Positioning Loudspeakers - Home Theater
The same general positioning rules as for stereo apply but these are some variations.
• The loudspeakers can be placed closer together. Remember that the closer the speakers are to one another
the less spacious the sound will be in Stereo.
• The “toe-in” can be lessened. This will broaden the sound image for more than one listener, but the pinpoint
localization of the speakers will be lessened
• The fronts of the speakers should be in line with the screen and with the front of the center loudspeaker as
far as possible. Placing the TV screen on the wall (and center channel directly above or below) with the main
loudspeakers protruding significantly is not ideal.
• The TV should be placed centrally between the loudspeakers.
General Observations
• Set the size of the speakers on your AV processor to “large”.
• For Stereo listening (if your processor offers the option) set the subwoofers to “off”. Alternatively, set the
subwoofer lowpass crossover point such that it covers only the lowest octave; ~ 50 Hz.
The above are our recommendations. Be prepared to experiment until the sound is exactly as you want!
6’ - 16’
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