom
Congratulations on your purchase of the LAVA mobile phone.
Your phone provides many functions which are practical for
daily use, such as a ha ndsfree loudspeaker, camera, MP3
player, internet and much more.
You can read the manual to understand how to use iris atom
Mobile phone and experience the wellestablished functions
and simple operation method. Please use the original
accessory in order to achieve th e best use of effects. Use of
nonoriginal components may lead to damage caused to the
machinery, in which case Lava shall not be responsible. Lava
Warranty Certificate enclose d a t the end.
LAVA support and contact Information
Check www.lavamobiles.com web site for additional
Information, downloads, and services related to your
LAVA product.
To check for the nearest LAVA service center location for
Maintenan ce servic e s, you can visit belo w link.
http://www.lavamobiles .com/support
Customer Care number
No: 1860 200 7500
Available from Monday to Sunday, between 10:00AM to
“It is advisabl e to charge batter y to 100% before start using
phone for better battery li fe”
User Manual
iris atom
1.1. E xc iting Features
Android 5.1
4.0 inch Screen
Cameras (Front VGA and Back 5MP)
1.3GHz Qu ad Core Processor
External Memory (Expandable to 32 GB)
Dual SIM
Multimedia player
Gravity sensor
Battery 155 0mAh
User Manual
iris atom
For your safety
Read this simple guideline. Avoiding them may be dangerous
or illegal. Read the complete user manual for further
Do not switch your phone on when the use of
wireless devices is prohibited or when the
wireless device may cause interference or
Do not use your phone while driving.
Follow rele va nt rules o
regulat i ons in hospitals
and health care facilities. Switch your phone
off near medical devices.
Switch your phone off in an aircraft. The
radio signal from it m ay cau se i nterference in
signals of the aircraft.
Switch you r phone off near highprecision
electronic devices. It may affect the
perf ormance of these d evices.
Do not attempt to disa ssem b le your pho ne or
its accessories. Only qualified personnel may
service or repair the phone.
Do not place your phone and its accessories
in containers with strong electromagnetic
field .
Do not place magnetic storage media near
your phone. Radiation from the phone may
erase the information stored on them.
Do not put you
phone in a hightemperature
place or use it in a place with flammable gas
such as a petrol pumps.
Keep your phone and its accessories away
fr om chi ldren . Do not allow children to use
your phone without guidanc e.
Respect others' privacy and legal rights when
using your phone.
User Manual
iris atom
2.1. Keys and Parts
2.2. Icons and Indic ators
Icons Indicators Icons Indicators
Signal strength
Alarm has been
New missed calls
WiFi is
USB is connected Bluetooth is on
The headphone
is being used
Battery charging
New message
from SIM 1
Airplane mode
is activated
User Manual
iris atom
3.1. Insert SIM c ard
iris atom is a Dual SIM mobile phone allowing you to use the
facility of two networks. To insert SIM card(s):
Switch off the mobile phone and remove the rear cover
and battery.
Insert the SIM card correctly in the card slot(s) (See figure
Insert SIM card carefully!
Final l y insert the battery and rep lace the rear cover of the
mobile phone.
3.2. Inser
SD card, up to 32GB.
cover a nd battery.
Insert the memory card into the slot.
User Manual
iris atom
Finally insert the battery and the rear cover of the mobile
phone .
Use only compatible memory cards approved by with this
device. Incompatible memory cards may damage the card or
the device wi ll corrupt the data stored in the card.
3.3. Unlock t he Phone
You may need to provide PIN, Password, or d raw a pattern to
unlock your phon e .
To unlock the screen:
Press the power key to wake up the phone.
Hold and drag the unlock icon to upside to unlock.
You may be required to unlock your ph o ne based on the
unlock method in setting s.
Smart awa ke:
iris atom offers you smart awake function, when the
screen is locked, you can scroll gestures on the screen to
unlock it to enter into the designated application, or double
click to wake up the screen, go to Settings>Smart
featuresSmart awake to turn ON
OFF this function, you can
also customize the function of the letter gestures. Below
please find the list of the default function.The function is set
off as default.
To set the unlock method:
User Manual
iris atom
On the main menu, touch Settings > Securi t y.
Touch set up screen lock.
Choose the type of locking as desired. You can set your
screen lock on the basis of pa tter n , PIN, Password or none .
