Downloading the Image(s)
Under Windows Operating System (Windows 98/98SE/2000/ME/XP)
Downloading Image(s) From Removable Disk
1. Turn on the PC.
2. Switch on the camera.
3. Connect the camera to the PC with
USB cable under any working mode.
Please make sure the USB cable is
well connected to the PC and camera.
4. When the USB cable is connected to
the PC, it will create a new hard disk
named Removable Disk .
5. The stored "image(s) can be
found in" Removable Disk\Dcim\
100media .
6. View any image by double-clicking it.
Downloading Image(s) Through Ulead Photo Explorer
1. Connect the camera to the PC with
USB cable under any working mode.
Please make sure the USB cable is
well connected to the PC and camera.
2. Start Ulead Photo Explorer 7.0 SE
Platinum .
3. Click "File \Download From
Memory Card" to get the stored
PC Connection