where they thread into the crank arms.
Note: There are right and left pedals,
usually marked with a letter stamped
on the end of the pedal axle, or on the
wrench flats.
1. Remove the pedals; turn the right
pedal spindle counter-clockwise, but
turn the left clockwise.
2. Apply a this layer of grease over all
the threads.
3. Install the pedals on the proper
side; put the right pedal on the right
crank arm and the left pedal on the
left crank arm.
4. Tighten the pedals.
Every month, lubricate all pivot points
on both the front and rear derailleurs,
including the derailleur pulleys on the
rear derailleur, with chain lube.
Once a year re-grease the headset
Every 3 months lubricate your brake
lever pivots and brake arm fixing
pivots with a light oil.
Once a year re-grease the wheel
Every year, lubricate wheel quick-
release. Apply several drops of
Wrench Force® synthetic lube or a
similar light oil where the quick-
release lever rotates in the quick-
release body.
Once a month, apply a light oil to the
upper fork leg where the lower leg
slides on it. Wipe clean.
No lubrication is required for the
shock or the pivot of your full suspen-
sion bike. Avoid all lubricants.
Lubricate cables whenever they are
Installing a cable in a cantilever brake
requires special tools and training, so
should only be done by your dealer.
1. Note the path of the old cable, and
loosen the cable anchor bolt and
remove the worn cable.
2. Grease the new cable and reinstall,
feeding it along the same path as
the old cable, including through the
cable anchor bolt.
3. Make sure the leaded cable-end is
seated properly in the lever, and the
housing is properly seated in the
If needed when installing a cable in a
brake, readjust the brake.
4. Turn the adjusting barrel clockwise
so the threads on the adjusting
barrel are not exposed.
For a shift cable, put the shifter in the
position with the least cable tension.
For a brake, hold the brake closed
while you do the next step.
5. Tighten the cable clamp bolt:
6. Cut the cable so that no more than
2 inches (51mm) extends beyond the
anchor bolt.
7. Crimp a metal cap or place a bit
of solder on the end of the cable to
prevent fraying.
8. Follow the instructions for adjust-