3.4. Using t h e Touch screen
You can use the touch screen in the following ways:
Touch: Acts on items on the screen, such a s application
and settings icons, to type letters and symbols using the
onscreen keyboard, or to press onscreen bu ttons.
Touch and hold: Touch and hold an item on the screen
until an action occurs.
Drag: Touch and hold an item a nd move your finger on the
screen un til you reach the target posi tion.
Swipe or slide: Quickly slide your finger a cross the surface
of the screen, (without dragging an item). For example, slide
Pinch: In some applications (Such as Browser, and Gallery)
you can zoom in and out by placing two fingers on the screen
at once and pinching them together (to zoom out) or
spreading them apart (to zoom in).
Rotate the screen : On most screens, th e orientation of the
screen changes a s you rotate it. You can turn this featu re ON
and OFF.
3.5. Using the Phone’s Buttons
The phone’s buttons offer a lot of functions and shortcuts.
Gesture Application Gesture Application
Double Tap Wake up screen wChrome
Slide left Camera m Play Music
Slide right Calculator cCamera
Slide up Browser sSettings
Slide down Voice search v Video player
User Manual
iris atom
Buon Press
Menu: This is used for recent applicaon
Home: returns to Home screen. Hold io
access the list oast used applica ons.
Back: returns to the previous screen you were
working in , even it was in a dierent
applicaon. Can be used to hide the keyboard.
The phone provides you with Context menus and Opons
menus for accessing the features in an intuive way.
3.6. Context Menus
You can open context menu by t ouching key. Not all
screens have contex t menus.
Examples of context men u from Con tacts environment:
3.7. Options menus
Opons menus contain tool s that apply to specic items on
User Manual
iris atom
the screen. You can open an option by touching and holding
an item on the screen. Not all items have options menus .
When you touch and hold some items on a screen, an Options
menu opens .
3.8. M enu Icons
You have the following menu icons to easily l et you access its
important features:
Opens the dial er
Opens messaging
Opens the main menu
Opens the browser
You can di al a ph one numb er or touch a number in your
contacts. You can also pla ce from the call log or contacts .
4.1. Make a Call
Tap the icon on main menu or the home screen to
dial the desired number.
Touch the icon on main menu or the h ome s creen
to make a call from contact, groups or favorites.
To dial an international number, touch and hold the 0 key
to enter the Plus (+) symbol, and then enter the international
country prefix, followed by the phone number
Touch the icon to call with SIM 1 or SIM 2.
Press the Volume Up/ Down keys to adjust the call
You can access Call Logs, Contacts from the dialer screen.
While during a call, touch the icon to end a call.
4.2. Dis a bl e Phone Ca l l s (Airplane mode)
User Manual
iris atom
Some locations like airplanes may require you to turn off your
mobile, WiFi, and Bluetooth wireless connections.
Press and hold the Power bu tton.
Touch the Airplane mode.
4.3. Dis a ble SIM card
> SIM management.
When you sign in, the home screen opens.
The Home screen is your starting point to access all the
features on your phone. Touch the main menu icon at the
bottom of the screen to view all i nstalled applications.
5.1. O pen and Close the Launcher
Touch the Launcher Icon to open the main men u .
Long Press and hold an empty
spot to change wallpaper.
The status bar shows the time,
signal strength,
battery status, and notification.
Touch an icon to launch the
Corresponding application;
bottom icons are accessible from
all desktop screens.
Touch and hold to move or
remove an icon or a widget.
User Manual
iris atom
You have access to all applica s installed on your device
and their widgets when available.
Touch an applica n to open and launch it.
To add an applica
n short t tcu o the desktop screen, press
and hold it un
l it vibrates and enters Home screen. Place it
and release your nger.
Slide t t the Launcher le
or righ o bring more icons into view.
As soon as you install a new applica
, it comes in this list.
Widgets come when you press menu key on the home screen.
You can directly touch WIDGETS at below of the screen
You cannot launch widget like an applica on; you can only
place it on desktop screen.
Press and hold it un
l it vibrates and enters Home screen.
Place it and release your nger. A context menu opens to
congure the widget or resize it, naturally, it depends on the
Press Home icon or Back icon to close the Launcher.
5.2. Switch to Rec ently Used Application
Press and hold the
icon for open recently used
User Manual
iris atom
Touch an icon to open its application. Or press to
return to the current application.
