1. Training without presetting
•Press a key.
• Start pedalling (as in “Quick start”).
2. Training with presetting
Display: “Ready for training”.
•Press “SET”: presetting segment
Time setting (TIME)
• Enter values using “Plus” or “Minus” (e.g. 30:00),
confirm with “SET”.
Display: next menu “DISTANCE”.
Distance setting (DISTANCE)
• Enter values using “Plus” or “Minus” (e.g. 7.50), con-
firm with “SET”.
Display: : next menu “ENERGY”.
Energy setting (KJoule/kcal)
• Enter values using “Plus” or “Minus” (e.g. 780), con-
firm with “SET”.
• Select unit KJoule or kcal using “Plus” or “Minus”, con-
firm with “SET”.
Display : next menu “Age input”.
Age input (AGE)
The input of the age serves for the calculation and the
monitoring of the maximum pulse (symbol HI; warning
signal, if activated).
• Enter values using “Plus” or “Minus” (e.g. 50). Upon
input, the maximum pulse is calculated with the formula
(220 – age), here: maximum pulse of 170. Confirm
with “SET”.
Display : next menu “Alarm signal”.
Alarm signal, if maximum pulse is exceeded
• Select function using “Plus” or Minus”, confirm with
Display : next menu target pulse selection “FA 65%”.
Target pulse monitoring FA 65%/FI 75%
• Make your choice using “Plus” or “Minus”.
• Fat burning 65%, fitness 75% of maximum pulse, con-
firm with “SET” (presetting mode completed).
Display : ready for training with the presetting.
Target pulse input
The input 40 – 199 serves for the determination and
monitoring of a training pulse independent of the age
(symbol HI; warning signal, if activated; no maximum
pulse monitoring). Note that that the age input has to be
set to “OFF”.
•Switch off maximum pulse monitoring using “Plus” and
“Minus”. Display: “AGE OFF”, confirm with “SET”.
Display : next presetting “Target pulse” (pulse).
• Enter values using “Plus” or “Minus” (e.g. 130), con-
firm with “SET” (presetting mode completed).
Display : ready for training with the presetting.