1. 'Driving' shows the total power and
energy consumption of the driving
motor’s driving energy and regen‐
erative energy.
2. 'Climate' shows the power and en‐
ergy consumption which are used
by the heater or air conditioner.
3. 'Electronics' shows the power and
energy consumption which are
used by the vehicle systems includ‐
ing the cluster, infotainment sys‐
tem (speaker and navigation),
headlamp, vehicle control unit, etc.
4. 'Battery care' shows the momenta‐
ry power and energy consumption
which are used when:
• Operating the winter mode to in‐
crease the battery temperature dur‐
ing winter to improve the driving per‐
• Cooling down the battery tempera‐
ture during summer to prevent over
temperature of the battery.
Charge Management
Select [EV Charge management] on
the screen.
You can set the date and time of when
to charge the battery, climate control
temperature, location-based charging
options and other various functions.
Reserved Charging and Climate
You can choose the time and the day of
week that you wish to charge the bat‐
tery and operate reserved climate con‐
trol to set the temperature of aircondi‐
tioner/ heater.
Also, you may select the time to start
charging using the off-peak time set‐
❈The charger and the charging con‐
nector should be connected at the
reserved charging time.
Electric vehicle guide