5.3. Cus tomize Home Screen
You can add applications, shortcuts, widgets, and other items
to any part of the Home screen or change th e wallpaper.
Touch the Launcher Icon to open the main menu.
To add an application shortcut to the desktop screen,
press and ho l d it until it vibrates and enters Home screen.
Place it and release your finger.
Press to open the Home screen.
Touch the Launcher Icon on your home screen.
Touch wi dgets on the top of scre en.
You are in the main widgets screen, you can
Move between screens: Swipe left or right
Drag a wid get to a home screen: Touch and hold the
widget ’s icon, slide your finger where you want to place it,
and lift your finger.
You may be asked to make further choices before th e
widget activates. If there isn’t room where you dropped it, the
widget won’t get added to the Home Screen.
Wallpapers: Wallpapers are images from Gallery, still images
included with the system, and live images. They take the place
of the default background for your Home Screen.
Touch a nd hol d anywhere on a desktop Home screen thats
not occupied. A list of options appears.
Touch one of the following wallpaper source:
camera or downlo a ded to your device.
o Live Wallpaper : Cho ose from a scrolling list of animated
User Manual
iris atom
wallpapers. Even you can choose a video file from your Video
Wallpaper folder.
o Wallpaper: Choose from thumbnails of default images.
For set wallpaper, touch r ight option then select SET
PICTURE AS) and set wallpaper.
Folders: You can very easily regroup desktop icons in a folder
on screen to save space and access more applications.
Touch and hol d any i con on desktop scre en to move it.
Go on another icon and release to create a folder
containing both icons.
Then add as many icons as folder can hold, give it a name,
move it where you want.
You have all the too ls to c ustomize your Phon e.
6.1. To configure you’re Internet:
Go to Settings> Wireless
Networks >More > Mobile
Networks >Tap Data En abled.
By default, your network provider sends the Access Point
Name settings via SMS, or it comes automatically with your
SIM card. You may need to install these settings. After this,
you can choose from the listed access point names. If the
access point names are not listed by default, please contact
your network provider for the same.
To add any operator Access point Name, go to settings >
More > Mobile networks > Access Point Name.
After you have se l e cted or configured the access point
name, go to S ettings> Wireles s & Networks >Data usage >Tap
Mobile Data to enable Internet connection.
6.2. Ac cess Internet via Wi-Fi
To browse the Internet via WiFi:
Go to Men u> System settings> wirele ss & networks and
then tap WiFi.
Next, go to Menu> settings> wireless & networks > WiFi
User Manual
iris atom
Settings and then enable WiFi. Next, select the WIFI
connection listed under WiFi networks.
Notifi catio n icons i nform you of new messages and events.
When you receive a notification, its icon appears in the status
bar, along with a sum mary that appears only briefly.
7.1. Open the Notifications Panel
Drag the statu s bar down from the top of the screen as shown
The Notifications panel displays your network provider name
and a list of your current notifications.
7.2. Respond to Notifications
Open the notification panel and touch a notification to
respond to it. What happens next depends on the notification.
7.3. Clos e Notifications Pa n el
Drag the tab at the bottom of the Notifications pane l to the
top of th e screen. Or just press the back button. The pane l
also closes when you touch a notification to respond to it.
User Manual
iris atom
8.1. Message environment & Settings
You can use Messaging to exchange text messages and
multimedia messages with your friends.
The messages settings allow you to set SMS/MMS limits,
notifications, vibrate or ringtones, deliv ery rep orts and many
Touch to compose a new text
or multimedia message.
ouch to open a messaging
User Manual
iris atom
Take a tour and explore messages sengs, you’ll nd
intere sng things.
8.2. Using the Onscreen Keyboard
Some applicaons display the keyboard by default. In ot hers,
you touch a texield where you wano enter text, to open
the keyboard.
Touch once to capitalize the
next leer you type. Touch and
hold or double tap for CapsLock.
Secondary characters panel
(special, symbols, numbers)
Write your message here.
Aer typing, press
icon to close the keyboard.
Touch and hold the text eld
to o pen a menu and to
User Manual
iris atom
8.3. Create and Send Mul timedia Message
address, or add multimedia media file(s).
Touch compose new message.
Enter or select a mobile phone number.
Touch Attach to attach variou s type s of files.
