Problem: I connected LaCie 2big Dock to my computer but it does not power on
and I cannot see the device in LaCie RAID Manager.
Q: Which cable and ports are connecting LaCie 2big Dock to the computer?
A: Make certain that the correct ports are connected by the correct cable. If you’re connecting using
Thunderbolt 3, make sure that one end of your Thunderbolt 3 cable is connected to one of the Thunderbolt
3 ports on LaCie 2big Dock, and the other end of the cable is connected to a Thunderbolt 3 port on your
computer. A Thunderbolt 3 port is a USB-C port with a Thunderbolt icon next to it.
If your computer does not have a Thunderbolt 3 port, connect the USB 3.1 port on LaCie 2big Dock to a USB
3.1 port on your computer (using the Thunderbolt 3 cable). Please note that it is not possible to access the
storage when connecting the Thunderbolt 3 port on LaCie 2big Dock to a USB-C port on a computer that
does not support Thunderbolt 3. While it is possible to connect LaCie 2big Dock's USB 3.1 port to a
Thunderbolt 3 port on a computer, the benefits offered by Thunderbolt 3 are lost. Such a connection only
allows for using a single array at transfer rates up to 10Gb/s rather than Thunderbolt 3's potential of multiple
arrays and transfer rates up to 40Gb/s.
If you see the storage using the USB connection but the Thunderbolt connection does not appear to work,
confirm that LaCie RAID Manager is installed on your computer. The installer for LaCie RAID Manager includes
an important driver that allows the computer to recognize the storage with Thunderbolt connections. The
installer can be downloaded at LaCie RAID Manager.
Problem: I want to change the RAID level.
Q: How do I change the RAID level?
A: You can manage the storage for LaCie 2big Dock using LaCie RAID Manager. To download the installer, go
to LaCie RAID Manager. For instructions how to use the application, see Manage RAID.
Problem: I disconnected my computer from the LaCie 2big Dock during RAID
synchronizaon or inializaon.
Q: Can I disconnect my computer during RAID synchronization or initialization?
A: Yes. Synchronization and initialization continue uninterrupted when the computer disconnects from LaCie
2big Dock. Similarly, LaCie 2big Dock can be placed into power-saving mode or powered off during
synchronization and initialization. Provided the same hard drives are in the enclosure, the operation
continues once the device is powered on. For more information, see Operation.
Problem: I have a USB-C hard drive that I want to add to the Thunderbolt 3 daisy
Q: Can I attach my USB-C hard drive to a Thunderbolt 3 daisy chain?
A: Yes. Make certain to add the USB-C hard drive to the end of a Thunderbolt 3 daisy chain since USB
devices do not include a second port to continue the chain. Please note that USB-C devices do not become
Thunderbolt 3 devices when added to a Thunderbolt 3 daisy chain. The USB-C device can only provide
performance within its potential. For example, a USB 3.1 Gen 1 hard drive added to the end of a
Thunderbolt 3 daisy chain can reach up to 5Gb/s while a USB 3.1 Gen 2 hard drive can reach up to 10Gb/s.