Pairing the AudioRockTM to the Transmitter
Before you can begin using and enjoying your new
portable wireless AudioRock system it is necessary to
“teach” your AudioRock the identity of the transmitter you
are using; this teaching is called “pairing” and is very easy
to do.
Step 1: With the Transmitter power on (LED on front will be
lit), find and press the pairing button on the back of the unit.
You may need a sharp object like a pen to press the button
in. When you do, you will see the LED on the front of the
transmitter flash.
This means the unit is in the “pairing” mode.
Step 2: Quickly set the power switch, located at the back
of your AudioRock, to “ON” and press the pairing button
also located on the back of the AudioRock. You have a
total of 30 seconds to get this done. If you take too long,
leave the units you have already switched the power on,
ON. Press the pairing
button again and proceed
through the other areas.
You will know if the unit is
ON, because LEDs on the
back of your AudioRock
will light up as you flip the
switch. If no LEDs light up,
check to be certain the
battery is charged.