Send the MMS.
8.4. O pera ti o n on a mess ag e:
Open the message th rea d contain ing the message your
wants to operate.
Recipient zone: write the name, the
number or tap the icon on right to
access contacts list
This is to erase characters
This is enter key, press it then
cursor move to next line
Chose the SIM card you want to
send your message with.
User Manual
iris atom
Touch and hold this message until a context menu opens.
Make your ch o ice .
To forward a message:
Touch forward in this menu.
Add a contact.
Touch Send to send the message.
You can also Co py message text , save message to SIM card,
View message details and delete message.
8.5. Lock a Messag e
You can lock a message so it won’t be deleted if you reach
your storage limits.
Touch a nd hold message in a message window.
Touch Lock message in the menu that opens.
Unlock a message by touching and holdin g it and then touch
Unlock message.
9.1. Camera
Your camera’s pictures and videos are stored in both the SD
card and device. You can copy pictures and videos from both
User Manual
iris atom
the SD card and device to a PC and vice versa.
Press to take photo
Press for mode switch as shown
Scroll right from left side for more
functions to switch
ouch for setting details
User Manual
iris atom
9.2. Gallery
You can use the Gallery to view pictures and play videos and
share files.
Touch the Gallery icon in the main menu.
Touch an album to open and view its contents.
Touch a picture or a video in an album to view it.
9.3. Share an i mage
Open the main Gallery window.
Check or uncheck the image you want to share.
Touch the icon at th e top of screen to share via
Bluetooth, Email.
You can share via email, Bluetooth, and so on.
9.4. Music
You can easil y tran sfer your favorite music from your PC t o the
SD card and experience a whole world of interesting and
melodious music.
Press the phone’s volume up/down keys on the left side of the
mobile phone to adjust the volume.
9.5. FM Radio
You can listen to your favorite FM chann els using the inbuilt
FM receiver of your phone and a corded earphone (the wire is
used as antenna ) .
Record sound
Search FM stations
Enable speaker
Press the phone’s volume up/down keys on the left side of the
mobile phone to adjust the volume.
9.6. Record Sounds
Touch the Sound Recorder in the main menu.
Tap to start recording a voice clip. “Recording”
appears when it is recording a voice clip.
Tap to stop and save the recording .
9.7. M ake Screenshot
User Manual
iris atom
Press and hold for 1 second both Volume Down and Power
buttons together.
Your phone can connect to a variety of networks and devices,
including WiFi, GPRS, Bluetoo th, devices, such as headsets.
You can also transfer files to/from your PC through the data
10.1. Connect to PC
Plug the phone to a computer with the supplied cable.
Go to Notifications bar
Touch "USB storage" (see below).
This mounts the external SD card and internal memory as USB
Once finished, click again (“Turn off USB storage”) to unmount
SD card from computer and us e it with phone again .
available to the phone, a ll apps using SD card cannot work.
Don't erase/move applications data also.
User Manual
iris atom
10.2. Connect to I nternet
Refer to section 6 for details.
10.3. Connect to Wi-Fi Netwo rk s
Refer to Section 6 for details.
10.4. Pair Wi th Bluetoot h Devic es
Go to Settings > Wirel e ss & netwo rks> Bluetooth settin gs.
If Bluetooth is off, check Bluetooth to turn it on. Your
phone scans and displays the Bluetooth d evices in range.
If the device you want to pair with is not in the list, make it
discoverabl e.
If your phone stops scanning before you make the other
device discoverable, touch Scan for devices.
Touch th e ID of the ot he r devic e in the list Setting s to pair
them. If you are prompted to for a password, enter any
entered in the other device to be paired, If the pairing is
successful, your phone connects to the device.
10.5. Connect to I nternet via your Phone
You can browse the Internet on your PC using your mobile
phone . To do thi s:
Connect your mobile phone to your PC via the USB cable.
Go to Settings> Wireless & Networks>More >Tethering &
portable hotspot and then touch USB Tethering.
A prompt for installation will appear on your PC. Proceed as
In case of Linux, Windows 7 and Vista OS, the drivers get
automatically installed. However, in case of Windows XP,
maybe you need to manually install the drivers.
10.6. Install Secure Certifica te from SD Card
If your VPN or WiF i Ne two r k relies on se c ure certificate s, you
must obtain the certificates and store the m in your phone ’s
storage, before you can config ure access to those VPN or
WiFi networks on your phone.
