• Upload continuous snapshots to FTP
Figure 7.3.1 - Snapshot Settings
1) Configure the FTP settings and check “Upload Picture” checkbox in FTP Settings
interface. Please refer to Section 6.3.8 Configuring FTP Settings for more details to
configure FTP parameters.
2) Check the “Enable Timing Snapshot” checkbox.
• Upload event-triggered snapshots to FTP
1) Configure the FTP settings and check “Upload Picture” checkbox in FTP Settings
interface. Please refer to Section 6.3.8 Configuring FTP Settings for more details to
configure FTP parameters.
2) Check “Upload Picture” checkbox in Motion Detection Settings or Alarm Input
interface. Please refer to Task 3 Set the Alarm Actions Taken for Motion Detection
in Section 6.6.1, or Step 4 Configuring External Alarm Input in Section 6.6.4.
3) Check the “Enable Event-triggered Snapshot” checkbox.