You may need to download the certificates from a website.
User Manual
iris atom
Copy the cer ti f i ca te from your comp ute r to the roo t of the
SD card.
Touch Settings> Security.
Touch Install from SD card under Credential Storage.
Touch the file name of the certificate to install. Only the
names of certificates that you have not already installed on
your phone are displayed.
If p ro mpted, enter the certificate’s password and touch
Enter a name for the certificate and touch OK.
The phone has a default configuration which includes some
applications. Discover all others apps by using play store. You
will be able to connect with 3G or WiFi for example, and by
signing in the application with just an email.
This is what it looks like:
User Manual
iris atom
You can go to Setting s to customi ze your phone’s preferences
Let’s you configure and manage connections
to networks and devices by Using WiFi.
Let’s you manage Bluetooth to communicate
with other Bluetooth devices, such as
headsets and other portable devices.
Let’s you turn on or turn off your SIM card and
configure your S IM card to be used to voice
call, video call, SMS send and data connection.
Data usage
Data usage refers to the amo unt of data
uploa ded or downlo a ded by your device
duri ng a given period.
Let’s you configure how and at what volume
the phone rings, vibrates etc.
Let’s you configure brightness and other
screen settings.
Let’s you see and manage available space on
your phone and on your SD card.
Battery Let’s you check the battery level and status.
Let’s you view all applications downloaded or
on SD card a nd manage a ll running
applications in devices.
Let’s you add, remove a nd manage your
Google and other supported accounts.
Lets you set the locatio n rel ate d settings like
WiFi and mobile network for your phone
Secu rity
Let’s you protect personal information, like
adjust your phone's lock, set SIM card lo ck etc.
Let ’s you select the language for the text on
your phone and for configuring the onscreen
Backup& Let’s you backup your personal data and
User Manual
iris atom
reset settings and reset your phone.
Date & time
Let’s you choose preferences su c h as format
and time zones.
Enable your installed accessibility applications
and adjust related settings.
About phone
View information about your phone, such
as signal strength, status, phone information
and battery use.
Cause and Solut ion
Unable to
turn on
Check if the battery is properl y connected.
Please remove and install it again, retry to
turn on.
Check if battery i s ap propriately charged
Unable to
connect to
Weak sign al. Please try and move to a
location with strong signal and try
connecting to the network again
Please ensure th at you are not beyond th e
network coverage of service providers.
Please ensure you have a valid SIM card.
Please contact your network provi der for
furthe r informatio n
turning on
Check if the SIM card (insert th e SIM card) is
installed correctly
Handset lock password. If the handset lock is
activated, you have to input handset
password before using .
Input PIN. Inputtin g PIN wh i l e turn ing on
each time i s a c tivated, you have to inp ut the
PIN code.
Input PUK code: Having input wrong PIN
code for 3 time s strai ght will lock the SIM
card. You need to input the PUK code
User Manual
iris atom
provided by your network provider.
Poor quality
of calling
Please check if the sound volume is tuned
In an area with poor receiving condition,
example: baseme nt, the signa l mi ght be
weak. Try reaching a location with stronger
signal reception and call again.
period of communication, like commute
time, you may be unable to call because of
line congestion.
The standby duratio n is relative to the
system setting o f network. While the mobile
phone is in an area with poor signal strength
and cannot receive the signal, the handset
will continuously search for a base station.
This will significantly reduce battery charge.
It is recommended that you turn off your
mobile in area with no sig nal reception to
save battery.
Need replacing the battery. Please change
a new battery.
SIM Card
Dirt on the metal surface of an SIM card. Use
clean clo t h to wipe the m eta l touch point on
an SIM card.
The SIM card is not installed.
The SIM card is damaged. Please contact
your network service provid e r.
Unable to
dial call
Please confirm if you have pressed the dia l
key after dialing.
Please confirm if calling is forbidden because
of default settings.
Please confirm if the SIM is valid.
Please confirm if the call barring is set.
Please confirm if the fixed dial function is
unable to
Please confirm if the mobile phone is on and
User Manual
iris atom
contact you Please confirm if calling is forbidden because
of defaulting.
Please confirm if the SIM card is valid.
Please confirm if the call barring is set.
Unable to
Poor contact. Please check if the plug is
connected well.
Please co nfirm if the environment
temperature is within the range of 0ºC
~40ºC while charging.
The battery or charger is damaged. You need
to replace it from servic e center.
Unable to
set some
Wrong operation.
The netwo rk provider do es not suppo rt the
function, or you have not applied for it.
Note: If the above instructions don’t help you then please
Mobile phone model and serial number specific content of
warranty clear statemen t of problems then contact your loc al
dealer or a LAVA authorized service center in your area.
Safety Information and Not ices
Using the Cellular Phone and Charger
Only use authorized battery and charger. Using other brands
may cause battery leakage, overheating, explosion or even
Caution :
Keep the p hone away from dust, water and damp areas. Dust,
leakage, and/or phone failure.
The phone, battery, charger and AC adapter are not
waterproof. Keep them away from rain and liquid.
Do not bump, shake or tamper with the phone or charger. This
may cause battery leakage, overheating, explosion or even
Do not p lace the battery, phone or charger near a microwave
or hig hvoltage device. Th is may cause battery leakage,
overheating, explosion or even fire; also prevent the phone
and AC adapter from overheating, smoking or short circuiting.
User Manual
iris atom
Do not use the phone around volatile oil. This may cause fire,
breakdown or damage.
To avoid any da mage or breakdown, do not disassemb le the
phone, battery, charger or internal components by yourself.
Using the Cellular Phone
Do not use the phone while you a re driving. Pull over and stop
your automo bile to dial or listen to a phone call.
Usage of cellular phones in aircrafts or hospitals is prohibited.
Switch the phone off to prev ent interference with electronic
medica l devi ces. Follow any rules or regulati ons in such place s .
Do not use the phone at a gas station, near fuel or near
Do n o t u s e th e phone near electron i c medical devic es such as
hearing aids, pacemakers and autocontrol devices such as fire
detectors and automatic do o rs.
If you have to use your cellular phone near an electronic
medical device such as a pacemaker, please contact your
manufacturer or dealer for information about preventing
Caution :
Electronic systems i n automobiles such as antilock brakes,
speed control, or fuel spraying systems, are usually not
influenced by wireless devices. Manufacturers of these
systems will tell you whether th ey are provided with goo d
screening functions. If you suspect that a n automobile failure
is caused by a wireless wave, please contact your automobile
Avoid u si ng your phone in crowded places.
Do not store your cellular phone near or with a credit card,
disk or other magnetic materials. This may effect information
stored on your pho ne.
Keep your phone away from pins. Pins can be absorbed by the
phone’s receiv er magne t, wh i ch may cause harm.
User Manual
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Using the Battery
Your Battery is removable.
Keep metal obj ects away so they do no t come in contact with
the battery o r its connectors as it may cause the battery to
short circuit, overheat or explode.
Do not weld the polar i ties of the battery direct ly together. This
may cause battery leakage, overheating, explosion or even
Battery liquid is severely harmful for your eyes. If battery
liquid gets in your eyes, d o not rub them. Instead, wash your
eyes with water first and then go directly to a doctor for help.
Do not use or store your phone in high temperature areas. This
may cause battery leakage, overheating, explosion or even
Your device is powered by a rechargeable battery. When the
power is weak, p l e ase ch arge the battery. In order to extend
the li fespan of the battery, use all the battery's power before
recharging .
Unplug the charger from the electrical plug and the device
when not in use. Do not leave the battery connected to a
charger more than a week. Overchargin g may shorten its
lifespa n.
Extreme temperatures can affect the ability of your battery
to charge. Batter y needs the fit tem perature. If the
surrou nding tem perat u re is over 40
C, the battery cannot be
U se the battery only for its intended p u rpose. Never u se any
charger or battery that is damaged.
Do not shortcircuit the battery. Accidental shortcircuiting can
occur when a metallic object such as a coin, clip, or pen causes
direct connection of the positive (+) and negative ()terminals
of the battery. (T hese look like m eta l strips on th e battery.)
Shortcircuiting the terminals m ay da m a ge the battery or the
User Manual
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connecting object.
Leaving the battery in hot or cold places, such as in a closed
car in summer or a freezer in winter conditions, will reduce the
capacit y and lifetime of the battery. Always try to keep the
battery between 59
C). A hot or cold
battery may not function temporarily, even when the battery
is fully charge d .
If battery liqu i d leaks onto your skin or clothes, im m e di a tely
wash the affected parts with water.
If the battery begins to leak or emits a st range odo r, properly
dispos e of the battery accordin g to loca l regulations. Do not
throw it into a fire.
Caution :
Do not leave the product or its battery inside a vehicle or in
places where the temperature may exceed 60
F), such
as on a car dashboard, window sill, or behind a glass that is
exposed to direct sunlight or strong ultraviolet light for
extended periods of time. This m ay damage the produc t,
overheat th e battery, or pos e a risk to the ve hi cle.
Caution: The manufacturer assumes no responsibility for the
consequences of the users does not comply with the above
suggestions or misuse of the phone.
Using the Charger
Only use the charger that came with the phone. Using a
different charger may cause the phone to breakdown or
explo de.
If the charger short circuits, a fire may occur.
Do not use a damaged, worn or broken charger. This may
cause a fire.
Clean dust away from th e power socket to avoid the possibility
of a f ire.
Do not store the charger near any liquids. If liquids spill onto
the charger it may cause it to overheat or breakdown.
If liquid does spill onto the charger, immediately unplug the
power cable to prevent overheating, fire or anot her type of
breakdown .
Do not use the c harger in places with high humidity like a
User Manual
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bathroom. This may cause a fire or other breakdown.
Do not touch the charger, power cable or socket with wet
hands. This may cause an electric shock.
Caution :
Keep the environment temperatures wit hin the range of 0ºC
~40ºC while c harging. Temperature below 0ºC or higher than
40ºC will cause insufficient charging, terminate charging or
even cause the battery to explode.
Unplug the charger from its power so urce before cleaning it.
Do not plac e heavy objects on the po wer cord. This may cause
electric shock or fire.
Hold the plug while unplugging the power cord. This will avoid
any potential damage or even fire.
Requirements for Cellular Phone
Avoid using your cellular phone in extremely high or low
temperatures. Use the phone in a temperature range between
and humidity of 35%~85%.
It is recommended that you do not use your cellular phone
near a telephone, TV set, radio or other radio frequency
sensitive devices.
Requirements for the Battery
When not in use, sto re the battery in a cool place .
If you will not be using the cellular phone for an extended
period of time, charge the battery on a regular basis to avoid
battery breakdown.
The phone battery wears out fast. If charging the battery does
not impro ve its performance, it is time to rep l ace th e battery.
Properly dispose of the battery according to local regulations.
Do not throw it into a fire.
Requirements for the Charger and AC Adapter
Do not charge your phone under the following circumstances:
sunshine, temperatures equal to or lower than 0ºC,
temperatures equal to or higher than 40ºC, high humidity,
dust, high vibration areas, or near a TV, a radio, etc.
Cleaning and Mainten ance
The c ellular phone, the battery and the charger are not
User Manual
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waterproof. Do not use them in places with high humidity l ike
a bathroom and also avoid spilli ng any liqui ds on them.
Use a soft cloth to clean the cellu lar phone, the battery and
the charger.
Do not use a lcohol, diluted liquid or benzene to c lean the
cellular phone.
If du st gets in the sockets th e phone can be da maged,
shortcircuit or even the lose the ability to be recharged. Be
sure to clean the socket regula rly.
SAR declaration
The highest SAR value for this mobile phone is < 1.6 W/kg,
in accordance with the requirements of the ICNIRP, which
recommended the limit for exposure to radio waves is under
1.6 Watts/kilo gram(W /kg) averaged over 1 gram of tissue.
Safety precauti ons:
a. Use a wireless handsfree system ( Headphone, headset)
with a low power Blu etooth emitter
b. Keep your calls sh ort or send a text message (SMS) instead.
This advice applies especially to children, adolescents and
pregnant women
c. Use cell phone when the signal quality is good
d. People having active medical implants should preferably
keep th e cell phone at least 15cm away from the implant.
Ewaste Disposal Mechanism
'Ewaste' means waste electrical and electronic equipment
(WEEE). In oth er words Ewaste is a popular, informal name for
electronic products nearing the end of their "useful life". For
more details about ewastepleasereferewaste rules, 20 11
Do’s and Don ’ts for disposal ewaste
Ensure t hat an Authorized Person repa irs your Lava products
Call Our Local Authorized Collection Centers to Dispose Lava
produc ts
Always drop your used electronic products, batteries or any
access ories thereof after th e end of their life at nearest
User Manual
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Authorized Collection Point or Collectio n Center.
Separate the pa ckagin g material accord i ng to responsible
waste disposal options and sorting for recycling.
Always remove the battery from the product, when you do not
intend to use the product anymore it in future.
Do not Dismantle your Lava Product on your own
Do not give your ewaste to KabbadiWala / Scrap Dealer/ Rag
Do not disposeoff the ewaste in landfills.
Never dump Ewaste in garbage bins.
Do not dispose of your product at municipal waste bins or
Do not throw used batterie s into househ ol d waste.
Consequences of improper handling and disposal of EWaste
Improper disposal of waste prevents natural resources from
being reused .
Some waste contains hazardous chemicals and if not disposed
of p rope rly may release toxins into the soil and water, and al so
releases greenhouse gases into the environment
If ewaste is not properly disposed of, it can threat to the
health and wellbeing of humans and animal s and it also has
adverse effect on the environ ment.
Placing of batteries or devices on or in heating devices, such as
microwave, ovens, stoves , or radiators and improper d isp osal
of batteries may lead to explosion.
If the battery termina l s are i n contact wi th metal obje cts, it
may cause a fire.
For more details on how to dispose of your Lava products at
the end of life, Please refer the list of our Services Centers on
Pan India basis on our website www.lavamobiles.com or
please view this link for the details of Service Centers
http://www.lavamobiles .com/support
Check www.Lavamobiles.com website for additional
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information do wnloads, and services related to your LAVA
produc t.
To check for the nearest LAVA service center location for
maintena nce ser vices, you may like to visit
Customer Care number
No: 1860 200 7500
Available from Monday to Sunday, between 10:00AM to
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Lava warranty certificate
Limited warranty:
LAVA international Ltd. (LAVA) provides limited warranty for
your mobile phone and original accessories delivered with
your mobile phone (hereinafter referred to a s “product”)
The warranty period for the transceiver is one (1) year and for
battery, charger and headset is six (6) months from the date of
purchase .
LAVA Warranty
Subject to the conditions of this L imited Warranty, LAVA
warrants a produ c t to be free from defects in desi gn, material
and workmanship at the time of its original purchase by you,
and for a subseq uent per i od of one (1) year for tran s ceiver
and six (6) months for battery & charger.
You shall have no coverage or benefits under this warranty in
the event that any of the following conditions are applicable:
The product has been subjected to abnormal use or
conditions, improper storage, exposure to 1.excessive
moisture or da mpn ess, exposure to excessive t emperature,
unauthorized modification, unauth orized repair (including but
not limited to use of unauthorized spare parts in
repairs),abuse, accidents, Act s of God, spills of food or liquids,
improper installation
You h ave not notified Lava of the defect in the product
during the applicable warranty period.
The p ro du c t serial no. cod e or the accessorie s date code has
been removed, defaced or altered.
accessory (i) Not supplied by Lava or its affiliates, (ii) Not fit
for use with the product or (iii) Used otherwise than in
manner intended.
The seals of the product’s battery enclosure have been
broken or shown evidence of tempering or the product’s
battery has been used in equipment other than that for which
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it has been specified usable by LAVA.
All plastic surfaces and all other externally exposed part that
is scratched or damaged due to normal use.
To get maximum of your new product, we recommend you
Read the guidelin es for safe and efficient use as mentioned
in the manual.
Read the terms and conditions of your Lava warranty in the
Keep your original receipt; you will need it for warranty
services if asked to produce.
Present this Lava Warranty Certificate along with original
proof of purchase whenever you require a ny warranty
In case Lava product needs service, please visit the nearest
Lava servic e centers given in the service guide. Please visit our
Website www.lavamobiles.com for updated l ist of Authorized
Service Centers near to your location.
Important note: for your warranty to be valid, all information
on the warranty ce rtifica te has to be completed includ i ng th e
stamp from the authorized distributor/retailer.
All warranty information, product features and specifications
are subject to change without notice.
IMEI No. ………………………………………………………
Dealers Stamp ……………………………………………………… .
Date of purchase ……………………………………………………… .
Model No . ………………………………………………………

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